Assessment Assignment 2

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Assessment Assignment #2: Phonological Awareness

I administered this test to a fourth grade boy named Mason. He is rather attentive in
school, but has some skills in which need more attention and possibly intervention. The Phoneme
Segmentation Test was administered and he received a score of ten items correct according to the
Multiple Measures manual. The student was quick to understand the directions given and was
automatic with most responses, but took a little bit of time to formulate an answer for a few of
them. The student did not make self corrections but one or two times, and to repeat himself.
The student was corporative once the test began but did ask twice how many questions there
were going be on it before it began. Other than that, he was attentive throughout the test. When I
administered the test I was much more nervous than I needed to be, so my words were very
jumbled and shaky, but I explained the test well with the blocks and phonemes. Next time I will
prepare what I will say before I explain the assignment. I administered the task slowly, giving the
student enough time to formulate his answer without feeling rushed. Overall, I believe I did well
at administering the test, but found that it was difficult to explain the test without preparing in
advance what to say. I scored Masons test based on the third grade and above criteria. He scored
a 10, putting him in the intensive level. I found that the difficulties he experienced in the tests
came from mostly blends and the distinguishing of the different phonemes. For example, when
he said the word glare instead of pronouncing the word g-l-air, he broke it up into more
sounds than you hear by saying g-l-ai-r. Based on my class material and online sessions I
would then work more with the student focusing on phoneme segmentation and would also
further test the child to see if there is difficulty with words and syllables as well.

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