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HLA - Lifelong Wellness Application/Reflection Paper

Name: Tasha Barney

Course: Bowling 1

Write a paragraph (at least four sentences) on questions 1 3 (question 4 is optional):
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this course?
I learned that there are a lot more to bowling then just getting a strike. It takes a lot of effort and
patience and if you do that then well you will improve and do a lot better.
2. How has learning about and applying lifelong wellness concepts impacted your life (home,
work, etc.)?
Well I know want to start a bowling league and have a team and just have fun.
3. Discuss specific lifelong wellness concepts learned in this course and how you are going to
implement them in your life?
I learned how to choose the right size and weight of the ball because if chosen wrong you can
really hurt yourself and others around you.
4. General ideas for improving this course?
I dont think there needs improvements.

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