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5-E Lesson Plan model

Topic: Butterfly Cycle

Grade: Kindergarten
Objectives: Student will recognize the stages in a butterfly's life cycle. The students will classify the
types of butterfly to further their knowledge.
K.3.2 Describe and compare living animals in terms of shape, texture of body covering, size, weight, color and
the way they move.
K.3.3 Describe and compare living plants in terms of growth, parts, shape, size, color and texture


Phase 1: Engage
Capture student attention, activate student prior knowledge, stimulate thinking, raise key questions, etc.

I would have each student pass around a butterfly toy. While Im passing out the plates
of the cycle I would ask the student what they are seeing.

Phase 2: Explore
Allow students to observe, record data, isolate variables, design and plan experiments, create graphs,
interpret results, develop hypotheses, and organize their findings.

As I pass out the butterfly cycle plates I would ask the students what are they seeing on
their plates, where can they find a butterfly?
As we go through the stages the student will put their snacks that is similar to the stage
on the plate.
Plates, Gummy worms, marshmallow, butterfly cookies, chocolate tootsie rolls
The marshmallow would be the eggs, the gummy worms would be the caterpillars, the
tootsie would is the chrysalis, and the butterfly cookies is the butterfly.
The plate is divided into the four stage, and label.

Phase 3: Explain
Introduce laws, models, theories, and vocabulary. Guide students toward coherent generalizations, and
help students understand and use scientific vocabulary to explain the results of their explorations

I then would explain what a butterfly is.

A butterfly is a insect, Like all insects butterflies have a head, thorax, abdomen, two
antennae, and six legs and have four wings.
The butterfly has four cycle
Stage 1- Eggs

Phase descriptions adapted from Eisenkraft, Arthur. Expanding the 5 E Model., accessed 1/4/08

In the first stage a female lays eggs, A butterfly first starts out as an egg. The female
butterfly lays the eggs on a leaf. About five days after the eggs are laid, the worm is
Stage 2- Caterpillar
The second stage is the caterpillar, the caterpillar is a long creature that looks like a
worm. The caterpillar is hungry once it is hatched, it eats leaves and flowers. The
caterpillar grows really fast, it eats all the time and become to big for its skin, so the
caterpillar has to shed its old skin. It then get a new skin, the caterpillar shed their skin
four or more times while they are growing. When a caterpillar shedding its outgrown
skin it is called molting.
Stage 3 Chrysalis
This is when the caterpillar is done growing. The caterpillar makes a chrysalis, it is
mostly brown or green. Same color as the thing around it. It protects them from other
animals. This is the resting stage. It is also the changing stage. It starts turning into a
Stage 4 Butterfly
In this stage the chrysalis is open. Soon the butterfly comes out. When the butterfly
come out its wings are damp, and soft. The wing is folded against its body. The butterfy
is tired so it rest, once rested it will fly and blood will flow to its wing. A butterfly cannot
fly well at first. It then find a mate it lays eggs then the life cycle starts all over again.

Phase 4: Elaborate
Provide students opportunity to apply their knowledge to new domains, raise new questions, and explore
new hypotheses. May also include related problems for students to solve.

I would have each student ask me questions they want to know about butterfly, and
have the research it online. I will give them a worksheet where they will draw and label
the stages of the butterfly, and on fact about the stage. After this activity we would
watch a video called Life Cycle of Butter so the children will have a good idea and
visual representation to learn from.

Phase 5: Evaluate
Administer formative assessment (although checking for understanding should be done throughout the

I will evaluate this lesson by looking at the life cycle worksheets that the children work
on, and ask questions to assess their understanding. I will also ask them to discuss with
the class what they learned from this lesson

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