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MOORE STEPHENS Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Verification Certificate Peewee Certificate Wo: SEN0009/2015 Registration No 2000/016119/07 \ATNo ‘900191879 Physical Address 17 Scot Street, Wavertey, Johannesburg Verifation Standard Apples It Codes of Good Practice and ICT Sector Code Issue of the Rating Standard Applied: Section 9 ofthe -BBEE Act 53 of 2003, Scorecard Applied: Genetic CT Scorecard ELEMENT WEIGHTING seo ‘Ownership 20 1964 Management 10 225 Employment Equity 30 308 ‘Skis Development v7 1 Preferential Procurement 20 W731 Enterprise Development a 100 Socio-Economic Development aw 1056 ‘Overalseore | 300 75.18 rox Based BEE status level Level Black Ownership 51.33% BEE procurement recogntionlevel 110.00% Black Women Ownership 438% Value Ang Supplier Yes (Dim of be ond Seed Suck Eccnrie Emponcinent he of Souh Aa Ths teats cos hal sae ats unense al 7 ‘team Ate Ow naepence sence pet cs 30 So ie ent rapsen 8b esos eno Pe ‘Sunt wh bang ca sha be tre eo minonen clo sears eo ‘cent as ae amino ef inormaton soe y aspen alma el be arg al ape SST i eine le tat be ne Conny tarot ep wer be arena fo ones sno BEE Approved Registered Auditor AE Prinsloa pry date: 2016/04/29, ‘-BREE Approved Registered Auditor Repetration No: 7671308 Period ofvalisity: 12 Monthe | | | MOORE STEPHENS et moreso 15 aprit2015, Measured Enty Integr (ey) weuincceseescass Certieate Number: ‘GeN0009/2015 B-OBBEE Registered Aucitor: AE Prinsloo Registration Number. 7671308 Tothe directors of intogr IF (ay td ‘We have completed our limited azcurance engagement onthe BREE Status, asset out in the Broad-Based Black Econamic Empowerment ("BBE") Verification Certifieate of the measured entity (the “Certfiste), land the accompanying Scorecard, We clarify that our engagement ison the bass of information povided by management Director esponsibility ‘he directors are responsible forthe preparation of the Scorecard and determining the &-R2EE status in accordance with the Codes of Good Practice an the ICT Sector Code feed in terme ofthe Broas-Bated Black Economic Empowerment Act of South Affe (the BSBEE At"). The dlrectors are also resporlble for such ternal control as management determines Is necessary to enable the preparation of information and the 6 [BREE Scorecard that sre from material misstatement, whether due to frau o ror. ‘B-BBEE approved registered auto's responsibilty ‘Our responsibility to express alinited assurance conclusion onthe B-BBEE Satu reflected Inthe Certcate ‘based onthe procedures we have performed, We conducted our limited aseurance engagement in accordance withthe South Acan Standard on Assurance Engagements (SASAE) 3502: Assurance Engagements on Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BSBEE) Verification Certifieates. Tis standard requires us to comaly with ethical requirements and to plan and perform ths ergagerentto obtain limited assurance about whether the Cetifiate i ree from material misstatement A limited assurance engagement with respect to 2 S-BEE Verification Certificate involves performing procedures regarding the Scorecard and BABE Status of the measured entity based on the criteria and Fegurements contained inthe Codes of Good Practice and any relevant Industry Charter, The procedures performed depend on the assurance provider's judgement. The nature of those procedures I diferent rom 5nd the extents substantially less than na reasonable assurance engagement, and consequent they do not tenable us to obtain the assurance necessary to become aware of al signficant matters that might be denied ina reasonable assurance engagement. Wie baleve thatthe evidence we have obtained in our limited assurance engagement i sffcent and appropriate to provide a basis fr ur conclusion ‘summary of work performed ‘Our work performed incised: + Obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment and the underyng records sufcient to dent areas inthe Scorecard where material misstatements ae key to are, and to be ale to sign rocedures to address those areas; + Inquiring of management and employees responsible for the preparation of the 8-886 complance information; + Performing such addtional procedures a we cnsiéred necessary; + Re-perocing caleulatons to determine whether the scores reflected inthe Scorecard have been clasfeg and determined inal material respecsn accordance with the Codes of Good Pract ited assurance conclsion ‘Based on our procedures performed, nothing has come to ou attention that causes us to belive thatthe 8 ‘EE Status reflected inthe Certifiate has not been determine, in all material expects, in cordance with the Codes of Good Practice gazetted on 8 February 2007 and the ICT Sector Code sued in termsof the B-BBEE pet Reston on ably ‘Our engagement hasbeen undertaken so that we ae able to report othe measured en in acsordance with the tems of our engpgement. We donot acceptor assume responsi to anyone other the measured entity, for our wor, for thi report, or forthe canelusion we have reached Vy B-BBEE Approved Registered Audio? Full ama! Adlf Eugene rinsioo RBA Registration No: 7671308 Capacity: Partner MOORE STEPHENS B-BBEE SCORECARD ~ DETAILED ANALYSIS Measured Entity | Integr8 IT (Pty) Ltd ‘erifcatew GEN0009/2035 Page of? Cetera Points Feb 2012-207 Target_[ Actual “Sore nersbie Vang Fight Th The Evers 0 The Hands OF sesfece 3 [aw | sts [300 rercisble Vang RGN Tn The Energia The Warde OF | Exton Vong Rah The Elen 2 wom | aan [oer Economic ineest OT Baek Pepsin The ENeSe 2 | aw | a canon invest OF Back Women n The Ererprse z iox —[~ 44x zoom ers OF Back Nail Peele a ET Guna Fite 1 Yes | Yes [100 Tet Eanes 7 [398 [8 00 Bonds Pos valvonan OY Sak New Envats z 10% | —To.15[ 200 Bonus Poin IoWarentOFBlsck Priopanis in Sunership Schemes pension d on a ‘Ownership Score = Tae 1 9 Fe 20122017 ‘otra Points_|~Target |" Actual | Beare Exercsble Voting Rights Of lack Board Mere a | sow | srsx | 225 Back Execute Orecors 2 [sow | on | 000. Back Serer Top Manageren 3 [a0 | — os | o. Back Other Tep Management 2 [ao | —o% | ~o00. Bonus pons Black Independent Non Exesve Didone 1 | ox 000. Management Control Score 30, 225 ees Points |" Target_| Actual_| Score Back Disabled Employes Using Gender Acjstnent 1 3% o% | 000 Back Senior Management Using Gender Adustrent 4 eo | 3558] 277 Back Mec Management Using Gender Adjustment 3 73] 1385 | 0.00) Back June Management Using Gender Adustment 2 a0% | 2665 | 082 Bonus Pons: Exceeding EAP Target 3] aesx 1 o% | 0.00 Employment Equity Seore 10 304 [AE Prinsoo Registration No. 7671308 Lo / For Mere Stophons 88 MOORE STEPHENS B-BBEE SCORECARD ~ DETAILED ANALYSIS Measured Entity | Integr FT (Pty) Ltd eres NODNST IOI [eres eee ‘ceria Points | Target_[ Actua | Score ‘Skil Development Spend On A Back Empiyeos [7 36) 188K | 40 ‘Shl Development Spend On Al Beck Dasbied Employees | 8 08% | | 0.00) Black Learerships Ana Or Black Catogory 8, CAD Programme Partopant u ce ||) ‘Skil Development Sore 7 38 ‘teria Points | Target | Acuat | score E-BBEE Procurement Spend From Al Supple 2 | roe | 20x | 1200 E-SBEE Procurement Spend For Guasyng Sma Entepises Or From Exenpled Wixo. Enterpsos 3 se | 002% | 100 B-BBEE. Procurement Spend Frm Suppers Tht Are Wore “Than 50% Black Owned a rm om | 231 B-BBEE Procurement. Spend Gn Suppers That Ae Were “Than 30% Black Worran Ours 2 ox__| osm | o20 ublan Aa Imotrent Favours Payment Terms Fa Blak ‘Owned lack Empower And Back Engandored SHME's Of Less Than Or Eaual To 15a 3 3 om | 000 Bonus Pants Aocsled Up To A Nan O17 Pauls Far 6 BCE Spend From Ertrpises Referred Ton 21.3 Mat Include People Win sabes Who Have A Minium OF 3% Equty Partipaion| 2 om os | 000 ‘A Bonus Por For Every 5% OF The TOW Targa Span Wh Ente Refred Ton 3.42 4 sx_| ssa | 100 Prefeantil Procurement Soar 20 wat itera Points | Target_| actual | Score ‘Average Aan Valve OF ED Contato i sx [sim [11.0 Enterprise Development Seore 1 00 [AE Pinsoo Registration No. 7871308 emer sane ree Bone MOORE STEPHENS B-BBEE SCORECARD ~ DETAILED ANALYSIS ey caro a TS rte Points [Target [Actua | Score Average Arval Vas Of SED Conus | 15% | 132% | 1058 Saco Ezonome Development 12 8 “Total Score _ S 75.19 Level 3 ‘Value Added Supplier Yes B-BBEE Procurement Resogaition 110% [Black Ownership 33% Black Women Ownership = iste Teste Date ‘BO Apel 201 [expiry Date a pct 2016 7 ZL seecomtensan LE [AE Prins Regletration No. 7671308

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