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area: Geography
Target Year Level: Year Two
Inquiry Question: How is the earth divided?

Identify how the Earth is divided on a Map

An understanding that the world can be divided
into major geographical divisions

! iPad
! Google Earth App
! Race Card - World Map
! Pencils
! Clue Cards Geographical Divisions

1. Gather into your pre-selected race groups, collect iPad and Race Card
2. Open Google Earth
3. Designate a team member to be the writer for the race (this person will fill in the
4. Move to your groups designated starting point
When the teacher calls Start
5. Open your clue card
6. Read the clue what does it want you to look up?
7. Search on Google Earth for the information that is required
8. Record this information on your race card
a. Use labels and lines to represent names and locations
9. Move to the next clue (If another group is there, move to a clue that no other teams
are using)
10. Repeat the steps to using the clue card
11.Have you answered all the clues?
12.Race to the finish line.....

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