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Pryce Whisenhunt and Cody Brown

Spheniscus aeris

100,000 years ago- In the icy oceans of the North Pole it was a day just like
the rest. Then a huge meteor hit the earth, and caused the earths orbit to be
thrown closer to the sun. This meteors destruction caused the earths temperature
to rise!
85,000 years ago- The earths temperature getting raised really screwed up
the North Poles ice bergs. All of the ice bergs started melting slowly but surely. All of
the animals would be eventually killed if they stayed in the north. But the penguins,
the penguins were smart from the beginning. The penguins used natural selection
to start changing.
50,000 years ago- About half of the icebergs in Antarctica are melted causing
a lot of deaths in the animal kingdom. Except the penguins, the penguins have
started changing. Because of the need to leave the ice bergs, the environment has
started using natural selection to start to grow bigger beaks on the penguin, and
the penguins wings are looking more like the shape of a black birds wings.
30,000 years ago- The wings of the penguins have feathers and are full and
luscious wings that they are using to try and fly with.
15,000 years ago- Very little ice bergs are left and the penguins are now able
to fly. The penguins are now using their beaks to grab fish out of the water. The
penguins have started migrating to Canada and the United States.

Pryce Whisenhunt and Cody Brown

Present Day- There are no ice bergs left in the north pole. All of the penguins
have migrated threw the states. This drastic event affected the rest of the world and
the animals in it horribly. Over the last 100,000 years natural selection has sorted
through the genes and picked the most prosperous ones for this environment.
Luckily the penguins sensed this coming from the beginning and adapted well
enough to survive.

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