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Success is a continuous journey, TED talk by Richard St John

1. Which of these terms do you consider important to achieve success?



being wise get on well with colleagues

being a good listener good connections

good at solving problems




being curious


being lucky



2. Could you explain their meaning, according to the context?

Pushed myself

A hot shot guy

Outwardly /inwardly

Comfort zone

Go downhill

To cut a long story short

Figure out

I made it

To come up with ideas

Creative block

($) pours in

To drop like a rock

I was floating along

I couldnt care less

(Put into) antidepressants

Let employees go

3. Comprehension
- What were Richards mistakes, to lose a successful business?
- What happened in Richards life when he became the president of a successful company?
- What sides of being successful he disliked?
- What was the solution Richard found to fight his depression?
- Richard lost a successful business, and he stopped being successful, but he got all this back.
What was the difference between the first time and the second time?

4. Explain why Richard says the following phrases:

Money cant buy happiness.
Success isnt a one way street.

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