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Bolivar and San Martin Poster

Create a Poster (5 points) - groups of no more than 3

Imagine that you are an artist in the service of Bolivar or San Martin.

You have been hired to create a poster urging people to join the armies fighting against Spain.

Your Poster should highlight the goals of the revolutionary armies.

It should also be eye-catching and convincing.

Attempted: The poster is incomplete or reveals little understanding of the goals of the revolutionaries
Minimal: the poster shows some understanding of the goals of the revolutionaries, but is poorly executed.
Adequate: The poster is well conceived and clear and demonstrates a good grasp of the goals of the revolutionaries.
Exemplary: The poster shows a thorough understanding of the goals of the revolutionaries and is original, creative, and

You well be graded on the following: Creativity, Persuasion, and Information

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