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Chelsea Decker

Lesson Plan

Course Objective:
a.)Provide evidence that they can design and implement lessons in
classrooms that address the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards. (NJSPTS

New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers and School

Standard One: Subject Matter Knowledge
Standard Four: Instructional Planning and Strategies

This assignment meets the course objective (a) because it is most

important that I follow the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards when
making my lesson plans. I will state the objective at the beginning of the
lesson as well as write it on the board. There are two of NJ Professional
Standards that lesson plans mainly focus on. The first standard is Subject
Matter Knowledge. My lesson plans will strictly be designed according to the
CCCS of Mathematics. The second standard is standard four Instructional
Planning and Strategies. I understand the importance of planning, and the
many strategies I must use to ensure every student is learning. Each lesson
plan will have a detailed goal, and at the end of the lesson we will discuss if
we met our goal.

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