Volume 3-Contractor's Contract

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Construction of a New Bridge Across River Nile at Jinja Works Contract: Volume 3 an METHOD STATEMENT vy 900051 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Comparable Table for Evaluation Criteria § 1. General Description of Construction Method Statement § 2. Temporary Work § 3. Temporary Jetty §4. Foundation Works and Pile Testing § 5. Conerete Works § 6. Rebar Works § 7. Form Works § 8. Stay Cable Installation § 9. Pylon Construction § 10. Box Girder Construction 14.2 14.2 14.4 14.7 14.15 14.26 14.61 14.81 14:89 14.94 14.165 14.182 esooo0 & a 4 ~ CMS-1 - Oot VIOL, g TL-8T9| PRUISUSS SHSM peor louie AUS UE POPS TOAS|AUSS POOUB|EG PLS Sa[qey Tels IO} SUET] OF ¢ Sol-781g —_ SA TE a]gURSH PUT WOH uodSTaN WORT | 5 TaSACH WOT Fo FRAG OL T=1V4 eT BUDO TUBUAD PHY TDR Super AUTO SpOWN | Said so} powTeW 359] a STE pe sear a= | Fey 8 aod CORSON pe WoUGDS VUIpAVSUT WAT WOT SHS -| |p Tepe MOAB] ays AaesogUEL, ; we=z1G| FaRT I GORATSUOS OF MOY PUR WHIT - Ge] Aiesodursy jo sSumesp usisoq| 9 @0e=S0z TT sHusweq S¥pIIg pus Tecuyp UOHBICTA ‘yoe-c0zd ‘SORpIRY PU Pos INALSS IPR WORT eUuNS Taye pu woTOAASACD Bulanp UisKs SuOTUOHA =| Bre veI-8L1 F| InSOyD ZapAT Tou Bue Sage Tyo WOHRAASTOS | Toes "61-10 "e-99°0 ‘aud SoTeUTOpIed YB yo wuaUsDeTT pue wORONPaIT JO pi oe 0024] "TOnP|TeISUT 8|qeD ARIS pus UOFONSUOS Loykd “uoHoNNsiOO TapuTd Xoq Bowe WwoUeNeUEM SoBIsSIUl s 02-8614 UOpMASUOD Sein [onTOS aHoTOSE + 7-694 HEAT Jo SaaHIdg | FupeIoUGs TepILs XOq J0 JoHuCS wird TusuIdinba pu SeajAep Ds eat ‘Bui OM ple SaURID ToMOy Toy BUBLE GOI-FOTe BIHLET C1004 ‘aiolide SeuULO pied Yai Jo wauiSde|d pue wOHONpGId 39 PONReW-| 1d Tague Ams Jo WORe| [esa Joy MUlpyowas puw SuTIOpa|e redoud jo TOISIACI =| oO eLi-eurd Oxo aBerououe [oais Jo UOTE|TeISUI sedoud go pot ’ ra TES ord cord SUDA omy Jo poyyaUs UORAATSUOD| o Beer ERS POE BUOY a} SOMA WORATTOC AUR POW Ge aS aH ey WepRD WUE PRIOG IO POA] SUOMePUAD] Jo poyyaus UORANISUOD aaa RES BJO CONTAIN POR OL GPI-EPVS] suumosgnuew arp 203 a1q)suodses soroe:tuooqns pul soiddns jrsmyoesqueU o¥p Jo swuoUIUBIsse selruns w eoUaLodKO ‘OWEN =| Z Soiqes ABS 70 JOYGaNS pue soaSHO] “yuewernoo1d) ae a JO COPS TwTSTIPE 18-0918 “Zhh-GE1'C 66-164] 103 Suissonsorg woe [su “oBei01g ‘uoREUOdsuBLT, ‘Aes JO 05 [IRs ¥ Jo ONBHUF $8 Yons SBuisa} couRdacoe Jo POW -| st Beira "tC qh AACA URIS Jo BUeOo "puENS e Jo TUE se ons OLen) Huns o sD] | Bolqeo AES Jo [OUD GUSSEASeIG TOU) AUENO) ‘31005 (SWS) oe I BESTND UOTeN|eAy palleeq ON juowezeas polsey UoROTARSUO 40 HO UOREN|eAg 40) 9/4] eAResedoD §1. GENERAL 4. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION METHOD ‘The NEW BRIDGE ACROSS THE NILE AT JINJA will be constructed over the River Nile at Jinja. The bridge is 625m long 3 spans continuous cable stayed bridge with reinforced concrete box girder and reinforced coricrete pylons. The bridge is the first cable stayed bridge in east Africa. ‘The foundation of the bridge is bored piles with the diameter 1.5m for Al abutment and 2.0m for P1 pylon and P2 pylon. The foundation of P1 will be constructed using ‘temporary jetty. ‘The pylon tops comprise reinforced concrete and steel anchor boxes that accommodate anchorages of stay cables. They will be mainly constructed by self'climbing forms. ‘The main girder of the bridge will be mainly constructed by balanced cantilever method with stay cables for 2 spans — Al-P1 side span and P1-P2 main span. The rest of the span, P2-A2 will be constructed by falsework. The stay cables comprise parallel prestressing strands with multiple layer corrosion protections. They will be mainly erected by tower cranes, winches and cranes on the deck. The stressing of the stay cable will be mainly carried out by mono strand jacks. ‘The multiple strand jacks will be used in need. The bridge construction, particularly for superstructure, will be carried out with monitoring to ensure the structural health and geometric accuracy. ‘The construction sequence of the bridge is shown in Fig.1-1. -cus-2- 1454 ZH, yuamingy zy ue 6 o}y2m13su09 weg 495409 pue AP KsesOqD|. “| aguanbag uo|72n2jsu09 ssoone « grt es ‘saves smo), pue meg 49540) aouanbag uo!zon44suog Ww ‘Pr = 53m = - 2 490000 7B a ‘eergag tec z _ sez feoes wog al ue (PIS IV) @PIS efulr 1-1 '% ue|d pe, Asesoduia) | °Z Sy4OM Asesoduisy 7 § al 14,8 A ov00sa = as-6 ~ 2.2 Water pollution prevention measures 2.2.1 Measures for temporary jetty (J) Silt and oil fence are installed at area of construction of jetty and around intake of brewery at downstream. (Fig.l, Fig.2) (@) During the construction in the river, prevent outflow of oil and pollutant. ) For prevention of oil spill from heavy equipment and vehicle for construction, check them enough before carrying into the site, Check them before start of the work every day. (@) Oil absorption mat is usually prepared at the working area. If oil flows out in the river, prevent outflow to the outside of silt and oil fence by absorption mat. ‘it and ol fence t=20m Fig. Anti-pollution measure by silt and oll fence sit and cilfence 2.2.2 Measures for Bored pile and excavation (1) Before commencement of bored pile and excavation, construction of ditch around working area. Silt and oil fence ae installed around P2, (@) The turbid water is transferred to the water tank or ‘the settling basin. (6) Suspended solids are settled in the water tank or the settling basin. (4) After pH control by portable plant, supernatant water is discharged to the river (inside of silt and oll fence). Silt and oil fence L=80m Fig.3 Installation of silt and ol fence around P2 ( Tempore ike or Siete Drainage slope —————— er ttt < Portable pH ™ i vvaramn ) tester lant 4 corsettiing | Discharge : ne tothe ner 4 ; : j { + o+ ” C NS, epee —- Siltand olfence Water tank or settling basin | Portable pl treatment plant Diccharge to the river 14.10 Fig.4 Plan of measures for bored pile and excavation w 2.2.3 Monitoring plan of the water quality (2) Throughout the construction period monitoring of the water quality will be executed in accordance with the special specifications. (2) Monitoring of the water quality will be executed at the following locations shown in the Fig.5 (Provisional) 8 © : Monitoring location oe si Fig.5 Monitoring locations of water quality (Provisional), ¢ A 0061 CAA age we z90000 $2 YYPNIP AY SIN SAI 3H SSOBOW 3DMRIA NBN ¥ JO NOWLONALSNOD Loar owe] €90000 eT —] = (ovex)14077 S60E-SOr : e4Ay 2908, YS JO Bumeap ye0uaH 7 ¢ 3 n ¢ . * t z Sea DORTOGS WE RL mate 1 es cy =i ee] de _ pea d 6g |e LAL LLLP ‘DOUB 1O $0 BUUMBIP 20420 §3. TEMPORARY JETTY 1. Description CConstriction method of temporary jetty for access road to the Pl. ‘Temporary jetty Pile H-400 L= 110m ~14.2m Spanofpile 5.0m Road decking panel 1368 nf Silt and oll fence t=1s0m Plan drawing of temporary jetty (Detailed drawing is refer to another sheet) = Ous-19 = an a me aa 290000 2 LY a TB BT a ‘Vk il oS mE —— Fay ——e SE romeo Shae | on 14 i) (> 2. Equipment Description Spec. vy Remarks i 4 Crawler crane 80 ton 1 Vibration harumer soKW 1 To driving pile Generator 150 KVA 1 For vibration hammer Rough terrain crane | 25 ton ~ 50 ton 1 | | 2 Welder 2 | Motor boat 24 ps 1 Gascutingapparatus | 1 set 3. Materials Length om) ett | weit Im i a Deseription Steel products oy weight eh ) ) (ke) o Road decking panel__| 3000*1000x200 3.0| 456 | 1368 at | 640.00| 291.84 | Pile H-400%400%13%21 142|_23 | 32660| 17200] 56.18 H-400%400%13%21 uo| 95 _| 1045.00 172.00| 179.74 | H1-400x400%13%21 1s6| 24 | 374.40] 17200| 64.40 Beamseat | (-380*100x13%20 |__70| 72 | sosoo| 6730/3392 [38010013420 10.0} 88 | 880.00 6130|__ 59.22 | T Main beam H.594%302%14%23, 10.0| 65 | 650.00| 170.00| 110.50 Horizontal strut p200%90x8x135 | 7.0] 18 | 126.00| 3030 3.82 £.20090x8%13.5 10.0] 22 | 220.00] 30.30 6.67 Diagonal bracing L-100%100%10 40| 204 | 816.00 1490] 12:16 Handrail L-15*75*9 os| 127 | 10160 967 098 LAISHISHS - 100] 76 | 760.00 961| 7.35 Felloe guard [:300%90%9%13 100 47 470.00 38, | 1791 W2) 000069 7 9 14,19 ~ CNS-16 - “B, S (oO 4. Construction flow chart Preparatory work \ Setting crawler crane v Carry in materials eS O_—"Y. —— Install guide for driving pile and stage for worker Install beam seat t Install main beam + Install deck panel t o Check after assembling, 4 Construction of next span \ Completion & 000070 = cNS-17 - 14,20 Hk 5. Construction method (1) Preparatory work 1) Confirm location of temporary jetty and obstruction in the site et. 2) Construction of the site access road and leveling of the site 3) Assembling of crawler crane. Reinforcement of ground surféce for setting place of crane is carried out by laying iron plate. Confirm safe working load of crane. 4) Silt and oil fence are installed at area of construction of jetty and around intake of brewery at downstream. ig.t, Fig2) Sittand oll fence Brewery intake Silt and oll fence [80m Fig. Anti-pollution measure by silt and oil fence an ~ CNS-18 (Cc (2) Driving pile 1) Drive temporary pile at the location where the driving of the working pile does not have an obstacle. Target height of temporary pile is 50 cm below of the top of the working pile. 2) Confirm center and height of the pile by survey, then install guide frame for driving the pile. (Fig.3) 3) During work on the stage, use a safety belt and a life jacket Working pile Temporary Guide frame and Stage pile stage Temporary beam Fig.3 Installation of temporary plle, guide frame and stage 4) A pile (H steels) is set atthe required location by rane. 5) Chucking top of H steels by vibration hammer. (Fig.4) 6) Confirm verticality and center, height of the pile. Drive pile by vibration hammer. (Fig.5) Fig.S Driving pile by vibration hammer ®) Q 900072 -asis- 14; 22 G @) Installation of beam seat and horizontal strut, diagonal bracing 1) Marking at design height of the top of the working pile. Cut the pile by gas at that height. 2) Open bolt holes by gas atthe pile and the beam seat. Fasten the pile and the beam seat by bolts. 3) Install horizontal strut and diagonel bracing. Beam seat I | Ay Diagonal bracing Beam seat . Bott - connection — Pile Horizontal steut € Fig.6 Installation of beam seat and-hofizontal strut, diagonal bracing (4) Installation of main beam: 1) Set up stanchions and main rope for safety work in advance. 2) Install main beam by crane at required location. ‘Main bears Fig.7 installation of main bear vy oo0073 = CNS-20 - 14528 @ (6) Installation of deok panel 1) The deck panel is hung horizontally by special purpose lifting tool. The deck panel is installed so that the edge of the pane! fits in the center of the main bema. (Fig.8) 2) During installation of deck panel, pay attention to hands and feet, bécause there is the risk of getting fingers caught, 3) Weld angle steel piece on the main beam as stopper of deck panel. (Fig.9) Stopper (t=200mm) Deck pane! ‘Main beam ea m Fig.8 Installation of deck panel Fig.9 Stopper of the deck panel (6) Installation of handrail 1) The handrail is installed at the both ends of the temporary jetty. (Fig.10) 2) During the welding work, use personal protective items such as protective glove, face shield, c Handrail H=900 column @2000 Felloe guard WH 000074 Fig.10 Installation of handrail 14,24 ~ GMS-21 - (7) Cheek after assembling 1) Cheek bolt connection and welding, gap of deck panel. (8) Construction of next span 1) Construct the next span same as the procedure mentioned above, 6. Water pollution prevention measures (1) During the construction in the river, prevent outflow of oil and pollutant. (2) For prevention of oil spill from heavy equipment and-vehicle for construction, check them enough before carrying into the site. Check them before start of the work every day. 3) Oil absorption mat is usually prepared at the working area. If oil flows out in the river, prevent outflow to the outside of silt and oil fence by absorption mat. € (@ Before construction of jetty, silt and oil fence are installed around intake of brewery at downstream. o (Al 00007 14.25 §4. Foundation Works and Pile Testing 1. Bored pile L.1 Description Construction method of bored piling (P1, P2, Al) PI (92000 mm P2 162000 mm Al ‘91500 mm (2) Reinforcement bar Main reinforcement 7 Hoop Others Total 2 Concrete Cement type (Cube strength Slump « Casting conereté volume L=19.5mx 18 pile =351 m Note: Pile length will be L=18.0mx2I pile =378 m determined after stib-soil investigation by the L=23.0mx8 pile =184m Engineer Grade 460 148.900 ton 57.000 ton 9.200 ton 215.100 ton Class C Portland cement (CEM-I class 42.5 or 52.5) 30 Mpa 20 em (Max) 2,813 at Mealoooore 14,26 ~ CUS-23 - BD (3) Construct by all casing boring method (RODAM METHOD or equivalent) [Outline of RODAM METHOD J SANWA RODAM SERIES which consist of crawler type and stationary type are super heavy duty boring machine to achieve the all casing boring method together with the hammer grab in rocky soil, boulder layer, existing many kinds of obstacles underground, RODAM SERIES have been developed in advance of any other makers in Japan based on Sanwa Kizais leading technical knowhow as the auger manufacture. RODAM METHOD is generally applied for jobs where conventional machine is difficult to complete such as boring in rocky area in mountains and withdrawal or destruction of existing obstacle underground in urban area in harbor area, [ Merit of RODAM METHOD } 1) High Accuracy Due to optional double chucking mechanism, new chucking of casing is performed easier after release of it. Deviation of extended casings is shown by means of the meter in order for operator to keep their perpendicularity. 2) High Efficiency i ‘Time is saved since chucking system to clamp casing is by way of wedging, Otherwise hydraulic Kose shall be taken out and re-connected every time at release ‘and new chucking. Furthermore increase of chucking force can be controlled during operation. Longer hydraulic ram increases efficiency as quantity of chucking is decreased. 3) Effective cutting edge Based on extended experience coming from boring by Sanwa Rock Auger and Doughnut ‘Auger through all kinds of soil conditions, we provide high efficient cutting edges. couingedbe Fiat Cosing Saye Bout Casing te reek ‘ore pe A9—1899 a o)000077 gAOR— Fat) Pocamrorte’ Type) RS-150H- I! oa-st 960 we Pavkoie wits E27 eae Ronse Reardoae uns ‘ ae UF taneayoy—NaK) Ni Heh for Me Loy HRY RR AB-150H (-1) Ee Ext Stationary Type A 000078 i feed ale Kase) eh or ir Ley -cs25- 14528 x Bb Wi en 1s “fea "| estos — | — eMC Se nk say | 702 ce Tal RES Se ASE = AEE (\ SEE RARMEECOks aL) PRT HME HERS Genecat Layer, ack Layee (uplo-aboul 60Oig/a}, noter Layer, Rigrap Layer, old obstacle écsting Layer, et Gerwtaane | fiesom gaan an Fi00 [Fags cea Tee ORR Moni z ; 278 isnt) | semnonssioxenee | RDI | peneaseone | GEREES 4) aseaiveee SE Waihi on) ss 3 g sip gi ula Tatie/ ating = 2 | wisi —scniaahat hte | ose tinct tte a Seid| eae Tale ee Mares tie Se The. we Max 2.2 = Max.2.5, “ “i ia | “aoxion [ak P18, Pek Second | ise 1s ark ifs or L The = “Hse = Sor (eee ceastentpa) ware Wee BE med Wes 7 one i Wen 90 Mok Tee . Tia | ia _| wea QERTIE eeaek cas OR Bivaleg [SHR eet ara PRD ich FG | OF i crt Wy. “OPA TRE. Oe ores GAD aEvE. Fohir Ta RED. rls Gt. | asm TB Uinta) = one tesonai Be web aah Se et See athaesy ie ola aaecton / =r =| pee BIDVHIDestet Se soasmemnan ‘TEL, (03)3667-4 See Re ca) Torneo ham PRT A oraprecore “ait on amare 2 EET EE Boor Taek og umpmaane tryin) SRT ea Fs OTARHEM ne @) EWR HARA Bit spe opnver Sanwa Matoron co.,ltd. SANWA KIZAI CO.,LTD. tale chone.saoionsttnde, Cote, 0625, Tae pon af 000079 ‘atiotvarner ro utes npovONette EET DE, The Hight is eserves 1 change the speeizacne without tie cst coniavous improvement. - ovs-26-14 29 wa -cis-27- 14,80 val aoo0so Bp ay 1.2 Details of bored pile DO _ _—@_ OO Ddmmoryk O-@ O0- @ Location pase ig tae a ia ta ae Boring length teomiion! ‘rand ive Pile length [Number om | @ | © Pa | oa | aainseoar ees) a) v1 | 92000 | 113500] 1130415] riaieis| mosis] asaes] aes] aes vws0o| v2 | 2000 | 113600) 113015] ti323i5] uiasis! sass] ans] sass 1000] 2 ‘al | gtso | 113700] s1asoro| s136s70| 11120) 24530) oso] sao 2300) wy Topoteasing casing Top of lean concrete Machine Boring length D~Bottom of pile CA 900081 _cysnp- 14084 BQ 1.3 Materials Taatza [Dit Jy] Eom teh waar rpm com) | on [Pete [Peveme| MESO] Sep [OE | agl | nm | emo |e] a7] mae] aa) wa] aa] aro) wo [wo || mal som| ame] ea) | aa] oa Tos a waa ies Exee Concrete of pile Bead = more than 1.5m - CHS-29 ~ 14,32 AL 000082 a 1.4 Equipment Description Spee. unit] ey | Remarks [All casing boring machine [For @1500~g2000 unit | 1 |Casing drive/ extract [Power pack unit | 1 (Crawier crane 80 ton vwnit | 1 [Hang easing, machine etc. [Hemmer Grab (92000rmm nos | 1 _|To discharge soil et [Hammer Grab [91500mim nos | 1 _ | To discharge soil etc. casing [~2000mm m | 30 Jcasing (91500 m | 30 [Tremie pipe 250 m | 30 | chizel nos | 1 _ [To demolish rock ete. Stime bucket 2000 nos | 1 _[Forstime treatment Stime bucket ‘91500 nos | 1 _ |For slime treatment Slope for mixer lorry unit | 1 [To cast concrete Submeged pump 48,28 set | 1 _ [To supply water ete. ron plate 1.5m%6.0m set | 1 _ [Reinforcement of surface [Water tank 15.0nt nos | 1 _ {Container for discharged sol Water tank (20.0 nos | 6 [To supply water ete. Water tank 5.0~6.0n8 nos | 1 [To wash casing ete Welder unit | 2 Generator 7SKVA unit [2 fee-bar bender and cutter set | 2 Ges cutting epparatus st | 2 -ous-30- 14,38 YY da 000083 Layout plan of equipment (P1, Boring, Concreting) Bor ing, sm. Concreting $000 Coir e a__ = : ee ipa ofo oO u oO] Hee | - -cis-31- 14584 va 000084 @ 15 Construction flow chart Preparatory work Set all casing boring, machine Boring Removal of ; saphteel Driving easing tube Complete boring ‘Assembling rebar Slime treatment Insert reinforcement cage Insert wemie pipe Conereting Backfill ‘Completion All casing toring method Leveling of site preparation of access road Construct ditch and settling basin Confirmation of verticality of casing tube from 2 directions Confirmation of boring depth Confirmation of beating layer Confirmation of length of lapped splices and concrete cover Confirmation of length of temic pipe Place sliding plug Quality control of concrete Confirmation of top of pile and re-bar -cus-32-14,35 Constructoin sequence of bored pile A pile will not be constructed adjacent to the pile which has been just completed unless sufficient period approved by the Engineer has been taken. 67182 43912716 > 5 217 F>1>=2 7141-1333 Bata ust spes 1is> 7710 8 TAM 5 3143719 6 +20 IP 13> 3 91792 > 16> 4 a sig > 1 > 10315 125 9 $3338 72545157 ss Flow chart of pile head treatment Excavation for construction of pile cap Complete breasting and excavation Breaking pile head concrete Lift up by crane Cutting into large pieces concrete is lifted up by crane. Leveling pile head | Leveling pile head by chipper and breaker Inspection ‘Measurement of diameter, elevation, deviation. Inspection by the Engineer. va 000087 GH - ous-36- 14,37 D Suse 3 wonsemeg @ 19 sey woy A420 und roo hq Bu219009 @ sun por step paumegus eset @ 9088 a 00 & E Y | souanbes woponsysa07y @ 14,388 1.6 Construction method (1) Preparatory work 1) Construction of the site access road and leveling of the site 2) Construction of ditch around working area. Construct water pit at downstream of ditch. The turbid water is transferred to the water tank or the settling basin. Suspended solids is settled in the water tank or the settling basin ‘After pH control by portable plant, supernatant water is discharged to the river (inside of silt and oil fence). ‘Anti-pollution measures Temporary Dike Drainage slope Temporary ditch porable pt pater | teatment plant Ca, LABALL, oischorge cate tothe river Submered pump 3) Pilot pile (Ist bored pile of each diameter) sais Siltand oilfence A Purpose of the pilot pile is to get information of actual underground condition. nes Tre soil sample is collected every 1m. ‘The static road testis carried out at the pilot pile #2 ef 000089 14,39 an (2) Setting center of the pile 1). Setinga guide frame at center ofthe pile. 2). Setting machine on the guide fame. Guide frame Installation of guide frame @) Commence boring 1) _Deiving first casing tube. 2) After diriving first casing, commence boring, 3) Confirm vetcaliy of cesing tube from 2 axes at right-angles Casing tube Driving casing tube vA 600090 BD - ons-37-1 4, 40 Ot (4) Driving casing and excevate soil by hummer grab Ef 1) Penetrating casing tube by rotary machine 2) Excavate soil in the casing by hummer grab Hummer grab © imdeo £3008, SoM 800 0 O°O (5) Slime treatment 1) After completion of boring, the slime buicket is taken down to the bottom. 2) Wait for settling of susperided solids. ‘Waiting time is determined atthe plot pile. 3) The slime bucket is lied up by crane. Remove slime in the bucket. Slitne bucket Slime bucket oo, 20 ge” Slire treatment by slime bucket SSe28ee oo OO Ft 100091 - oWs-38 4 4, AY (6) Reinforcement cage (2) Insert tremie pipe BEES wearing ayer jTremie pipe 1) Assembling reinforcement cage ® Reinforcement cage is assembled with additonal support necessary to forin a rigid cage. ® Hoops, links or he Reinforcement cage I reinforcement are bound to mi re-bars by approved wire, ® The cover to all reinforcement is more than 100mm. 2) Insert reinforcement cage ‘ During installation, pay attention to Verticality of | the reinforcement cage. ® The length of tapped splices is more than design, and itis bound by approved wire, Reinforcement cage Insert reinforcement cage 1) The hopper and pipe of tremie is clean and watertight throughout. 2) The tremie pipe is extended to the base of te pile, 3) The intemal diameter ofthe tremie pipe is ore tan 200mm. 14,42 ¥ rf (8) Concreting Concrete Pump ‘Agitator car To water tank Measuring Water pump that has previously been placed, 98 823800 eo OO 1) The conerete is cast by conerete pump or iectly from agitator car, 2) The conerete is rich coherent mix of high workebility having a maximum measured slump of 200 mm, 3) A sliding plug i placed in the tremie pipe to prevent direct contact ofthe first charge of concrete with water. 4) The remie pipe isa allies penetrated inthe concrete '5) The Concrete is placed continuously asthe casing is extracted until the desired head of concrete is obtained. 6) Extra concrete of pile head is more than 1500 mm, Concreting by concrete pump car € 2 006093 2. Pile testing, 2.1 Description ‘Test procedure of bored pile. (@1500:A 1, @2000:P1, P2) Item of pile test (1). Static load test ‘The testis carried out at first construction pile of each diameter. (g2000:1 time, 1500:1 time) (2) Dynamic test 92000:4 times, 1500:1 time (3) Integrity test of pile ‘The testis carried out al piles. (47 piles) 1) Sonic logging testing ry 2) Impulse testing 3) Core testing 2.2 Static load test Anchored static axial compressive load test of single piles: The main purpose of the loading test is to demonstrate construction method and to confirm the design assumptions ‘and the bored pile loading capacity. (1) Test flow chert Preparatory work y Anchor piles (4) Preparation of pile head Kc a a ha oo ‘Test pile (1) Preparation of pile head ‘ Assembling of the loading system + Static load test Removal ofthe loading system v A 000094 ‘he location of test pile and anchor piles is determinéd having consulted the Engineer. - ows-4t- 14, AA @ Anchored static axial compressive load test Reaction beam Jack Test pile ‘Anchor pile Fig Static load test Q) Test procedure 1) Preparatory work © Leveling of the testing yard. Carry in material and equipment to the site. (Anchored static axial compressive load test) ® Reinforcement of ground surface for setting place of crane is carried out by iron plate. Confirm safe ‘working load of crane. 2) Preparation of pile head of anchor giles © Marking location of the reaction beam on the anchor piles. Install supporting bear, @ Install reaction beam. (Fig.2) 3) Preparation of pile head of test pile ati BAB Reaction beam Supporting beam Anchor pile Fig.2 Detail of Pile head of anchor pile © Cleaning top of the test pile, then leveling by non-shrink grout etc. © Installation of support under the hydraulic jack. Set the hydraulic jack on the support @ Installation of support on the hydraulic jack. (Fig.3) ‘Support on the jack Suppor under ‘Hydraulic jack the jack STEP installation of support under __—_STEP2 installation of hydrauile jack _STEP3 Installation af support on the the jack Fig head of test ple - cus-42 -1 4,45 *) Aa 009095 D 4) Assembling of the loading system Support of beam A ‘ll SE J STEP2 Install support of bearn STEP? Install main beam Su beam Reaction beam Pc bar s | 4 | (| AEH Ee ry STEPS Install sub beam ‘STEP4 Install reaction bearn —a Fig.4 Construction sequence of assembling of the loading system 5) Static load test © Apply load of 10 metric tones. @® Remove load and recording instruments to zero. L @ Increase load to the required pile-working load (92000 : 21000 KN, 91500 : 5400 kN) by four equal increments. @ Deflection is read just after each load increment or decrement is applied and at 15 minutes intervals thereafter. The next increment or decrement is not applied until the area of settlement has decreased to 0.05 em/nour and the load has been sustained for at least one hour. © The pile-working load is maintained for atleast 12.hours. © Reduce load to zero by similar equal decrements @ Increase load to 1.5 times the required pile-working load by six equal increments and maintain at this load for at least 24 hours. © Reduce load to zero by similar equal decrements. © The total pile top displacement under 1.5 times pile working load and after its subsequent removal shall not exceed the following values: <=/ 000098 fee a For bored pile ae A Bee: oad 0.75% @ Instrument is installed as directed by the Engineer and readings taken at each increment, all accordance with the manufacture’s recommended procedures. @ When directed by the Engineer, a third test oyele shall be carried out as follows: + Increase load to 2.0 times the tequired pile working loads by eight equal increments and maintain a this load for 12 hours or as directed by the Engineer. 6) Removal of the loading system © After the completion of loading tests, the testing system is removed form the site. 2.3 Dynamic load test “This testis used to assess the load bearing capacity of the pile. This test uses a ram to drop on the pile. (1) Test flow chart Preparatory work Assembling of the testing system ect ivgenn ___| Dynamic load test Note : The location of test pile is determined having consulted the Engineer. ‘The load of test is determined having consulted the Engineer. (Pile Driving Analyzer) HY 000097 - ous-a4-1 4 AZ @ a (2) Test procedure 1) Preparatory work Leveling of the testing yard. Carry in material and equipment tothe site. © Reinforcement of ground surface for setting place of crane is carried out by iron plate. Confirm safe working load of crane. © The cap is set up to the top of the test pile. The cushion of the required number is provided on the cap. @ The pile head is reinforced with a steel tube (H=1.0m, same diameter of the pile). 2) Assembling of the testing system Scaffolding (Fie with colin) Column of frame | inal [| Cap of pile head Base of frame _L : Test pile LOOT bel STEP Install frame Ling system Drop system a feu) lar) a ‘STEPS Set ram and drop system STEPA Set lifting system Fig.6 Construction sequence of asseribling of the testing system 3) Dynamic load test © Setting sensors (strain / accelerometer gage). © Calibrate measuring instruments. © Lifting the ram up to required height. @ After all preparations having been completed, the ram is dropped. © PDA system is used to accurately measure the strain and acceleration. 4) Removal of the testing system @® After the completion of loading tests, the testing system is removed form the site. 2.4 Integrity testing (Sonic logging , Impulse, Core drilling) (1) Sonic Jogging test (Cross Hole Analyzer) Cross Hole Analyzer : Test Shafts are prepared by installation of steel tubes during bored pile construction, During the test a transmitter is lowered down one of the tubes and sends a high frequency signal to a receiver inserted in another tube. Transmitter and receiver move down each pair of tubes, scanning the entire length of the shaft. Shaft ‘Testpile Fig.7 Sonic logging test (Cross Hole Analyzer) 1) Test procedure © Install steel tubes at reinforcement cage as test shaft. 6 steel tubes for @2.0m piles (Two 100 mm tubes and four 50 mm tubes). steel tubes for @1:Sm piles (One 100 mm tubes and three 50mm tube’). ® Tubingis placed equal distance around the outer perimeter ofthe pile. @® The length of the 100 mm tube extend from 500 mm above the bottom of the pile to at least 30 mm above the top of the pile temporary casing, The length of the $0 mm tube extend from the bottom of the pile reinforcement to a feast 30 mm above the top ofthe pile temporary casing. @® The bottom of the tubing is permanently sealed © The top ofthe tubing is provided with a serew type plug, to prevent the intrusion of foreign materials into the tubing. © The testis carried out after the pile concrete has gained its 28 days characteristic strength © After completion of preparations, start test to insert transmitter and receiver inthe shat. 0100099 © After testing, al tubes are filled with an expansive grout. - oWs-46 -1 4,49 @ B (2) Impulse test (Pile integrity tester; PIT) This test consists of attaching one or tow accelerometer on the top of pile, and using a hand held hammer to impact it. The PIT collects the acceleration data and displays curves that reveal any significant changes such as cracks and voids in cross section that may exist along the pil Maasurernent ‘Accelerometer Hand held hammer \ om PIV qatramented isinmas, FIT Vnse s simariook Fig.4 Impulse test (Pile Integrity tester) 1) Test procedure © The test is carried out after the pile concrete has gained its 28 days characteristic strength. @® After completion of pile head treatment, install accelerometer on the top of pile. @ Test by to impact the top of the pile by a hand held haramer, (2) Core testing Bottom ofthe pile 100mm steel tube Core driing location From end of the 100 mm tube to atleast 600 mm below the bottom of the pile (L= more than 1100mm) Fig.5 Core drilling at the bottom of pile 1) Test procedure © The test is carried out after the pile concrete has gained its 28 days characteristic strength. @® Core drilling is provided for completed piles from end of the 100 mm tube to at least 600 mim below the bottom of the pile. @ The cores obtained are placed in core boxes and the drill-hole ow) is clearly marked on the 900100 @ Afer completion of testing, all voids formed by core drills are pressure grouted With non-shrink grout. -s47- 1 4,50 Hb cores and boxes. oN 3. Coffer dam 3.1 Description Construction method of coffer dam for the construction of pile cap (P1 and P2). PL Cofferdam Sheet pile SP4 L=9.0m ‘Area ofcofferdam 17.2m 3.6m P2 Cofferdam Sheet pile SP4_ L=9.0m Asea of coffer dam 17.2 m * 37.2m Plan of Pi coffer dam (Detailed drawing is refer to another sheet) pire crea ABH 000101 (Detailed drawing is refer to another sheet) GS-7 4 BW wv @ | as ad seal roar zoro00 in" earth 3.2 Equipment Description Spee. vy Remarks Crawler crane 80 ton 1 ‘To driving sheet pile and Vibration hammer 90 Kw 1 oe Generator 150 KA i For vibration hammer Rough terrainerane _| 25 ton ~: 50 ton 1 Welder 2 Gas cutting apparatus 1 set ir Backhoe ort 1 Backhoe o1nt ~ 02nt 2 Dump truck 10 ton 1 3.3 Materials Pl - - —_ ; Tat TT | Desesiption Steel products ength | ony ia weight eight ) @) kg) o_ | Sheet pile sp4 9.0| _250| 22500| 76.10] 171.23 Intermediate pile H-300%300x10%15 9.0 10 90.0 93.00 8.37 t 3 | ~ j wale (1°) H-300%300%100015 10.0 u| noo] 93.00} 10.23 € Wate) H1-400%400%13%21 10.0 in| noo] 172.00! _ 1892 Shore strat (1,2) | 11-300x300«10«15 10.0 30] 300.0) 3.00} 2790 Angle brace(I",2") | -300x300x10«15 10.0 16] 1600] 93.00] _ 14.88 P2 "i Unit [4 Deserntion Steel products Tenet | oy | im | weight | Welait _@) | @ (ke) ® Sheet pile sp 9.0| 268 | 24120] _76.10| 183.55 | Intermediate pile H-300*300*10x15 92.0 12] 108.0 93.00 10.04 Wale (1*) H-300%300%10%15 100 n| 00 93.00| 10.23 | Wale 2) “| eaooxa00% 3021 10.0 1i|__1100 ee 1892 [ Shore ste" 2") | w-s00xsoox10x15 10.0 36| 360.0 93.00| 33.48 2 Angle brace(1" 2") | 1.300x300x10«15 too] 18] 1800| ¥ 93.00| 16.4 -cs-50- 14,53 “Ho00103 Dp 3.4 Construction flow chart Preparatory work t Camry in materials, Te Driving sheet pile, intermediate pile + Excavation of 1" stage y ni Install breasting of 1" stage + SS Excavation of 2nd stage t Install breasting of 24 stage t Excavation of 3 stage t Completion 3.5 Construction method (1) Preparatory work 1) Confirm location of coffer datn and obstruction inthe site ete. 2) Reinforcement of ground surface for setting place of crane is carried out by laying iron plate. Confirm saft working load of crane, 3) Silt and oil fence are installed around P2. (Fig.1) Regarding around P1 and intake of brewery, refer to construction method of temporary jetty Silt and oll fence [200m Fig: Anti-pollution measure by sift and oll fence (P2) (2) Driving sheet pile, intermediate pile 1) Driving sheet pile and intermediate pile by vibration hammer. (Fig.2) 2) Regarding P1, to drive pile after completion of jetty, and then construct filled coffer dam. (Fig.3) 3) Regarding P2, to drive pile after completion of bored pile. (Fig.4) 1. Lift up steels 2. Chucking, 3. Driving 4. Completion | | v 000105 Fe2orvngprocdurebyeton hammer SN A » > oWs-82-1 4,55 : @ ~ Cn = mune SEE IL wr nr uc, & Fig P2_ Driving sheet pile and intermediate pile (3) Excavation and install breasting of 1" stage 1) Regarding P1, after completion of bored pile, excavation and install breasting of 1" stage are executed. (Fig.5) 2) Regarding P2, after completion of driving sheet pile and intermediate pile, excavation and install breasting of 1" stage are’executed. (Fig.6) 2) 000106 .- cHs-53 -1 4,56 BD ~ BLOWN FILLED caFFER ORE = TSA SPOR FoR CAAT & ©. = SELL 9_ (lla e@e.ooo C Fig.S 1 Excavation, install breasting SION Wo HTL ETE Fig.6 P2_ excavation, install breasting (@) Construction after excavation of 2” stage 1) Excavate and install breasting same as the procedure mentioned above. 2) After completion of excavation of 3" stage, casting lean concrete and then pile head treatment is executed, 000107 14,57 a gG cance ews wo masts & ea © cate [ee Fig.7 P1 Completion of Excavation and breasting Fig.8 P2 Completion of Excavation and breasting 3.6 Water pollution prevention measures (1) The turbid water in the coffer dam is transferred to the water tank or the settling basin. (2) Suspended solids are settled in the water tank or the settling basin. 3) After pH control by portable plant, supernatant water is discharged to the river (inside of silt and oil fence). Temporary ditch Portable pH 7 atment plant watertank | “eatmentPl Discharge corsettiing | Set HP Sie swaps | = “A Siltand il fence Water tank or Portable pH settling basin e treatment plant ]__dicchargeto i theriver Perse lan of water pollution prevention measures Fig A 000108 14,58 ¥ B pp -- 60T000 £7 a a | = 4-90 = (hin a a RR aT w §5. CONCRETE WORKS 1. CONCRETE MANAGEMENT ENGINEER Conereting is managed by concrete managemnent engineer who has license issued by govemmeit and/or academic institute. 2. MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL (2) All materials employed to this project comply with all requirements as specified in the Specification or approved by the Engineer: (2) Materials, will be delivered, stored and handled so as to ensure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the Works. Stored materials will be located so as to facilitate their prompt inspection. All storage sites will be restored to their original condition prior to acceptance of the Works. G) Materials that do not comply with the requirements of the Specification will be removed immediately from the Site of the Works unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer. No rejected materials will be used in the Works. 2.2 CEMENT (1) Portland cement CEM-1 class 52.5 (or 42.5) complying with BS EN 197-1:2000 or Type 1 complying with ASTM C150 will be employed. All cement will be manufacturer’s standard grey cement unless otherwise specified on the Drawings. One brand of cement as approved by the Engineer will be used for all concrete works throughout the project unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer in writing, (2) The use of other types of cement such as Portland composite cement complying with BS EN 197-1 will be subjected to approval of the Engineer. (@) The source of supply of cement will be subject to the Engineer's approval and the Contractor will at all times furnish the manufacturer's test ce icates and proof that the specifications have been complied with, together with a note of the date of manufecture, certified by an independent agency in the country of origin. (4) Cement will be delivered to the Site in sealed bags and/or water-tight barrels bearing the manufacturer's name, cement type and the date of manufacture. The bagged cement will be stored in piles not more than eight bags high. Storage areas will be perfectly dry waterproof sheds or other such temporary buildings approved by the Engineer. The storage capacity is cortespond to the amount of concrete required for’ the largest units to be’ cast. These gs will be used exclusively for the storage of cement and will be erected with the Bloor cus-sp- 14,64 ah (re @) © M floors raised well above the ground at places on or near the Site of the Works; and at the completion of the Works the buildings will remain the property of the Contractor and will be dismantled and removed, the foundations broken up and the site restored to its original condition by the Contractor. A free passage of at least one metre willbe left between the cement and the side walls of the sheds. Access ways will also be left between the stored containers of cement such that every container is visible. Each consignment of cement will be stored apart from earlier consignments and consignments will be used in the order in which they are detivered. Any consignment which has become caked or otherwise adversely affected will be removed from the Site completely at the Contractor's own expense, “The Contractor will provide weighing machines which will be Kept permanently in each shed for checking the weight of the bags or barrels of cement. Cement delivered by bulk carriers will be stored in silos made for cement storage. The cement will be handled in bulk by use of ait-veyors, augerscrew conveyors, enclosed bucket or enclosed belt conveyors. All operations for handling of bulk cement will be by methods that prevent contamination of thé cement. The cement storage. silos will be provided with interior moisture control devices that keep the cement dry and prevent premature hydration in the silos. The silos will be provided with access ladders and entry ‘ways so that samples can be extracted from various levels of each silo for testing, purposes. 2.3 AGGREGATES 2.3.1 General a) 2 @) ‘Aggregates will be free of substances that are deleteriously reactive with the alkalis in the cement in an amount sufficient to cause excessive expansion of the concrete, Acceptable aggregate will be based on satisfactory evidence furnished by the Contractor that the aggrogate is free from such materials. This evidence will include service records of concrete of comparable properties under similar conditions of exposure and/or certified records of tests by a testing laboratory that meets the requirements of ASTM C 1077 or equivalent. Tests shall be made in accordance, with BS 812-123:1999, BS 882:1992, BS 812-105.1:1989, ASTM C227, ASTM C 295 and ASTM C289. Al aggregates will consist of tough, hard, durable and uncoated particles. Thirty days before starting work, the Contractor will advise the Engineer of the sources of aggregates to bbe used to permit samples to be taken in the presence of a representative of the Engineer and the Contractor to test before being brought to the Site. Agerégates will be stored in siich a way as to prevent segregation arid contamination. ‘The centre of the storage arca will be free of excess moisture. Aggregate which has become GQ 000142 BB -ousso-1 4,62 x yp segregated of contaminated with foreign matter during storage or handling will be rejected and will be removed and reprocessed and/or replaced with material of acceptable quality. Aggregates will be stored in sufficient quantity to ensure that there is no interruption of concreting work at any time, (@) Both fine and coarse aggregates shall be tested in accordance with the following standards or equivalent: ASTMC39 Compressive Strength ASTM C40 Organic Impurities ASTMC87 Mortar Strength ASTMC88 — Soundness ASTMC123 Coal and Lignite ASTMCI36__ Sieve Analysis ~ (5) Approval of aggregates will not prevent later rejection if results of subsequent tests do not reflect compliance with the requirements ofthe specified standards, (©) The expecting quary site is located in KAKIRI where is about 90km from project ste in Jinja City; the quarry is owned by Spencon Services Limited. Siena — « Photo-2. 1 Expecting Quarry Site in KAKIRI (Owned by Spencon Services Limited) A 900113 - ows-co- 14,63 QD 2.3.2 Fine Aggregate (1) Fine aggregate for portiand cement concrete consists of natural sand or other inert materials with similar characteristics, having hard, strong, durable particles. Fine aggregate is clean and firee from extraneous materials, clay balls, organic matter or other detrimental material in accordance with AASHTO M6, The maximum combined quantity of soluble chlorides and sulphates in the fine aggregate will not exceed 1000 ppm fine aggregate. (2) Fine aggregates will meet the requirements of BS EN 1367-4:2002. (3) The fine aggregates will be reasonably graded and meet the grading requirements contained in Table No. 1 below: TABLE 2.3.2-1_ GRADING REQUIREMENTS OF FINE AGGREGATE | TRE Pay SUG. SIz8, Peréent Passing. by wel eht: s a) snag 8.5 100 475 95 ~ 100 2.36 80 - 100 1.18 50 ~ 85 0.600 2 ~ 60 0.900 ~ 30 0.150 = 10 (4) The fine aggregate will be of such uniformity that the fineness modulus as defined in AASHTO M6 will not vary by more than 0.20 either way from the fineness modulus of the representative samples used in the mix designs. (5) If required by the Engineer and in order to meet specification requirements, fine aggregates for use in reinforced concrete will be washed with fresh potable water. 2.3.3 Coarse Aggregate (1). Coarse aggregate will be crushed aggregate for reinforced concrete works and unreinforced concrete works and will be homogeneous, clean, free from extraneous materials, clay lumps, organic matter, and alkaline and detrimental materi Coarse aggregete for structural concrete that meets the requirements of AASHTO M 80 will be employed. @) The quarry from which the coarse aggregate is to be obtained will be approved by the Engineer before material is delivered to the Site of the Works. (3) Coarse aggregate that meets the requirements of BS EN 1367-4:2002 or ASTM C33 will be employed (A). The coarse aggregates will be reasonably graded and shall meet the grading requirements in A 000414 : = CHS-61 -14,64 v BP Table No. 2 below. TABLE 2.3.3-1 GRADING REQUIREMENTS OF COARSE AGGREGATES SIEVE SIZE, Zien PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT we Gsnorete "_ Gonerete Concrete | Class A,B. and Class € and F Class @ 37.6 100 100 2 100, 80 = 100 B-100 19 | 0 = 100 | 25 | 30-70 25 = 8 7 te A | o= 10 0-10 (S) The percentage of wear of thé aggregate is not be greater than 50 as determined by AASHTO 196. The coarse aggregate will withstand at least five cycles of immersion and drying in both sodium sulphate and magnesium sulphate solutions, as prescribed in the soundness test, and will show an average weight loss of not more than 15 percent. 2.4 WATER for CONCRETE MIXING AND CURING Q)_ Unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Engineer, only potable water free from oil, salt, acid, sugat, vegetable or any other substance injurious to the concrete will be used for mixing concrete and curing concrete and other products containing cement. 2.5 ADMIXTURES (1) To avoid cold joints, the Contractor will provide sufficiently large capacity in his concrete producing plant and concrete transporting, arrangements and use an appropriate retarder & when deemed necessary by the Engineer. The retarder will be of a type approved by the Engineer and shall comply with the requirements of Type D as specified in ASTM C494, (2) Retarders will not be used together with other admixtures in the same mix unless approved by the Engineer. The fluid content of admixtures will be considered in the determination of ‘water/cement ratios. @) Preliminary tests of cube strength and any other tests will be carried out for all concrete with admixtures. When the Engineer approves changing the brand or type of cement, the Contractor will carry out further tests and establish a relative mix design. (4) Water reducing and water reducing-retarding admixtures, in accordance with ASTM C494 and plasticizing and plasticizing and retarding admixtures in accordance with ASTM. C1017 may be used with written permission of the Engineer in accordance with mix designs and slump requirements as approved by the Engineer: A 000115 - s-- 14565 y @ x 3. MIX DESIGNS 3.1 SAMPLES. Qo ‘Samples of all materials to be used in the mix will be submitted to the Engineer for testing and such samples will be tested in the site laboratories as directed by the Engineer. No materials forming any part of this mix will be delivered to the Site before the Contractor receives the prior written approval of the Engineer for such material, 3.2 MIX DESIGN ay Q @) @ After receiving written approval by the Engineer of the Samples, the Contractor will submit in writing to the Engineer a proposed mix design proportioned by weight and based on trial mixes conducted with the approved materials to be used for each specified class of concrete for the project. No concrete works will be commenced before the Contractor receives in writing from the Engineer approval of the Contractor's proposed mix design. ‘The Contractor will make arrangements for all the foregoing as early as possible and to allow the Engineer sufficient time to review the designs(s) and if necessary conduct and/or require additional strength testing. In the event of any changes in characteristics or source of supply of any of the component parts, a new mix design will be submitted for approval by the Engineer as described. 3.3 WATER-CEMENT RATIO ay @® @) ‘The quantity of water used in mixing will be approved by the Engineer on the basis of preliminary tests and trial mixes and will be the least amount that will produce @ workable homogeneous plastic mixture which can be worked into the forms and around the reinforcement. In no circumstances will the consistency of the concrete be such as to permit a separation of the aggregate from the mortar during handling. Excess water will not be permitted and any batch containing such excess will be rejected. Jn measuring water for each batch of concrete, allowance will be made for the water contained in the aggregates. ‘The total water in the batch will be deemed to consist of the water carried by the aggregates plus the water added. Frequent tests including the slump test will be carried out to ensure that a consistent water content is maintained. 3.4 SLUMPS a Recommended limitations for slump are given in Table S8-3 of the Specifications, however the stump will be determined considering the constructionability for concreting particularly for compaction to secure the quality of actual structure, The method of making the slump test will conform to BS EN 12350-2:2000 or equivalent. (2) One slump test, or more as directed by the Engineer, will be carried out on every batch of concrete produced, and the test will not be deemed to have been carried out unless witnessed by the Engineer or his representative. ) Mixes of the stiffest consistency that can be placed efficiently will be used. Over-wet mixes will be rejected, 3.5 TRIAL MIXING (J). Trial mixing will be carried out at the batching plant for actual use of this project under the control,of concrete management engineer Who has licence for conerete engineering issued by govemment and/or academic institute and/or engineering institute. 3.6 ADJUSTMENTS DURING PROGRESS OF WORK After a mix design has been approved, as prescribed above, these proportions of the constituents of the mix.design will not be changed during the progress of the work except as follows: (1) Adjustments for variations in workability: fit is found impossible to obtein concrete of the desired workability with the proportions originally determined, the Engineer may allow changes in aggregate weights as he may deem appropriate. 2) Adjustment for variation in yield: = slf the cement content of the conerete, determined by means of the yield test ASTM Designation C 138, varies more than two (2) percent from the designated value, the proportions will be adjusted so as to maintain a cement content which does not vary more than two (2) percent from the designated value. @) Adjustment for minimum strength: If it is found impossible to produce concrete having the minimum allowable strength specified, the cement content will be increased as directed by the Engineer. (4) Adjustment for new materials: No change in the source or character of the materials shall be made without due notice to the Engineer. No new materials shall be used until the Engineer has accepted such materials and new proportions based on the tests of trial mixes have been determined. AL 0001 ~ cus-cr- 1 467 Bo 1% rm 4, TESTING 4.1 GENERAL a e@) @) @ In addition to all previously mentioned tests, the following tests will be carried out. All tests must be carried out in a manner acceptable to the Engineer and shall be conducted by the Contractors Independent Laboratory. The Contractor will bear all expenses involved in ‘obtaining, cutting-out or sampling all specimens and/or component parts for testing. ‘Test cubes will be taken for each new grade of concrete or from each 100 cubic metres of concrete when the same grade is being used continuously, or as directed by the Engineer. Nine (9) test cubes or more will be taken at each time and each numbered consecutively and marked with the date, the section of work from which it was taken and any other information requited and dispatched to the approved laboratory for testing for compressive strength. Cubes Numbers 1, 5 and 9 will be tested after 7 days, If the average of the three 7-day test cubes is below 75 percent of the minimum 28 day requirement, the Contractor will immediately stop all concreting until checks are made on the material and equipment and immediately rectify any defect which has become apparent as the result of such checking, If the Contractor elects to remove and replace the defective concrete without waiting for the-results of the 28-day test, concreting can then continue entirely atthe responsibility of the Contractor. Cubes numbers 2 and 8, 3 and 7, and 4 and 6 will be considered three individual samples or sets and after 28 days of curing will be tested as specified above. If either of the cubes in any set shows definite evidence, other than low strength, of improper sampling, moulding, handling, curing ot testing, it will be discarded and the strength of the remaining cubes will then be considered the test result of thet set. Final acceptance of the concrete works is based on 28 days’ testing on the three sets of two ccubes each. The work is considered in compliance if the average of the three sets of cubes equals or exceeds the minimum specified for the class of concrete being placed, and if the average of the two cubes in any one set does not fall below the specified mii imum strength by more than 3.5 Nimm2. If the results of the 28-day testing are unsatisfactory, the Contractor, in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer, will conduct tests on the suspect parts of the structure. 4.2 MATURITY TESTING oO ‘Maturity testing to determine the compressive strength of in-situ concrete may be used for the following situations: Determination of concrete compressive strength to allow early stripping of forms. Determination of concrete compressive strength prior to application of post tensioning, AL 000 - cus-05 14, 68 a force. 118 Determination of concrete compressive strength prior to launching of traveller. (2) The procedure for maturity testing will be in accordance with ASTM 1074. @) The Contractor will nominate details of his proposed procedure for the use of maturity testing for determination of early concrete strength. This procedure will address the use of conventional test cube results t6 substantiate maturity testing predictions and the proposed locations of thermocouples within the concrete pour. 5. PRODUCTION OF CONCRETE 5.1 BATCHING PLANT INSTALLATION Batching plant will be equipped in the site, A2 side, that can supply 120 m’/hour (total capacity of plant). The batching plant has two mixers that are biaxial mixing type with a capacity of 2.0m? or \ more for the backup of trouble. 5.2 STOCK FACILITIES (1). Cement will be stocked in damp-proof facilities such as silos for bulk cement, container and/or warehouse for bagged cement. (2) The stock facility for aggregates are capable to stock-separately for each kind, diameter and uneasy to make segregation between large and small diameter aggregates. G) The stock facility for aggregates is capable to discharge the water from bottom to obtain the surface water content stability of the aggregates. A voor _ sos 14 +69 @ BZ (4) The stock facility of the admixtures is capable to stock the admixtures separately and prevent from mixture of impurities, deterioration and segregation. 5.3 MEASURE FACILITIES (1). The measure facilities are capable to measure the materials within the tolerance. @ th dur spection of measure facilites will be carried out in the beginning of ise and periodically 1 the operation. 5.4 MIXER (1). The mixer satisfies the performance required by the Specifications. ‘The performance of batching mixer shall satisfy the specification of JIS A 8603 or equivalent. Xv TABLE 5.4.1 TOLERANCE OF BATCHING MIXER PERFORMANCE (Reference : IIS A 8603) Fee FEES eS ea sa Vu CONSETT A < fai soci [s * Notifhal Capacity. =] 60% oF Nominal Capacity Oiffar ence’ of BUIK Deisity: of Mortar in-Gaferéte’| No more than 0.8% | No nore than 0.8 =Différénée of Unit coarse: Ageresate: In-Conorete.s| No more than 5.03 | No more than 5.0% eee] Catbressive: Strength, | No more than 7.5% = Ditterence fron Avera SSSA Contant’: | No more than 10% = NA ESSN SEE Siaap LE No more than 15% = (2) The mixer can quickly discharge the mixed concrete with minimum segregation. 5.5 MEASUREMENT (2). The measurement of the concrete materials will be carried out based on job mix. 2) The unit water will be adjusted based on surface water content test and granularity test of aggregate. ~ (@) Each material will be measured based on weight, however water and liquid admixtures (¢.g, super plasticiser) will be measured by volume basis. (4). The measurement will be controlled within tolerance, TABLE 5.5.1 TOLERANCE OF MEASUREMENT (General Specifications 6405) (_ciaterisi Tolerance of teaturonent | Water % Gement % Aeeregate % Adixture (Liquid) % A oop120 : - ais-67 3 4,70 @ (5) The measurement will be carried out by volume basis when continuous mixer is employed 5.6 MIXING (1) Mixer will be cleaned before and after use. Q)_ The mixing time will be determined by trial mixing. @). Mortar wilt be adhered to the inner surface of mixer in the beginning of mixing (4) No material will be added before discharge of present batch (5) Initially discharged concrete in the beginning of mixing will not be used when continuous batcher is employed. 8.7 QUALITY CONTROL. ~ ‘The quality control will be basically conducted according to General Specifications. In addition, statistical method will be applied for the compressive strength of hardened concrete. The:average, normal distribution, variance, unbiased variance ete. will be calculated from oblained data.to analyse the quality of concrete, In need, mix design of the. concrete will be revised based on the obtained statistical data, X-R Control Chart will be employed for the quality control of compressive strength of hardened concrete; it is useful for the quality control in the process of concrete production. If the data are plotted within the range of 2.6 (c : normal distribution), the process is considered in good condition. If the data exceed the 20 range, the reason of the results shall be studied and countermeasure shall be taken. Even if the data distribution is within 20 range and if the data distribution is biased, the reason of the results shall be studied and improvement shall be taken. dle oo012t -cis-8-1 4,71 BD 6. TRANSPORTATION (@) The ready-mixed concrete produced at the batching plant is transported by track agitators (track mixers) that can preserve the uniformity of the concrete property without any segregation. The ‘transportation time from the batching plant to the site (A2 abutment) would be approximately 10 - 20 minutes so long as extreme traffic jam does not occur for accident and/or unexpected event. Q) Imme methods that will prevent the separation, loss or contamination of any of the ingredients. tely after mixing, the concrete will be transported to the place of final deposit by (3) Transport of concrete from the mixers will be as rapid as possible. XN 47, CONCRETING ‘7. METHOD OF CONCRETING ‘The concreting will be carried out by two kinds of methods, (1) Conereting with concrete pumping car or conerete pumping pipeline Concrete pumping car and/or concrete: pumping pipeline will be employed in the area where they ‘can cover for concreting, (2)Concreting with concrete bucket Conerete bucket will be employed in the area where concrete pumping car or concrete pumping dla ooo1g2 ~ cuS-69-1 4, 97D CAD pipeline cannot cover. For instance, the conciete of the pylon is cast with concrete pumping car when the height of the in-situ pylon segment is within the capacity of the concrete pumping car. When the height of the segment for concreting is higher than the capacity of the concrete pumping car, concrete bucket will be used with tower crane to transport concrete. 7.2. CONCRETE CASTING (1) -The concrete casting work is carefully carried out not to move the position of formworks and rebar (2) Before any concrete is placed, the formwork is thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, shavings, loose stones, and other debris. (3) Forms are treated with a non-staining material or saturated with water immediately before the concrete is placed. For all exposed surfaces, the forms are treated with a non-staining material, as approved by the Engineer, to prevent the adherence to the concrete. The forms are free from ‘any material that will adhere to or discolour the concrete, (4) The concrete will be placed gently in position and will not have a free-fall of more than one metre. (5) To convey the concrete as near as possible to its final position, drop chutes of rubber or metal will be used for small sections and bottom dump buckets or other suitable vessels for large sections. (©) Concrete will be placed so as to prevent water from collecting at the ends, comers ot along the faces of the forms, and water will not be placed in large quantities at a given point and allowed to run or be worked over a long distance in the form. (7) All concrete will be placed and compacted in even layeis with each batch adjoining the wi ae -oHS-70- 1 4, 7B previous one, (8) The thickness of concrete layers for placing will not exceed 50 cm. (9) The concrete will be carefully and continually compacted and worked around the reinforcement steel and into the comers of the formwork so that the concrete witl be in close contact with the reinforcement steel and free from honeycombing, (10) The time interval for conerete placing on consolidated fresh concrete is as follows. The criteria are determined in accordance with “Standard Specifications for Concrete of Japan Society of Civil Engineers. Teble 7-1 Tine interval for concrete placing on consolidated fresh conorete ‘Gutdbor ‘it Temperature’ |. Time. Interval Less or equal to 26 degree C | No more than 2.5 hours Wore than 25 degree C No more than 2.0 hours (11) Care will be taken to ensure that reinforcement projecting from concrete recently placed is not shaken or disturbed so as to destroy or damage the initial set of the concrete in contact with i. (12) Workers are not permitted to walk over freshly placed concrete until it has hardened sufficiently to carry their weight without distortion. (03) Conereting in any one part or section of the work will be cartied out in one continuous ‘operation and no interruption of concerning, work will be allowed. (14) Where beams and slabs together form an integral part of the structure, they will be poured in ‘one operation, unless otherwise specified or an approved provision is made to form a construction joint (15) After a beam, wall or column has been cast, an interval of one hour will be allowed before casting the continuous slab. The same applies for all abrupt changes in sections, (16) All vibration, compaction and finishing operations will be completed immediately after the placing of concrete in its final position. 73 COMPACTION OF CONCRETE (1). The compaction is completed immediately after the placing of conerete in its final position with vibrators. @) Vibrators are capable of transmitting vibration to the concrete at frequencies of not less than 4500 impulses per minute (75 Hz) and visibly affecting « properly designed mixture with a 25 ‘mm slump for a distance of at least 45 cm from the vibrator. (3) The concrete will be compacted by mechanical or electromechanical poker vibrators, of a type SY 000124 -cis-i-L4,74 @ g ( approved by the Engineer. Over-vibration of concrete in the formwork by means of vibrators will not be carried out. (4) The poker vibrators have a diameter compatible with the spacing of the reinforcement and will bbe properly handled by experienced personnel. They will be immersed at regular intervals of approximately 10 times the diameter of the vibrator and to such a depth that the fresh concrete will be worked into that previously placed. Care is taken not to displace the reinforcement nor to disturb or affect partially set concrete. Vibrators will not be attached to the reinforcement in tiny circumstances. Each immersion will continue until shortly after air bubbles cease to appear on the surface of the concrete, but will not last more than 30 seconds. The vibrators will be withdrawn gradually and vertically to ensure that no air pockets are formed, (5) The Contractor provides “stand-by” vibrators during all concrete pours. (© The vibrator will be inserted in consolidated concrete layer around 10cm for monolithic property. Small diameter vibrators (around 30mm) are used for the compaction of crowded rebar arranged area. The below table is present plan for vibrators; it will be verified and updated along with actual construction. Table 7-2 Vibrator Plan for box girder and Pylon * Equipments % Note Inverter Vibrator ‘ r Pier Table 3 9 | Cantilever Segment 2 6 | Falsowork supports Segnent 2 9 | Pylon 1-2 +6 var ies by dimension ¥ Snall diameter vibrators are additionally used for crowded rebar arranged area in need, (1) Bleeding water on the top surface of the concrete will be taken away by sponge, waste and dipper. 7.4 CONCRETE FINISHING ‘The top surface of concrete is finished by wooden trowels as first finish. The second finish is carried out by steel trowels. When meteorological phenomena such as high or cold temperature, wind, sunshine are supposed to influence the quality of concrete finishing, concrete will be covered with sheet to prevent the harmful influence. 8. CURING (1) Coring is carried out to obtain sufficient hardening and durability in good condition for hydration keeping temperature and humidity without any harmful fluence (e.g. vibration, @ 000125 -oWs72-14,75 & B wind, sunshine, ete.) 2) Curing agent is sprayed after concrete finishing. The concrete is covered with curing mat after the curing agent spray to obtain good condition for hydration. (B)_ The curing term is planned as follows. Table 8-1 Curine Term Outdoor Air Temperature. Curing Term. & tore than 25 degree C 5 days 10 - 18 degree ¢ 7 days Less than 10 degree ¢ 9 days (4) Freshly placed concrete will be adequately protected from rain, dust storms, chemical attack and the harmful effects of sun, heat, wind, flowing water, vibrations and shocks. It will also be fenced off or otherwise protected to prevent persons ftom walking thereon or articles being placed or thrown thereon. This protection will continue until the concrete is sufficiently set such that it can no longer be damaged by these factors. (5) The Contractor will take all necessary precautions to prevent excessive temperature gradient across any conerete element so as not to cause adverse effects during and after concrete placing, and curing. 9. JOINTS 9.1 GENERAL (1) Joints are limited to the positions indicated on the Drawings and of the type specified. (2) Expansion joints will incorporate in their construction adequate protection against the entry of debris or other material that may interfere with the closing of the joints. (B) Construction joints are detailed on the Drawings and concreting will be carried out continuously at these joints, which will be formed at right angles to the axis of the member. 9.2 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS 9.2.1 General (1) Construction joints will be made only at locations indicated on the Drawings, as specified herein or approved by the Engineer, except in cases of breakdowns or other unforeseen and unavoidable delays, in which case the Engineer will designate if the joint is to be bonded or unbonded. 2) Construction joints in abutment walls, wing-walls, and barrels of box culverts will be placed at intervals not exceeding 10 metres except as otherwise indicated on the Drawings or approved Bf 000126 -os-73-14,76 @ BD by the Engineer. @) The face edges of all joints which are exposed to view will be carefully finished true to line and elevation. Shear keys, formed into or out from the surface of the previously placed concrete or dl. Shear keys formed into the concrete will be formed by the insertion and subsequent removal of beveled wood sttips which will be thoroughly steel dowels, will be used where requ saturated with water prior to insertion. Steel dowels may, at the discretion of the Engineer, be used in lieu of keys. The size and spacing of the keys and dowels will be as determined by the Engineer. (4) Care will be exercised not to injure the concrete or break the concrete-steel bond at any time. In construction bridge floors where longitudinal joints are specified, a platform will be constructed outside the longitudinal joints and supported on the lower slab form, and workmen does not be permitted to stand or walk on the projecting reinforcement bars until the concrete has hardened. 9.2.2 Construction Joints for Pylon (2) Construction joints will be provided in accordance with applicable provisions of Specifications section 8100 and the following: © the Joints will be made on a horizontal line; © assembled forms around all joints will be checked for proper fixing prior to conerete placement and © joints will be completely bonded between the initial and preceding pours ‘with an approved mortar placed at the joint surface. © oras otherwise instructed by the Engineer. 9.2.3 Prestvessing to Construction Joints of Box Girder As the cross section is very slender and wide, racking and/or opening of construction joints are often happens. In particular, because wing deck is distant ftom the stay cable anchorage, the stay force in cantilever construction and prestressing force in pier tables is not uniformly transmitted around the anchorage in the deck. a SSSR SO SRNR 001 2 7 ‘The construction joints of the box girder are stressed by prestressing bars, 6 pieces of bars (932) for typical section, to obtain monolithic connection in cantilever construction area. The prestressing bars are also added to the pier tables to control cracking. 1 pe. of ba(es2) Fig. 9-2 Layout of Prestressing Bars in Tyoical Section ‘The prestressing bars are connected by couplers in each construction joint and stressd in cantilever construction. Fig 9-3 Typical Layout of Prestressing Bars and Their Couplers 9.2.3 Transverse Reinforcement for Construction Joint of Box Girder {As the stress by the constraint of the thermal deformation and shrinkage by existing concrete act on newly cast conorete around construction joint, the new concrete gets often get cracking, ‘Transverse reinforcement is additionally arranged in new concrete around construction joint to control the cracking in the box girder (Fig, 9-4), By the way, additional reinforcement at construction joint of pylon will not be arranged, because the dimension of the cross section of pylon is not large and adequate stirrup is already arranged. This is generally taken in usual practices of the construction of pylons and piers. A 000128 D - 08-75-14.,.78 New Segment: Existing Segment sdie Slae t Stutrd seg: ete 10 MN i DL Construction Joint Fie 9-4 Side View of Reber Layout 9.3 EXPANSION JOINTS (1) Expansion joints will be located and formed as detailed on the Drawings, and as specified herein @)_ Joint filler will be an unextruding and resilient nonbituminous preformed type complying with the requirements of AASHTO-M153; Type I - sponge rubber, Type I cork, or Type HK - self-expanding cork, as approved by the Engineer, @) The joint filler will be cut to the same shape as that ofthe surfaces being jointed. The filler will bbe'fimmly fixed against the surface of the concrete already in place in such a manner that t will not be displaced when concrete is deposited against it. Immediately after form removal, the expansion joints will be carefully inspected, and any concrete or mortar that has sealed across the joint will be neatly cut and removed. & (4). Sealer for joints not coming in contact with bituminous materials will be a two component, cold curing polysulphide liquid polymer as approved by the Engineer. The sealer will be gun grade suitable for both horizontal and vertical joints. Application of approved sealer will be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 10. COUNTERWEIGHT CONCRETE IN THE BOX GIRDER ‘The counter weight concrete in the box girder comprises lean concrete that is cast after the box girder construction. The filled lean concrete will be insulated fiom box gitder by plastic sheet or # 000129 -ws-T6- 14,79 Qp correspondent insulation material to implement the assumption of structural design. rs TSUATON SHEET Fig 10-1 Insulation Sheets between Box Girder Concrete and Lean Concrete 11. METHOD OF PRODUCTION AND PLACEMENT OF HIGH PERFORMANCE, CONBCRETE 1L1 METHOD of PRODUCTION of HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE 11.1.1 Materials (@) Cement Portland cement CEM-1 class 52.5 complying with BS EN 197-1:2000 or Type 1 complying with ASTM C150 will be employed. ) Ageregate ‘The aggregate for all the concrete is the same as above described that is produced from the quarry in KAKIRL (@) Admixture Non air entraining type high range water reducing agent will be employed to obtain excellent cement disperse in the concrete to obtain figh strength and excellent water reducing performance than conventional water reducer. 1L1.2 Mix Proportion ‘The mix proportion for high strength concrete will be determined by trial mixing test. The Trial mixing will be carried out at the batching plant for actual use of this project under the control of concrete management engineer who has licence for concrete engineering issued by govemment and/or academic institute and/or engineering institute. The jal target cube strength for high strength concrete will be determined in accordance with the Specifications 8104-2, TABLE S8-3. When sufficient data are obtained, the target strength will be reviewed by statistical analysis and reported to the Engineer. The reviewed new: target cube strength and mix proportion will be tested by trial mixing test. If ad 000 - cus-77 -1 4,80 130 adequate results are obtained, the Contractor will propose new mix design to the Engineer for review and approval. 11.1.3 Stump The slumps will be determined considering the constructionability for compaction of concrete in the formwork. Generally, the fresh concrete of high performance conerete has low fluidity; the slump should be increased compared with non-high performance concrete. In addition, since the pylons and box girder are rich reinforced members, the slump will be determined taking into consideration of the standard minimum slump of “Recommendation for Mix Design of Fresh Concrete and Construction Placement related Performance Evaluation, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2007, March” as below tables. Table-11, 1 Standard Slump for Colum (USCE Reconmendation) © Oo Teftedtive Convene SPN : aa : Compaction .. | ‘Cover or ininimuin, 6 Retnfoiéenient in the 4 ee = io | Sidindaid: Value of: Q i Work Height: | Spacing of Rebar Neighbourhood of Cover: Minisiuin Shump * é (mn) ©. Conérete 3m-Sm ‘Less than 700kg/m3.— ‘More than Sm 3m -5m More than 700ke/m3 More than Sm — 1Semn ‘Average Unit Reinforcement Sent Vane Minimum Slump Less than 170kp/m3 Vem “| 170kg/m3 - 200ke/m3 “| 36/40 a ison More than 200ke/m3 Special Measure’ —_| ___Lessthan 170kg/m3—— | | | 170kg/m3 ~ 200kg/m3 50 More than 200kg/m3 o Special Measure * Special measure should be considered including self compacting concrete solution. Q/ 000134 - ous-78 -1 4 8 @ In need, execution test will be conducted to examine the slump property to obtain good, constructionability. 11.1.4 Conereting (2) Concreting for Pylon ‘The conorete casting for pylon will be carried out by concrete primping cars and/or tower eranes as described in clause 7.1. ‘As the standard light height of pylon is approximately 4.0m, the free-fall height will be limited as short as possible to prevent the segregation. The concrete casting will be carried out at 1Sm3/hour - 20m3/nour for pylon to avoid making entrapped air hole, The details are the same as described in clause 7.2. ‘The compaction will be conducted using poker vibrators to obtain sound quality of concrete. The details of compaction are the same as described in clause 7.3. (2) Conereting for Box Girder ‘The concrete casting for pylon will be carried out by concrete pumping cars and/or concrete pipeline as described in clause 7. ‘The box girder concreting will be carried out at 15m3/hour - 20m3/hour for lower slab and webs, approximately 30m3/hour for déck slab to prevent entrained ait hole. The first parts of concrete placement will be Lower parts of webs. The second parts of concrete placement will be lower siabs. ‘The third parts of concrete placement will be middle to upper parts of webs. The forth parts of concrete placement will be deck slab and anchor blisters. Fig. 11-1 Concrete placenent sequence of box girder ‘The compaction will be conducted using poker vibrators to obtain sound quality of concrete. The details of compaction are the same as described in clause 73. © Boon ~a8-79-1 4 82 12, COUNTER MEASURE FOR MASS CONCRETE 12.1 GENERAL Since this bridge is large scale structure, some members are categorised to mass conerete members, ‘They need countermeasure to control cracking, The preliminary countermeasure is described below. 12.2 PRELIMINARY COUNTERMIEASURE for MASS CONCRETE, Followings are considered and/or conducted for mass concrete members. (1) Minimum cement content for mix proportion ‘Minimom cement mix proportion will be studied by using high range super plasticiser to minimise the hydration heat; this is fundamental policy for mix proportion, Of course, all the requirements such as compressive strength, workability esc. will be satisfied at the same time. Q) Casting plan of mass concrete ‘The.concrete placement of some members such as pile caps, pier tables cannot be carried out at a time because of their extreme much concrete volumes. The concrete casting has to be decided taking into account the constructionability and crack control. The optimum casting plan will be studied for ‘each mass concrete members that will be cast in plural times. (3) Curing for erack control ‘As curing is very important for crack control, the method of curing and term of curing will be ‘optimised by thermal stress analysis. In need, ligging materials e.g. bubble wrap will be applied to the concrete and/or formwork to mitigate rapid thermal change. (A) Reinforcement for erack control ‘When reinforcement for erack control is effective and reasonable, additional reinforcement will be placed under the approval of the Engineer. (S) Reps Even countermeasures for crack control of mass concrete are taken, cracking will not be eliminated completely in actual practices. The cracks more than allowable limit will be repaired under the approval of the Engineer. val 000133 - WS-00-1 4,83 BD §6. REINFORCING STEEL WORKS 1. MATERIAL, 1.1 REINFORCING BARS ‘All reinforcing steel bars are deformed billet steel and meet the requixements of BS 4449:1997 Grade 460 or equivalent and plain xound xeinforcing bare are provided in accordance with BS 4449:1997 Grade 250 or equivalent as called for in the reinforcing schedule. Testing will be in accordance with BS BN 100021. Unit stress calculations for bars having an area differing by 6 percent or more from the nominal bar area will be made using the measured bar area. 1.2 SPIRALREINFORCEMENT STEEL Spiral reinforcement steel complies with the requirements of ASTM A 615 Grade 280 ‘MPa for spiral reinforcement in reinforced concrete compression members. 1.3 SUBSTITUTION (2) Substitution of different size bars might be used upon specific written approval by the Engineer, and the substitute bars will provide a steel area equal to or larger than that called for on the Drawings. (2) Substitution of number bars not equivalent in area (to mm bars) will be closest number bar in area with spacing adjusted to provide the same area per unit spacing. Substitution of milli: metre bars for bar sizes not readily available from the Contractor's source may be made on the same basis, All bar substitutions will be ¢ ¢ approved by the Engineer in writing. 1.4 WELDED STEEL WIRE FABRIC Welded steel wire fabric complies with the requirements of AASHTO M56 or equivalent and as indicated on the Drawings. Welded fabric will be placed as recommended by the Concrete Reinforcing Steel. Institute (CRSI) Manual of Standard Practices. Construction 2. HANDLING AND PLACING REINFORCEMENT ‘All reinforcement steel will be protected as far as practicable from mechanical injury or surface deterioration, from rusting or other causes from thé time of shipment until it is M% B 000134 - ois-81-1 4,84 placed. Reinforcement steel stored at the site will be laid on wooden floors or sille suitably spaced so that no reinforcement steel will be laid upon or eome in contact with the ground. When the weather is dry and the time for storage before installation is limited, housing mould be omitted, but if ‘ny or exceptionally humid weather occurs or is anticipated, bars will be stored under cover. 3. STEEL QUALITY AND SUPPLY () Representative samples of all reinforcement steel that the Contractor proposes to use in the Works will be submitted, before work is commenced, to the Engineer for his written approval, together with manufacturer's certificates stating clearly for each sample the place of manufacture, expected date and size of deliveries to the Site, and all relevant details of composition, manufacture, strengths and other qualities of the steel. (2) All testing of reinforcement steel bars satisfy the requirements and specification limits of the BS designation for the particular size, grade and any additional requirements. 4. BAR LISTS AND BENDING DIAGRAMS ‘The Contractor will provide detailed bar lists and bending diagrams to the Engineer for review and approval. Fabrication of material will not begin until such lists have been approved. The approval of bar lists and bending diagrams will in no way relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the correctness of such lists and diagrams. 5. FABRICATION 5.1 BENDING Bar reinforcement will be cut and bent to the shapes shown on the plans. Fabrication tolerances are in accordance with ACI 315 or equivalent. Ail bars are be bent cold, unless otherwise permitted. Bars partially embedded in concrete will not be field bent except as shown on the plans or specifically permitted, 5.2 HOOKS and BEND DIMENSIONS. ‘The dimensions of hooks and the diameters of bends measured on the inside of the bar will be as v re ie ~ OWS-82 “14 85 shown on the plans. When the dimensions of hooks or the diameter of bends are not shown, they are in accordance with Division I, Article 8.23 or ACI 318 or equivalent, “Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete”. 5.3 BENDING AND ANCHORAGE (1). Each reinforcement steel bar will be cut and bent to the dimensions specified on the Drawings. For some structures the number and length of bars may need measuring on site to be in accord with the dimensions of the structure, @) For bending of reinforcement steel bars, the recommendations of the manufacturer will be adhered to in each case. All bars will be bent cold. All reinforcement steel requiring bending will be bent in accordance with American Concrete Institute procedures or equivalent unless otherwise detailed. Bars partially embedded in concrete will not be bent except as indicated on the Drawings or otherwise permitted. Qualified men will be employed for cutting and bending, and proper appliances will be provided for such work. 6, WIXING OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL, (1) The reinforcement stee! will be assembled to the shapes and dimensions es indicated on the Drawings. The rods will be of the cross-sectional areas indicated and will be fixed idly and accurately in the forms in the positions indicated on the Drawings. The rods will be firmly bound together at intersections of rods to ensure that the reinforcement steel framework as a ‘whole will retain its shape, and the framework will be so temporarily supported as to retin its correct position in the forms during the process of depositing and consolidating the concrete. The end of all tying wires will be turned into the main body of the concrete and not allowed to project towards the surface. Spacing blocks will be of precast concrete of strength at least equal to that of concrete being placed. They will be as small as practicable and will be securely fixed in position by means of wires cast into them. They will be soaked with water immediately prior to concreting. 2) No temporary metal supports to the reinforcement steel will be employed to be incorporated in the finished concrete, and metal clips or supports will not be placed in contact with forms for exposed surfaces. (3) Attthe time of concreting, all reinforcement stee! will have been thoroughly cleaned and freed from all loose rust, scale, mud, oil or any other coatings that might destroy or reduce:the bond and it will also have been cleaned of all set or partially set concrete which may have been v HY ponte - oys-ag -1 4» 86 -\ deposited thereon during the placing of a previous lift of concrete. (4) The placing of all reinforcement steel bars will be checked by the Engineer and in no case is concrete to be placed around any reinforcement steel that has not been approved by the Engineer. Th be carried out. Reinforcement steel temporarily left projecting from the concrete at the joints insertion of bars into or the removal of bars from concrete already placed will not will not be bent without the prior approval of the Engineer. (5) Dowels will project a minimum of 40 times the bars’ diameters unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. Metal supports which extend to the surface will not be used. (© Main reinforcement steel carrying determinate stresses will be spliced only where indicated on the Drawings or on approved shop drawings. (2) The minimum spacing centre to centre of parallel bars will be 2.5 times the diameter of the bar, but in no case will the clear distance between the bars be less than 1.5 times the maximum size of the coarse aggregate, (8) Bundle reinforcement steel bars will be tied together at not more than 1.80 m centres. (9) Alll reinforcement steel will have a clear coverage as indicated on the Drawings or specified herein. (10) Cover, Bar Sizes and Spacing. (11) The cover to reinforcement steel, general limits on bar sizes and spacing of bars will be as indicated on the Drawings. (12) The reinforcement steel bars will be assembled with non-metallic spacers. No metallic object will be placed in the cover concrete unless it is not corrosion protected, (03) When erection bars is used in the cover concrete for reinforcement assembly, corrosion protected bars, e.g. epoxy coated reinforcement steel bars, will be used y Va/ 000137 -os-o- 14,87 QD cc 7. SPLICING OF BARS 7.4. GENERAL All reinforcement will be furnished in full lengths indicated on the drawings unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Except for splices shown on the plans and splices for 16mm or smaller bars, splicing of bars will not be carried out without written approval by'the Engineer. Splices will be staggered as far as possible. 7.2. LAPPED SPLICES Lapped splices will be of the lengths shown on the plans. If not shown on the plans, the length of lapped splices will be in accordance with BS5400-4 In lapped splices, the bars will be placed and wired. in such a manner as to maintain the minimum distance to the surface of the concrete shown on the plans. 7.3 WELDED SPLICES “Welded splices will be used only if detailed on the plans or if the Engineer in writing makes an authorization. Welding conforms to the Structural Welding Code: Reinforcing Steel, AWS D1.4 of the American Welding Society and applicable special provisions. 7.4 MECHANICAL COUPLER SPLICES Splices made with mechanical couplers will be used only if preapproved or detailed on the plans or authorized in writing by the Engineer. Such couplers will develop in tension or compression, as required at least 125 percent of the specific yield strength of the bar. ‘When requested by the Engineer, up to two field splices out of each 100, or portion thereof, pleced in the work and chosen at random by the Engineer, will be removed by the Contractor and tested to 125 percent of the specified yield strength by the Engineer. 8. SPLICING OF MESH OR MATS Sheets of mesh or ber mat reinforcement will be spliced by overlapping cach other sufficiently to maintain a uniform strength and will be securely fastened at the ends and edges. The edge lap does not be less than one mesh in width plus 50 mm. a BY 000138 -os-05- 14,88 ZB §7. FORM WORKS 1. DESIGN (2) The Contractor will submit shop and working drawings, calculations, materials and ‘manufactured goods, to the Engineer for approval at least 2 months before construction of the forms. (2) The shop and working drawings will show the proposed details of construction such as sizes of members, spacing of bents, posts, studs, wales, stringers, collars, bolts, wedges, bracing, rate of pour, and the manufacturer's recommended safe working capacity of all form ties and eolurma clasps. All assumptions, dimensions, material properties and other data used in making the structural analysis, ill be noted on the shop drawings. Upon request, the Contractor will furnish copies of the design calculations to the Engineer for examination as a condition for approvel (3) In the event retarding admixtures are to employed, their effect will be duly considered during the calculation of the lateral pressures of the fresh concrete, Besides the weight of the formwork and freshly placed conorete, the design loads will include the weight of workmen, equipment, runways and impact, which together should be taken as not less than 250 Kg/m2 of horizontal projection, Braces and shoring should be designed to resist all foreseeable lateral loads. (4) When prefabricated formwork, shoring or scaffolding units are used, the manufacturer's recommendations for allowable loads may be followed if supported by test reports or successful experience records. For materials which will experience substantial reuse, reduced allowable load values may be required. (5) The design of the formwork will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor and the strutting, and bracing of the formwork will be such that there will be no harmful deformation of the forms under the weight of the plastic concrete, or due to methods adopted for the placing and compacting thereof, or due to any incidental loading. No accessory for supporting the formwork or stagings will be built into the permanent structure except with the Engineer's approval. © Formwork will be designed for vertical loads lateral pressures i accordance with ACT 347. In addition, the formwork will be constructed to provide completed concrete surfaces complying with the tolerances specified therein, : Ny A oooiss - as-a6- 1 4,89 D fy 2. TYPES All formworle will be fabricated in accordance with one or other of the types described hereunder unless otherwise required by Drawings or other Specifications sections. (1) Wrought Formwork ‘The surface i$ tooled or wrought and the formwork will be constructed of steel or plywood or plastics or planed and dressed timber or undressed timber or undressed timber lined with and approved fibreboard, Plywood has a thickness of not less than 12 mr, 2) Lined Formwork Formwork will be made of sawn tongued-and-grooved timber boards, each of the same thickness and width unless otherwise described herein or in other parts of the Contract Documents. On the vi lined as desoribed herein. le outer surfaces of walls the boards will be vertical except where the formwork will be Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, the front (exposed) faces of wingwalls, retaining walls, and abutments will have lined forms to result in the surface texture as approved by the Engineer. Before ordering form liners, the Contractor Will submit sample form liner panels, minimum of SO em by 50 om, for approval of the Engineer. The surface texture treatment produced by the form liners is similar to a medium sandblast where the maximum depth of penetration is approximately 3 mm, @)_ Sawn Formwork Forniwork for unexposed concrete surfaces may be of timber as sawn at the mill. Boards will be of the same width. Outer surfaces of walls will be formed so that the boards to be vertical, 3. CONSTRUCTION (1). The formwork will be constructed accurately to represent the shape of the concrete as detailed on the Drawings. It be of suitable design and substantial construction and be approved by the Engineer. The Contractor will make any necessary adjustments to allow for shrinkage, settlement or deflection which may occur during construction so that the finished concrete sections conform accurately to the specified dimensions true to line, level and camber. (@) Wooden boards will be fixed with such openings between the individual boards that they will close completely after the wetting, which will proceed the concreting, )_ Unless otherwise required by the Engineer, Class F-1 Blinding Concrete will be placed to a minimum depth of 10 centimetres in the foundation of footings of structures to provide a ‘working platform and to protect the stability of the foundation soils. The area will be sufficient to provide support for formwork. @ A 000140 a - ous-87-14,90 DD (4) Forms for all surfaces which will not be completely enclosed or hidden below the pemmanent surfaces of the ground or for surfaces where plywood forms are not specified, will be made of surfaced lumber or material which will provide a surface at least equally satisfactory. Any lumber or material which becomes warped or checked prior to placing of the concrete will be rejected. (5) Forms for all exposed surfaces will be constructed with new plywood or metal or plastics on the face of the form that will be in contact with the concrete, The surfaces of these forms will be maintained equal to the new surfaces at all times as needed to produce the desired concrete surface. (©) Allexposed sharp edges will be chamfered with triangular fillets not less than 2. cm by 2em to prevent mortar runs and to preserve smooth, straight lines, unless otherwise directed by the ( Engineer. The triangular fillets or chamfer strips will be milled from clear, straight grain lumber and will be surfaced on all sides. Curved surfaces will be formed of plywood, metal, or other suitable material. (1)..Form clamps or bolts will be used to fasten forms. Bolts or form clamps will be positive in action and will be of sufficient strength and number to prevent spreading of the forms. Lifting, anchors may be installed in precast members. Bolts, form clamps and lifting anchors will be of such type that they can be entirely removed or cut back 2 cm or more below the finished surfaces of the concrete, leaving no metal within 3 om of the concrete surface. All forms for the outside surfeces will be constructed with stiff wales at right angles to the studs and all form clamps will extend through and fasten such wales. (8) No conerete will be deposited in the forms until all work connected with constructing the forms and placing all reinforcing steel, ducts, anchorages, or prestressing steel has been completed for z the unit to be poured and the Engineer has given written approval of said forms, reinforcing steel, ducts, anchorages, or prestressing steel. (9) Drainage holes and weep holes will be constructed as detailed on the Drawings. Forms for weep holes will be as approved by the Engineer. (10) The Contractor will install in the formwork required inserts, anchors, expansion joint elements, sleeves, and other items specified under other Subsections of the Specification and will coordinate installation with other trades in the proper location of such items. Ends of piping and sleeves embedded in concrete will be closed with caps or plugs. (11) Forms and scaffoldings will not be removed without the approval of the Engineer. Blocks and bracing will be removed at the same time as the forms and in no case will any portion of the ‘wood forms be left in the concrete. Forms used on exposed vertical faces will remain in place for periods which will be determined by the Engineer.and will not be removed earlier than 3 days in principle. Supporting scaffoldings and forms under slabs, beams and girders will Y 000141 - ous-28 -1 4, OF ZB normally remain in place until the full required strength of the concrete has been obtained. If a shorter period is required, this may be permitted by the Engineer. In such special cases, test specimens will be cast to control hardening. All structures will be fully stripped before superjacent structures are cast. (12) To facilitate finishing, forms used for parapets, barriers, and exposed vertical surfaces will be removed in not less than 24 hours nor more than 48 hours, depending on weather conditions. (13) No metallic object for formwork fixing will be placed in the cover concrete. 4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (1). The inside surfaces of forms will, except for permanent formwork, or unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, will be coated with a release agent approved by the Engineer. Release agents ¢ will be applied st ly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and will not come into contact with the reinforcement or prestressing tendons and anchorages: Different release agents will not be used in formwork to concrete which will be visible in the finished Works. (2) Immediately before conereting, all forms will be thoroughly cleaned out. A oao142 : - ons-89-1 4,99 B&B 5, GEOMETRIC ACCURACY OF BOX GIRDER, AAs the bridge has slender gitder and asymmetric layout of the stays and girder, the geometric control of the girder is very important. In particular, the deck level is greatly affected by thermal influence and change of structural shape during construction. Following solutions are employed.to obtain accurate deck level (1) The camber adjustment calculation is conducted advance, to the superstructure construction taking into account the construction procedure and the constuction schedule. (2) The influence analysis of thermal change is also conducted for thermal adjustment. (3) The temperature of the box girder (web and deck slab), stay and atmosphere are monitored. The geometry of the deck is also monitored by automatic tracking total station. (4) The adjustment for thermal change is calculated by the monitored data and thermal influence analysis. (5) The survey works of the deck and pylons will be conducted early in the morning or non-shiny condition to decrease thermal influence. © The camber adjustment before concrete casting will be conducted by above solution. (7) The final adjustment of the deck level is conducted by stay cable adjustment after closure of the main span considering stress of the box girder, the pylons and the stay cables. Ve oor - ois-90 -1 4 93 §8 STAY CABLE INSTALLATION 1. MATERIALS 1.1 MATERIALS of STAY CBLE STRAND ‘The quality of stay cable strand is verified on following items for each manufactured length or 10 tonnes basically in accordance with “Recommendations for stay cable design, testing and installation, Fifth Edition” of Post-Tensioning Institute, hereinafter called “PTI Recommendations” @) Minimum ultimate tensile stress: f,= 1860 MPa Q) Minimum yield stress: f= 0.90f's @) Elastic modulus E= 197,000 MPa 25% (4) Duetility ‘The ductility is verified by “One Pin Test” as outlined in “PTI Recommendations”. (©) Fatigue and static strength: Fatigue and static strength is verified by the test described in “PTI Recommendations”, clause 3221 B, © Corrosion Prior to the shipment from the manufacturer, all strands is checked for corrosion free as described in “PTI Recommendations”, clause F. 1.2. HDPE COATING (EDPE CORROSION PROTECTION) Cable sheathing for each individual parallel strand cable is high density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic pipe conforming to ASTM F 714 and to the “PTI Recommendations”. ‘The HDPE coating is extruded around the strand and the protective filler. It is tightly follow the outer contour of the strand, and have @ minimum thickness of 1.5 mm (-0, +0.25). The final thickness of the HDPE strand coating will be such that the outer diameter of the coated strand does @ HY 000144 -ous-1- 14,94 A not exceed 19.7 mm. The stay cable supplier will demonstrate that no eracking of the HDPE coating shall occur due to stress variations Atleast one of each of the following noted test will be carried out per each unit of production. A) Testing and quality control 1) Chemical Resistance The chemical resistance of the sheathing will be evaluated in accordance with ASTM standard G20 by immersing coated strands in each of the follow © 43M aqueous solution of CaCh, © 43M aqueous solution of NaOH, and © a solution saturated with CA (OH):. © In addition, to simulate cementitious grout, an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide and an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide shall be utilized for this test. © Tests, with specimens without damage to the sheathing and specimens with intentional 0.25-in (6.4 mm) diameter holes drilled through the sheathing, shall be performed at 24 + °C. © Minimum test time shall be 45 days. Acceptance criterion is that the polyethylene must not soften, crack, or be visually deteriorated and that intentionally made holes shall exti no undercutting during the 45-day period. 2) Chloride Permeal ty Test ‘The chloride permeability characteristics of the films of cured coating having, the minimum thickness as proposed for use will be measured by the methods outlined in FHWA-RD-74-018. @ The test shall be performed at 24 +2. °C for 45 days. © The accumulative concentration of chloride ion permeating through the film shall be less than 1x 10M. 3) Impact Test ‘The resistance of a strand sheathing to mechanical damage will be determined by the falling weight test © A test apparatus similar to that described in ASTM G14 will be used along with a 4-16 (1.8-kg) top. © Impact will occur on the crown areas of the sheathed strand. © The test will be performed at room temperature. ql ~ cus-92 -1 4,95 “ 000145 © With an impact of 80-in-Ibf (9N.m), no shattering, cracking, of sheathing will occur except at the impact area, that is, the area permanently deformed by the tup. 4) Abrasion Resistance Test The resistance of the strand sheathing to abrasion will be determined by the falling sand method of ASTM D968 adopted for testing sheathed strand. The net loss of sheathing shall not exceed 10 mils (0.25mm) per 1,000 L. 1.3 PROTECTIVE FILLER The protective filler compound is corrosion inhibiting grease, a petroleum wax or an approved equivalent. Suitable measures will be teken to ensure that the protective filler (with provided spacers) will fill the inter-wire voids, and the voids between the outer wires and the strand sheathing. ‘The weight of grease or wax per unit length of strand is a minimum of 12 grams/metre length of strand, (A) Testing and Quality Control © For each unit of production, the weight of the filler shall be confitmed by testing a known length of strand, © The test procedure shall consist of weighing a length of strand, which has been cut longitudinally and measured to the nearest millimetre, and weighing the cleaned and degreased wires and HDPE sheath. 1.4 STAY CABLE SHEATHING @) General Requirements © Stay cable outer sheathing consists of polyethylene (HDPE) pipe conforming to the requirements as noted herein, © Procedures for packaging, handling and shipping the pipe ensures the pipe will not be damaged when delivered to the site. © Due to high level of risk of rai and wind induced vibration, the HDPE sheathing will incorporate a double helical rib which shall be incorporated onto the external surface of the sheathing by lap joints with fusion welds, or by continuous extrusion of the whole pipe during fabrication of the sheath. © The lower part of the stay cable sheath, immediately above the deck anchorage, is protected by an anti-vandalism steel casing. Details of the steel casing and of the proposed 4 ¥ # ooorss - "_cys-o3 -1 4.96 aH connection details with the anchorage and with the main body of the HDPE sheathing will be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval. (2) Sheath Colouring Prior to commencing with initial manufacturing of sheathing, the Contractor will submit details of the proposed sheathing colouring to the Engineer for approval. These will be submitted along with test evidence of the colored sheathing's resistance against ultraviolet degradation and color change for a iminimum of 15 years. The specified color, as approved by the Engineer, will be achieved by either: © Fully coloured HDPE pipes, with UV stabilizer or © HDPE pipe obtained by the extrusion method in which a coating of colored polyethylene is extruded over a white HDPE (8) Testing and Quality Control © HDPE pipe sheathing meets specific cell category requirements for class PE 324433 and class PE 335534 materials as defined by Table 1 of ASTM D3350 as well as requirements specified under Section 5.7.2 of “FIB Bulletin 30 Recommendations for Acceptance of Stay Cable Systems using Prestressing Steels.”The acceptable criteria for the primary properties for the PE materials are as follows. (refer to Table | in ASTM D 3350) roperty, ‘ASEM Test Method Value. Density, e/on? 01505. 0.941 ~ 0.965 Welt Index, ¢/10 min D128 Max of 1.0 Flexural nedulus, N/mm 0790) 550 - 7100 Tensile Strength at Yield, Wat 0 638 2 - 2B Environsental Stress D 1609 1 Grack Resistance. Fig hrs (Condition ©) Hydrostatic Desien Basis, N/m? 2837 086 - 1.10 © A manufacturer's certification clearly stating that the material meets specification requirements along with certified results of tests required in accordance with this specifications section will be furnished for each shipment of sheathing © Verification tests will be performed on each size of pipe used. Samples for verification testing shall consist of one 2-metre length of pipe per size thickness per 1000 metre (@) Sheathing Joints va oG0147 - os-4 -1 4,97 BD © The required length of the HDPE pipe will be obtained by continuous extrusion or by fusion welding. Fusion welding of the HDPE pipe will be performed in accordance with ASTM D 2657. The Contractor will submit samples to qualify the fusion welding procedure. The samples shall consist of three (3) metre lengths of pipe per each pipe size thickness. © Stay cable sheath joints, at the ends of the stay cable will be permanently sealed on site by an Electro-fusion welding procedure, incorporating electric welding of bands within the Joint. The details of the Electro-fusion system will be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval. © Welded joints are capable of developing the full yield strength of the pipe cross section, i 1.5 NEOPRENE BOOTS AND DAMPERS (®) General Requirements © . The stays accommodate the effects of rotation at anchorages under both static and dynamic loads. Neoprene boots, dampers as a spacer or similar devices will be installed at each anchorage to limit the local effects of rotation so that the combined stress in flexure and axial tension shall not exceed 56% of the characteristic breaking stress of the strand. The characteristic breaking stress of a strand is defined as the specified characteristic-breaking, load divided by the nominal area. © “Neoprene boots and dampers as a spacer will be manufactured from 100% virgin chloroprene (neoprene). The sole polymer is 100% virgin chloroprene, which comprises no less than 60% by volume of total compound. The neoprene material complies with the following requirements (ASTM C864 as amended herein): ~ Property Method of Test Physical Requirenents Hardness, Duronster A a0 W=5 =-| Uitinste Elongation nia | O412, Die 760 Tensile Strength, in, D4i?, Die ¢ 17.0 Wa Tear Resistance, ain. DE, Die C 10.0 Vi | Coepression Set = 22hrs at 70] paps "7 S,max. Gzone Resistant, 208 SEraIM | oy 49 Wo visible cracking after 100 at 40% £1 °C, {pom hours Wax. permissible henge in properties Aecelerated Test, 70h, — Hardness 4 Duroneter 100 * Tensile Strength 10%, Tensile Strain ~ 18%, max. Elongation’~40¥, max. 900148 -as-95-7 4,98 @ (2) Testing and Quality Control From every 250 kg of mixed neoprene material, three random material samples will be collected and tested for conformance to the requirements as noted in the above table by an independent testing, laboratory approved by the Engineer. Any batch of material represented by a sample, which fails to comply with the requirements herein, is not incorporated in the Works. 1.6 STAY CABLI ANCHORAGE @) General 1) Materials, accessory and assembly requirements of these specifications is in accordance with and make reference to relevant AASHTO and ASTM, or equivalent requirements and clearly indicate such reference by standard designation number(s). 2) The stay cable anchorage system is a parallel strand system, 3) Stay cable anchorage is in accordance with acceptance criteria specified in Section 3, 4 and 6 of “PTI Recommendations” 4) The level of protection within the anchorage assembly devices is consistent with the level of protection required in the stay cables. 5) Anchorage and fixings is capable of providing at least a minimum tensile force equal to 92% of actual ultimate tensile strength of steel or 95% of guaranteed ultimate tensile strength of steel , whichever is greater, and elongation at maximum force of not less than 1.5% of the specimen length between bearing plates (cf fib bulletin 30 - Acceptance of stay cable systems using prestressing steels, 6) The stay anchorage system and devices are able to carry out strand-by-strand replacement of stay cables may be accomplished, 7) All exposed steel parts of the cable stay system receive a minimum protection in accordance with the following: = For anchor blocks, transition pipes, anchorage nuts - Bichromatic electrolytic galvanization, or equivalent = For protection caps, deviators, bearing, plats, steel guide pipe, anti-vandalism tubes - 550 ‘p/m? galvanization (plus paint if required) 8) To prevent any fretting corrosion, the anchoring system and system components are such that the steel strands of the stay cables are not in contact with any other, steel elements, except in the jaws of anchoring devices. 9) The Contractor will submit documentation to the Engineer for review and approval that shows the reduction of flexural stress vibrations in anchorage devices under stay oscillations at cable v P sooraa - cis-96 -1 4 89 B transition zones. @)_ Drayvings, Calculations and Testing 1) Prior to commencing with any stay cable work, the Contractor will submit to the Engineer for review and approval: © Complete anchorage assembly drawings clearly detailing the sizes and types of anchorage uused in the construction, with all dimensions and details of all components including bearing plates, steel guide pipe, steel flanges, deviates and guides. 2) Prior to commencing with any stay cable work the Contractor will propose a complete test program to verify the design and performance of the cable system with anchorage devices. The test program shall detail full instrument, testing, and monitoring requirements. The program will be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval. (3) Fatigue Testing of Anchorage System Acceptance of the anchorage system will be based on fatigue and ultimate strength of fully assembled cables. Test parameters and acceptahce criteria are as detailed in Section 4.2 of the “PTI Recommendations”. ‘The fatigue testing of anchorage system will be carried out ata laboratory approved by the Engineer and in accordance with the following: 1) One complete fully assembled stay cable specimen will be fabricated for testing. The specimen is fully representative of all details and procedures for enchorage production. The required number of the specimens has been reduced from Section 4.2 of the PT] Recommendations &F ooorso -ous-97-14,100 @ above. 2) Stay cables will be tested with complete load bearing appurtenances and assemblies including dampers, protective sheathing and strand deviators. 3) The method of construction and assembly of the cable and socket to be tested is the same as that ‘used in the structure. Active anchorage and a passive anchorage will be included. 4) The number of tests to be conducted will be as instructed by the Engineer with consideration for past stay cable test results on the material, If, in the opinion of the Engineer, past testing does not establish satisfactory results, the tests will be conducted at the Contractor's expense. (A) Leak Testing of Anchorage System 1) Leak test ‘The leak testing of anchorage system will be conducted in accordance with “PTI Recommendations”, C 416.1. ‘One fully assembled stay cable anchorage, complete with transition zone, a minimum of one meter of free length, and all caps and seals, coatings and coverings that will be installed in the actual application shall be subjected to a leak test as defined below. - The specimen shall be the smallest stay cable anchorage assembly tested under the provisions of “PTI Recommendations”, 4.2, but shall not be subjected to the ultimate tensile test after the fatigue test. - All connections, clamps, caps, seals, adhesives, coatings or other corrosion protection details that will be subjected to stress in the loaded cable shall be installed on the specimen before it is subjected to the fatigue test under “PTI Recommendations”, 4.2. = Grease caps, strand caps, or other seals at the rear of the anchorage that are,not subject to live Joad stress or strain may be omitted from the fatigue test and added to the cable for the corrosion test, provided that they will be added to the installed cable after stressing in the field. = Special sealers, taps, clamps or other devices that will not be part of the installed cable may not bbe used for leak test. 2) Preparation ~The specimen shall be placed in-a chamber so that the anchorage assembly, transition zone, and all connections between the transition zone and fiee length of cable are subjected to not less than 3m head of water and dye solution, ~The solution shall contain 3% by volume of red dye #2 = Head may be applied by static measure or pumping. ~ Ifthe fatigue assemblies are cut in the free length to produce the specimen for this leak test, the free end of the specimen shall be sealed against leakage. - This free end need’ not be subjected to the leak test, provided the required head can ‘be v hoo0151 - cus-8 -1 4,109 @ established at the level of the transit mn connection as noted above, 3) Testing ~ The test specimen shall be subject to the required head of red dye solution for a continuous period of 96 hours. - AT the end of this period, the specimen shall be removed from the test solution and immediately subject to destructive examination in accordance with “PTI Recommendations”, 41.7 4) Accepted criteria ~ The tested anchorage assembly shall be dissected to inspect the strands for signs of dye. = Specimens will be acceptable if visual inspection shows that dye has not reached the strands. ‘The above testing procedures notwithstanding, all elements of the specified corrosion protection system shall be inspected during and at the end of bridge construction, and shall be totally intact as the bridge construction phase is completed. (©) Example of stay eable acceptance test report of SEEE FUT/H System The example of stay cable acceptance test report of SEEE FUT/H System is shown from next page. ~ aWs-99- 7 4 ,TG2 G SE Corporation 250993 Final Report for 15.7-73 Stay Cable Acceptance Test Date: January 5, 2009 ‘Submitted by: Gary. Q. Gan, Ph.D., PLE. 2 CTLGroup 5400 Old Orchard Road ‘Skokie, Illinois 60077-1030 (847) 986-7500 www.CTLGroup.com CTLGRoup i -ons-too- 7 4,108 a) CTOGROup Suikna Knawedge,Debefog els. CONSTRUCTION TecHNOLOGY LasoRaTOnES, Encinéets & ConstRUCTION Tecanolocy Consusratis wn. TLG00p.com January §, 2009 Hiroshi Yamaguchi Research and Development SE Corporation Shinjuku I-Land Wing 6-3-1 Nishi-Shijuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, 160-0023 Japan \al Report for SEC 18.7-73 Stay Cable Acceptance Test (CTLGroup Project #: 260993) Dear Mr. Yamaguchi: This final report contains the cable acceptance test results for 18.7-73 cable specimen, ‘Thank you for the opportunity to serve SEC. Please contact me with any questions you may have regarding these test results. Sincerely, Ce ’ Gary (Quan) Gan, Ph.D., P.E. Structural and Transportation Laboratory Project Manager QGan@CTLGroup.com Phone: (847) 972-3332 Main otfee; 5400.04 Orchard Road. Skokie, Winks 60077-1000 Phone: 847-965-700 Fax: 647-866:8541 Mis. atte Ofe:, 9030 Red Branch Road, Sue 110 Columbia, Meylens 21045-2003 Phone: 410-987-0400 Fax. 410.097.8400 7 000154 -os-11- 14,104 @ SE Corporation Page | of 37 CTLGreup Project No. 260893 January §, 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Page 4. INTRODUCTION 2 1.4 General. 2 1.2 Specimen 2 4.3 Test Equipment 4 1.4 Specification for Cable Acceptance Tests. . 4 2. CABLE SPECIMEN ASSEMBLY 7 2.1 Test Setup. 7 2.2 Data Acquisition ... 9 3. FATIGUE AND TENSILE TEST. 11 3.1 Mono-strand Tensile Tests... it 3.2 Fatigue Test Loading Sequence and Results "1 3.3 Tensile Test Resi... 12 3.4 Inspection after Fatigue and Tensile Test 14 4, LEAK TEST. —_— 7 4.1 Water Tank.. 17 4.2 Leak Test Setup......... 7 4.3 Leak Test Results... 18 4.4 Inspection after Leak Test. 20 5. SUMMARY. 22 Appendix A: Mill Certificate provided by SEC Appendix B: Wax Properties Appendix C: MSDS and Property Sheet for Red Dye Solution Appendix D: Calibration Sheet for Column Load Cells CTUGROuP since a 2p 000155 - cus-102-1 4,905 D SE Corporation Page 2 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 5, 2009 CABLE ACCEPTANCE TEST 1. INTRODUCTION 4.4 GENERAL CTLGroup was retained by SE Corporation (SEC) to perform one fatigue test followed by tensile test and leak test. This document reports the test results of cable specimen, which was composed of seventy-three (73) HDPE-coated15.7 mm nominal diameter strands. L.2SPECIMEN The cable specimen was supplied and assembled by SE Corporation with the assistance of CTL staff in CTL Structural Laboratory in Skokie, Illinois. ‘The specification of the mono-strands installed in the cable specimen is listed below: Manufacturer : Kiswire LTD Nominal Diameter 15.7 mm Nominal Area 150 mm? Nominal Ultimate Load 2 279 KN Nominal Strength, 1860 MPa The lension of the cable specimen installed in the test frame is presented in Fig. 1-1. The length of the cable specimen between both sides of bearing plates is 5,427.6 mm (213.7 inch). Fig. 1-2 and Fig. 1-3 show the dimension of adjustable and fixed anchorages, respectively. ‘The anchorages were manufactured by SE Corporation. The detail information of anchor heads and wedges is listed below: Anchor Head: Standard JIS G 4105 SCM 440 Diameter: © 420 mm (Adjustable side) © 505 mm (Fixed side) Length £170 mm (Adjustable side) 190 mm (Fixed side) CTLGroup Sint Oo Red (Zo 000156 - cis-103-1 4,106 D ‘SE Corporation Page 3 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 5, 2008 Wedge: Standard —_: JIS G 4052 SNCM 420H Diameter: 30 mm Length 245 mm he et dn) aoa) ee Fig. 1-1 Dimension of cable specimen (unit: mm). Adjustable Anchodrage 163 1095 | Fig. 1-2. Dimension of adjustable anchorage (unit: mm). eTt)grour_ @? 000157 - casa 4 LOT go os ‘SE Corporation Page 4 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 5, 2009 Fixed Anchodrage 46 1.3 TEST EQUIPMENT The dimension of the test equipment used in the fatigue and tensile test is shown below: Dynamic load capacity 16,000 kN Static load capacity 242,600 KN Distance between heads ‘6,400 mm ~ 8,000 mm Maximum stroke + 250 mm Distance between bearing plates 6,000 mm Hydraulic ram outside diameter 2 1220 mm Hydraulic piston area 7742 cmt 1.4.SPECIFICATION FOR CABLE ACCEPTANCE TESTS ‘The fatigue and tensile test were executed in accordance with fib Bulletin 30: Acceptance of stay cable systems using prestressing steels (2005). Upon the client's request, the same cable specimen for the fatigue and tensile test will be tested in according with the leak test requirements in PT! Recommendations for Stey Cable Design, Testing and Installation (4° edition, 2001). €TULGRoup ine Dd Ree co ‘A 000158 = cus-105 -1 4 J 08 GQ ry ‘SE Corporation Page 5 of 37 CTLGroup Project No, 250993 January §, 2008 The basic requirements for fatigue, tensile and ieak test are described as follows. 1) 2) 3) 4) 9 6) n 8) Section of fib Bulletin 30, “The stay cable anchorages shall be supported on wedge-shaped shim plates with an angle a= 10 mrad and oriented such as to create an S-shaped cable profile. Section of fib Bulletin 30, “The specimen is subjected to a fatigue test with two million load cycles at an upper load of 45% GUTS" and for strand stay cable, the axial stress range is 200 MPa.” and "After completion of the fatigue test, the same specimen shall be subjected to an axial tensile test.” Section of fib Bulletin 30, a le test, not more than 2% of the actual number of wires, rounded to the next whole number, if the total number of wires is 100 or more. Section of fb Bulletin 30, "No failure shall occur in the anchorage materials, or in any component of the anchorage during the fatigue test. This includes cracks of welds ‘and bolls in the anchorage and at connections to the anchorage pipe.” ‘Section of fib Bulletin 30, "The stay cable specimen shall develop a minimum tensile force equal to 92% AUTS or 95% GUTS, whichever is greater, and an elongation at maximum force 6f not less than 1.5% of the specimen length between bearing plates.” Section fb Bulletin 30, "No failure shall occur in the anchorage material or in anchorage components up to 95% GUTS or 92% AUTS. This requirement does no! apply to cracking of wedges.” Section of fib Bulletin 30, "Presence of corrosion on the tensile elements found during the dissection of the specimen shall be submitted to the Designer for evaluation In order to be acceptable, the signs of corrosion on the tensile elements shall be fully removable by wiping with a soft untreated cotton cloth. Any pitting corrosion shalll be cause for rejection.” Section of PTI Recommendations, “One fully assembled stay cable arichorage, complete with transition zone, a minimum of one meter of free length, and all seals, coatings and coverings that will be installed in the actual application shall be subjected toaleak test’ €T)GRoup nate Cage wmcTiGompsee . A 000159 cus-106 1 4. 109 @ SE Corporation Page 6 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250983 January 5, 2009 9) Section of PTI Recommendations, “The specimen shall be the smallest slay cable anchorage assembly tested under the provisions of Section 4.2, but shall not be subjected to the ultimate tensile test after the fatigue test. All connections, clamps, seals, adhesives, coatings or other corrosion protection’ details that will be subjected to stress in the loaded cable shall be installed on the specimen before itis subjected to the fatigue test under Section 4.2. Grease caps, strand caps, of other seals at the rear of the anchorage that are not subjected to live load stress or strain may be added to the cable after the fatigue test, provided that they will be added to the installed cable after stressing in the field. Special sealers, tapes, clamps or other devices that will not be part of the installed cable may not be used for the leak test. 10) Section of PT! Recommendations, “The specimen shall be placed in a chamber so that the anchorage, transition zone, and all connections between the transition zone and free length of cable are subjected to.not less than @ 3 m head of water and dye solution. The solution shail contain 3% by volume of red dye #2.” we 11) Section of PTI Recommendations, "The test specimen shall be subjected to the required head of red dye solution for a continuous period of 96 hours. At the end of this period, the specimen shall be removed from the fest solution and immediately subject to destructive examination in accordance with Section 4.1.7." 12) Section 4.1.7 of PTI Recommendations, “Each tested barrier sample shall be destructively examined and recorded by color photographs. The dissected samples shall be destranded (in the case of strand) and compared with the reference standards for surface corrosion. In order to be acceptable, the tested sample shall not show signs of & tensile element corrosion that can not be fully removed by wiping with a soft untreated cotton cloth. Any pitting shall be cause for-rejection.” And “The tested anchorage assembly shall be dissected to inspect the MTE for signs of dye. Specimens will be acceptable if visual inspection shows that dye has not reached the MTE.” CTUGRoup wmenonmcem Gt 90016 -asier 14,110 a ‘SE Corporation Page 7 of 37 CTLGroup Project No, 250993 | danuary 6, 2009 2. CABLE SPECIMEN ASSEMBLY 2A TEST SETUP ‘The strand stay cable assembled in cable test frame for the fatigue and tensile test is shown in Fig, 2-1 Fig, 2-4 Cable test setup. The polyethylene coat was stripped from both ends of pre-cut strands before they were shipped to CTL. SEC personnel assembled the test specimen in the CTL Structural Laboratory. The strand wedges at the adjustable anchorage were Individually seated using a SEC mono~ strand jack from fixed anchorage end. The strand were pre-stressed to 60% GUTS. The load readings were obtained by the load cell installed in the strand jack. Two deviators were installed as shown in Fig. 2-2. Then, the wedges at the fixed anchorage were installed by hand and CTL large cable ram was used to load the cable up to 60% GUTS to have the wedges at fixed anchorage seated. After the wedges at both ends were seated, the bare strands were cut to proper length to install the steel pipe as shown in Fig. 2-3. After the steel pipes were installed, the wax was injected into the anchorages. Fig. 2-4 and Fig. 2-5 show the adjustable and fixed anchorage prior to the fatigue test, respectively. CTUGRouP a. Oates wicca com & 000164 QD ~ os-108 -1 4 FPG SE Corporation Page 8 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250893 January 6, 2008 ns Fig. 2-2 Deviators. Ha Fig. 2-3 Bare strands cutto the proper length. CTUGRoup ag Oe Rew cram J 000162 ~ ous-109 -1 4, 14D Q ‘SE Corporation Page 9 of 37 ‘CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 5, 2008 Fig. 2-5 Fixed anchorage. 2.2 DATA ACQUSITON Detection of wire breaks was carried out during the fatigue tests and the tensile tests. The wire break detection system utilizing wo accelerometers attached to both sides of the anchorages is shown in Fig.2-6. €TUGRoup naga On est ® 000163 - os-110-1 4,113 QD SE Corporation Page 10 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 5, 2009 Accelerometers for monitoring wire break, ( Measurements, including the load cell signals and ram piston extension during the fatigue tests, are recorded using a digital data acquisition system. The DAQ workstation is shown in Fig. 2-7. The system was configured to read applied load, piston displacement and up to six displacement transducers and two extensometers. During static tests, data was collected continuously at a sampling rate of 1 Hz. A separate digital data acquisition system supports the wire break monitoring system. When an accelerometer mounted to the upper specimen bearing plate senses shock pulses greater than a pre-set threshold value, the wire-break system is ‘triggered. The waveform of the triggering event is captured and time-stamped for later evaluation, Evaluation of these waveforms is performed to eliminate spurious trigger events, which may arise from other activities in the laboratory. Fig. 2-7 DAQ workstation, CTLGroup nap owe ca Wg 000164 - ost - 14,194 Bp SE Corporation Page 11 of 37 CTLGroup Project No, 250993 January's, 2009 3. FATIGUE AND TENSILE TEST 3.1 MONO-STRAND TENSILE TESTS CTL performed five mono-strand tensile tests to obtain the actual ultimate tensile strength (AUTS). The tensile tests were performed in CTLGroup's 400 kip Baldwin Universal Test Machine while in the 120 kip range. The specimens were tested in accordance with ASTM ‘A416, Standard Specification for Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for Prostressed Concrete. ‘The test method under Article A7 Method of Testing Muli-wire Strand for prestressed Concrete in ASTM A370, Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products was followed. The specimens were tested statically to determine tensile strength, yield strength at 1% elongation, ultimate elongation, and Young's Modulus. Table 3-1 shows the mono-strand mechanical property requirements specified in ASTM A416. ‘The tensile test results are presented in Table 3-2. TABLE 3-1 STRAND MECHANICAL PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS, (Stand Properties [Diameter of Stand Oe ich 757 mim [Nominal Area 0.233 inch 150 _mon (Guaranteed Breaking Strength (GUTS) 62.78 kips 279 kN Yield Strength Requirement ©) {56.50 kips: 2511 kN [Elongation ©) 3.50% 24 gage length TABLE 3-2~-STRAND TENSILE TEST RESULTS: Yield Suenath] Uiimate Stenath] y Flonaaton] y.. ¢] Young's Modulus stand D [PH aeey acute | eras | aesurs [mga | Pascal Young Hod T555 7.0} | BOI | —Fa0.0 esa] [TO | awa | Pasa | 05,159 20,205) 22576 6.) | 06% | 2002 Gi) —| 103.3% | —a.a% | Pass | 100251 27.566) | 3 [-2sa5 (67.0) | v0.0% | 206.5 644) | 102.7% | 5.0% [Pass | 108,045 20,740) 4 2528 668) | 906% | 2909654) | 1049% | 5.4% [Pass | 167.532 27,192) [254.8 658) [vo2% | 200.2(64.) [103.3% [8.0% [Pass _{ 169,700 27,520) 3.2 FATISUE TEST LOADING SEQUENCE AND RESULTS The cable specimen was tested in the large rig on October 1, 2008. The fatigue test was executed with 0.9 Hz. The fatigue test loading sequence is shown in Fig. 3-1. \ ‘SE Corporation Page 12 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January §, 2008 The fatigue test was completed on October 27, 2008. After running 2 million cycles, the 15.7-73 cable not have any wire breaks. There was no crack or damage found in the anchorages and free length of the cable specimen after the fatigue test and before the tensile test. Fatigue Test for SEC 15.7-73 15.7-73 Strand Cabl Test Specticaton Paicular Speciation Cent Prowse) rest Ra Large Rg (Horizontal Setup) Nominal Mono-Sirand Strength= ESTSTESUIMPa 269.70 ksi Nominal Meno-Strand Area= 0.28 int Nominal Mono-Sirand Ulimate Loa 62.78 ke Number of Siran Nominal Settion Area of Cable= 1687 in Nominal Breaking Load of Cable= 4582.58 kips Stress Ampitude= 29.0 ksi [Number of Gyelos= Limi of Wire Bresking= Load Steps: kips kN 5% 229.4 1018.4 10% 458.3, 2036.7 15% 687.4 3055.1 20% 9165 4073.4 25% 1145.6 5091.8 30% 13748 6110.1 oo 134% 1558.0...35 °' 2 8975.2 Lower Limit Fatigue Ipper Limit Fatigue 40183: 41201.9 2220.2! preioad Fatigue 132386 142669 152753 16203.6 17312.0 18330.3 Fig. 3-1 Loading sequence for fatigue test. 3.3 TENSILE TEST RESULTS Table 3-3 shows the cable tensile test loading criteria, As indicated in Table 3-3, for the 15.7-73 cable 92% of actual ultimate breaking load is larger and was used in the tensile test. The Joading sequence and specification are shown in Fig. 3-2 CTUGRouP ar Hac ey coxa cen a 00166 -os3-1 45116 a ‘SE Corporation Page 13 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 6, 2009 Table 3-3 Tensile Test Criteria Sample 7 z 3 z z (Aciual Sand Strength (EN) 7500 | 7887 | 76S —|~FBOS—|~7BST [Average Actual Strand Strongti KN] | 288.8 IMinimurn Strand Strength (kN) 278 [Gable AUTS (eX) ores [Gable GUTS den) 20367 0 [529% AUTS RN} 19383.1 lose GUTS (kn) 79348.7 [Larger Valve (ND sina a 2M ATS Tensile Test after Fatigue Test SEC 15.7-73 157-73 Strand Cable [Test Speciicaon Parlicular Specifeaton (Glent Proved) rest Rig: Large Rig (Horizontal Setup) Fer [Stenath >= 92% AUTS Elongation >= 1.5% length between bearing plates [Actual Uiimate Tensile Strength (AUTS) 4739.09 fips BiOTES EN [Guaraniesd Ultimate Tensile Strength (GUTS) 4582.58 kis 2067.0 kN [o2% AUTS 4355.96 kp 1980301 KN [a5% GUTS, 4953.45 Kips 19348.7 KN Larger of 925 AUTS and 55% CUTS. [eaasoiG6llips [SSE |Cengih between bearing plates, 7213.68 inch 5427.6 min 5% Length between bearing paves EReazinch EAE: [Load Steps: kips kN 5% 237.0 1054.0 10% 473.9 21079 15% 710.9 3161.9 20% 947.8 42159 25% 11848 5269.9 30% 1421.7 8323.8 45% 2432.6 9485.8 50% 2369.5 105397 C 55% 2606.5 11593.7 = 60% 2843.5 126477 65% 3080.4 137017 70% 3317.4 147556 75% 3554.3 15809.6 80% 3791.3 168636 85% 4028.2 179178 90% 4265.2 189715 ee (Sa93:1 pass 4407.4 9603.9 Fig, 32 Loading sequence for tensile test. DP 00016" -ous-114-14 107 ZB ( ‘SE Corporation Page 14 of 37 CTLGroup Project No, 250993 January 5, 2009 ‘The tensile test was performed on October 28, 2008. The force-extension relation in the lensile test after fatigue test is shown in Fig. 3-3. The maximum load the cable reached is 19,732.4 kN, Which is 93.6% of actual ultimate tensile strength, without any wire breaks, The displacement corresponding to the maximum load is 81.94 mm, which is 1.51% of the cable length between the bearing plates. Force-Extension Relation (SEC 15,7-73 Stay Cable) 30000 = Maxirnum Load (21.94 51%) 19,7324 (99,6mALTS) | -Force (kN) Extension (mm) 3:3 Force-extension relation in the tensile test. 3.4 INSPECTION AFTER FATIGUE AND TENSILE TEST Afier the tensile test, the specimen was removed from the test frame. Then, the deviators and the adjustable anchorage were removed from the specimen and visually inspected, Fig. 3-4 shows the condition of the deviators. There was no crack or damage on the deviators. Fig. 3-5 shows the condition of the adjustable anchorage after the tensile test, There was no crack or damage on the anchorage, CTLGroup wv Sento. Dey nut Toarp com . GOO1L68 -cus-rig- 14° 198 AD SE Corporation Page 15 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250983 January §, 2008 Fig. 34 Condition of deviators, CTUGROUP -cus-16-1 4,479 SE Corporation Page 16 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 5, 2008, Fig. 3-5 Condition of adjustable anchorage. oF ny SH 600170 -os-7- 14,120 BD SE Corporation Page 17 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 5, 2009 4, LEAK TEST Upon the client's request, CTLGroup performed the PTI leak test on the same cable specimen, which was tested for the fatigue and tensile test. 4. WATER TANK The water tank used in the leak test is shown in Fig. 4-1. An electric pump was used to circulate the dye solution to make the dye solution uniformly distributed in the water. Fig. 4-4. Water tank for the leak test. 4.2 LEAK TEST SETUP. After the tensile test was completed, the cable specimen was removed from the horizontal cable test frame. Then, the cable specimen was cut the point of approximately 5,000 mm from the head of fixed anchorage, which left enough length of the cable specimen for the leak test in accordance with the PTI requirements. The waterproof structure of both anchorages is the same. Two deviators were removed prior to moving the cable specimen into vertical leak test tank. Fig. 4-2 illustrates the leak test setup and the cable specimen during the leak test. eTenour sina, Si neces F voor @ ~ otS18 -1 4 120 ‘SE Corporation Page 18 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 5, 2008 | 3 mwater head Mark Fig. 4-2 Leak test setup and specimen in the tank, 4.3 LEAK TEST RESULTS ‘The leak test started at 10:45 AM, October 30, 2008 and completed at 10:45 AM, November 3, 2008. The duration of the test is 96 hours. Fig. 4-3 shows the anchorage was removed out of the tank, ¢ Ko. Fig. 4-3 Removing the anchor head out of the tank. CT gRoUr 4 000172 - ms-19-14,.122 G SE Corporation Page 19 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250893 January , 2009 Aiter the cable specimen was pulled out the tank, the surface of the cable was washed by clean water. The condition of the cable anchorage is shown in Fig. 4-4. The condition of the strands after the end cap was removed is presented in Fig. 4-5. Fig. 4-5 Condition of the strands after the leak test ‘Overall, there was no dye solution on any main tension element and there wes no corrosion on any tension element. cTi\gnour_ @ 900173 - WS-120-3 4 ,J 28 ‘SE Corporation Page 20 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 8, 2008 4.4 INSPECTION AFTER LEAK TEST After the leak test, the fixed anchorage was visually inspected. Fig. 4-6 shows the condition of the fixed anchorage. There was no crack or damage on the fixed anchorage. Fig, 4-7 shows the typical teeth mark on the strand. Fig. 4-8 shows the typical condition of the wedges. No crack or damage was found in all of the wedges. There was no visible wire break found in SEC 157-73 strands, Fig. 4-6 Condition of fixed anchorage. CTUGROUP v oo0174 -os-i2i- 14,124 SE Corporation Page 21 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 5, 2008 Fig. 4-7 Teeth marks on the strand. Fig, 4-8 Condition of the wedges. CTLGour v asin 14,125 A G00175 SE Corporation Page 22 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January §, 2009 5, SUMMARY ‘The summary of the fatigue, tensile and leak test results for one (1) SEG 15.7-73 strand stay cable specimen is presented in the Table 5-1 ‘TABLE 5-1 TEST RESULTS FOR SEC CABLE SPECIMEN lem Unit 157-73 Nominal Diameter of Strand mam 187, Number of Strand Ea 73 ¢ | Nominal Breaking Load _ __ kN 20,3670 - Actual Ullimate Tensile Strength kN 21,0795 Stress Range MPa 200 Number of Cycles Million oyoles 2 Limit of Wire Break ea 10 | Test Start Date 7 “Oct. 1, 2008 | Test Finish Date 7 Oct. 27,2008 Wire Break in Fatigue Test ea o | "Fatigue Test Pass Fall - Pass Load required in Tensile Test kv 19,9931 | Load required in Tensile Test (% AUTS) | em | Load reached in Tensile Test Cy 19,7324 | Load reached in Tensile Test (% AUTS) - 93.6% © Displacement at Maximum Load required in Tensile Test - eaten) Displacement at Maximum Load reached in Tensile Test im ot Sam Tensile Test Pass Fi Pass PTI Leak Test Duration Hous | 98 Dye on Main Tension Element : No Sign of Tensile Element Corrosion : No | PTILeak Test Pass Fail : Pass Conclusion Pass CTYGRoup anny oats 000176 4 126 - ons-123 - 1 SE Corporation Page 23 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993, January , 2008 “There were no visible cracks or damage found in the anchorages after the fatigue tests and after the tensile tests. The destructive dissections, which were additional to the wire break monitoring system, indicated that there was no wire breaks found. After the leak test, there was. no dye found on the main tension element, and no sign of tensile element corrosion. SEC 15.7-73 strand stay cable specimen satisfied with the acceptance criteria. CTLGRour hn on Dee Re scrip A qoorre Y - cus-124-4 4 127 Z fe { SE Corporation Page 24 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January §, 2009 APPENDIX A Mill Certificate provided by SEC CTUGRouP Vy ac ae Oat Raat, me cp cn gy ns -os-i5-14 128 & fiswire Factory! 127-27 Yusan-Dong Yangean Cily, Kyangnam (626-280), Korea ‘Tel: 82°85-389-1400-3 Fax? 82°65-389-1404 vn Iiswive.com MILL TEST CERTIFICATE “To Hlessrs._ SE CORPORATION U/C NO: JX8006-01 Cable No. + 3 Sheet No: 171 Gommodi ty: PC_STRANO WAKED AND HOPE COATED - - ‘Specification :BUYER SPEC Grade = 1860 Grade Net Wt. + 1,680 ko DATE: 2008.07.28 TEST RESULT 1. Construction & Dineter [tem Unit Specification Results [construct ion(oentertout wire) = 1+6 i+ 6 Ip.c |strand Dianeter im 15.6 ~ 15.9 15.85 Strand|Stee! area a 147 ~ 153 152.2 Lay Length an 188.4 ~ 282.6 222.1 Weight per 1,000n kg/km 1148 ~ 1196 1190.5 lLay Direction ~ = s lout Dianeter ‘an 18.9 ~ 19.4 wr «| CABLE |P.E Thickness an 1.5 ~ 2.0 1.7 lWax Coating Weight o/m 5-12 9.4 lBond Force kat Min 102 179 IP.€ Sheath Impact test - No Grack ooo |___Nominat_Weight kg fe 1327 1301.1 2. Physical Properties “Item 5 Unit Speci fication Results Breaking strength kN Min 279 290.8 Yield strength at (0.1% PROOF) kN Min 248 263.6 Elongation in (500mm % Nin 3.5 6.7 Modulus of elasticy KN /oat 185.0 ~ 205.0 198.8 Relaxation at (1000) hrs(70)% of (B/S} —% Max 2.5 = 2n Coating Weight alm 224-850 257 One = Pin | B/L of Actual 80% 84.8 3.Chemical Composit ion(%) Charge No. G(x100) |_Si(xi00)_| Mn(x 100) | P(x1000) | $(x1000) SAB9721 83 89. 75 i 3 4.Finish Stress relieving : Each strand had been subject to stress-relieving continous heat treatment after stranding. This is to Certify that the above particulars are ae correct . roe CHIEF INSPECTOR OF KISWIRE LTD. KISWIRE LTD. Head Ole : 475, Hangn-Dong, Scoyeuna-ku, Busan, Korea Tel 82-S1-?5¢-6007-18, Fax 82-S1-757-7579 Seoal Office + 20th floor, Jangkyo Blép., 1, Jangkye-Dong, Chung-u, Seoul, Korea Tel 82-2-S166-114, Fax 82-2-3165-260, 6@ @® 6 6 e@ ~ CHS~126 =] 4 st 29 000179 SE Corporation Page26 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 5, 2009 APPENDIX B Wax Properties @ CTUGrour vl Sst St wc eco - asx 1 4180 BA 000180 Viscosity Oil 600-H.bliet Road Willowbrook, Mlinois 60527 U.S.A. ‘Tel.: (630) 850-4000 Fax: (680) 850-4020 180 9001 (2000) and 14001(2004) ‘VISCONORUST PT-3510 CORROSION PREVENTIVE VisconorustPT 3510 is a light colored highly refined, extended life, oxidation resistant, petroleum miczo-cxystalline wax based product. Ibhas a high melting point of 180°M(82°C), is very adhesive to metals, insoluble in water, and offers excellentextended corrosion resistance in Post'Tensioning and other applications. Visconorust PT 3510 is an excellent product‘for use in Stay Cable bridge tendons, where the Visconorust PT'3610 coating is usually applied both internally and externally to a strand, prior to extrusion of a plastic sheathing covering it. ‘The tendons are comprised of a number of these plastic coated strands. Visconorust PT 3610 is also used, in some Slay Cable systems, as the anchorage and coupling wax. Fora ‘tno heat” anchorage filling system, our Visconorust 2889 is used. ‘Visconorust P3510 will remain solid atambientcable temperatures. The productis compounded so that itwill notcrack and allow encroachment of corrosion causing products at temperatures as low as [minus 40°F minus 40°C)]. For application: Visconornst PT 3510 mustbe liquefied and applied at approximately 200°F(93°C). ‘Visconorust PT 3510 has been used in outdoor service for various corrosion protection applications for over 40 years. You design it~ We protectit 082905 00187 - ais 4,132 B VISCONORUST PT 3510 CHARACTERISTICS TEST METHOD PROPERTIES RESULTS Color Visual Light Amber Film Visual Waxy, pliable Waxy Specific Gravity @ 60°F (15.5°C) ASTM D-1480 0.86 - 0.90 0.88 Density Ibs/gal 71-75 7.3 Drop Melting Point °F (°C) ASTM D-127(wax) 175 (79.5) min 180:(82) Congealing Point ASTM D-938 185 (68) min. 160((71) Oil Separation @ 100°F (37.8° C) FTMS 791C 0.5% max. Nil Method 321.2 A Flash Point °F (°C) ASTM D-92 425(218) min >425(218) C 2 Cone Penetration @77°F (25°C) ASTM D-937(wax) 60-90 dmm 75 Needle Penetration @77°F(25°C) ASTM D-1321 130-190dmm 164 Viscosity @210°F(99°C) cSt ASTM D-445+D-2161 45 min. 18 Corrosion Protection (accelerated) 5% Salt Fog @ 100°F 5 mils (127 um) ASTM B-117 2000 hrs. min 2100+ 15 mils (381 um) 2800 hrs. min 3000 + Corrosion Test ASTM D-1743 444 Pass Expansion Coefficient vol. expansion 0.0004 °F Water Soluble fons: (Special preparation of test sample & reporting is required) Chlorides Hach or ASTM D-512 410 ppmmax <4 Nitrates Hach or ASTM D-3867 10 ppmmax <1 Sulfides Hach or APHA 4500 S* 10 ppmmax = <1 Solubility in water Insoluble Adhesive @minus 40°F/minus 40°C. Pass Corrosion - Copper ASTM D-130 fa Pass Oxidation Stability 100 Hr.@ @210°F (99°C) psi ASTM D-942 10 max oO ASTM -American Society of Testing and Materials; Philadelphia, PA. APHA -American Public Health Association Washington, D.C. 20036 FTMS - Federal Test Methods HACH- Hach Chernical, Loveland, CO. 082905 Boy 00182 - oWs-129- 7 4,182 A SE Corporation Page 29 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January 5, 2008 APPENDIX C MSDS and Property Sheet for Red Dye Solution CTLGRour @ ZA. 000183 - cus-190-1 4,133 A MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ‘Mocxtactorers Name [Date of Preparation Northwestern Extract Co. {April 16,2001, Adarers th Street. Brookfield, WI 53005 phone Nae Eimergoney Telephone Number a “ae -(262)781-6670. 262V781-6670 SECTION L- IDENTIFICATION, Taba Wane Red Color Sohution ‘Trad or Product Nant Same ingredient Deri ‘Hazardous Ingredients: None of the ingredients of this material mect the definition of “ Haznrdous Chemical, 29 CFR 1910.1200 SECTION Mi - FIRE, EXPLOSION, REACTIVITY DATA iss Pole nod) Brtinguicag ean NIA NA ‘Specht Fire ighay Provaace TDrosust Fine and Exptolon Wevarls None None HrtgriwsPalymeriaton Product Eric NONE. stable SECTION II ~ PHYSICAL DATA Tigao State Oder, & Appearance Red liquid, Odorless liquid These Gravy GSO) 1.01 — 1.02 Saab fa Water T Wagar Deny Cai) Complete. NZ SECTION Iv “HEALTH WAZARD DATA Tete at Eney _Inbalaton Skit Trgson No hazard May irritate ‘May cause health problem if swallowed “eat Chon Teathharard “igen Symqtoms of Rxpeure N/A None Taedle Conne Genel Sgravated By Brposure avergoncy and Fr A Froccnes NA goggles are advisable, flush with water, for ingestion Dilute with large quantities of water, Carioogeiclg WTP TARE ‘Osh No No No SECTION V~ REACTIVITY DATA ‘Say Gadton te ayetd NA none naardootGcompositon Prods Not determined. Y Lrvores cus-131- 1 4 134 @ SECTION Vi— PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE/LEAK PROCEDURES ‘Steps to be taken if material is spilled or released: Scoop up majority of spilled produet ‘And flush remains with water necording to standard GMP ‘Waste Disposal Method: Dispose in approved solid waste dispostl area per ewrent regulations, Precnution to be taken in handling and storage: Store in closedl containers Otiver Precautions and/or Spectal Hazards WA ‘The Information contained herein has been eomptled from sources believed to be reliable and is accurate tothe best of our knowledge, However ths Information is furnished without guarantees of any kind. Employers should use this fatormation, ‘only as supplement fo other information gathored by them and must make independent determinations of sutabsity und ccontpleteness of isformation from sll sources to assure use of chese materiols nnd the safety md health of employees, 2 Proorss ~ cHS-132 -1 4, 135 G Northwestern Extract Company 3590 N. 126" Street Brookfield, WI 53005 262-781-6670 262-781-0660 Bax Certificate of Analysis Product Name: Red color Solution ~ Specific Gravity: 8.57 Ib/ gallon Color Red PH 40 Lead <1ppm Azsenic <1 ppm Sov ~ cus-t33 1 4 1186 SE Corporation Page 33 of 37 CTLGroup Project No. 250993 January §, 2008 APPENDIX D Calibration Sheet for Column Load Cells on eri , 900187 - ovs-ia4 1 4 137 WA of Catron Report Number: 25.09082%-04 INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION REPORT CTUGRouP ian Redd. Dave Ren oc sen cones, HOTTER je BO AESION Fu ATRL nores (ese aes [Sete vaer votes med esc Bully fe Taaeomane ‘Gabvaron Ravan Used 4 Montsbrec C1 Gee onseree Teena Heese as Mode ane 2500p aed Ce Mods th alse 200 catenin Ont: 4290 Grea 8 _ Rendoit Devee Tnsoneni Used orate: OTe Nomis Medeor Sounder eatin Ove esatomber 096 ‘Onses wie ‘oe ‘cannes 7 ‘Tepe Satta ae ety. 2% Re Haecaaa | Raia —[ az) Ta me. aes 2a ras ‘sa 0 “205 Sto as Er 7a aa nea mad “201 Bee) Reign AS Stinos te in et: 7 cg a: ana eae vaapeOC mh Mex: 020 m9: 072 aga 034 | apa: 109 31 tosis 2 antes 06 wa 000188 - us-135 -1 4 188 GZ Colbvaton Ragrt Number: 26-080821-02, INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION REPORT CTE GROUR an iyo 5 ono SAK Us T-oD Pe¥I AES Fxasn=ESESe [ Travan ‘Cavaton Franc Used onieter eTL ip Maui Tinney Hye len Ct Hoja Nanber 280 Ld Cet sedate Seisthamaer (63 Seine 1 reese By 200 ttatin Ot: 2708 en 6 Readeal Davee Trakoneris Used Tepe OF 308 a Senter Ate og 8.98 eae Fae aeecoay | —Aeigey [Awana [ade iat a eT 00 20 ao oa Nh Wa NA | A, 0 708. mas 293 at a3 “ass2 esos — nT 38 as a a asm e704 oot 05 ‘een sn a0 ‘5 caa08 500 10 rato ‘i son “aot 02 a ae ‘om ena on 2 a 09] aaa ‘or ‘Beton Zecwis) Rena Ga cost mae as esta ons igs sen Gas 5 stn Va 504 unc 026 Perea are 042 Rani 188 2 asormeo mores wo fcc po se [sonvsne a enol cs nes Pate me OO ‘Gato a - ois-136-1 4,139 a — Pu y C Cltivaton Report Numba: 25.080821.03 INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION REPORT eTUGrRoue igri: ebb Res, onoics sto dork fore ete O/T earn Bess enor AOS i Thakonant ‘Gabon Relerence Used Mace vp anaes Tl Ene Hoe as Cat es Nerb: 220 aod Ce eam Fase 20 cto dH sings 2 Feaioa Davee Trairen User aac: 10 Teed anésciee ee Nene Sel Nunes—btl ~ Texpare (OF 7 1 cee eave iy SK. a a Teams) | —mai@ay [mae aqan nan a ies eo) — | Rp 75088 a9. om ara “is 00 1988 7 ast a tou OP moe 907 cast as Sees tats o28 n2| scan VotageVOC} 005 ioc 028 oc 038 srg (040 erg: 1 cose Percent or 3 zozsan 2 ons ocehaelned En — mo Rec en eTR ce states eon itne co sure Petemea Goat pe ‘Some Cotes len u 000190 - ons-i37- 1 4 J 40 @ alrafon Report Number: 25-080821-04 INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION REPORT €TUGRouP gringo Dan Ret aise stonewosnon Ro Sik nccamrat. manson 350 face abs ae Traamant (expan Repo, [rms oa ode en uc | | Caliation Relevance Used Meetoeue: Grp amber Toomer Hy abd Cat Soja unter Lc ‘Sei en Hk Fa Sea; 2500 ‘stan Date: 4200 5 ati S| eaioul Davie Tnstraments Used rupee 10 70 Muniucwrer act natber——Soraunber Caton Oslo od or 08K 4K nese sie eoures srzaa08 Seal abe Wh “Tenper (0h 267 Eee tons —_ etary: S38 Rates en Tee Tice oa) | Reta [ nevawey [ana cers ‘ngs rome | pe sna aes 0 Bier aa. ot ae ‘ase "2000 aan a8 saa 29) ‘oar “ise aoa Zoo Ql) —— Reason al roe os 0873 rot cat: 3701, coca Vlga C3: 5061 ‘atlson Ress Mont 0.85 outs 134 Range (i: 072 ange: 9.29 oats Povcnt Ere 29 azot7900 a2 anracas Dat BY ~ous-1991 4,144 B va 000194 2. ARRANGEMENT AND HANDLING OF MATERIALS 2.1 General (1) The Contractor will adopt procedures to ensure that stay cable components are not damaged during handling. All stay cables, cable sheathing, anchorage devices and associated materials and apparatus will be arranged, transported and stored in such a manner so as to prevent any damage or deterioration of the material(s). They will be protected from corrosion, heat, abrasion and other harmful effects during fabrication, transportation, storage and installation. (2) Damaged strands and/or damaged load carrying components will be replaced. Damaged non-load carrying components will (subject to the Engineer's approval) be repaired prior to installation. When directed by the Engineer, damaged components will be replaced. @) All| damage to stay cables or components thereof will be remedied prior to installation. (4) The coiling diameter of parallel strands is not be less than 50 times the diameter of the outer coating of the strand. The parallel strands will be arranged on wooden reels with coils that can be handled without damage when transported by forklifts and trucks. In the case of cables, fabricated in-situ, the minimum reel diameter for the HDPE outer sheath is 25 times its outside diameter during fabrication, transport storage and erection of stay cables, unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer. The sheath will be warmed to a minimum temperature of 24 OC prior to coiling or uncoiling, (5) During fabrication, transport, storage and erection, the minimum bending radius for the HDPE outer sheath is 25 times its outside diameter (6) The Contractor will assure that all material orders clearly convey necessary requirements for arrangement and packaging to assure preservation of materials, protection from damage and specific requirements as sfated in the specifications. va 900192 -os-tze-1 4 142 BG 2.2 Transportation Stay Cables, anchorages and all necessary and associated materials and devices will be transported by container. They will be transported vie Mombasa Port, Kenya. During transportation, they will be protected from corrosion, damage and any other harmful influence, 2.2.1 Packing @) Anchorage = Anchoragés will be wrapped with plastic bags with drying.agent + The wrapped anchorages will be contained in the wood boxes. = Wedges for each anchorage will be wrapped with oil in plastic bags. py wii Diy ~ Phot to-2. 1 Packed anchorage materials ( U @) Stay Cable Strand = The stay cable strand will be coiled to wood drums in 2ton-3ton units. = The protection sheet will be wrapped to avoid the damage and dirt adhesion, Photo-2. 2 Coiled stay cable strand VA “000193 ~ cus-i40 -1 4,148 aH (@) PDPE Sheath Each HDPE sheaths will be wrapped with plastic sheets to prevent the damage and dirt adhesion during transportation (A) Accessories of stay eable ‘The accessories of stay cable will be put on the flat pallets into type of materia prevent load shitt. Photo-2.3 Stay cable accessories fixed on Flat pallets 2.2.2 Transportation style All the stay cable materials for marine transport will be loaded into containers. The loading and unloading will be casried out by crane andlor fork lft or equivalent machines Photo-2. 4 Stay cable materials in containers dle! 900194 - cus-141-1 4 > 144Q 23 Storage Stay Cables, anchorages and all necessary and associated materials-and devices will be stored in the warehouse to keep the quality of them and prevent the robbery and vandalism. ‘The stay cable materials will be basically stored in containers for long time storage. However, they will have to be stored outside the container when they are used in the site. Following ‘measure will be taken to keep good condition of the stay cable materials. (@) Anchorages = The anchorages will be cured with plastic sheet on the wood box. (2) Stay Cable Strand Since the stay cable straid is tiple layer protected high durability material, the strand itself will not be rusted, however wood drum needs to be cured with sheet to avoid getting spo = The wood drum will be put with stopper such as camber to prevent rolling. @) HDPE Sheath - The HDPE sheath can be stored only with easy curing as stay cable strand drums for its high durable property. ‘They willbe stored in the storage platforms with some guides to prevent load shift, deformation and damage. Soa eiese Photo-2. 5 HOPE sheath on storage platform (@ Other Materials (Other materials will be stored in the containers alike long term storage. -ous2-l 4,945 / \ 3, PROQURELENT OF STAY CABLES 3.1 Selection of Stay Cable System Stay Cables, anchorages and all necessary and associated materials and devices will be selected from following major suppliers that have many past service records of previous use on cable stay bridges. In accordance with the requirement of the specification, following systems are candidates of the suppliers? Systems. © Freyssinet System © VSL System © SEEE System © BBR System © Dywidag System ‘The most likely candidate of Stay Cable System is SEEE System. 3.2 Experience of SEKE System in similar projects (cable stay bridge projects) ‘The experience of SEEE System in similar projects as the supplier and subcontractor responsible for the manufacturing and installation of stay cables is as shown from next page. a Roorae 7; =asqn tt 2.146 @ List of Experiences in SEEE/FUT-H SYSTEM Nov-12 SEC SE Corporation Shinjuku |-Land Wing 6-3-1, Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0023 JAPAN TEL: +81-3-3340-5527 FAX: +81-3-3340-5546 URL: httpyiwww.se-corp.com 000197 ~ cys 14,047 @ ( [Bridge Name [Sun Marine Bridge Owner Completion Year Location Shizuoka Prefecture Owner [Lake Bamana Boat Racing Completion Year |1996 — ‘Structural type _|2Span Continuous Cable Stayed Total length [200m (144.dm + 643m) [Deck width [145m Cable PorisH~aeH Bridge Name _|Shin-Onomichi Bridge rocation [Hiroshima Prefecture Owner [Honshw-Shikoku Bridge Authority ——=S—«| Completion Year |1999 - Structural type _ |S Span Continuous Cable Stayed Bridge ‘| “Totallength __ |sa6m (ain Span 216m) ‘Deck width [2.0m Cable [ForseH~ 100K Bridge Name |Sakurada Bridge Location Iyamagata Prefecture Owner ‘Yamagata City Completion Year [2002 [Structural type _|Steel Plate Deck Cable Stayed [Totallength (708m [Deck width _|22.2m cable “irom | Bridge Name [Akatonbo Bridge [Location [Aichi Prefecture Nagoya Expressway Public Corpor 2004 ‘Structural type _|PC3 Span Continuous Extvadosed Bridge ‘Totallength _|294.82m (Main Span122.34m) Deck width 18.6~22.6m, Cable FUTSTH~4sH = owS-145 -1 4 148 DH @ Aroorgs 2 Bridge Name —_ |Choohi Bridge ‘Location Chiba Prefecture Owner (Chiba Prefecture Completion Year |2009 ‘Structural type _|4Span Continuous Cable Stayed Bridge ‘otal length 473.021m (Main Span192.6m) [Deck width 12.0m [Cable FUTIOH~S1H [Bridge Name ___|Yabegawa Bridge Owner [Location Fukuoka Prefecture [Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Completion Year [2008 Structural type _ [PC 3 Span Continuous Cable Stayed Bridge ‘Total length __|617m (Main Span261m) [Deck width 20.2 Cable FUTSSH~ sez [Bridge Name __ |Takashima-Hizen Bridge [Location [Nagasaki and Saga Prefecture Owner [Nagasaki and Saga Prefecture (Completion Year |2000 Structural type _ [6 Span Continuous Cable Stayed Bridge © Total length |s40m . (Main Span 400m) Deck width 11.5m. Cable rori7H~3iH Bridge Name _|Yumekake Bridge Location |Nara Prefecture Owner Nava Prefechave [Completion Year |2010 [Structural type [PC Span Continuous Extradosed Bridge |Potal length 290m (Main Span 127m) Deck width 10.51m~13.61m Cable purer da 000199 - oss -1 4,149 px [Bridge Name __[ikina Bridge ‘Location hime Prefecture Owner |Ehime Prefecture Completion Year |2010 ‘Structural type _ [3 Span Continuous Cable Stayed Bridge | MPotal length __|515m_ (Main Span 316m) [Deck width 108m, [Cable FUTISH~aTE [Bridge Name _[Sakaegawa Bridge {Location ‘Yamagichi Prefectuse 7 Owner [amagichi Prefecture Completion Year {2011 Structural type 3 Span Continuous Cable Stayed Bridge ‘Total length [200m (189.3+83.0+45.3m) Deck width 20.74a~25.550m Cable lFUT26E~7eH - [Bridge Name [Shinsogi Bridge [Location [Kagoshima Prefecture Owner Kagoshima Prefecture Completion Year [2012 | ‘Structural type _[PC2 Span Continuous Gable Stayed Bridge ‘Total length [204m (@6m#106m) \Dee ch 105m - [catie Furesi~s2 [Bridge Name __|Hwamyeong Bridge [Location Korea Owner [Busan City ‘Completion Year |2012 _ ‘Total length ‘PC 8 Span Continuous Cable Stayed Bridge 500m (Main Span 270m) [Deck width 27.8 m Cable FUT4SH~85H v A yoq200 Bridge Name __|Yuri Bridge ‘Location, JAkita Prefecture Owner |Yurihonjyou City Completion Year |2013 (Scheduled) Structural type _ |2 Span Continuous Cable Stayed Bridge ‘Total length 1190.6m (134. 75m+54:75m) Deck width 19m (Cable PUTAS ~120 - cHs-148-1 4,154 @ A oon0t @ 3.3 LOGISTICS OF STAY CABLES ‘The candidates of origins of major items of the stay cables are as follows when SEEE System is employed and approved by the Engineer. Stay cable strands: South Korea Stay cable anchorage and accessories: Japan HDPE Sheaths: Taiwan Erection machineries and equipments: Japan Stressing machinery and equipments: Japan - csi -2 4,152 B _ 4, STAY CABLE INSTALLATION 4.1 General Stay Cable Construction will be in accordance with specifications and the latest internationally recognized references and procedures for stay cable construction by the Contractor and sub-contractors that have recent experience with similar work. 422 Design Calculation, Shop Drawings, Working Drawings for Stay Cable Construetion © The Method Statement, shop drawings, working drawings as well as all erection and design calculations will be prepared under the direction of and be certified by an excellent Registered Professional Engineer with past experience in the design and construction of cable stay bridges. © The Contractor will provide the determination of forces and deflections in the permanent structure at all erection stages. © A step-by-step confirmation of the strength and serviceability of the structure at each stage of construction will be verified by design calculation. © Maximum cable tension during construction shall not exceed the prescribed percentage of the cable’s minimum ultimate tensile strength. 43 Stay Cable Erection Stay cable erection procedure is shown in Fig.- **. The work will be carried out in following sequence, STEP-1 : Setting wind protection and shade for HOPE fusion welding STEP-2 : Connection of HOPE sheath by fusion welding STEP-3 : Insertion of pilot strand into HOPE sheath STEP-4 : Erection of HOPE sheath STEP-5 : Tensioning pilot strand STEP-6 : Pilot strands erection & tensioning (Repetition of STEP-3 - STEP-5) STEP-7 : Lifting up stay cable strand by winch STEP-8 : Insertion of stay cable strand into the anchorage in the pylon STEP-9 : Temporary Anchorage of stay cable strand and checking of cutting length STEP-10: Cutting stay cable strand and peeling HOPE corrosion protection STEP-11: Insertion of stay cable strand into the anchorage in the box girder STEP-12: Erection of stay cable strands (Repetition of STEP-7 - STEPI1) STEP-13: Ist Tensioning of stay cable strand STEP-14: 2nd tensioning of stay cable strands 000203 - oHs-150 7 4 , 153 w STEP-15: STEP-16: STEP-17: STEP-18: ‘STEP-19: ‘STEP-20: Furnishing deck side cable cramps Stay cable force adjustment Installation of built-in cable dampers Lowering of HOPE Sheath and installation of cramps at the pylon Lifting up and fixing of sliding tubes Grout (wax) injection in the anchorages Q a 806204 -ois-is1 14 ABA BD Bp wrt = 191-98) ~ sozcon £2. It penis aa uy puns ata so uon sae IS pong ao114 Bora: Sals mercy neeienne pn Kj pug so ng Dury: eals a —__ =e a ere HN EE] amen cman ona ae spns pe wn 39404) pl 3 EERE, ca uo} 32|1B98U] 9}qe9 ABIg Jo BiNpAde4g WO}yONA}SUO9 | = 851-390 - soning Sig uly ieg 30 WI LIS eng a16e9 Aap 40 Poise pu: F—IS uo432) [e38u) 8|qe9 Aeag Jo @inpsoo4g Uolyons3su0) | = ¥81-SH0 = 2a 208000 a poe ARE 3A 40 TUL ANOT I dS uo 132] |e32u] @]qz ABYg Jo auNpaco4y Uo! yon4ysu09 4.4 Stay cable tensioning during cantilever erection ‘The tensioning of the stay cable is conducted in 2 steps by single strand jacks with monitoring by load cell at the passive anchor side and digital pressure gage at the active anchor side. ‘The elongation of each stay cable strand will-be also monitored to manage the quality control of the stay cable tensioning, The tensioning will be carried out in the pylon. The applied tension will be adjusted taking into account the thermal influence analysed with monitoring data. Photo-4.1 Load Geli for Stay Cable Strand (Passive Anchor Side) ‘The calculation of stay cable stressing will be conducted taking into account the stress and deformation of box girder, pylons and other members by the control and management under Registered Professional Engineer with past experience in the design and construction of cable stay bridges, 3) First tensioning ‘The first applied tension for the strand is determined approximately 70%-80% of Secondary applied tension considering the elongation in secondary tensioning. 4) Secondary tensioning ‘The secondary tensioning is carried out basically early in the morning or under non-shining condition to prevent the thermal influence for the tensioning, The rest of 20%-30% tension wil be v Aboonn0e - sts - 1 4188 @ applied in this stage. 5) Stay cable force adjustment during cantilever erection ‘When the decrease of the stay cable force is needed during cantilever erection, multiple strand jacks will be used, The multiple strand jacking will be carried out in the pylon if the multiple strand jacks can be contained and workable in the pylon or it will be conducted in the box girder. 6) Adjustment for thermal influence for stay cable As the temperature change gives large influence for stay cable stress, the tensioning of the stay cable will be conducted taking into account the influence of the temperature change. The adjustment of the stay cable force is calculated from the influence analysis, monitored stress of the stay cable strand by load cells and monitored temperature of each members (details of the monitoring are described below). ‘The load cells are not removed after completion of the construction, because they can be used for maintenance. 45 Stay Cable Tensioning Ins itu erected stay cable strands will be tensioned one by one provided that it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Engineer that the final tension and elongation of each strand is equalized within a range of 2.5%. The stay cable system is compatible with the strand by strand tensioning procedure, Fully trained specialists who have had relevant past experience on similar type projects will accomplish the strand by strand tensioning and instalation (2). Stay cables are capable of being tensioned, de-tensioned or re-tensioned more than once during the construction of the structure. These operations may be carried out either by full jacking of the live anchorage and adjustable ring setting, or strand by strand. (2) Stay cable will be installed with sufficient adjustment devices to permit de-tensioning without relaxing stay anchorage component devices. No cable will be de-tensioned in such a way that any part of the strands that has been previously “gripped” by the anchorage wedges is incorporated in the stressed portion of the strands. @) All permanent corrosion protection inside the anchorage will be suitable approved type. 4.6 Calibration of Jacks and Gauges Jacks and gauges for stay cable installation will be calibrated using a load cell or a static load machine calibrated not more than one month prior to the beginning of cable installation. All jacks and gauges will be calibrated every 6 months thereafter, for the duration of cable installation. The 6-month re-calibration will be performed using a master gauge, provided that the master gauge is calibrated with the field gauges at the time of initial jack calibration D 900209 - ws-155- 14,950 f 4.7 Monitoring for Stay Cable Construction Followings will be monitored for bridge construction Q) Tension of stay cable strand by load cell, digital pressure gauge (during stressing) (@)_Blongations of stay cable strands (during stressing) (3) Temperature of atmosphere (4) Temperature of box girder (web, deck) (5) Temperature of stay cable © Temperature of Pylons (D_ Deflection by mor ng the coordinates of deck by automatic tracking total station (8) Gradient of pylon by inclinometer (©) Wind velocity 4.8 Vinal Adjustment Tensioning The tensioning, as a final adjustment, will be done after completion of bridge surfacing works according to design calculation end monitoring data. ‘When increase adjustment of the stay force is needed, the work will be conducted by single strand Jacks or multiple strand jacks. The selection of the jack will be determined by the elongation of the stay cable strand in the final adjustment. When decrease adjustment of the stay force is needed, the work is conducted by multiple strand Jacks. The multiple strand jacking will be carried out in the pylon if the multiple strand jacks can be contained and workable in the pylon or it will be conducted in the box girder 4.9 Verification of Stay Cable Forees ‘The verification of stay cable force is conducted by the load cells, digital pressure gauge of jacking equipments and measuring the elongations of stay cable strands. In need sampling lift-off experiment will be conducted, but basically stay cable force is checked by the monitoring data by load cells and elongation of stay cable strands, © Droooi - ous-is7- 1 4» 160 D Co 5. CABLE VIBRATION AND DAMPING DEVICES (1) During all stagés of construction, restraints such as secondary ropes tied around individual stays @ @) @ and anchored to the deck will be employed at necessary locations to control stay cable vibration. Fig. 5-1 General solution of secondary ropes ‘The B type solution in Fig. 5-1 will be the most suitable solution for this bridge, if restraints seasure is necessary. ‘The Logarithmic dampening frequency of installed dampers will not be less than 0.02, with full consideration for rain, wind, bridge design criteria, ambient temperatures and other subjective conditions. ‘The Contractor will submit design calculations and shop drawings with full details of proposed damping devices to the Engineer for review and approval. The drawings and design will fully describe the damping devices proposed and how they will be damped to and incorporated in the stay cable system. Permanent damping device will comply with the following: © They shall not be insensitive to the frequency and the amplitude of vibrations; ‘They shall not be temperature dependant; ‘They shall not be subject to vibration caused by rain; ‘They shall be adjustable during the life of the bridge and eee°0 ‘They and the components they are comprised of shall give full consideration for future maintenance, access, inspection, and replacement. @ Arooar -ons-158-7 4,761 @ a Photo-§. 1 Example of built-in High-Damping Rubber Danper S Aooone - cus-is9-1 4, 16D @ IN [apo [reNouv. 200 55 GS) cour —| aan [oe [one sadwiog Jeqqny Buduiog yIH 20) esualey0y 7 ano REN | —nomRENIE ROWTESEST (3dAL Suze8nu S) Swwi3 ATarassv 3dAL suzeany 9 3eAL SHBBENY ¢ (ty 404) $/1=5 HSB — FIGVO AWIS HOd NALSAS Y3dNVG JO ONIMVYD IWY3N39 ig E ~ CIS | 4 || 63 ) y « 6. STEEL GUIDE PIPE (1) The Contractor will furnish the stay cables with steel pipes to protect them from impact, vandalism, etc., guide them adequately against the lateral forces and provide when required dampers. Such steel pipes will be subjected to the approval by the Engineer. S S 0 00214 -cis-161 -1 4,164 B §9. PYLON CONSTRUCTION 1. PYLON CONSTRUCTION METHOD 1.1 Construction Method The pylons are constructed with setf-climbing form work system. 1.2 Joint of Rebar for Self-Climbing System Efficiency ‘The construction speed of the pylons is very important for entire construction schedule, because the delay of the pylon construction makes it impossible to install stay cables and cantilever erection with stay cables. As the in-situ segment lift plan of the pylons shall be determined taking, into account the efficiency of the self-climbing system, the joints of the rebar shall be also determined by the lift plan, ‘The reber joint layout of rebar will be optimised for construction efficiency in shop drawings. The approximate length of each lift is 4.0m. The shop drawings will be submitted and the Engineer for approval in advance to the commencement of pylon construction ‘The lift plan of P1 pylon is shown in Fig.-1.2. The lift plan of P2 pylon is the same except the heights of Ist and 2nd lifts of pylon base. da oso -ows-12- 14,165 i 5 ell g iy — af ®@ @ g ® g i ij : ou : oN a @ 3 @ g el 3 ® q 8 9 @, ® g 2 g 4 q 9 ~ 8 9, @ § qo a Cy Ei ff 4 | l i | a TTT WT WT TT TITh Fig. 1-2 Lift plan of PI pylon w Aroors ~ CHS=163 - 4 4,168 ai 2. CONCRETING 2.1 Method of Conereting ‘The concreting will be carried out by two kinds of methods. (1) Concreting with conerete pumping car or conerete puinping pipeline ‘Concrete pumping truck and/or concrete pumping pipeline will be employed in the area where they can cover for concreting. A & Fig. 2-1 Example of Concrete Casting by Concrete Pumping Truck 2)Conereting with concrete bucket Conerete bucket will be employed in the area where conorete pumping car or concrete pumping pipeline cannot cover. When the height of the segment for concreting is higher than the capacity of the concrete pumping car, concrete bucket is used with tower crane to transport concrete. Fig. 2-2 Example of Concrete Casting of Pylon with Bucket A 00217 - ous-14- 14,167 @) 2.2. Method of Production of High Performance Conerete ‘The method of production of high performance concrete will be conducted as described in the Section of CONCRETE WORKS. -as-t5-7 4,168 < dl CF acie Y ¢ , v 3. SPECIAL COUNTERMEASURE FOR QUALITY CONTROL OF PYLON 3.1. Rebar Holding in Inclined Pylon Leg Since the pylon legs are inclined, the longitudinal rebar deflects by their self-weight. T ‘The rebar in inclined pylon legs will be held by ruler frame made by channel steel and/or angle causes insufficient cover of the concrete and insufficient effective depth of the cross section. steel o corresponding materials that is supported by Hi-steel along the pylon. Fig. 3-1 Example of ruler frame for rebar holding 3.2. Crack Prevention of The Concrete around Steel Anchor Box ‘The horizontal stay force cémponent shall be exclusively transferred to the steel anchor box ‘without any transmission to the concrete around anchor box. The slits in the sides of the concrete around the anchor box will be made to prevent the transmission of horizontal stay force component the concrete, ‘The slits will be filled by concrete after final stay force adjustment. The hoop reinforcement is enclosed by mechanical joint or enclose-welding or loop joint. sie -cus-168 -14, 2749 @ 4, TEMPORARY WORKS FOR PYLON CONSTRUCTION 4.1 Tower Cranes ‘The tower cranes should be set on the pile caps of the pylon for sound stability. They should be also set on the main span side, because the main span is longer than the side spans. The tower cranes will be planned to minimise aviation limit invasion in height and term with discussing the Engineer and authority I Fig 4-1 Preliwinary tower crane Jayout ‘The specifications of the tower cranes are as follows (or more). Capacity : 240 (t-a) Net Lifting Load Working Radius: 12 (tons) x20 (a), 7(tons) x32 (nl Maximum Working Radius: 40 (n) 4.2 Elevator and catwalk of the pylon The access between deck and pylon will be served by scaffoldings when the pylon legs are not closed, because of the working level is less than 30m from the deck. After the closure of pylon legs, elevator willbe installed. The capacity of the elevators will be ca. 600(kg) [7 perséné] or more, @ Fooone -ws-169-1 4,172 BW 4.3 Platforms and Seaffoldings for Installation of Stay Cables ‘The platform and scaffoldings are essential to install the stay cables. They will be provided both in the steel anchor boxes and outside pylon tops. (2) Platforms for Installation of Stay Cables Inside Steel Anchor Boxes ‘The inner platforms of steel anchor boxes will be provide by temporary wood slab in the steel anchor boxes for stay cable installation. Fig. 4-2 Example of wooden inner platform of steel anchor box v Poovges - ons-i70- 1 4 ,173 Y @) Platforms and Scaffoldings for Installation of Stay Cables Outside Stee! Anchor Boxes “The outer platforms of steel anchor boxes will be provide by scaffoldings on the cantilever steel beams surrounding pylon tops. i on the scatfoldings around pylon top Va 600224 -asin-14,174 LD . 5, STEELANCHOR BOX 5. Fabrication Steel anchor box is very important member as the stay cable anchorage device and as a part of pylon rhember. They shall be fabricated with high precision and installed with high accuracy. Shop assembly will be conducted before shipment to check the fabricated work quality. The results will be submitted to the Engineer. 5.2 Installation of steel anchor boxes @) Horizontal precision of installation of steel anchor boxes The accuracy of installation of anchor boxes will be largely influenced by the accuracy of bottom steel anchor box (Box 20) installation, because the steel anchor box segments are fabricated with high precision as above described. The base of the bottom steel anchor box shall be completely flat to install the first segment. The height of bottom anchor box will be adjusted to obtain flat setting by the support of H-steel using adjustment bolts fixed on the top end plates of H-steel. Fig. &-2 Horizontal adjustment of bottom anchor box by H-stee! The adjustment in plane is also important for anchor box installation. The following counter tajors to obtain the precision in’plan of anchor box installation will be carried out. VA 00022 14,175 B nees ~ GMS-172 - 3) 6. Fig. §-5 Example of temporary vertical prestressing bars Horizontal support from H-steel Because the assembled steel anchor boxes are vertical cantilever system, inclination would be occur for the flexible structural system. It is reasonable to support the top-of steel anchor boxes to prevent the displacement of steel enchar boxes in plan. The top of assembled steel anchor boxes will be horizontally supported from H-steel along pylon by chains and/or angle-steels and/or ‘chennel-steels to prevent the movement during concrete casting. Fig. 5-5 Example of horizontal support from H-stee! METHOD OF PRODUCTION AND PLACEMENT OF HIGH PERFORMANCE CONBCRETE ‘The method of production and placement of high performance concrete is stated in the section 5 Conérete Works, 11” method of production and placement of high performance concrete” -as8-14,176 @ 7. ELECTRIC DEVICES AND EQUIPMENTS ‘TA General Electric power is essential for electric powered facilities, devices and equipments. ‘The electric devices and equipments for bridge construction will be facilitated in both AI side (Al - Pl) and A2 side (A2 -P2). 7.2 Blectrie power and devices (@) Bleetrie power Electricity will be provided by grid power (commercial power) and/or off-grid power using generators. Generators (150KVA) will be installed around each pylons, @) Electric devices ‘The major electric devices for pylon construction are as follows. 1) Incase of gtid power Utility poles of grid Utility poles in site High voltage cables High voltage cubicles Distribution boards Blectric wires ©2©ee88 2) Incase of off-grid power © Generators (Generators will be set on the decks around P| and P2) ® Distribution boards @ Electric wires 7.3 leetri powered facilities, devices and equipments The major electric powered facilities, devices and equipments are tower cranes, elevators, self-climbing forms, lightings, vibrators, water pumps, winches for stay cable strand installation, peeler of stay cable coating, jacks and pumps for stay cable and prestressing steel , electric chain blocks, form travellers, electric saws, grout mixers, grout pumps, , surveying equipments, monitoring sensors and devices, efe. © donee osm -L40077 saunjoid 89u: 00} oxeis led Ln f yoy 0g dol —— Al 082 : | a1e9S cats Gags. _ue\dioy ‘edo Bunseo| LiL LILOY, zo onse9 | We Ld uojhd malAue|d das 6500 | wonses ‘mg 3 yMuo3 08 dos, 289 uaa stone ao a 622000 > core & sz : | 2129S ueldhey, sounypid 90u019304 Zd UOKe MOIAURId | LULL 4 + Milde tA ‘dlors Gupseg” ™, doys Bunseo g- g uoN90g Vv days 6uyseq) yuonosg | §10. BOX GIRDER CONSTRUCTION 1, CONSTRUCTION METHOD Ll Pier table and side span closure () Pier table construction at Pi The construction of pier tables (L=17.0m) will be carried out by falsework as shown following drawings. The detailed plan will be submitted to the Engineer for approval with drawings and calculations. FLOOD WATER LEVEL : 1135.00 Fig. 1-1 Pier table construction at PI by falsework (side view) k = 1 ¥ q vast te Lift Height! ZS Fig. 1-2 Falsework of pier table at PI (front view) & A b08 - cs-179- 1 4,182 @) Construction of closure of Al side spans Construction of closure of Al side spans will be carried out by falsework. As the deck is easy to deflect and warp by the influence of thermal change and miscellaneous loads during construction, deformation stopper will be needed to prevent.from deflection and warp up of the box girder and adjust the cantilever end position in place, ‘The deformation stopper is mainly composed by steel columns against deflection and prestressing bars against warp up. It will be removed after the closure of A1-PI side span, ® -=wi, Daforati Stepper Fig. 1-3 Side span closure of At side by falsenork ‘The construction sequence of A1-P1 side span is as follows. The detailed plan will be submitted to the Engineer for approval with drawings and calculations. -ois-i00- 24,183 oH | ueds apie jd-[¥. 40 eouenbes uojzoniasueg jt By ‘yee say eoray ious yn ne pu eens Bue Jo 20 G'Y {uu ie 2 auras pr sonsnaice a1 92 sees oi 300300 J wr ‘sunso}9 Uueds 9pis Ldel¥ J© souenbos Ui . fF cyoonesa - aust - 14,184 @ Construction of P2 pier table and P2-A2 side span construction @) Construction of P2 pier table and P2-A2 side span will be carried out by falsework. ‘The construction of P2 pier table and P2-A2 side spans will be carried out by falsework. “The construction of P2 side span will be proceeded so thet the side span can work as counterweight for P2 cantilever erection. The concrete casting plan will be determined by calculations. ‘The detailed plan will be submitted to the Engineer for approval with drawings and calculations. Fig. 1-5 P2 Pier table and P2-A2 side span construction by falsework Lift Height| i: ; Fig. 1-6 Falsework of pier table at Pi (front view) (A) Lift plan of box girder construetion of pier tables and side span constructed by falsework ‘The concrete casting of pier tables and side spans constructed by falsework will be divided in 3 lifts and 2 lifts as shown in Fig. 1-7 and 1-8 Fig. -1-7 Lift plan of pier table Va 900235 ~ ois-102-1 4,185 Q Py Fig. 1-8 Lift plan of side span 1.2 Balanced cantilever construction @) General ‘The box girder except pier tables and closure sections will be erected by balanced cantilever method with overhead form travellers (see Fig.1-12). ‘The form travellérs have 4 truss frames that allow ca. 12000KN-m of capacity and 7.0m cast in-situ segment length. The standard in-situ segment lengths are 7.0m for main span and 6.5m for side span between Al and Pl. W | 000236 - oys-193- 14,186 @ gehrt = reson ey aanpadoig u0l39913 49Aaj!3ueQ {=| BIg ons snozueg weis ess aus-t9¢-2 4189 lors sjensanse poe sees pouuny uu gEy:ESIS von reg gy BAEZ ARIS says, 04 seals aunpadodd U0}39843 J8ne| !2Ue9 Lop sl = lw i TOSI as al Se sam etl - ea Tsk youpavanawvsu ssouoe yam sy Ae ga i, SSUES Ti Se ny wS0EDNCE gw sa ‘aan ‘iralasvesstonoorain da 00240 i ale -U--F- 2 @ t47 194 — CHS-187 =e samen H BA eee PREP & a onset ts a ee She eZ. Ber A We wa 14,192 — CHS-189 ~ oaiiaiirearemne Seige = Re Ce 3} 4-]-J-l-| f=). oy 14.193 = CHS-190 - a gl-t-}-|-]_!-/.| 14,494 ~ CHS=T9T ~ =e ie TERI aa) C@ = CHS-192 = 5 a ae SHS ? EE YO30 WBATUNVD TAWA NOES T= AWA INOW SORUOHOY BB = aster 4 1964) oe |e x [wn a sae wa | Sefer sa remotes ne mae cama sm so (9/8) 49) anes) wsoy Jo uB}80q AsBUIWY [24d BZl-1 F14 guee ET errr SwraONHAL 3H SSOHD | —N tuS10 6 eet eV aE BRO wae] | mm ‘SSMUL Waa] SSMUL INOW | 8 4 | W SS OO ee i anew dl Boze ; Bh A] 14,197 = CHS=194 = (2) Transportation of form travellers The form travellers of PI cantilevers will be transported from Al side through temporary jetty. The form traveller of P2 cantilever will be transported from A2 side. 3) Assembly of form traveller ‘The form travellers will be assembled around pier tables. The crane will be set at the temporary jetty at PI and side of pier table (downstream side or upstream side) at P2. The truss frames, beams, steel bars, rails, running wheels, jacks, formworks and miscellaneous accessories will be lift up on the deck of pier tables by crane, in need tower cranes along pylons will be also used (e,f tower crane plan in pylon construction plan). The bottom working platform will be assembled on the ground and will be lifted-by electric chain blooks. Fig. 1-13 Preliminary crane set plan for form traveller assenbly at Pf ! | ; Mi Fig. 1-14 Preliminary crane set plan for form traveller assenbly at P2 ay 14.19 ~ OWS-195 - @ 900248 @) Temporary fixity support at pylons ‘The temporary fixity supports at pylons are essential for the stability of cantilevers until final closures, when balanced cantilever erection is applied to non-rigid articulation between piers and ‘girders. The temporary fixity supports will fix any rotational and translational motions at the pylon against the forces originated by cantilever construction, This bridge also has non-tigid articulation; the main box girder is articulated with bearings and lateral supports at pylons. The Contractor will install temporary fixity supports at pylons that comprise concrete, Prestressing bars and H.steels. They will be removed after the final closure. ‘The details with drawing and calculation will be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Fig. 1-18 Reference drawing of temporary fixity support at pylon (©) Temporary supports for eantilever construction ‘Temporary supports around piers for cantilever construction of box girder will be installed to decrease the bending moment and shear force. They will be installed in the neighbourhood of pier tables of cantilever construction spans. ‘The temporary bents will be also decrease prestressing bars and enables reasonable layout of them. ‘They will be installed within the area of cofferdam. ‘The drawings and calculation of the temporary supports will be caried out and be submitted for approval to the Engineer. The timing of dismantling and removal of the temporary support will be carried out based on the calculations that will be conducted under the direction of and be certified by an excellent Registered Professional Engineer with past experience in the design and construction of cable stay bridges. ‘The details with drawing and calculation will be submitted to the Engineer for approval. ae) : - ok fe'-1 99 B 000249 C2) Fig. 1-16 Temporary supports around pier tables for cantilever construction (©) Longitudinal prestressing bars for cantilever construction Longitudinal prestressing bars will be installed in the box girder to prevent the failure and contro! cracking during cantilever construction. ‘The prestressing bars are connected with couplers in segment joints forward the next segments. Fig.-i. 17 Layout of prestressing bars in typical section Constustion ssi Fig. 1-18 Typical layout of prestressing bars and couplers (7) Dismantling and removal of form travellers ‘The form travellers will be dismantled and removed with the crane on the deck. If pontoon in the river is available, the traveller would be removed using pontoons. If pontoon in the river is not aveilable, the traveller will be returned to the pylons for removal, / W 00625 44,206 ~ CuS-197 ~ G 1.3 Closure of main span Because there is no temporary jetty construction and easy access for P2 job site, the commencement of P2 cantilever construction will be earlier than P1 cantilever construction. The closure of the main span will be carried out by the form traveller from PI cantilever, ‘The canti ver ends will be adjusted in position egainst the difference between both cantilevers by temporary H-steel beams. The temporary H-steel beams will also fix the cantilever ends against changes in position or rotation of one cantilever relative to the other during and following placement of conerete for the closure between cantilevers. 4 C Ln, T Photo 1-2 Example of closure by traveller with temporary H-stee! beans to adjust the ends of cantilevers a Oue251 1.4 Formwork of box girder ‘The most part of the formwork in the box girder of cantilever section will be comprise plywood, stainless steel and/or plastics with high quality coating that allows repetitions usage with cost efficiency. 1.5 Counterweight conerete in the box girder ‘The counter weight concrete in the box girder comprises lean concrete that is cast after the box girder construction. The filled lean concrete shall be insulated from box girder by plastic sheet or correspondent insulation material to implement the assumption of structural design, | TNGUATON SHEET Photo-1. 20 Insulation sheets between box girder concrete and lean concrete 2. GEOMETRIC CONTROL OF BOX GIRDER 2.4 General ‘As the bridge has slender girder proportion and asymmetric layout of the stays and girder, the geometric control of the girder is very important. In particular, the deck level is greatly affected by thermal influence and change of structural shape during construction. Following solutions will be employed to obtain accurate deck level. (1) The camber adjustment calculation (pre-camber calculation) will be conducted in advance to the superstructure construction taking into account the construction procedure, ‘construction schedule and othér condition (e.g. weight of form travellers) 2) The stress analysis for construction will be also conducted to secure structural safety and health. (3) These above stated analyses will be conducted without considering geometric nonlinearity considering the experiences of similar past projects (e.g. Toyota Arrows Bridge in Japan), because the geomettic nonlinesrity for this scale of the bridge gives Quite minor influence “060252 : 202 a ° @ @ for the structural behaviour. (4) The construction engineering including calculations and technical supervisory will be conducted under the direction of and be certified by an excellent Registered Professional Engineer with past experience in the design and construction of cable stay bridges, (5) The influence analysis of thermal change will be also conducted for thermal adjustment. (© The temperature of the box girder (web and deck slab), pylons, stay cable and atmosphere’ will be monitored. The geometry of the deck will be also monitored by automatic tracking total stations. (1) The adjustment for thermal change will be calculated by the monitored data and thermal influence analysis. (8) The survey work of the deck will be conducted early in the morning or non-shiny condition to avoid thermal influence. (9) The camber adjustment before concrete casting will be conducted by above solution. (10) The study and analysis to review the clastic modulus, creep and shrinkage will be conducted with monitoring data to obtain high level accuracy of deck level. The elastic modulus, the values of creep and shrinkage will be updated in need based on the study and analysis, (11) The final adjustment of the deck level will conducted by stay cable adjustment after the closure of main span and considering stress of the girder, the pylons and the stay cables. 2.2 Interface management among box girder construction, pylon construction and stay cable installation ‘The interface management among box gitder construction and stay cable installation is very important for cable stayed bridge, since the structural system and loads act on the structure varies along with the construction stages. ‘The Contractor will make the detailed step by step construction plan based on the calculations taking into account the construction methods, loads act on the structures during construction and permanent state, It will be submitted to the Engineer for approval. ‘The Contractor will strictly carry out the construction based on the detailed step by step construction plan. ‘The monitoring of thermal change, stress, strain, coordinates of structure, wind speed etc. will be conducted during monitoring. When monitoring discovers the disorder of the structure, it will be reported to the Engineer. Then the reason and countermeasure will be analysed by designerts) and technical supervisor(s) in charge of construction engineering of the Contractor, Gb 000253 14,208 ~ CMS-200 - 3. METHOD OF PRODUCTION AND PLACEMENT OF HIGH PERFORMANCE CONBCRETE ‘The method of production and placement of high performance concrete is stated in the Section 5 ‘Concrete Works, 11” method of production and placement of high performance concrete” wa 000254 14,204 gf ~ CNS~201 - 4, MONITORING SYSTEM 4.1 Monitoring system during construetion ‘Monitoring will be carried out in order to grasp necessary data to evaluate the health of the structure. and data to ensure the geometric control and ete, Followings will be monitored for during construction. (1). Tension of stay cable strands by load cells (leave load cells for maintenance use) (2) Temperature of atmosphere by weather station (3) Temperature of box girder (web, deck) by thermocouples (4) ‘Temperature of stay cable by dummy cable - (5). Deflection of deck by automatic tracking total station (© Deflection of pylon by laser survey (7). Gradient of pylon by inclinometer (8) Wind velocity by weather station (9). Strain of deck by strain-meters with thermo-meter (10) Strain of pylons by strain-meters with thermo-meter 42. Monitoring system after completion Followings will be monitored after completion for maintenance. (1) Tension of stay cable strands by load cells that will be used during construction (2) Deflection of deck by automatic tracking total station ‘The sensors with their accessories, computer with software will be facilitated for maintenance, ‘The Contractor will also submit the maintenance manual to the Engineer. V WF oo0085 14205 7, * ° = CHKS-202 - y Vv ooz'?t vid aoe sosung BiH Amtntaid oy Be eszoon ge ¢ stp mans st Se . ee Ze Mes S 2 | °F Sef =e SS =e [oe | emer [o : ne ee | me iets = se “ae 30 SEL Jeu wears BUYS HEURES Zp B & bog vt afew] Weshs SuLOyUOW AseuRNEL Zp Bt 456000 fe * 5, BRIDGE BEARINGS AND LATERAL SUPPORTS 5.1 Bridge Bearings ‘The bearings and lateral supports will be installed as shown in following flow charts Pesta Construction JT ‘Surveing and Marking Formvork of Bearing Bods (atin — Mortal Injection for Searing Bed Fig. 5-1 Flow chart of Bear ings (1) Pedestal construction = Check the drawings ~ Making holes for anchor bars in bearing beds. (2). Surveying and marking ~ Survey and marking of the bearing position (3) Chipping of conerete surface of construction joints - Make chipping to the concrete surface of construction joints of bearing beds - Make cleaning and preparation to the concrete surface after chipping. (4) Assembly of bearing bed formwork ~ Assemble the bearing bed form work to secure watertightness to prevent non-shrinkage ( mortal leakage. “ (©) Install the bearings ~ Install the bearings in place = Adjustment of position will be carried out with embedded bolts on the bearing beds. ss SSIES La Photo 5.1 Example of bolts on the bearing bed and fornwor'k WN Aloooess - ous-205 -1 4 208 BD (©) Non-shrinkage moral Injection and euring, Pre-mix type non-shrinkage mortal will be used. [—D ‘The injection of non-shrinkage mortal will be continously carried out from one side to prevent gap. Make curing after inj Photo 5.2 Example of non-shrinkage mortal injection 5.2 Lateral support installation ‘The construction procedure is shown in Fig, 5-2. The installation of lateral supports have to be cattied out carefully with following points. Set the lateral support so that sliding plane can be parallel to the longitudinal bridge axis. Secure the clearance by camber so that replacement of the lateral support may be possible. Pylon Side Pedestal Formwork Assembly Setting of Lateral Support Members of Pylon Side Conerete Gasting and Curing of Pyion Side Pedestal Assembly of Deck Slab of Box Girder sect te een Setting of Lateral Support Members of Deck Side Concrete Casting and Curing of Deck Fig. 5-2 Flow chart of Lateral Supports (At Al abutment,, side wall of the abutnent is correspondent to pylon) - ols-206 1 4 2094 / 900259 cm 6. CABLE VIBRATION AND DAMPING DEVICES (1) During all stages of construction, restraints such as secondary ropes tied around jridividual stays ‘and anchored to the deck will be employed at necessary locations to control stay cable vibration. Fig. 6-1 General solution of secondary ropes ‘The B type solution in Fig. 6-1 will be the most suitable solution for this bridge, if restraints measure is necessary. (2) The Logarithmic dampening frequency of installed dampers will not be less than 0.02, with full consideration for rain, wind, bridge design criteria, ambient temperatures and other subjective conditions. (B) The Contractor will submit design calculations and shop drawings with full details of proposed damping devices to the Engineer for review and approval. The drawings and design will fully describe the damping devices proposed and how they will be damped to and incorporated in the stay cable system, (4) Permanent damping device will comply with the following: ° eeeo ‘They shall not be insensitive to the frequency and the amplitude of vibrations; ‘They shall not be temperature dependant; ‘They shall not be subject to vibration caused by rain; They shall be adjustable during the life of the bridge and ‘They and the components they are comprised of shall give full consideration for future: v 14,2 J A 900260 ~ OnS-207 = + GB maintenance, access, inspection, and replacement, fy i al Photo~6.1 Example of built-in High-Danping Rubber Damper V xs 14,213 af 000261 — CMS-208 - sep SUEZ Thue) Boon wren [ives [NOUVEOUOO 5 Bou | east [SHS | Se | ®1qe0 fey 404 wWozshs Su!duep Jo SuiMesp souesejey 1-9 “B14 x ia Jadwiog Jeqqny | Gurdwiog yB1H 405 souasesoy | CD amy 7S OE SaaS WE RonanDead [OR WSU GeAL suaena $) “W130 ATW3SSY BdAL SuBdane o 3eAL SuBeENe S (iv x04) 6/t=s HG@ — JIGVO AVIS HOI WALSAS B3dNVO 40 ONIMVEG WY3N39 ~ Construction of a New Bridge Across River Nile at Jinja Works Contract: Volume 3 MOBILIZATION SCHEDULE @ 2/ 000283 wl yn poz000% “Ht Coors i 1 Ft in Cry Cor 1 Cot Coo PI =SeE eee eee inn eet SINpSySS UORESTIGON cm 15.1 Construction of a New Bridge Across River Nile at Jinja Works Contract: Volume 3 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE va 000265 ES PEP EEE r See Pere | SESS SSeS =e =e ies} | al : il rep & ' | 1 i ae a ie Ee a faa | Br) ie [eal 3 ‘SRBRISG UOHONIIIUOD 7 MOLL WED TRIAD 84, fe 920007 = urea mere _ — ____ainpaups uogannsuoy “ ‘an ay 04 eo et Construction of a New Bridge Across River Nile at Jinja Works Contract: Volume 3 EQUIPMENT vi 000268

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