Rational Statement 3

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Brooke Barr

Professor Suk
Education Field Experience EDUC 230-02
Spring 2015
Rationale Statement 3
Statement of Standard Three- Learning Environments
The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative
learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self
Motivation. (NJPTSB, 2014, Pg 21)
Name of Artifact: Classroom Management Plan
Date of Artifact: Spring 2015
Course: Education Field Experience EDUC 230-02
Rationale Statement:
In this artifact I had to create an overall plan for my classroom that explained what the students
should expect for the year. It talked about procedures that needed to be followed at the
beginning of class, along with a detailed explanation of what we will be doing on specific days of
the week, and finally what the basic classroom rules were and the consequences for not
following them. The way I structured the class will create the foundation for a strong classroom
community. The plan conveys the strict yet caring environment I hope to carry into the
classroom. Its goal is to make sure my students understand that I care about their success,
individual needs, and happiness but I also expect them to be giving 110% while they are with
me. It also explains that there will be all types of learning going on in the classroom. There is
everything from debates to discussions, individual and group projects, and written assignments.
In order for this to be successful I need them to remain a strong community that supports and
respects one another.
Writing this artifact caused me to think about what kind of teacher I want to be for my students. It
made me go back and revisit some things I liked and didn't like while in school. I remember
hating bookwork and test while in school but that did not mean they weren't important. I decided
not to take them out of the classroom because I understand now as an adult the necessity of
these activities. Both the teacher and student need these things to gage the classs progress
during the class, and the level of understanding they have at the beginning and end of each
lesson. While these two things are important they are not the main focus of the classroom. They
are seen more as tools for success rather than the main goal of the class. The main goal for me

as a teacher is to be sure my students reach their highest potential, as well as reach a new level
of complex thinking. I want them to be able analyze, evaluate, and comprehend information
given to them; not just memorize it for the year. That is where all the projects, discussions, and
debates come in. These activities push the students to these higher levels of thinking.
I plan on using this in my future classrooms to lay the foundation and framework for the
classroom community I am trying to create. This community is needed in order to support all
forms of learning and create a safe and supportive environment children need to succeed. The
Classroom Management Plan will be given to the students on the first day of school. This will
allow us to start building this new community right away. It helps put us all on the same page so
we can reach our goals for the year.

Board, New Jersey Professional Teaching Standards. (August 2014) New Jersey Professional
Standards for Teachers and School Leaders. Retrieved from

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