How To Brew Beer: April Johnson

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April Johnson

to Brew Beer
CSIS 1070

Salt Lake Community


Learning to brew beer and the equipment

needed to do so. 8 0 1 - 5 5 5 - 6 7 8 9

How to Brew Beer

Making your own beer? Is that possible? It sounds like an intense process
that should probably be left to the professionals. If it was easy, wouldnt everyone
be doing it? Ive heard this several times from my friends and family. Brewing beer
isnt as hard as it sounds.
Brewing your own beer at home is easy, inexpensive, fun, and will
most likely produce a brew far superior to that watery canned
stuff. You'll also become like Bacchus to your beer buddies! We'll lay
out the basic steps to get started, and show you how you can grow
your skills and expand the varieties of beer you produce.(WikiHow)



Malt extract (liquid or dried)

Specialty grains
Yeast (varieties all depend on the type of beer you are brewing, and these
ingredients are all available in kits)




Brewing beer requires some equipment.

However, most of the equipment

needed is not very expensive and is fairly easy to find.



Dont let the


Let's review the minimum equipment you will need for this first batch:

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a 20 qt. brew pot (large canning pot)

large stirring spoon (non-wood)

ordinary table spoon

measuring cup (preferably Pyrex glass)

glass jar (at least 12 oz)

fermentor (food-grade plastic bucket or glass carboy)

airlock (get from homebrew shop)

sanitizer (chlorine bleach or other)

thermometer (optional)




1. Assemble ingredients. Gather together the ingredients for the brew.

2. Boil water. You will need at least a gallon of sterile water for a variety of small

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3. Clean and sanitize. It may seem strange to the first-time brewer, but probably
the most important thing in brewing is good cleaning and sanitization. Clean
all equipment that will be used during the brew with a mild, unscented dish
detergent, making sure to rinse well.
4. Boil the brew water. In the brewpot, bring 2 gallons of water to a boil. Pour
this water into the fermentor and leave it to cool. Now bring 3 gallons of
water to boil in the brewpot.
5. Rehydrate the dried yeast.
6. Add malt extract. When the water in the brewpot is boiling, turn off the stove
and stir in the malt extract. Be sure the extract is completely dissolved
7. Add hops.
8. Watch for boilovers. As the wort boils, foam will form on the surface.
9. Add finishing hops (optional). If you are using unhopped malt extract or want
to add more character to hopped extract, add finishing hops during the last
15 minutes of the hour-long boil.
Shut down the boil.
Cool the wort. After the boil, the wort must be cooled to yeast pitching
temperature (65-90 F [18-32 C]) as quickly as possible.
Pitch the yeast. Pour the rehydrated yeast solution



fermentation bucket.
Add cooled wort. Pour the cooled wort into the fermentation bucket
"aggressively," so that it splashes and churns in the bucket. This action adds
the oxygen yeast need for growth.
Store the fermentor. Put the lid tightly on the fermentor and carry it to
a secure location where it will be undisturbed for two weeks.
Brewing beer is a fun and interesting hobby. If it appeals to you, try it out! Youll be
a pro in no time.

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Palmer, John. How To Brew. n.d. <>.
WikiHow. n.d. <>.

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