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Week of April 13 April 17: Day 9

Katie Miller
Student Teaching
Subject: Social Studies
Grade: 5th
Time: 25-30 minutes

Topic: Colonial Life

Class: Mrs. Caldwell
Lesson Date: Friday, April 17, 2015

SOLs: USI.5d The student will demonstrate knowledge of the factors

that shaped colonial America by
d) identifying the political and economic relationships between the
colonies and Great Britain.
Content Outline:
Great Britain established and attempted to maintain control over
the colonies.
England became Great Britain in the early 1700s.
Economic relationships
o Great Britain imposed strict control over trade
o Great Britain taxed the colonies after the French and Indian
o The colonies traded raw materials for goods made in Great
Political relationships
o Colonists had to obey British laws, which were enforced by
o Colonial governors were appointed by the king or by the
o A colonial legislature made laws for each colony but was
monitored by the colonial governor
Rationale: The students will learn about the political and economic
relationship with Great Britain. This is important so that they
understand Americas history and how the country formed. They need
to understand how the times were different and how the country has
changed since then. This will help them to become well-educated
citizens. This lesson will also give them more knowledge of Virginia
SWBAT identify the political and economic relationships between
the colonies and Great Britain.
Lesson Opening:

Ask the students what we have been learning and about the
American colonies and Great Britain.
Inform them that today we are going to review the information
we have learned about the lives of the colonists and their
relationship with Great Britain.

Connection: The students can connect this information to prior

knowledge they have from previous learning, whether it was in an
earlier unit or a different grade. They may also be able to connect this
information to movies they have seen that were set during this time
period. They can also see how life has change and compare and
contrast the differences.
Instructional Strategies:
The students can use their books, graphic organizer and
knowledge to complete the Colonial Government WS. They can
spread out and complete this with a partner.
They will turn it in when they are finished.
After all are finished, as a class we will explore the maps of the
discovery of America and up until the French and Indian War.
Students will be chosen to pick a map and reading.
Links for the map below:
Colonial Government WS
Colonial Government WS
Participation during class discussion
Ask the students what we now know about the discovery and life
in early America? How can we compare and contrast it to today?
Put Social Studies work away
Wait time can be extended
If students have questions, I can answer them

Probing questions for students who are slower to get to an

Visual Aids

Colonial Government WS

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