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Casey Coghlan & Dex Hoffman


Team Norms
Casey Coghlan proposed norms

1. Code Of Conduct
a. Always be polite
b. Be professional
2. Standard Communication Methods
a. Mostly chat on email
b. Sometimes on google doc.
3. Frequency of communication
a. Most of the PLTW class
4. File management Structure
a. Send each other files if needed
b. Always save where you are in your files.
5. File Revision
a. Notify your partner when you revise something in a
6. Process for making design decisions
a. always talk about your idea to your partner
b. talk about in detail
7. Process for dealing with differences of opinion and conflict
a. Always be understanding and open minded

Dexs proposed norms:

1. Be professional.
2. Be courteous and polite.
3. Do your best to finish assignments on time.
4. Communicate well.
5. Organize files correctly.
6. Design decisions should be agreed on by both members.
7. If partners disagree, a compromise must be made.
8. If a team member should violate a norm, the other must let
them know so they can fix the issue.

Final Team Norms

1. Be professional.
2. Be polite and courteous to each other.
3. Communicate ideas and thoughts clearly.
4. Communication may be in class or over email. Communication
should occur every class unless a member is absent.
5. Files should be labeled and organized neatly, and saved often.
6. Revise files if needed, always tell your partner when revisions
7. Talk about ideas in detail to partner.

8. Be understanding, If a team member should violate a norm, the

other must let them know so they can fix the issue.

Read, understood and agreed to by: ______DH_____ on __4/23/15__

Read, understood and agreed to by: ______CC_____ on __4/23/15__
Accepted by: ____________ and _________________

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