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Week: March 2-March 6: Day 7 (Green)

Katie Miller
Student Teaching
Subject: Reading
Grade: 2nd
Time: 35 minutes rotations

Topic: Guided Reading

Class: Miss Key
Lesson Date: Friday March 6,

2.9 The student will demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts.
2.9b Make and confirm predictions about functional text
Use knowledge of sequence to make predictions while reading
functional text such as recipes and other sets of directions
Identify the sequence of steps in functional text such as recipes
or other sets of directions
Follow steps in a set of written directions (recipes, crafts, board
gams, math problems, science experiments)
Begin to use knowledge of transition words (signal words) to
understand how information is organized
2.10b Use pictures, captions and charts
Interpret pictures, captions, diagrams, tables
Interpret information presented in bar graphs, charts, and
Content Outline:
Word Study (green): none
Signal Words: first, next, then, finally
Prediction: guess, thoughts based off evidence
Caption, diagram, chart, table, bar graph
Rationale: The students will expand on their reading knowledge and
will work on developing new vocabulary and furthering their
readability. This is important because students need to be able to read
for future grades and subjects so being exposed to a variety of reading
forms is necessary; seeing words in isolation and in context. The
students are learning to generalize their reading skills to other areas.
They are also learning to pay attention to what they are reading, so
they can understand and get information for the text.
SWBAT read with expression and fluency the poem for the week.

SWBAT read and discuss Habitats of Africa and its text


Lesson Opening:
Tell the students this week we will continue to learn about text
features and how using texts features makes us better readers.
Students can pick a Dr. Seuss poem provided. They will read it to
themselves to practice first. Then volunteers will share.
Connection: The students can connect to their prior knowledge of the
topic of our book chosen. They can also make connections to text
features they already know and have used. They can use reading skills
that they have learned this year and in previous years.
Instructional Strategies:
Word Study: none
Fluency: Poetry Read Aloud Dr. Seuss Poems- Choral reread of
poem, focusing on expression, watch the signals
Comprehension: Read the rest of Habitats of Africa. Students
will share the three interesting facts they wrote down. Comp
Focus: making predictions and using text features to help us
better understand.
Discuss facts and how text features helped students better
understand the text.
When all students are donepose these questions:
o What does the word canopy mean? (p. 16 glossary)
o Where is the understory located in the Rainforest? (p. 17
o What animal can grow to 600 pounds? (p. 18 text box)
o What animal lives in the Congo Rain Forest? (p. 22 chart)
o Word Study: none
o Cat in the Hat Bucket List
Three facts from their reading and answers
Cat in the Hat Bucket List
Three facts from their reading
Listening to fluency while the students whisper read

Ask the students what skills we worked on today and how they
will make them better readers

Read 10 minutes
Wait time, probing questions for students who are slower to get
to an answer
The guided reading groups are already differentiated within
themselves to meet the needs of the students reading levels
Chunking words, pre-teaching words
Habitats of Africa books
Sticky notes and pencils
Dr. Seuss book
Cat in the Hat Bucket List

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