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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Heather Calliham

Lesson #
Subject/Grade: First Grade/Literacy
Date and Time of Lesson:
January 29, 2015 9:00am
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)

The objective should define what you expect students to know and be able to do at the end of
the lesson. The objective should be significant, challenging, varied, and appropriate.
The students will be able to correctly identify and name or words after reading the big
book Predator. At the end of the lesson students should be able to locate and generate more
or words for their work stations.

Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)

Identify the source and list standards (local, state, and/or national) that align with the
learning objective.

Phonics and Word Recognition:

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel
information in TWS Section 3)

Discuss why your learning objectives are appropriate in terms of development;

prerequisite knowledge, skills, or cross curricular integration, and/or other student
needs. Refer back to TWS 1.
This lesson is developmentally appropriate for first grade because the lesson is directly
aligned with standard required for them in phonics and word recognition. The students are
applying what they know about or words and creating a list of their own that they will use later
in work stations.
Socially the students will be participating in whole group discussion of or words and
creating a list that I will display on chart paper.
Physically the students will walk around the room during the write the room work station
and locate more or words found around the class.
Cognitively the students are generating their own or words from prior knowledge. The
only or word given to them is predator; the rest of the words are from their own

Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)

What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each
objective should be aligned with an assessment.
Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

Objective: Students will

be able to correctly
identify and name or
words after reading the
big book, Predator.
The students will use

Assessment for Objective

Pre- As a class, we will
read the big book,
Predator. I will ask the
students to tell me what

Use of Formative
(TWS section 7)
How will you use the
assessment data to
inform future

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

these or words for
chunk word is found
work stations.
within predator. While
we are reading, I will
have the students clap
whenever an or word is
present. I will instruct
them to be thinking of
their own or words as
we read.
During- After the
reading, I will pull out a
large piece of chart
paper and two different
colored markers. I will
have or written at the
top of the page. I will
ask the students what
was the main or word
from the big book and
then write the word on
the chart paper. Then
one by one I will pull out
the number sticks and
have each student tell
me their own or word
and write it on the chart
paper. As they are
naming words, I will be
enforcing that the or
chunk can be at the
beginning, middle, or
end of the word.
Post- The students will
have an assignment to
complete during their
write the room work
station. The assignment
will consist of them
locating other or words
around the class and
writing them on the
given paper. They will
also have a word search
to complete that requires
them to find or words. I
will check these after
completion to ensure
they are correctly
identifying or words.

Rev. 2013

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)

How will you adapt for varying rates of learning (early finishers/slower paced learners), learning
styles, and any relevant diversity issues? What accommodations will be made for students with
special needs? Accommodations are based on data in TWS 1.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013
Since this is a whole group lesson and work station centered activity, there will be no
accommodations made for early finishers or slow paced learners. During whole group
instruction, each student will receive a turn and for work stations students will work with
partners at their own pace to complete the assignments.
For the two students that get pulled out of class for resource, I will work with them
individually during work station time and fill them in on the lesson using the or list the
class generated. They will have their partners during write the room to guide them on
what they are supposed to do. Neither student was pulled from class during whole group
time so they are aware and capable of identifying or words.
The -or chart made as a class will be hung up in the room for students to use and look
back on if or when necessary.

Materials: List all materials needed to implement your lesson; e.g., selected reading(s),
video, PowerPoint, etc.

The big book, Predator

Chart paper
Two different colored markers
Number sticks
write the room or sheet
-or word search

Procedures: Include motivation techniques, grouping, instructional strategies (steps in the

lesson), probing questions*, and lesson closure. Refer to rubrics for specific items that should be
included in every lesson plan.
*Procedures must include probing questions that will be asked during the lesson.
Probing questions focus student attention on important elements of the lesson and
help them think more deeply about the concepts.
What is the main -or chunk word found in the big book?
What other or words can you come up with?
Give me examples with or at the beginning, middle, and end.
I will motivate the students by reading the big book Predator first. As we are
reading, I will have them clap every time we come across an or word. This will be a
whole group lesson for the introduction and then partner grouping for work station
I will call students by quiet tables to join me on the carpet.
I will re-introduce the big book Predator and ask them what chunk word is
found in the title.
After they have given me the answer, I will read the story and instruct them to
clap each time we come across a word with the or chunk.
After reading, I will pull out chart paper and have or written at the top of the
Using the number sticks, I will call upon each student to give me an example of
an or word that I will write on the chart paper.
I will inform them that the or chunk can come at the beginning, middle, or end.
After each student gives a word, I will instruct them on what they will do during
work stations.
When the students get to the write the room station, they will have to walk
around the classroom and find other examples of or words and write them on
the given paper. They will also have to complete a word search requiring them

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013
to find or words.
At the end of the week when every student has had the chance to complete this
station, I will check their papers to ensure they were correctly identifying or

Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
Identify at least two activities you plan to use in this lesson and explain why you are planning
these specific activities.
In your explanation include the following prompts:
Activity 1: The reading of the Predator and the or list the students come up with on
chart paper.
o This activity supports the objective because the students are coming up with their
own or words after reading a story.
o This activity stems from students needs because each student is given equal
opportunity to participate in the lesson. Since it is whole group, no student will be
left out or put behind.
Activity 2: Write the room work station finding or words around the class and
completing the or word search.
o This activity supports the objective because the students are using what they
learned and expanding that knowledge by identifying and locating more or words
around the class.
o This activity stems from students needs because they are partnered up and allowed
to work at their own pace during work station time.
No technology is needed for this lesson because it involves whole group
discussion, writing, and prior knowledge. Other resources are used such as the
big book, chart paper for hanging, and worksheets.


Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate:

Heather Calliham

Rev. 2013

Lesson # ___2___

Subject/Grade: Science 1st Grade Date and Time of Lesson: Tuesday/Thursday,

February 24th/26th 10:15am
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)
The students will be able to identify the sun and the moon and be able to identify the different
characteristics that make up the day sky and night sky.

Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)

Identify the source and list standards (local, state, and/or national) that align with the
learning objective.
Standard 1.E.3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the patterns of the Sun and the Moon and the
Suns effect on Earth.
1.E.3A. Conceptual Understanding: Objects in the sky move in predictable
patterns. Some objects are better seen in the day sky and some are better seen in the
night sky. The Sun is a star that provides heat and light energy for Earth.

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel

information in TWS Section 3)

The learning objective is appropriate for development because the objective intends for
the students to have full understanding of things found in the day sky versus things
found in the night sky upon completion of the lesson. The students will engage in a class
discussion, a class reading, individual work time, and partner work to ensure they are
receiving social and cognitive development.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)

What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each
objective should be aligned with an assessment.
Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

Objective 1: The
students will be able to
identify the sun and the
moon and be able to
identify the
characteristics that
make the day sky and
night sky different.

Assessment for Objective

Pre- I will present two
pictures to the class, one
of the sun and one of the
moon. I will ask them to
tell me about each
picture and which one is
seen in the day/night.
Students will create a list
of these things discussed
and I will circulate as
they are preparing the
list. It can include
drawings and words.
They will refer back to

Use of Formative
(TWS section 7)
How will you use the
assessment data to
inform future

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

these lists for later
assignments and adjust
them as needed.
During- Students will
create two collages; a
day collage and a night
collage. They will use
colored construction
paper to make up the
things that are seen in
the day sky and the
same for night sky. I will
be checking these
collages to make sure
they are including
characteristics discussed
throughout the lesson.
They may refer back to
their lists created at the
beginning of the lesson
and add other things we
learned from the reading
and discussions.
Post- At the end of the
lesson, students will
complete a Venn
diagram and a cutout
worksheet that requires
them to distinguish
characteristics of the day
sky and night sky. The
Venn diagram will extend
the lesson by having
them determine if things
can be seen in both the
day and night. Venn
diagrams and worksheet
will be collected for

Rev. 2013

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
ELL students will need an individual copy of the book What Makes Day and Night by Franklyn M.
Branley that they can refer to throughout the lesson. Additionally these students can use Day and Night
Vocabulary Picture Cards (available if needed) to assist in the illustrating and labeling during the collage
creation of Day and Night Sky activity. Students would also benefit from working with a partner using these
additional resources.
For early finishers, there will be an extension activity they can complete. This activity will be a day and
night sky booklet they create by illustrating a day sky and night sky. Instructions for this activity will be given if
students are able to make it.
For slow paced learners, they can finish the assignments for homework or at a later time in the day if
the opportunity allows.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013
Materials: List all materials needed to implement your lesson; e.g., selected reading(s),
video, PowerPoint, etc.
The book, What Makes Day and Night by Franklin M. Branley
Colored construction paper
Sun and moon pictures
Day/Night Venn diagram
Day sky/Night sky worksheet
Large white paper
Blank paper
Day and Night Vocabulary picture cards (if needed)

Procedures: Include motivation techniques, grouping, instructional strategies (steps in the

lesson), probing questions*, and lesson closure. Refer to rubrics for specific items that should be
included in every lesson plan.
*What objects can you see in the day sky? What objects can you see in the night sky? Are there
objects that can be seen in both the day and night sky? Can the sun be seen during the night, or
only during the day? Students will encounter these questions as they explore the similarities and
differences between the day and night sky. This lesson will help students identify what objects
can be seen in the day and night sky, and objects are exclusively seen in the day sky and the
night sky.
Introduction (motivation): Begin by showing the students a picture of the sun and the
moon (Attached Visual Aids Sun and Moon Picture). Ask the students which picture shows
the object that would be seen in the day sky, as well as which picture shows the object
that would be seen in the night sky.
Students will take a blank piece of paper and divide it in half by drawing a line down the middle with a pencil.
Students will label one side Day Sky and the other side Night Sky. Tell students that on the side labeled Day Sky
they should draw everything they can think of that can be seen in the day sky. Repeat this step for the Night Sky.
As the students are working, the teacher will circulate the room and check student work. Allow time for students
to draw pictures of the objects that can be seen in both the Day Sky and the Night Sky. Once the students have
had time to draw pictures for both the day and night sky, call on various students to share objects that can be seen
during the day sky, and then the night sky.
After allowing time for multiple students to share their responses, ask the students to place their paper on the side
of their tables. Students may refer back to their drawings throughout the lesson to identify new information and
add it to their previous work as well as modify their drawings as new information is presented throughout the
Next, read the book What Makes Day and Night by Franklyn M. Branley. During reading, pause when appropriate
and have students look at the pictures in the book. Ask the students what objects they see in the picture that show
that the picture is of the day sky.
Have the students support their responses:

Example I know that this is a picture of the day sky because I see the sun. Additionally, ask the students
what objects they see in the pictures that show that the picture is of the night sky. Have the students
support their response:
Example I know that this is a picture of the night sky because I can see the stars in the sky. ELL
students would benefit from having vocabulary picture cards that show the objects that can be seen during

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013
the day sky and the night sky. (Add Attachment Vocabulary Picture Cards). Depending on the level of
the student(s), have them draw a picture next to the words Day Sky and Night Sky on their paper to help
differentiate between the two.

Initial Lesson Activity: Students will construct collages of the day sky and the night sky based off of the
information they have learned from class discussions, readings, and individual observations. They will use
colored construction paper to create a day sky with all of its characteristics and then create a night sky with all of
its characteristics. These collages can include drawings and words that demonstrate their understanding. They
will share their collages with a partner to compare the two and discuss the characteristics they chose. As the
students are working, I will be circulating the room to ensure they are on topic and discussing appropriately.

Closing: After the students have participated in a whole-group discussion in order to answer the focus

questions, students will refer back to their original work from the beginning of the lesson where they
drew objects that could be seen in both the day and night sky. Students will have a final opportunity to
modify their previous answers and discuss with a table-partner one thing that they learned during the
lesson that surprised them. To assist in student accountability, students will be required to share with the
class their partner's response to the closing question. They will individually complete a Venn Diagram
by drawing pictures and/or writing objects that can be seen only in the Day Sky, objects that can only be
seen in the Night Sky, and objects that can be seen in both the Day and Night Sky. I will collect these
for grading. For further extension on the topic, they will complete a day and night sky cutout worksheet
that separates the different characteristics. They can color these accordingly.
Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)

Identify at least two activities you plan to use in this lesson and explain why you are planning
these specific activities.
In your explanation include the following prompts:
Activity 1: Sun and Moon picture discussion followed by the reading of What Makes Day
and Night by Franklin M. Branley- these support the lesson objective because they are
engaging the students and intended to motivate them for the following activities. The
activities stem from students needs because they are developmentally appropriate and
directly related to the standard for the lesson.
Activity 2: The day and night collages followed by the Venn diagrams- these activities
support the lesson objective because they are created to show students understanding of
the lesson and extend their knowledge on the topic at hand. These activities allow for
individuality and appropriate demonstrations of learning.
No technology is needed for this lesson because other appropriate resources
are used such as whole class discussions, a class reading, and worksheets.

Cite all references for materials/resources used in preparing the lesson. Citations should be in
APA, 6th edition format.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate:

Heather Calliham

Rev. 2013

Lesson # ___3___

Subject/Grade: Writing/1st Grade

Date and Time of
Lesson: March 5, 2015
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)
After reading the story, Oh The Places Youll Go by Dr. Seuss, students will write individual
stories describing an adventure they would like to go on. All students must have people, places,
and actions included in their stories.

Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)

Identify the source and list standards (local, state, and/or national) that align with the
learning objective.
SC.1-5. Writing - Producing Written Communications in a Variety of Forms: The student will
write for a variety of purposes and audiences.
o 1-5.2. Create narratives (for example, stories and journal entries) about people,
places, actions, or things.

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel

information in TWS Section 3)

Discuss why your learning objectives are appropriate in terms of development;

prerequisite knowledge, skills, or cross curricular integration, and/or other student
needs. Refer back to TWS 1.
The learning objective is appropriate for development because the students are
writing narrative pieces that includes people, places, and actions. The learning objective
is directly related to the writing standard for first grade. To complete this assignment,
students must have prerequisite knowledge in writing related to stories without using a
given prompt.
Cognitive development: students are writing their stories using only their
imaginations which will require more thinking and brainstorming to create their
Social development: students will be given the chance to share their adventures
with their neighbor on the carpet. This will help them get ideas before the writing
Physical development: students are transitioning from the carpet to their desks
during the lesson. They are using scissors and coloring which enhances their fine
motor skills.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each
objective should be aligned with an assessment.
Lesson Objective(s)
Objective 1: After
reading the story, Oh
The Place Youll Go by
Dr. Seuss, students will
write individual stories
describing an adventure
they would like to go

Assessment(s) of the
Assessment for Objective
Pre- before reading the
story I will ask the
students what they think
the story is about by
looking at the cover

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

on. All students must
page. I will ask them
have people, places,
what an adventure is. I
and actions included in
will allow them to discuss
their stories.
for a few moments and
then come together and
share. I will listen to
their responses and then
encourage them to be
thinking of the meaning
as we read the story.
During- after the
reading I will have the
students retell some of
the adventures from the
story. They will turn and
talk to their neighbor by
sharing what an
adventure is and
describe one they would
like to go on. I will be
walking around and
listening as they are
sharing. I will encourage
them to use their
imaginations because
they will use these ideas
for a writing assignment.
Post- students will write
a story of an adventure
they would like to go on.
They will need to include
where they are going
(name of the adventure),
who will be there
(characters), and what
they will do on this
adventure. Before
students are allowed to
illustrate their adventure
on hot air balloon
templates, I will be
checking the stories to
make sure they include
the expected criteria.

Rev. 2013

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)

How will you adapt for varying rates of learning (early finishers/slower paced learners), learning
styles, and any relevant diversity issues? What accommodations will be made for students with
special needs? Accommodations are based on data in TWS 1.
For early finishers, they will be allowed to go ahead and illustrate their balloons. If they
complete that as well, they can choose another Dr. Seuss book that we have read this week and
write why they like it. They can also draw and color a picture relating to the story they chose.
For slower paced learners, they can finish their writing and illustration during workstation
time. The assignment should not take too long.
For students who struggle with writing, I will give them a small prompt to get them

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013
started. The prompt will be: On my adventure I will and then include at least two things you
will see, two people who will be there (characters), and two things you will do. I will not give this
prompt to the whole class because I want to see what they can come up with on their own.

Materials: List all materials needed to implement your lesson; e.g., selected reading(s),
video, PowerPoint, etc.

Oh The Places Youll Go by Dr. Seuss

My Adventure writing template
Hot air balloon template
Pieces of string

Procedures: Include motivation techniques, grouping, instructional strategies (steps in the

lesson), probing questions*, and lesson closure. Refer to rubrics for specific items that should be
included in every lesson plan.
*Procedures must include probing questions that will be asked during the lesson.
Probing questions focus student attention on important elements of the lesson and
help them think more deeply about the concepts.
Bring the class to the carpet by calling quiet tables
*Start by asking the students who we have been celebrating this week? (Dr.
Introduce the book, Oh The Places Youll Go
*Ask the students what they think the book is about based off of the cover page
Read the story (use expression to make it more enjoyable)
*Stop on marked pages and ask the students to think about Dr. Seuss meaning
*After reading, ask the students what they think the story means now?
Introduce the word adventure and have them tell what it is
*Ask them what some adventures were from the story
Have them turn and share with a neighbor an adventure they would like to go
Encourage them to use their imagination like Dr. Seuss
Explain to them that they will be writing about an adventure they would like to
go on
Instruct them that their writing must contain where they will go on their
adventure, what kind of characters will they have, and what will they do.
After explaining the expectations for writing, allow them to return to their
Have the student helper pass out the adventure writing template and begin
As students are finishing their writing, check to make sure they included all
If so, give students a hot air balloon template and have them illustrate their
Once the balloons have been decorated, they can cut them out
They will then attach the balloon to the top of their story using string and tape
I will collect these to hang in the hallway

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)

Identify at least two activities you plan to use in this lesson and explain why you are planning
these specific activities.
In your explanation include the following prompts:
Activity 1: Reading and discussion of Oh, The Places Youll Go; this activity supports the
lesson objective because it is providing a foundation for the students writing. The story
will be read to them and then as a class we will discuss the meaning we get from it. We
will discuss what an adventure is and then the students will share an adventure with their
neighbor. This activity relates to the students needs because they are participating in
discussions that enhance social development. They are also gaining an understanding of
adventures and imaginations through a reading.
Activity 2: students will create a story of an adventure they would like to go on that
includes people, places, and actions such as: who will be on this adventure? What will they
do? And where are they going? The story must stem from the students imaginations.
Once they complete their stories, they will illustrate the adventure to the best of their
abilities. This activity relates to the students needs because it is directly related to the
writing standard for first grade writing. This activity is meant to strengthen their writing
without using a prompt.

No technology is needed for this lesson because other resources such as a book
and writing templates are used.

Cite all references for materials/resources used in preparing the lesson. Citations should be in
APA, 6th edition format.
No references.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Heather Calliham

Rev. 2013

Lesson # __4____

Subject/Grade: Math/First Grade

Date and Time of Lesson:
March 26, 2015 9:00am
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)


After gaining an understanding of related facts, the students will apply this knowledge to
determine fact families.

Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)

Identify the source and list standards (local, state, and/or national) that align with the
learning objective.

1.OA.B: Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between
addition and subtraction.

1.OA.B.3: Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract.

Related facts and fact families

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel

information in TWS Section 3)

Discuss why your learning objectives are appropriate in terms of development;

prerequisite knowledge, skills, or cross curricular integration, and/or other student
needs. Refer back to TWS 1.
The learning objective is appropriate for development because it is directly aligned
with the standard. We will be relating prior knowledge to new knowledge by
utilizing strategies to add and subtract and help determine fact families. By
applying these properties of operations, students are developing strategies that
will help them determine the relationship between addition and subtraction.
o Cognitive: students are relating prior knowledge to help gain new
knowledge. They will be using related facts previously learned to help
determine fact families for given numbers.
o Physical: students will move from whole group instruction on the carpet to
individual work time at their desks. They will be using cutting and gluing for
part of the lesson which enhances fine motor skills.
o Social: students will discuss with peers what they already know and what
they have learned about related facts and fact families. As we are
discussing fact families at the carpet, students will be sharing how to
complete the fact families.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each
objective should be aligned with an assessment.
Lesson Objective(s)
Objective 1:
After gaining an
understanding of related
facts, the students will
apply this knowledge to

Assessment(s) of the
Assessment for Objective 1:
Pre- We will have whole
group instruction where we
will review related facts and
how they make up a fact

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

determine fact families.
family. I will have index
cards marked with numbers
and symbols that will
generate a number
sentence. The class will
determine the related facts.
I will ask questions such as:
how can we make this a
related fact? What is the
subtracting/addition related
fact? Are there anymore
related facts we can make?
Thumbs up if you agree. I
will write the related facts on
chart paper as they say
them. If any student doesnt
put a thumb up after all
related facts have been
determined, I will ask them
why they disagree and to
elaborate. I will then end it
by asking what all of these
related facts make up (a fact
family) which is three
numbers that make up two
addition sentences and two
subtraction sentences.
During- students will
construct their own fact
family houses. They will be
given an index card with
three numbers written on it.
They are to put together the
related facts that make up
the fact family. I will remind
them to keep in mind that a
fact family consists of two
addition sentences and two
subtraction sentences using
the same three numbers. I
will check their fact family
houses for corrections before
hanging them in the hallway.
Post- I will give students a
worksheet that they must
complete for homework.
The homework sheet will
require them to come up
with their own three
numbers and make a fact
family using those three
numbers. These will be
returned and graded the
following day. For any
students who need

Rev. 2013

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

corrections, they will do so.

Rev. 2013

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)

How will you adapt for varying rates of learning (early finishers/slower paced learners), learning
styles, and any relevant diversity issues? What accommodations will be made for students with
special needs? Accommodations are based on data in TWS 1.
For early finishers I will have a worksheet for them to work on. This worksheet will require
them to find the related fact that doesnt belong in the fact family. This worksheet will
strengthen their knowledge on fact families and give them more practice.
For slow paced learners they will have to finish their fact family house during work station
time or for homework.
For the students who struggle with the concept, I will give them index cards with easier
numbers to put together into a fact family. They will have already seen the numbers used
in number sentences from prior work therefore they should be able to construct the fact
family more easily.
Some students arent responsible with glue so I will assist them when they get to that part
of the activity.
I will have a completed example of the fact family house for those students who need a
visual representation of what is expected.

Materials: List all materials needed to implement your lesson; e.g., selected reading(s),
video, PowerPoint, etc.
Related facts index cards
Giant lined paper
Colored marker
Fact family house
Fact family roof
Numbered index cards
Fact family worksheets

Procedures: Include motivation techniques, grouping, instructional strategies (steps in the

lesson), probing questions*, and lesson closure. Refer to rubrics for specific items that should be
included in every lesson plan.
*Procedures must include probing questions that will be asked during the lesson.
Probing questions focus student attention on important elements of the lesson and
help them think more deeply about the concepts.
Students will be instructed to come to the carpet by quiet tables.
I will ask them to get into a circle.
*I will ask them what we have been discussing and learning in math. (related
I will then place index cards on the carpet for all the students to see.
*I will ask them to give me a related fact using the cards. (thumbs up if you
I will ask the student helper to put the cards in order according to what the
class says.
I will write the related fact they came up with on chart paper.

*I will ask them to give me another related fact and construct it using the
cards. (thumbs up if you agree)

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013
I will then introduce the minus sign on an index card.
*I will have them give me a related fact using subtraction and construct it with
the cards. (thumbs up if you agree)
*Are there anymore related facts we can come up with?
Write all of these on the chart paper.
Once all four facts have been identified and written on the chart, I will ask if all
students agree that these are all we can have.
If any student disagrees, I will ask them why and to explain.
*I will ask who can tell me what these four related facts make up. (a fact family)
I will elaborate that a fact family is when you have three set numbers that make
two addition sentences and two subtraction sentences. (pointing the examples
we just came up with on chart paper)
Ask the students if they understand and if they agree.
I will then instruct them that they will making their own fact family houses.
I will show them an example of mine for visual representation.
Have the student helper dismiss students back to their desks.
The student helper, a friend, and I will pass out the fact family roof, house, and
index cards with numbers written on them.
I will distribute the numbers according to students ability to add and subtract
smaller or larger numbers.
The students will cut out their numbers and glue them to the roof. (glue and
scissors are already at students tables)
Make sure to tell the students the largest number goes on top of the roof.
They will then fill in the missing squares on the square paper to make a fact
They will glue the roof to the square to make a fact family house.
As students are working, I will be walking around to ensure they are on task.
If students finish early, I will have a related worksheet placed at the front of the
room that they can grab and work on while others finish the houses.
Once all students finish, the student helper will collect these.
I will check them for any corrections and later hang in the hallway.
To extend their practice on fact families, they will be given a homework
assignment consisting of a worksheet where they choose three numbers and
make their own fact family.

Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
Identify at least two activities you plan to use in this lesson and explain why you are planning
these specific activities.
In your explanation include the following prompts:
Activity 1: Whole group instruction on the carpet with index cards; this activity supports
the lesson objective because students are using prior knowledge on related facts to build
new knowledge in order to determine what a fact family is. This activity is used as a
motivation technique to introduce fact families. The index cards will be used for students
to construct the number sentences needed to make up the fact family.
This activity stems from student needs because they are engaging in social learning.
Students are in a circle identifying specific content and agreeing on the answers as a
class. They are learning new math content based off of prior knowledge.
Activity 2: My Fact Family House; students are constructing a fact family house using
given numbers and other appropriate materials. This activity supports the lesson because
it extends their knowledge on fact families with little guidance. They are working
individually and each given their own set of numbers to work with. This activity is the

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013
main part of the lesson because it determines if the students fully understand what fact
families are and how to construct them.
This activity stems from student needs because they are engaging in individual learning in
order to show their understanding on a specific math topic. They are using creativity and
developmentally appropriate materials in order to represent their understanding.
No technology is needed because other developmentally appropriate resources
are used. Students will be using materials that require hands-on learning.
Visual representations of the activities will also be utilized for instruction and


Cite all references for materials/resources used in preparing the lesson. Citations should be in
APA, 6th edition format.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Heather Calliham

Rev. 2013

Lesson # __5____

Date and Time of Lesson: March 27, 2015
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)
The students will be able to compare and contrast the characters and events from two
different stories using a Venn diagram.

Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)

Identify the source and list standards (local, state, and/or national) that align with the
learning objective.


Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel
information in TWS Section 3)

Discuss why your learning objectives are appropriate in terms of development;

prerequisite knowledge, skills, or cross curricular integration, and/or other student
needs. Refer back to TWS 1.

The learning objective is appropriate for students needs and development

because they are using Venn diagrams to help them compare and contrast two
stories. Comparing and contrasting characters and events in stories is a first
grade standard for literacy so as a class, we will be covering this standard using
different methods and materials.
o Social development- students will engage in whole group discussion about
the two stories by comparing and contrasting the two. They will have a time
where they will turn and talk to their neighbor to see how many comparisons
and differences they can generate.
o Cognitive development- students will be generating comparisons and
differences from the two stories based off of prior reading using Venn
diagrams. After they have come up with a few answers, I will re-read the
two stories and the students will add to the Venn diagram. Venn diagrams
will be new material for them so we have a brief discussion of its purpose.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)

What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each
objective should be aligned with an assessment.
Lesson Objective(s)
Objective 1:
The students will be
able to compare and
contrasts two different
stories using a Venn

Assessment(s) of the
Assessment for Objective 1:
Pre- students will fill in their
individual Venn diagrams
with as much information
from the readings as they
can recall. As students are
writing, I will be observing.
During- students will share
their information from their

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Venn diagrams as I write
the answers on a larger
diagram for the whole class
to see. I will re-read the
two stories. We will add
any additional information
to the diagrams as a class.
I will be making sure all
students are participating
and sharing thoughts.
Post- students will
complete their own personal
Venn diagrams using two
different stories from the
class library. They must be
able to tell what Venn
diagrams are used for and
how they help us.

Rev. 2013

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)

How will you adapt for varying rates of learning (early finishers/slower paced learners), learning
styles, and any relevant diversity issues? What accommodations will be made for students with
special needs? Accommodations are based on data in TWS 1.
No accommodations will be needed for early finishers or slower paced learners because
the whole lesson is done whole group. We will complete the Venn diagrams as a class
through readings and shared discussions. Each student will be given the same
opportunity to complete the Venn diagram as we talk and work through it. Since students
are not familiar with using Venn diagrams, I am using this lesson as an introduction to its

Materials: List all materials needed to implement your lesson; e.g., selected reading(s),
video, PowerPoint, etc.
Venn diagram template
The Greedy Cat
The Humongous Cat

Procedures: Include motivation techniques, grouping, instructional strategies (steps in the

lesson), probing questions*, and lesson closure. Refer to rubrics for specific items that should be
included in every lesson plan.
*Procedures must include probing questions that will be asked during the lesson.
Probing questions focus student attention on important elements of the lesson and
help them think more deeply about the concepts.
Students will come to the carpet with their clipboards and pencils.
I will introduce a Venn diagram template to them and define what its purpose is.
Each student will be given a Venn diagram of their own.
I will have them label the Venn diagram by writing the titles of each book, the
outer parts that require the differences and the middle part as the same.
We will have a brief discussion about the two big books we have been reading;
The Greedy Cat and The Humongous Cat.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

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*I will ask them how the two stories are similar.
They will write these on their diagrams.
*I will then have them turn and discuss with their neighbor the differences in
the stories.
They will write these on their Venn diagrams as well
We will come back together as a class.
I will pull up a large version of the same Venn diagram on the SmartBoard and
as a class; we will fill it in according to what the class has written.
*I will re-read the two stories, The Greedy Cat and The Humongous Cat, and we
will discuss any other differences and similarities in the characters and events.
I will add any additional information to the large Venn diagram as students add
to theirs.
*I will ask them what the purpose of the Venn diagram was and how it helped
The student helper will dismiss the class back to their desks.

Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)

Identify at least two activities you plan to use in this lesson and explain why you are planning
these specific activities.
In your explanation include the following prompts:
Activity 1: whole group discussion and individual Venn diagrams- students will be
discussing the two stories we have been reading for big book. They will share the
similarities between the two stories and record these on their Venn diagrams. They will
turn and talk to neighbors to discuss the differences in the stories and record them as
well. This activity will be conducted from the students abilities to recall information from
the text. This activity supports the lesson objective because it requires the students to
compare and contrast events and characters in a story.
o This activity stems from the students needs because they are using a new method
to help them compare and contrast. They are engaging in social interaction as a
class and with a peer to share thoughts related to the specified content.
Activity 2: re-reading of the two stories and large Venn diagram- I will re-read the two big
books to refresh the class memory of the events that take place. I will pull up a larger
version of the Venn diagram on to the SmartBoard and we will add any additional
information that wasnt previously noted. As I am writing, the students will be writing as
well. This activity supports the lesson objective because it is elaborating on the content
and giving the students a chance to add more information that they might have missed
before. They are still comparing and contrasting using the method of Venn diagrams but
this time we are adding to it as a whole.
o This activity stems from the students needs because they are extending the
content by adding additional information they missed before the re-reading took
place. Each student is given the opportunity to share any similarities and
differences they noticed.

The technology involved in this lesson is the usage of the SmartBoard. I will be
writing on the SmartBoard as students are sharing their thoughts.

Cite all references for materials/resources used in preparing the lesson. Citations should be in
APA, 6th edition format.
No references.

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