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Inspection Guidelines Manual

Version 1.6

Original edition by Kane Anderson 15


General Inspection-Ready Status
Daily Inspection-Ready Status
Saturday Morning Inspection-Ready Status


Dress (Class A)
Garrison (Class B)
Casual Dress (Travel)




Inspection Procedures
Daily Inspections
Saturday Morning Inspection
Sunday Inspections


JROTC Ribbons
School Ribbons
Arc Pins
Shoulder Devices
Other Awards


Officer and Senior NCO Variances

Senior NCO


Table of Recognized Positions and Rank
Promotion Criteria and List of Ranks


Version 1.6

The purpose of this manual is to provide a complete, unabridged, universal standard for all
Missouri Military Academy cadets. All cadets and inspectors are expected to abide by the
regulations set forth within. Any changes must be proposed through the current Battalion
Sergeant Major and Battalion Commander, and approved by the Commandant and Senior Army
Instructor, to be followed by an updated version of this manual. This manual shall be made
accessible to any cadet wishing to view it. This manual shall be enforced by all leadership, cadet
or otherwise, in accordance with the Cadet Handbook and Regulations. No material contained
herein will conflict with any regulations set forth by the current edition of the Cadet Handbook
and Regulations.


LTC Gregory Seibert


CPT Carl Estenik

Senior Army Instructor

Version 1.6

Barracks Standards
General Inspection-Ready Status
All rooms are expected to be to this standard at all times. This inspection is typically evaluated
on an individual basis, but may be used to determine company competition. This standard is
oriented more towards cleanliness and neatness, rather than correct placement of items. The
goal of an inspection to this standard is to be able to tell with a glance into the room whether
the criterion is met. The room may still be entered.
The room should be neat and clean, with the floors clear of belongings and swept, the bed
made, the desk clear besides a computer or book, the press orderly, and the shelves organized.
If a uniform change is imminent, the upcoming uniform may be neatly set in the chair. If the
room is unoccupied, the window shades and blinds should be opened, and the main and desk
lights off. The lockbox should be locked. If a cadet is in the room, and has been notified of an
inspection, the main light should be on. The little light may or may not be on. The cadet should
be sitting at his desk. He may be reading, working on the computer, etc. If an inspection is not
anticipated, the lights may or may not be on, the window may be closed, and the cadet may do
as he pleases, within reason.
Common areas should be clean and swept, with no trash outside of the trashcans, trashcans
not overly full, generally clean sinks and counters, toilets flushed, TV room chairs orderly.
General rule: if you make a mess, clean it up.

Version 1.6

Daily Inspection-Ready Status

All rooms are to be to this standard prior to morning formation on weekdays. These standards
are evaluated to determine company competition points. The purpose of this standard is to
promote a clean style of living and instill a sense of personal responsibility.
Desk should be cleared and clean, window closed with shades and blinds open. All lights should
be off. Shelves and press should be neat and organized. Desk chair should be pushed into desk.
Lockbox should be locked, with the dial of the lock set to 0. Shoeline should be straight, with
ACU boots closest to the bedpost, followed by corfams, leather shoes, house shoes (slippers),
and shower shoes. All other shoes should be in back shoe line, also straight. Each cadet should
have two towels on their towel rack, folded neatly with the opening of the fold facing the wall.
Floors should be swept, including under desks and beds. Trash cans should be empty. Bed
should be made, with a 10-inch fold beginning 18 inches from the head of the bed. All four
corners should be hospital corners with 45-degree angles. Pillowcase should be on, with
opening towards wall. Sheets or mattress should not be visible at foot of bed. Bed should not
have wrinkles or ridges. If the cadet has an extra MMA blanket, it should be folded at the foot
of the bed, with the letters towards the center, displaying half the logo at the top of the
blanket, opening of fold towards press. Press hangers should be spaced 2 inches away from
each other. Medicine cabinet should be closed. Mirrors and wickets should be clean.
Common areas should be cleaned and wiped, with clean mirrors. The toilet seats should be up
and showerheads pointing down.
Church call inspection is to this standard, with the only variation being that the bed should be
stripped and linens folded at the foot of the bed. Cadets present in the inspection should follow
the guidelines set forth in the General Inspection section.

Version 1.6

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Version 1.6

Saturday Morning Inspection-Ready Status

o Top shelf
Barracks cap in front right
White cap cover in front left
ACU cover in back center
Berets, extra ACU covers, special headgear in back left
Campaign hat to left of barracks cap
o Medicine cabinet
Items arranged neatly and organized, small miscellaneous toiletry items
should be stored in a bag, no other items other than ones used for
personal care
Open at 90 degree angle
o Second shelf
Garrison hats in front left corner, opening not showing, front forward
Handbook under hats, spine not showing, bottom forward
Watch cap (beanie) in back center, MMA embroidery showing
Sam Browne belt rolled neatly and placed in back right
o Third shelf
Black gloves in back, palms together, thumbs towards back, fingers
towards door
Handkerchief folded neatly, placed in front left, opening not showing
White dress gloves behind handkerchief, folded in half, thumbs tucked
and towards wall, opening showing, back of glove on top
Reflective armband (general leave armband) folded in half, opening
not showing, front and center
Tie untied and folded neatly, bottom (thick side) on top and towards
front, placed middle and right
Tie clip placed beside tie
Bowtie placed behind tie
White dress belt unset from brass, folded, placed front right, brass
placed on top with head of eagle facing door
Shoulderboards stacked and placed middle left (behind white gloves)
White crossbelts folded underneath dress belt, medallion placed on top
of belt brass
ACU patches placed neatly to the right of shoulderboards
Parade sword belt placed in lieu of crossbelts

Version 1.6

o Fourth shelf
Collared shirts, all buttons buttoned, long sleeved shirts on bottom, one
long sleeve and one short sleeve on display in front, short sleeve on top
If cadet has no long-sleeved shirts, only display one short-sleeved
Folded inwards to pocket buttons, then in half and half again,
showing only first 2 or 3 buttons
o Fifth shelf
White athletic shirts and white undershirts
Athletic shirts should be folded inwards to the edge of letters, up to the
bottom of letters, then rolled or folded downward to display the center
Undershirts folded or rolled in same technique, but without letters as
Undershirts should be stacked neatly on the left, athletic on the
One display athletic shirt in front, displaying MILITARY, white undershirt
on top
o Sixth shelf
Athletic shorts folded and rolled neatly to show property tag, placed in
Company T-shirt folded same fashion as athletic and undershirts, with
company name displayed, placed behind shorts
ACU shirt folded likewise and placed behind company shirt
ACU belt rolled with buckle on outside, placed behind T-shirt on the right
Underwear, swimming trunks, pajamas, and any additional uniform items
folded neatly and placed in back left corner
Garrison belt rolled with buckle on outside, placed beside ACU belt on
the left
Parade sash rolled neatly, placed behind belts on the right
o Press rack
Order is as follows:
Trench Coat
3-in-1 (with flight jacket zipped and buttoned inside)
Parade jacket
Choir/Dinner jacket
Dress jacket (unset)
White pants
Version 1.6

Garrison sweaters
Garrison pants
Letterman jacket
Winter travel rugby shirt
Summer travel polo shirt
Khaki pants
Athletic sweatshirt
Athletic sweatpants
ACU Field Jacket
ACU jacket (collar and pockets fastened)
ACU pants (drawstrings tied, pockets fastened shut)
Any other approved uniform i.e. Railsplitters uniform, Boy Scout
uniform, etc.
All buttons buttoned, zippers zipped, hangers spaced 2 inches apart, no
trash in any pockets, flight jacket zipped fully into 3-in-1
Extra towels and/or bedding can be folded and placed at bottom of press
Pants should have front facing out, waist on left side
o Towel rack
2 towels, both folded neatly, same length, opening towards wall
2 sock bags may be hung from rack, one for black and one for white
o All 4 corners of bed hospital corners, all edges tucked
o Collared at top, sheet should be 18 inches, collar should be 6 inches
o Extra blanket folded with embroidered letters at top and towards center of
room, displayed at bottom of bed
o No dirt, dust, food, etc. on bed or bedframe
o Pillowcase on pillow, opening towards wall
o Bottom post lined up with mirror edge
o Front shoe line
Lined up with bedpost, alternate side as roommate
Order is as follows
ACU boots
Shower shoes

Version 1.6


Only one pair of each type of shoes may be in front shoeline. All
additional pairs should be placed in back shoeline.
Boots should not be dirty
Corfams should not have dust
Leathers should be shined
Bootlaces should be drawn tight, tied together, and tucked into boot
o Back shoe line
Heels against wall, first pair against bedpost opposite front shoeline
Shoelaces tied and tucked into shoe
o Bookshelf
All books on bottom shelf
Personal display items (pictures, keepsakes, etc.) may be on second and
third shelf
All items should be neatly organized, no pens or trash should be on
No loose paper; all paper should be inside a folder, binder, etc.
No items should be on top of bookcase, must be on shelves
o Lockbox
Should contain all food, electronics, sensitive documents, jewelry, cash,
and valuables
Neatly organized, no trash or dirt
Drawer should be opened 4 inches (one closed fist) and lock should be
locked onto latch, with dial set on 0
o Desktop
May have TV (< 20 inches) with game consoles, speakers, etc.
Cords should be neatly tucked away
May have laptop, closed and placed out of the way
No dirt, trash, dust, or stains
Desk light on
o Trashcan
No dust, dirt, dried liquid, etc. in bottom
o Bottom Shelves
Personal belongings, assorted cleaning and/or uniform supplies may be
neatly stored in clear storage bins on your respective shelf
One shelf per cadet, other shelf reserved for roommate, should not be
used if roommate is not present

Version 1.6


No trash
o Backpack cubby (above lockbox)
Maximum of 2 backpacks: one for school, one for sports
Backpack(s) should have nothing inside
No books
No paper
No pencils
No pens
No trash
All pockets zipped closed
o Window
Curtains open
Blinds halfway down
Window closed and latched
Overall Room
o Floor swept
o Floor mopped
o No dust anywhere
o AC off
o Door open
o Lights on
o Wickets, mirrors, windows clean and streak-free
o Only one side of room should be occupied by a single cadet
Single rooms should have no property on other side of room
Cadets should not have any other cadets property
o Laundry bags should not contain jackets, garrison pants, trash, or clean laundry
No ACUs unless visibly dirty
o Standing at parade rest in front of shoeline until inspector(s) enter
o Snap to attention when inspector(s) enter
Senior cadet in room calls attention if 2 cadets occupy same room
No command given if in a single room
o Should understand basic military knowledge concepts
Chain of command from platoon to battalion level
JROTC questions equivalent to LET level
Middle school should know LET I questions
MMA handbook regulations
Questions on knowledge as prescribed by the S3

Version 1.6


o Uniform should be to standard

o Halls
Dirt-free, stain-free floor
All flat surfaces dusted
All windows and wickets clean
Trashcans maintained: if trash is above rim, will be a check
o TV room/rec room
All floors swept/vacuumed
No trash anywhere
Flat surfaces dusted
All common items put away
Furniture arranged neatly
o Rears
No dirt or dust
No trash in trashcan or around rear
Showerheads and toilet seats uniform
Windows clean
Mirror clean
Sinks clean and stain-free
o Police call
All trash picked up from around company area

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Version 1.6


From most formal to least formal.
Cadets are expected to observe good personal hygiene, including being clean-shaven, at all
times and in all uniforms.

Parade (1889) Uniform

White pants, 1889 parade jacket, cross belts, black socks, corfams, barracks cap with
white cap cover, white gloves. Jacket and pants should be clean and string-free. Corfams should
be cleaned, including soles.
Same as summer, but substitute white pants for gray pants and omit cap cover. Trench
coat may be worn in inclement weather.

Version 1.6


Dress Uniform (Class A)

White pants, white collared shirt, black tie, white dress belt, black socks, handkerchief,
corfams, white gloves, barracks cap with white cap cover, all awards. Jacket and pants should
have no strings or dirt. Patches should be up to date. Tie should be tied in a double Windsor
knot. Nametag should be on flap of right breast pocket, centered and 1/4 inch from the top, or
about at the second stitch line. Above pocket should be awards in the order of: Soldiers bar,
star with wreath, JCLC badge. Each should be 1/4 inch from the previous award or the pocket.
Below the flap of the pocket should be JROTC arc pins, to a max of 4. Shoulder brass should be
centered on epaulets. Collar brass should be centered 1 inch away from the notch of the lapel
(about the size of a quarter) and centered between the outer edge of the collar and the seam,
with the torch or MMA insignia angled with the bottom towards the first button. The MMA
disk will be worn on the right side, while the JROTC torch will be worn on the left. Band
members may substitute the torch with the band harp. Ribbons should be set centered and 1/8
inch above the left pocket, in the order of precedence prescribed in the Awards section of this
manual. Any applicable pins should be set above the ribbons in a horizontal fashion, with no
more than 3 pins to a row, in the order of Referral (ambassador) pin, Delta Phi pin, NHS pin,
125th Anniversary pin, Presidential Citation pin, and US Presidential Awards for education or
community service. On the left pocket flap should hang medals, with the top of the medal 1/4
inch away from the top of the pocket, along the second stitch line. Medals should be centered,
and higher medals should be worn closer to the right, to a max of 3. Only military awards may
be worn. Cadets ranking Sergeant First Class or higher may wear whistles which lead under the
pocket flap. Honor Board members wear their badge centered on the left pocket. Shoulder
cords may be worn one at a time. If posting with a certain group, that cord takes precedence,
but only that cord may be worn. Cords with multiple loops will be worn with one small loop
under the arm, and the other small loop and braided loop on the outside. Cords will be worn on
the sides prescribed in the Awards section of this manual. White belt will be worn, with the first
I in MISSOURI forming a gig line with the blouse crease and fly.
Same as summer, with the substitution of white pants for gray, and no white cap cover.
Trench coat or 3-in-1 jacket may be worn in inclement weather. White gloves will be
substituted for black when wearing the 3-in-1 jacket.

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Version 1.6


Garrison (Class B)
Gray pants, short-sleeved white collared shirt, white undershirt, handkerchief, garrison
cap, garrison belt, leather shoes, black socks, current shoulderboards. Only awards authorized
for wear in this uniform are those which are placed above the right pocket and any pins. Order
above right pocket is: Soldiers Bar, star with wreath, JCLC badge. Each is spaced 1/4 inch above
the previous award or above the pocket. Pins should be set above the left pocket, spaced 1/4
inch apart and above the pocket, stacked vertically and centered, in the order of Referral
(ambassador) pin, Delta Phi pin, NHS pin, 125th Anniversary pin, Presidential Citation, US
Presidential Awards for education or community service. Shirt tucked in, gig line formed with
shirt crease, belt edge, and pants fly. Belt should be shined without fingerprints. Shoes should
be shined, with soles cleaned. Cadets with rank of Sergeant First Class or above may wear a
whistle on the left side, with whistle leading under the pocket flap. Recruits and those on Xtours will wear maroon shoulderboards and carry the Cadet Handbook in their left breast
pocket. Honor board members wear their badge centered on the left breast pocket.
Flight jacket or 3-in-1 jacket may be used in inclement weather. Letterman jacket may
substitute flight jacket, so long as the cadet is a Varsity letterman with the letter sewn on.
Gray pants, white collared shirt, black sweater, handkerchief, garrison cap, garrison belt,
tie, leather shoes, black socks, current shoulderboards (soft only). Nametag will be aligned to
the bottom of the collar and centered on the inside edge of the right shoulder patch. Above the
nametag, spaced 1/4 inch apart, awards to include the Soldiers Bar, star with wreath, and JCLC
badge should be in that order. Applicable pins should be worn at the same height on the
opposite side, stacked vertically. Honor board members wear their badge below the level of the
nametag on the left side. Tie should be tied in a double-Windsor, and the tip should be within 1
inch of the top of the belt. Brass should be shined, and a gig line should be formed with the
shirt crease, belt edge, and fly. Shoes should be shined with soles cleaned.
Flight jacket or 3-in-1 jacket may be used in inclement weather. Letterman jacket may
substitute flight jacket, so long as the cadet is a Varsity letterman with the letter sewn on.
Summer Class A Garrison (Summer Dress, No Blouse)
Gray pants, short-sleeved white collared shirt, white undershirt, handkerchief, barracks
cap, garrison belt, corfams, black socks, current shoulderboards, all ribbons. Same guidelines as
summer garrison, with ribbons set above the left pocket, centered and 1/8 inch above. No
cords or medals will be worn, unless prescribed for a special event. Corfams must be cleaned,
including soles. Barracks cap may or may not have white cap cover.
Version 1.6


Flight jacket, trench coat, or 3-in-1 jacket may be used in inclement weather. Letterman jacket
may not be worn in this uniform unless approved. This uniform is a special-occasion uniform.

Version 1.6


Casual Dress (Travel)

Khaki pants, maroon polo shirt, garrison belt, white undershirt, black or white socks,
athletic shoes. Polo shirt should be tucked into pants, top button unbuttoned. Garrison belt
should be shined.
Flight jacket or 3-in-1 may be substituted in inclement weather. Varsity lettermen may wear
their letterman jackets.
Khaki pants, white undershirt, striped rugby shirt, white or black socks, garrison belt,
athletic shoes. Shirt should be tucked into pants. Garrison belt should be shined.
Flight jacket or 3-in-1 may be substituted in inclement weather. Varsity lettermen may wear
their letterman jackets.

Version 1.6


White athletic shirt, maroon athletic shorts, white socks, athletic shoes. Shirt should be
tucked in, drawstring not showing. Socks should be visible.
White athletic shirt, maroon athletic shorts, white socks, maroon sweatpants, maroon
sweatshirt, athletic shoes, optional beanie cap. White shirt and maroon shorts on underneath
sweatshirt and pants, with white shirt tucked in. Sweatshirt does not need to be tucked.
Flight jacket or 3-in-1 jacket may be used in inclement weather. Varsity lettermen may wear
their letterman jackets.

Version 1.6


ACU pants, blouse, undershirt, belt, boots, socks, patches, and patrol cover. Pants
should have all drawstrings tied and closed. Tan shirt should be tucked in. Cover should be
stowed in cargo pocket when not in use. JROTC patch should be on left shoulder pocket,
JROTC tape on left breast, MMA or name tape on right breast. If a cadet has attended JCLC,
they may wear the JCLC patch on the right shoulder. One subdued ACU arc may be worn, if the
cadet has qualified for that arc. A memorandum must be on file in the Commandants office.
In inclement weather, the 3-in-1 jacket or flight jacket may be used. ACU field jacket may be
used if owned.
In special cases, Commandant may call for company T-shirts to be used instead of tan

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Version 1.6


During any given inspection, a cadet may be asked general knowledge questions regarding
MMA rules or traditions, JROTC curriculum facts, common knowledge questions, uniform
regulations, etc. Upon completion of the Handbook Test, cadets will be expected to be field
experts regarding MMA regulations, history, and tradition. Cadets will be expected to know
concepts based on their progress through each LET level. Middle school students should have
some familiarity with LET I questions. LET material will be published by the S-3. As the year
progresses, cadets will be expected to gain a more in-depth knowledge base, to include Army
and Executive chain of command, in addition to localized (cadet and faculty) chain of command.
When answering a knowledge question, a cadet remains at the position they were ordered to
(typically attention in an inspection) and answers the question in the same tone and volume the
inspecting officer used. The cadet should first address the inspector by rank (Sir for officers,
appropriate rank for NCOs) and either state The answer to your question is: or restate the
question. The cadet should then answer the question to the best of his abilities. Should he not
know the answer, he should inform the inspector, and state the intention to find out as soon as
In a typical inspection setting (discounting Formal Inspection) one allowance will be made if the
cadet answers incorrectly or does not know the answer. A second incorrect answer or format
will result in a check to the inspected unit.
Example responses:
Question: What is the proper length of a single step in marching?
Answer: Sir, the answer to your question is 30 inches.
Question: What is the proper length of a half step in marching?
Answer: Sergeant, the proper length of a half step in marching is 15 inches.
Question: What is the serial number of your rifle?
Answer: Sir, I do not know the answer to your question, but I will find out as soon as possible.

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Version 1.6


Inspection Procedures
Daily Inspections
These inspections will be conducted every weekday, unless otherwise noted. These inspections
are used in determining daily company competition points. The Battalion Commander or next
ranking cadet will announce the inspection results at mess.

Morning Formation
Battalion Commander will determine whether morning inspection will be indoors or
outdoors. If outdoors, companies will be at Open Ranks. If indoors, platoons will be lined up on
their individual floors within the company. In any case, the inspection will begin when the
company commander reports to the inspector, and will end when he reports out. Checks will be
given for uniforms not being to standard, improper procedures, knowledge questions answered
incorrectly, or cadets being absent without a reasonable excuse. An absent cadet will max out
on potential checks, which is 5 per cadet.

Room Inspection
Room will be left to standard outlined on Page 5. Doors will be closed, lights and electronics
will be off. Inspection will be conducted by Commandant staff while cadets are not present. A
max of 5 checks per room may be given.

Version 1.6


Saturday Morning Inspections

Saturday Morning Inspections are the most detail-oriented inspections. They combine room
and uniform inspections. This inspection will be used to determine eating order if Review is a
tie or is not conducted.
Two or more inspecting officers may be present. If so, the highest ranking inspector will be
the primary. The lowest ranking inspector will be the assistant. All other inspectors will be
secondaries. The primary inspector will first report to the Company Commander outside of the
company building, along with another senior leader and the guidon bearer. The Company
Commander will report the number of personnel to be inspected. The inspecting party will then
enter the building. Inspectors may inspect any common areas, including stairwells, alcoves,
recreation centers, restrooms, police call, etc., so long as they do so in every company, to
provide each with equal opportunity. Before entering a floor, the primary inspector will report
to the platoon leader, who will report the number of personnel to be inspected. When
inspecting a platoon, the primary inspector will enter each room first, followed by secondaries
and the assistant. One company-level leader and one platoon-level leader may enter the room
AFTER the inspectors. When the inspecting party enters the room, the senior-ranking cadet will
call the room to attention. When only one cadet occupies the room, he will simply snap to
attention without audible command. The primary inspector may give checks for discrepancies
in accordance with this manual, to a max of 5 per cadet (meaning a potential of 10 per room).
The secondary inspectors may also give checks, but the primary inspector has veto power. The
assistant may point discrepancies out to the other inspectors, but will not give checks. Company
and platoon leaders may give explanations if asked, but will not argue checks. Any issues may
be referred to after the inspection. Checks will be given for items not to standard, whether they
are uniform, room, knowledge, procedure, or common area shortcomings. Only one check per
item will be given per cadet (if a cadet has 3 pairs of pants without the button buttoned, the
cadet gets one check. His roommate, however, may also get the same check). Inspectors will
not re-enter rooms to re-inspect cadets; however, checks for movement or talking may still be
given, had the cadet not maxed out beforehand. Before leaving a floor, the inspecting party will
report out to the platoon leader, stating the amount of checks. Before leaving a company, the
inspecting party will report out to the Company Commander, stating the amount of checks.
In addition to company competition, Saturday Morning Inspections are also graded on a
pass/fail scale. Any unit, of any size, gaining an average of more than 1 check per cadet is
considered to have failed the inspection. Thus, if a room with one cadet is given 1 check, that
cadet has passed. If it is given 2, he has failed. A company with 30 cadets and 30 checks has
passed. A company with 30 cadets and 31 checks has failed. A re-inspection may be deemed
necessary for a failed company.

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Sunday Inspections
Sunday inspections are used to determine eating order, should Review and Saturday Morning
Inspection be ties or not conducted.

Church Call
Prior to stepping out for church, cadets should be dressed in the prescribed uniform,
usually Dress Uniform. They are responsible for being on time for their church call. Checks will
be given for uniform discrepancies as well as late cadets.

Sunday Barracks Inspection

An inspection of the barracks will be conducted Sunday mornings. The inspection is
oriented more towards general cleanliness of the barracks. Cadets who are present will sit
quietly at their desks. They may be reading, using their computer, etc. The area around the
barracks will be inspected as well. Companies are expected to have their trash cans emptied for
this inspection. Rooms should be to the Daily Inspection standard, with the exception of the
lights if they are present, and the beds, which should be stripped.

Review Inspection
Prior to review, companies will be formed up and at open ranks in their assigned staging
area. This inspection is oriented more towards the correct placement of uniform items. Uniform
should be neat and clean, and the correct awards being worn. Cadets wearing false awards will
have them confiscated. Inspections will typically be performed by review officers or Army

Cadets will be evaluated on their performance during a review. The inspection order will
determine the eating order for the week, as well as when the cadets will get their laundry back.
The inspectors will examine dress and cover, rifle movements, stationary and marching
movements throughout the review. Review order will be announced immediately after review.

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Orders and records must be on file with SAI and Commandant for all awards.
Battalion S-1 is responsible for award records.
This section outlines MILITARY awards, which are worn in Dress Uniform. All non-military
awards not described herein are to be worn on the letterman jacket.

JROTC Ribbons
In order of precedence
All JROTC awards must be authorized in an order, approved by Senior Army Instructor
Ribbons with matching medals will be worn in lieu of the medal, except at formal occasions.
All JROTC awards are available strictly to high school cadets.
JROTC awards from other schools will be honored upon approval by SAI with written order.
Non-JROTC awards from other schools will NOT be carried over.
Superior Cadet Ribbon
Awarded annually to the cadet from each LET level who demonstrates the greatest military
bearing throughout their everyday life
Student Government N-1-5
Awarded to elected class officials
LET Service N-1-6
Awarded following one full year of Leadership Education and Training
Summer Training Ribbon N-1-10
Awarded upon completion of 1 MMA or JROTC summer program
Drill Team N-3-4
Awarded to competitive Drill Team members participating in at least 5 competitive events
Orienteering N-3-5
Awarded to competitive Raider Challenge members upon completion of competitive season
Color Guard N-3-6
Awarded to National Color Guard members after competing at least 5 off-campus postings
Rifle Team N-3-7
Awarded to competitive Rifle Team members upon completion of competitive season
JCLC N-3-11
Awarded to cadets who attend JCLC summer camp
Raider Team N-3-12
Awarded to competitive Raider Challenge members upon completion of competitive season

Version 1.6


Varsity Athletics N-2-1

Awarded to Varsity Lettermen
JROTC Physical Fitness Award N-2-2
Awarded to cadets qualifying for either National or Presidential Physical Fitness Award
Parade N-4-1
Awarded to cadets participating in a public parade (Note: An off-campus review is not a
Veterans Day Ceremony N-4-3
Awarded to cadets who perform a tribute to veterans on Veterans Day
POW/MIA Missing Man Ceremony N-4-4
Awarded to cadets who perform a tribute to POWs/MIAs in a Missing Man Ceremony

Version 1.6


School Ribbons
In order of precedence (Note: ALL JROTC awards take precedence)
All school ribbons must be authorized in an order approved by the Commandant
All ribbons available ONLY to middle school cadets are removed upon entrance to high school.
Those available to both middle AND high school cadets are retained. Also applies to medals and

Delta Phi
Awarded to Delta Phi full members (GPA > 3.7 until end of year)
Academic Fourragere
Awarded for a 3.7 GPA in one academic month
Maroon Bar
Receive no tours or disciplinary statements in one academic month
Become a member of M-club (Letter in 2 consecutive Varsity sports)
Perform in at least 4 performances (Competition or public)
Military Police
Awarded annually to MPs with at least 3 months service
Color Guard/Honor Guard
Awarded annually to Color Guard members with at least 3 months service
Awarded annually to Honor Guard members with at least 4 postings
Company Competition Award
Awarded to companies who earn 1st place in 3 consecutive months
Math Bar
Awarded to one individual in each math class selected by teacher each semester
Foreign Language
Awarded annually to individuals demonstrating excellence in foreign language classes,
selected by foreign language teacher
Awarded to individuals who become ambassadors to the school, nominated by Admissions
Fine Art
Awarded to individuals demonstrating excellence in a fine art class, nominated by instructor
Awarded to participants in band

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Awarded to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in art, nominated by instructor
Awarded annually to participants of the Cadet Chorus
Cadet Council
Awarded to individuals elected to class offices
Awarded to individuals showing excellence in journalism, nominated by instructor
Chapel reader
Awarded to individuals who read at a Vespers service on at least 3 separate occasions
Awarded to individuals who perform at annual Evensong service
Drama Bar
Awarded to individuals participating in a Drama performance
Chapel Worker
Awarded to individuals who serve as chapel workers for at least 3 months

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Arc Pins
Must be an active member of specified group/activity with a memorandum on file in the
Commandants office to wear arc pins.
No more than 4 arc pins may be worn at a time.
Honor Guard
Must be an active member with at least 4 postings
Color Guard
Must be an active member for at least 3 months
Must be an active full member of Delta Phi or National Honor Society
Rifle Team
Must be an active Varsity member
Drill Team
Must be an active competitive member who competed in at least 4 events
Must be an active member
Must have attended JCLC, award is authorized for one year
Drum and Bugle
Must be an active member of the Drum and Bugle Corps

Version 1.6


Shoulder Devices
Shoulder devices may only be worn by active members of their respective groups, with a
written memorandum on file in the Commandants office
In accordance with 2014-2015 Cadet Handbook and Regulations, Wearing the Uniform
section 2.23.C page 87, only one shoulder device may be worn at a time. Additionally, cords
worn while participating in an event or activity will represent that specific group i.e. Color
Guard will wear a Color Guard cord at a posting. Only one cord will be worn unless posting for
two groups at once.

Right-Shoulder Cords
Delta Phi
Single solid gold cord, may be worn by full members
Rifle Team
Single solid tan cord, may be worn by active members
Drill Team
Single solid red cord, may be worn by active competition members
Military Police
Split solid maroon cord with button clasp, may be worn by active members
Single solid black cord, may be worn by active members
Honor Guard
Single solid blue-gray cord, may be worn by active members while posting or permanently
after 5 postings

Left-Shoulder Cords
Academic Fourragere
3-string striped maroon and gold cord, worn by monthly awardees with 3.7 GPA or higher
Color Guard
3-string solid white cord, worn by active members
3-string solid gold cord, worn by active members with at least 3 exhibition performances
3-string braided solid maroon and striped maroon-gold cords, worn by ranks C/CPL - C/CSM
Single maroon and white cord, worn by active members
Version 1.6


International Color Guard

3-string solid light blue cord, worn by active members
3-string solid off-white cord, worn by active members

Version 1.6


Other Awards
Pins (in order of precedence)
Presidential Awards for Academics and Community Service
Awarded by President of the United States
Presidential Citation
Awarded personally by President
125 Anniversary Pin
Awarded to all cadets who were enrolled on the schools 125 th anniversary
National Honor Society
Worn by members
National Junior Honor Society
Worn by members. Cannot be worn upon entrance to high school
Delta Phi
Worn by associate or full members
Worn by active ambassadors
*Medals with matching ribbons will not be worn. Medals are for FORMAL occasions.
Marksmanship Qualification Badge
Awarded upon qualification in air rifle. 3 levels: Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert
Sports Medals
Awarded by athletic director. May only be worn on letterman jacket
JROTC Activity Medals
Includes rifle team, drill team, Raiders medals
JROTC Recognition Medals
Awarded at end of year
Other military awards
Band, Eagle Scout, Choir medals may be worn. All others require written Commandant
Soldiers Bar
Awarded for superior discipline, neatness, and military bearing. Nominated by company
commander, approved by Commandant
JCLC Badge
Awarded upon completion of JCLC summer camp
Version 1.6


Academic Wreath
Awarded annually to top 10% of each LET level.
1st Award: Wreath
2nd Award: Wreath with red backing
3rd Award: Wreath with silver backing
4th Award: Wreath with gold backing
Honor Council Badge
Awarded to active members of Honor Council
Flight Certification Badge
Awarded to those who have flown solo in a certified flight school

Version 1.6


Officer and Senior NCO Variances

Officers are those ranked C/2LT or above
Senior NCOs are those ranked C/1SG or above

Collar brass is replaced by ROTC insignias in dress uniform
Crossed-rifle lapel brass is added in dress uniform, worn as collar brass in garrison uniform
Corfam shoes may be worn in any uniform
White Sam Browne belt with saber may be worn in dress uniform
Barracks cap has gold strap instead of black
No rank is worn on dress jacket sleeve; rank is on shoulders underneath shoulder brass (moved
as necessary)
Snake chain whistle is authorized in dress uniform and summer garrison uniform
Those in officer positions will wear maroon sashes in lieu of cross belts in parade uniform
Cadet officers may utilize both sides of their rooms, assuming they do not have a roommate
Officers may have a rug (in accordance with MMA Handbook size regulations) and a small fridge
Officers may keep their dress uniform set, except for laundering
Senior Officers:
Upon promotion to Senior Officer (C/MAJ) pants gain a gold stripe, barracks cap gains oak
leaves along brim

Version 1.6


Senior NCO
Collar brass is replaced by ROTC insignias in dress uniform
Crossed-rifle lapel brass is added in dress uniform, worn as collar brass in garrison uniform
Corfam shoes may be worn in any uniform
Black Sam Browne belt with sword may be worn in dress uniform
Black campaign hat replaces covers in garrison and dress uniforms
Barracks cap has gold strap instead of black
Pants gain a maroon stripe
Snake chain whistle is authorized in dress uniform and summer garrison uniform
Those in Senior NCO positions will wear a sash in lieu of cross belts in parade uniform
Senior NCOs may use both sides of their room, assuming they have no roommate
Senior NCOs may have a rug (in accordance with MMA Handbook size regulations) and a small
Senior NCOs may keep their dress uniform set, except for laundering

Version 1.6


Promotions are based on the following standards:
Grade Point Average
Disciplinary report
Length of service
Grade level
Recommendation from Company Commander, with Senior Mentor approval
Recommendation from SAI and Commandant
Outstanding performance evaluations (both negative and positive)
Length of service requirements reset after each year, but rank is retained. For example, if a 9 th
grade cadet misses the opportunity to be promoted from C/PFC to C/CPL in May, he is not
eligible for promotion the next September. He still retains the rank of C/PFC. The only exception
to this standard is a meritorious promotion.
A meritorious promotion is meant to be a reward for a highly outstanding performance. It is
intended to be used sparingly. One can be requested by the Company Commander through
both the SAI and Commandant.
Similarly, a promotion can be denied by the Company Commander, Senior Mentor,
Commandant, or SAI for a violation in any of the above criteria. If this is the case, the cadet
whose promotion was denied will be informed in a written statement why they were not
promoted. During the next promotion board, so long as that specific issue has been fixed and all
other measured criteria are met, the cadet will be promoted.
A cadet in a leadership position starts as the lowest rank approved for that position in
accordance with the 2014-2014 Cadet Handbook and Regulations. If their rank drops below that
which applies to their position, it is a case for relief of that title at the discretion of the
Commandant and SAI. Should a cadet be fired from a leadership position, all rank gained from
that position will be stripped. If they are put into another position after being fired, they will
start as the lowest rank approved for their new position.

Version 1.6


Table of Recognized Positions and Rank

Officer Positions
Battalion Commander
Battalion Executive Officer
Company Commanders
Battalion Staff
Company Executive Officers
Platoon Leaders
Other positions
NCO Positions
Battalion Command Sergeant Major
Company First Sergeant
Platoon Sergeant
Squad Leader
Other positions

Version 1.6


Promotion Criteria and List of Ranks

C/RCT-C/SGT: 2.0 GPA, no more than 2 no homework infractions in promotion period
C/SSG-C/CSM: 2.5 GPA, no F, no more than 2 no homework infractions in promotion
C/2LT-C/LTC: 3.0 GPA, no D or F, no more than 2 no homework infractions in
promotion period
No major infractions at any rank (Class A or B offenses, 10+ tours)
C/RCT-C/CPL: no more than 30 tours
C/SGT-C/SSG: no more than 20 tours
C/SFC-C/LTC: no more than 10 tours
Recruit (C/RCT) Grades 6-12, no insignia, wears Honor Unit with Distinction star upon
completion of Crucible and Handbook Test
Recruit 2nd Class (C/RC2) Grades 6-8, no insignia, eligible after 4th academic month
Recruit 1st Class (C/RC1) Grades 6-8, no insignia, eligible after 5th academic month
Private (C/PVT) Grades 6-12, no insignia, grades 6-8 eligible after 6th academic month, 9th
grade after 3rd month, 10th grade after 2nd, and 11th and 12th grades after 1st month
Private 2nd Class (C/PV2) Grades 7-12, one chevron, grade 7 eligible after 8th academic
month, 8th grade after 6th month, 9th grade after 5th month, 10th after 4th month, 11th and 12th
after 3rd month
Private First Class (C/PFC) Grades 8-12, one chevron with one rocker, grade 8 eligible after
7th academic month, 9th after 6th month, 10th after 5th month, 11th and 12th after 4th month
Corporal (C/CPL) Grades 9-12, two chevrons, grade 9 eligible after 7th academic month,
grade 10 eligible after 6th month, grades 11 and 12 eligible after 5th month. Cadets at this rank
or higher are considered Noncommissioned Officers, and are given privileges and
responsibilities as such. They are expected to fill leadership roles.
Sergeant -- (C/SGT) Grades 10-12, three chevrons, grade 10 eligible after 8th academic month,
grade 11 eligible after 7th month, grade 12 eligible after 6th month
Staff Sergeant (C/SSG) Grades 11 and 12, three chevrons and one rocker, grade 11 eligible
after 8th academic month, grade 12 eligible after 7th month.
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Sergeant First Class (C/SFC) Grade 12, three chevrons and two rockers, eligible after 2
months of good performance in a leadership position at previous rank. Approved by Promotion
Master Sergeant (C/MSG) Grade 12, three chevrons and three rockers, eligible after 2
months of good performance in a leadership position at previous rank. Approved by Promotion
First Sergeant (C/1SG) Grade 12, three chevrons, three rockers, and diamond, eligible after
2 months of good performance in a leadership position at previous rank. Approved by
Promotion Board. Cadets at this rank or higher are considered Senior NCOs, and are given
privileges and responsibilities as such.
Sergeant Major (C/SGM) Grade 12, three chevrons, three rockers, and star, eligible after 2
months of good performance in a leadership position at previous rank. Approved by Promotion
Command Sergeant Major (C/CSM) Grade 12, three chevrons, three rockers, and star with
wreath, eligible after 2 months of good performance in a leadership position at previous rank.
Approved by Promotion Board
Second Lieutenant (C/2LT) Grade 12, one silver circle, eligible after 2 months of good
performance in a leadership position at previous rank. Approved by Promotion Board. Cadets at
this rank or higher are considered Officers, and are given privileges and responsibilities as such.
First Lieutenant (C/1LT) Grade 12, two silver circles, eligible after 2 months of good
performance in a leadership position at previous rank. Approved by Promotion Board
Captain (C/CPT) Grade 12, three silver circles, eligible after 2 months of good performance
in a leadership position at previous rank. Approved by Promotion Board
Major (C/MAJ) Grade 12, one silver diamond, eligible after 2 months of good performance
in a leadership position at previous rank. Approved by Promotion Board. Cadets at this rank or
higher are considered Senior Officers, and are given privileges and responsibilities as such.
Lieutenant Colonel (C/LTC) Grade 12, two silver diamonds, eligible after 2 months of good
performance in a leadership position at previous rank. Approved by Promotion Board

Version 1.6

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