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Microwave Mug Lava Cake


10 pieces of Dark Chocolate (I used Dove)

stuck of butter
1 egg
3 tbs sugar
3 tbs flour

1. Place 8 pieces of chocolate and the butter in a microwave safe bowl.
2. Microwave for 20 seconds then stir. Repeat this process until chocolate
and butter have completely melted.
3. In a separate bowl mix the egg and sugar.
4. Add this to the bowl of melted chocolate and butter.
5. Stir in flour 1/2 tbs at a time. It should have a consistency similar to cake
6. Spray a microwave safe mug with non-stick spray and pour in the batter.
7. Place the remaining pieces of chocolate in the middle of the mug. Do
not push them into the batter. As they melt they will drip through the
center of it creating the lava.
8. Microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds.
9. It should slide out nicely onto a plate once it is done microwaving.

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