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Robert Johnson

Mr. Hawkins
American Government, p2
March 27th, 2015
Current Event Journal
Netanyahus Visit - Sam Rounds: I think that the visit from Netanyahu within itself isnt
a disrespectful activity, in fact, it would seem almost necessary given the events in Iran
concerning their nuclear potential. But, like everything else in this country having to do with our
partisan politics and the bickering that goes back and forth between the two parties that are in
control of all of our government, the operation of the invitation was executed in such a childish
and politically charged manner that it is insulting to the entire population of our country that our
esteemed leaders act like kindergartners who are vying for the teachers attention. Policies are
policies that exist for reasons and when a particular governmental establishment would break
policy to send a political statement of power, to the seat of power in our country, its obvious that
the system is broken.
The End-All, Be-All of Same-Sex Marriage - Caroline Fogul: The Supreme Court
ruling, in all honesty, will most likely be in favor of marriage being a civil liberty to all humans,
given to American Citizens by our constitution. Due to the fact that we hold the belief that laws
are not permitted to discriminate, there can be now law that denies that civil liberty to any
citizen, thus making it, at least in the way that I interpret it, highly illegal to prevent two persons
of any sexual orientation, race, profession, etc. from being married.

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