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30 April 2015

No.11 /04/15

Statement made by Mr. RI SONG CHOL, Counsellor of

the Permanent Mission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)
to the United Nations at the "panel discussion" organized by the US and south
Korea on 30 April 2015

The DPRK categorically rejects the groundless allegations made in this event
organized by the US and south Korea.
It is well known to the world that the United States pursues the political
confrontation and plot against the DPRK even in the international human
rights fora as an extension of its hostile policy towards the DPRK.
The principal human rights violator of the world is none other than the United
Under the "Liberty Statue", the United States enjoys its reputation by ranking
the No.1 in murder and crimes by murdering the innocent black people, extreme
racial discrimination, sexual abuses against the women, and in the number of
prisons and prisoners. These are just a tip of iceberg among the human rights
violations committed in the US every day.
The acts of racial discrimination committed by the white police officers
through shooting, strangling, and beating to death the African-Americans in
several cities of the US such as Fergusson and Baltimore as well as cruel and
barbarian acts of torture by the CIA in the secret prison camps in all parts of the

world clearly show that the US, so-called guardian of "freedom" and "human
rights", is the true kingpin of human rights violations and the barren land of human
The United States has no rights to raise the human rights issues of other
countries, as it officially detain people, without any legal procedures, and brutally
torture them in secret prisons placed in several countries around the world.
The United States should disclose whole part of the report on torture by the
CIA at detention centers, accept the international special investigation and take
measures to punish those responsible for those crimes.
It is preposterous for the US to accuse other's human rights. The US is better
advised to correct its own faults in human rights.
Let me turn to the south Korea human rights issue.
The south Korean authorities resort to all sorts of sinister human rights
rackets against the DPRK under the encouragement of the United States.
This is to cover up their dire human rights situation and to divert the attention
of the world public away from themselves.
In south Korea, under the legal patronage of the authorities, human rights
violations are systematically pervasive. They are, to name just a few, the
suppression on people calling for probe into the truth of the Ferry Liner "Sewol"
disaster which killed hundreds of innocent girls and boys and punitive actions
against those responsible, indiscriminate crackdown on workers protesting for their
rights to survival, the world record number of suicides, degrading treatment and
torture of prisoners, clampdown on political prisoners and child abuse.
The south Korean authorities are in no position to take up someone else's
human rights issues as they themselves are committing all sorts of inhuman
practices by invoking the "security law", the most evil law in the world.
South Korean people are falling victims to this law for criticizing their
government or saying even a few words in praise of the DPRK.
Depriving a lawfully elected parliamentarian of the National Assembly from
the opposition party of his membership, disbanding a progressive political Party
and even deporting a Korean-American citizen for giving a first-hand account of
her tour in the DPRK are simple examples that show the actual human rights

situation in south Korea.

Such practices of human rights violations in south Korea are so serious that
even the US and western countries could not help expressing their concern about
The entire Korean people are outraged at the recently revealed fact that the
south Korean authorities have provided since 1945 over one million Korean
women as sexual slaves in "special tourist areas" near the US military bases in
south Korea.
South Korea should rather repeal the notorious fascist evil law and call to
question the criminal acts committed by the US military personnel in south Korea.
Let me turn to the issue of participation of the assistant Secretary-General
of the United Nations into this one-sided political drama.
It is deplorable that his participation is derailed from the principle of
impartiality and strict neutrality which must be observed by the UN
It is lamentable that high official of the UN Secretariat attends this kind of
political meeting on behalf of the United States.
I should also like to disclose true colors of those defectors who betrayed
their parents, brothers and sisters and their homeland.
The main source of manipulations and falsifications with regards to the issue
of human rights in the DPRK are the so-called "testimonies" of the defectors who
in reality are the criminals such as Sin Tong Hyok.
The hostile forces like the US are only interested to hear from such
inhuman scums who fled abandoning their parents, wives and children after
committing huge crimes at home.
Speaking of Sin Tong Hyok, he is a swindler who had appeared with false
name and career, and no more than a parasite who has prolonged his remaining
days by pretending to be a "survivor from the political prison camps" which are
non-existent in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and a criminal who fled
after raping the only 13 years old girl.
For those escaped criminals, there is no other way to keep their lives than
denying and slandering everything of the motherland to meet the tastes of the

forces hostile.
The act of cooking up the Report of the Commission of Inquiry based on lies
of a few such criminals is itself a misdeed of UN
It is exactly what happened at the UNHCR and subsequently at the UNGA and
the UNSC last year and such a wicked act was loudly termed as a great
The core testimonies that became the basis of the Report of the Commission
of Inquiry were proven to be false recently and thus the falsehood of the human
rights resolutions against the DPRK adopted at the UNHRC and the UNGA was
fully revealed.
The DPRK will firmly safeguard the national sovereignty and strongly protect
the human rights of its people from the infringement by the hostile forces and
further develop its socialist system that solely serves for the popular masses. -0-

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