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It is seen throughout the different churches of the world, that there are going to be

cultural differences seen through different languages, rituals, worship, and even greetings.
Though even within a certain culture, there are differences among differences. It is seen that
within the entire church of the United States, that there are differences based on the beliefs and
doctrines that each church holds onto.
Throughout the website that was made to explain the different doctrines, there are
different types of media used. Whether it is through text, video, or images, it is important to
acknowledge how accessible some of the materials were. For the Trinity, there was not much
debate on how it should be approached yet there was not as much information on it, like creation
or baptism.
Among all of the differences, there is one doctrine that is approached similarly across
each different denomination. Yet this doctrine is also not stated in the Bible, but is appreciated
within the Christian church, with Jehovahs Witnesses and Mormons excluded. But through
analyzing and reflecting on different sources, it can be understood that the Trinity is understood
the same way and dynamically throughout the different sources.
Then the doctrine of baptism is shown in another aspect. Here it is referenced how
though it is a concurrent doctrine among Christian churches, there is a difference between a baby
and an adult baptism. As those with progressive backgrounds have baby baptisms as adults have
the latter. Yet the difference is based on scripture, but different scripture passaged.
Then the doctrine of communion is also based on scripture amongst churches yet looks
different in different contexts. There is closed communion that is available to members of a
church who have good standing. Then open communion is available that allows individuals that

are not members to receive communion as well. As open communion is analyzed, it is realized
that there are beliefs that the receiver should be a baptized Christian, others not so.
Then lastly, the doctrine of creation is interesting like the others because it has two
different opposing approaches, yet is only mentioned in one aspect of the Bible, Genesis. The
two approaches of creation are based heavily on the approach that the Bible is read. For with
progressive churches, and the Word of God, creation is explained with help from the sciences.
As more conservative churches exclaim that creation should only be explained through the Bible.
The majority of the churches in the United States may have the same name of doctrines
and beliefs. Yet there appears that there are differences between each doctrine or belief other
than the Trinity. For example, for the doctrine of sin, different churches are going to analyze it
differently due to different cultural and potential socioeconomic lenses. Ways of achieving
salvation are also fluid among the United States church as well. For there are some churches that
give a concrete and definite list of what an individual needs to do to achieve salvation. Yet some
churches do not have a clear answer, yet stand firm on the stance that salvation is out of an
Through the analysis of the different doctrines and beliefs it can be noted that the
differences amongst the concepts can be explained quickly by acknowledging the foundation of
the different theologies. Being founded on whether a church holds a progressive or conservative
theology. Which made it appear that churches that had backgrounds on a more conservative
theology gave more concrete and definite claims on the different beliefs or doctrines. As the
progressive perspective gave claims that brought in more fluid concepts, that could give off
assumptions of not being clear.

What is found interesting though, is that all of these churches are basing their beliefs and
doctrines on one thing, the Bible. So it is interesting how there are so many differences, yet each
church regardless belief, acknowledge a sense of being true and right. Which with logic would
make the opposing view wrong. Yet there is no movement on what to do with the differences,
other than splitting to create a new church or denomination. Which could be frightening by the
possibility of the church being split up so much, that it cant support itself and it dies.
It is hard to define if the current splits on view of doctrines are either a good or bad thing.
For as it can be seen, churches are seen as communities with individuals with a common interest,
with Jesus being the foundation. Yet, I think that something should happen about the future of
the church that appears to be getting split over doctrines and beliefs. Or maybe church should
continue the way it is, or churches should come together, and tackle this world together.

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