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Lesson Plan Template




Language: Latin

Cooperating Teacher:
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Content Objectives
Language Objectives
SWBAT name the different places where
SWBAT name the different places where
the games were held.
the games were held with their Latin
SWBAT compare the Roman games with
those we have in our cultures today.
1.2: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a
variety of topics.
3.1: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while
using the language to develop critical thinking and to solve problems creatively.
Context (How does it fit into the unit/curriculum?)
This will be towards the middle of the unit. Up to this point the students have been
learning about animals and what their Latin names would be. This would be the
introductory lesson for the Circus Maximus .
Lesson Materials
Paper, Markers, Books, and Thinglink image
Pre-Activities: Description
Time Frame
Objective(s) Targeted
Something to think about: The students will
5-10 mins
1.1, 1.2
be asked a series of questions to think about
and share with the class. The questions will be
What are some of your favorite games to
play? Where do we see games being played?
What type of games do you think the Romans
had? Where do you think the Romans would
have held their games.
After discussing with the students what types 10-15 mins
1.2, 4.1
of games the Romans played and where they
were played, I will introduce the students to
the Circus Maximus. I will read to the
students from the books that I have found and
will allow for them to look at the pictures in
the books and make their own discoveries.
Along with this I will present to the students
the Thinglink that has more pictures of the
Circus Maximus as well as having videos that

give a tour of the sites today and what they

would have looked like in Roman times.
During activities: Description
Time Frame
Objective(s) Targeted
While the students are looking at the
5-10 mins or
1.2, 4.2
Thinglink images, the students will be filling
out a handout that has them think about what
amount of time
the Circus Maximus reminds them of, what
shape and size it is, what animals were there,
and who all could go watch the games. This is
to get them thinking about the site as more
than just a picture.
Post Activities: Description
Time Frame
Objective(s) Targeted
Before students are allowed to leave I will
have the students tell me one thing that they
learned today about the Circus Maximus.
Assessment (How are you assessing students throughout the lesson?)
I will be able to assess the students with the type of things that they wrote down on their
handout, such as if students are making connections for the Circus Maximus to car racing
or the Fargodome.
I will also be able to tell the students understandings of things by asking them questions
about the site itself.
Differentiation (How are you meeting the needs of different learners?)
We will be going over the handout together as a class as we move along through the
presentation. By doing this it allows for students to work together to come up with
answers and new ways to look at things.
Reflections and feedback

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