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The Power of Propaganda

Pauline Earwood and Nathan Arana

Do people believe what they see?

Yes, because their minds have been manipulated by
higher power.
Reasons why:

The propaganda they used is very effective

The people of Oceania feel they have no choice

The people of Oceania must no speak or show

emotions to others

How Long Can People Believe?

They can believe it all as long

as they stay consistent with
their advertisements
They can also become more
convincing with what theyre
trying to get across to the
If they enforce their rules and
regulations and make no

What safeguards do we have in our own society?

We have 3 branches of government to ensure that no one within the government can have too
much power

We have a democratic government which means the government must take citizens ideas into

All citizens were born with natural rights and no one can take it away

George Orwell states In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act.
1984 by George Orwell is a dystopian society, the story takes place in Oceani,
London. Living conditions are horrible and everyone is very poor. The government is
watching everyone within the society even the main character, Winston Smith.
Winston doesnt like that he isnt able to do whatever he wants due to all rules an
regulations in place. He works at the ministry of truth and rewrites documents from
history to change the present and future.
1984 illustrates different views points and ideals about how we look at our own society
and how things all around the world are similar to this story.


What methods of propaganda would you use to control people

within a society?
What type of society is Oceania?
Name some rights in this society that are being violated?
What are telescreens?
What is the worst thing about Oceania in your opinion

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