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Charles R. Heaton qo2atd | & iy tome, Enka = | enjoyed visting from 2:38-8:46. Notes 41) You were seated at your table wih Wee students. AL 8:40 you cieulated and checked in students at another table. [STRENGTH | noize you sean the room and move around to those students working indenensenty 2) Sharon wotked with seven students a her table '3) STRENGTH love how each of your centers had visual guides about what students were to accomplish at each center! 4) Yeu checked in wth students and used ther names. ‘Chase, ae you measuring i?" "Dominick are you working?” '5) STRENGTH: Neal "Corine and Domitk. | really ike how you are working Gio up." CONSIDERATION: When circulating be Sure to afm students vith postive ramfoement.” 6) STRENGTH: The stuctute of your lesson and level of student engagement is noteworthy. Your students ate enjoying learing and there 1s a good nose" your room.

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