Lesson Plan Guide: Unit/Chapter Objective/Generalization/Big Idea

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate:

Meca Hill

Date: April 30, 2015

Grade and Topic: 3rd Grade, Science

Length of Lesson:

Mentor Teacher:


Amy Adcock

60 min for 3 days

University of Memphis- IDT 3600


This lesson plan is part of a unit plan on the Earth.
Given a diagram of the Americas and photo images, students will be able to identify landmarks, living
organisms, and man-made objects are found.
Given a computer and PowerPoint software and Internet, students will be able to choose earth material
based on physical properties from each of the Americas.
Given a computer, PowerPoint software, and the Internet, student wills be able to research both
continents and find one interesting thing and incorporate it into their PowerPoint.
Student Awareness
The goal of this lesson is to make students know that major geologic events that occur over eons or brief
moments in time continually shape and reshape the surface of the Earth, resulting in continuous global
change. Students will note both similarities and differences in the Americas.
State/District, Common Core Standard
TNScienceGLE 0107.7.1 Realize that water, rocks, soil, living organisms, and man-made objects
make up the earths surface.
TN Science- GLE 0107.7.2 Classify earth materials according to their physical properties.
ISTE Standard

Use simulations and graphical organizers to explore and depict patterns of

growth such as the life cycles of plants and animals. (1, 3, 4)

Diagram worksheet of the Americas with photos
PowerPoint software
A computer
A pencil

Technology Integration
Students will use PowerPoint to create a slide show of two item (one from South America and one from North
America) to demonstrate their knowledge of the two items from research found on the Internet.
Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
This lesson furthers a previous lesion on North America in social studies.
After the table is completed will have class discussion on what materials we learned about in the North
America lesson
I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this
particular lesson.
Begin by showing a mini clip of the Americas starting together, then moving apart in time wrap.
Give background information about how long that movement took, what cause the continents to move
Ask students do they think the continents once being together has anything to do with the fact that some
materials are similar
Allow for classroom discussion pointing out good points made by the students, then remind them that
though they still have some similarities, the moving of the continents made for major differences as well
The next two days the students will be getting similar with landmark and materials from both continents.
Procedures: (60 min)
Teacher Procedure:
After introduction, go over power point of landmarks and organisms in the Americas.
Then handout the diagram worksheet and allow students to work After students complete
first worksheet start next PowerPoint about minerals, then handout second worksheet.
Student Procedure:
Students works on worksheets, asking questions if necessary.
Day 2:
Will be in the computer lab and the Internet will already be open for the kids. (60 min)
Teacher Procedure:
Instruct a student that today is a research day. They will find materials from both
continents and fun facts they want to put on their PowerPoint. They will also choose one
landmark such as the ones on their worksheets and highlight it in their PowerPoint as
Student Procedure:
Search the Internet for information to make their PowerPoint.
Day 3:
Will be in the computer lab. Students will walk in with the information gather the previous day
and begin to make their PowerPoint.
Teacher Procedure:
Instruct the students that their PowerPoint is due today. Let them know that the
requirements are posted in the front of the lab, and also review them (a minimum of 6
slides and 3 bullets per slide, etc.). Then allow them to start working and walk around and
provide instructions and assistance if needed.


Students will be instructed to stop working and then the teacher will instruct them to click File, the
Save as. Type their name. Then press save. They will then press file again and send their PowerPoint
to the printer and turn it in to the teacher.


Very few of none of the
diagrams are labeled


The PowerPoint does

not demonstrate an
understanding of the
in the Americas

Only a few of
the items of the
diagrams are
labeled correctly
The PowerPoint
demonstrates a
somewhat vague
understanding of
the differences
and similarities
of the Americas

Almost all of the
diagrams are labeled

All of the diagrams is
labeled correctly

The PowerPoint
demonstrates a
somewhat clear
understanding of the
of the Americas

The PowerPoint
demonstrates a clear
understanding of the
of the Americas.

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this
particular lesson.

Sample Diagram Worksheet

Correct label the images as items from North America or South America on the blank to the right of the photo

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