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Sexism in Sports

Anna Esguerra

Sexism Incidents
Susan Fornoff, a reporter for the Sacramento Bee newspaper
on the American baseball beat, received a pink box that was
delivered to the press area. While the Oakland As and
Kansas City Royals were busy on the field, Fornoff opened
the package and there it was-- a live rat with a label signed
My name is Sue As veteran Dave Kingman, the man
responsible was fined $3,500 and was warned about his future

Sexism Incidents
Chicago Blackhawks defenseman, Duncan Keith, made a comment to, sports
reporter Karen Thomson of Vancouvers Team regarding a loss to the Vancouver
Canucks. Thomson asked Keith regarding a slashing penalty that wasnt called on
him prior to the Canucks third goal of the game, and it was clear he did not
appreciate the line of questioning. After a defensive initial response, he followed
up by insulting the one thing that makes Thomson different: Her gender
Keith: What did you see?
Thomson: Well, there looked like maybe there was a penalty that went
undetected. You seemed a bit frustrated.
Keith: Oh, no. I dont think there was. I think he scored a nice goal, and the ref
was right there, thats what the ref saw. We should get you as a ref, maybe eh?
Thomson: Yeah, maybe. I cant skate though.
First female referee -- cant play probably either, right? But youre thinking the
game like you know it? Okay, see ya.

Sexism Incidents
During a basketball game, DeMarcus Cousins of Sacramento
King, was ejected from the game after telling a referee to stop
acting like a f***ing female. Cousins later said himself, I
shouldnt have said that. But the fact remains that the
quickest way to cut a man down in sports is to call him a

Female Sports Reporters


Erin Andrews, Fox Sports (overall) **

Doris Burke, ESPN (basketball) **
Kristen Ledlow, Fox Sports (football and basketball)
Carolyn Manno, NBC Sports (football)
Lauren Gardner, CBS Sports (football)
Alex Curry, Fox Sports West (hockey)
Kristine Leahy, CBS Los Angeles (basketball)
Niki Noto, PGA.Com (golf)
Rebecca Harlow, Fox Sports/NFL Network (football)
Laura McKeeman, Fox Sports Florida (basketball, baseball, and college football)

How do Sports Fans Feel about Female


A twitter use named Matt Hayden told ESPNs Samantha Ponder she was
proof that female sports reporters are better off seen and not heard, thats
why they are hired anyway.

Justine Gubar, ESPN. Upsey Buckeyes fans found her name, attacked her
professionally and personally online. Her personal phone number was
published online, fans left nasty voicemails on her home phone and cellphone.

Sports radio host Amy Lawrence had some comments regarding Ray Rices
NFL suspension. Lawrence got bombarded with nasty comments online and
her cellphone, and also got called other awful names from NFL fans.

How can it be prevented?

Fortunately, network groups like Women in Football (WIF), a body that
represents more than 1,200 women in the industry, not only expect more but are
campaigning hard for change.
Last year there was an anonymous survey and 66% said they had witnessed
sexism in their football workplace but 89% of them didnt feel the need to report
it. According to a BBC sports news correspondent, Natalie Pirks, When youre
still so much in the minority, working in the sport you love, who wants to be the
whistleblower? Luckily, WIF is trying to work with the Football Association and
clubs to start effecting change.

Work cited

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