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1. Where in the Russian Federation would you find Chechnya?

The Chechen people are an ethnic minority group that are located in the
northern Caucasus region.
2. How are the Chechens different from the Russians?
The two groups dire because the Chechens wanted to gain their
independence when the Soviet Union fell. This caused a huge uprising
which in return caused two devastating wars to be fought between the two

Did the Chechens gain independence from tsarist Russia after the

1917 Russian Revolution? Explain.

Yes, but it had taken a while or this action to be made. The Chechens
had as-ed or independence in 1917 after the Russian Revolution but had
to wait our years here they had actually become independent in 1921.
This only lasted or a short while until the Soviet Union had come along
and made them a Soviet Province. Also they had other !rie periods of
independence but they solely gained independence in january 10, 1993.

What did Stalin do to the Chechens during WWII? Why did he do

During WWII Stalin deported the Chechens to Kazakhstan and Siberia
where thousands of chechens died and those who survived were not
permitted to go back home. His reasoning or this was he accused the
Chechens of cooperating with the Nazis which made him do what he did.
5. Who changed their fate, and how was their fate changed?
separatists in the Russian Federation Republic of Chechnya had formed
protests or Chechnya to become independent.

What was the first Chechen War? [Who started it? When? Why?


Dec 1994 Aug 1996 chechnya wanted independence in 1991 but was
ignored until 1994... Failed to win control over the Chechens giving them
independence. May 1996 Boris Yeltsin signed a ceasefire and they agreed
on a peace treaty the following year.

When was the second Chechen War? [Who started it? When?

Why? Results?]
August 1999-2000 Putins war on terror. Chechens saying their terrorist.
There was bombings and hostages etc... Chechens militants invaded
neigh!oring Russian Republic of dagestan to support a local separatist
movement which started the second Chechen war. Bombs were deployed
killing hundreds of civilians. The result was that Russia recaptured the
Chechen capital of Grozny. Which led to the end the war.

Prior to his death in 2006, the separatist Basayev was deemed to

be responsible for the most notorious event to that point in time.

Identify this event. How many deceased militants in this event were
NOT Chechen? Why might this be a significant change in the Chechen
Basayev was Russia's most wanted man because he was linked with AlQaeda activity. He was the mastermind the most disastrous terrorist attacks
on Russian soil.

According to the American ambassador to Russia, what terrorist

group is assisting the Chechen rebels? How/why might Americans who

were once sympathetic to the Chechen cause for independence from
the Russian Federation have changed?
The terrorist group that goes by the name of Al-Qaeda has been seen with
warlords of Chechen groups. Well if the Chechens have been seen with the
group Al-Qaeda we Americans had a change of heart because Osama Bin
Laden ran Al-Qaeda and he is responsible for the 9/11 attacks which
greatly affected America.

10. Do you believe the Russians should grant Chechnya their

independence? Why or why not? [Answer this question in paragraph
format (minimum of six sentences).]
Yes, Because they fought long enough to gain independence. They went
thru two wars and lost many in the process of fighting for what they believe
in. To go through two wars to even get noticed to become independent.
They have been controlled by Russia or too long. Nothing has been done
or them in their time of need. They have been looked down through many
years. They have been ruled all the way back to Stalin rule when nothing
was ever done or the Chechen people. This shows that they can sacrifice
or so many years and still have the power to be independent and still have
the inspiration to stay afloat in today's economies.

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