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Geophysical Science Lesson Plan #1

Unit: (Formation of the Universe, Earth, and Earths Properties)

Teacher: Chris Hauss
Date: 26 Jan 2015
Subject / grade level: 10-12th Geophysical Science
GeoPhys Textbook
Big Bang Reading:
Big Bang Evidence:
VideoPart 1:
Early Universe Reading:
Video Part 2:
Planet Formation Reading:

Essential Standards
State: 3.2 (History of the Universe)
National: Ess1-2 (History of Universe)

Lesson objective(s):
Describe the difference between the casual and scientific uses of the word theory
Summarize what the Big Bang Theory describes
Apply how evidence for the Big Bang relates to the beginning of the universe
Describe what the early universe looked like, shortly after the Big Bang
Predict how clouds of dust eventually form planets
Explain how stars form
Compare and contrast star formation with planet formation

Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:

Using independent reading methods in initial reading
Using group reading methods for content reading
Using textbooks or internet resources for research
Having choice between individual work and group work
Available to help students on an individual or group basis

Geophysical Science Lesson Plan #1

Unit: (Formation of the Universe, Earth, and Earths Properties)

Day 1:
Quick discussion about the difference between the casual use of the
word theory and how science uses the word theory
Reading on the origin of the universe (Big Bang Theory)
Quick discussion summarizing the reading
Video (Part 1) on Big Bang

Target Learnings:

Describe the difference between the

casual and scientific uses of the
word theory
Summarize what the Big Bang
Theory describes

Day 2:
Break students into 4 groups, each group researches 1 piece of Big
Bang evidence then shares:
Have students read:, then write a summary of what the early universe looked like.

Target Learnings:

Apply how evidence for the Big

Bang relates to the beginning of the
Describe what the early universe
looked like, shortly after the Big

Day 3:
Have student read:
ow-do-planets-form, then have a class discussion about how planets
form. Transition into discussion on star formation.
Watch video part 2:
Formal assessment: Have students create quiz questions on the
material of the last 3 days.

Target Learnings:

Assess how clouds of dust

eventually form planets
Explain how stars form
Compare and contrast star
formation with planet formation

Summative (Formal): After the 3 day lesson, students will create mock quiz questions. Each question must
relate to the content covered, cover the range of content from the past 3 days, and also needs to include the
answer/explanation for each question.
Formative (Informal): At the beginning of each class in this lesson, I will ask the class to explain what we talked
about the previous day, and then we will review for the first few minutes of class while asking for any
clarifications or questions.

Geophysical Science Lesson Plan #1

Unit: (Formation of the Universe, Earth, and Earths Properties)
Anticipated misconceptions/alternative conceptions:

Casual use of theory with scientific use of theory

Origins of the universe
o How the Big Bang Theory was developed
How the available evidence points to the Big Bang Theory
That stars/planets have always been around/formed instantly instead of having been formed slowly

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