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SPED 3100

Group Project Summaries

April 1, 2015

Ashley Kania


Review TBI
MID Activity
Communication Disorders

TBI comparison- 50 First Dates

Communication Disorders
Impairment on ability to receive, send, process, and comprehend any type of
communication symbol
3 types
o Hearing
o Language
o Speech
o Articulation
Relates to how constants and vowels are produced in isolation & an
atypical production of speech sounds
o Fluency disorders
Inability to produce speech effortlessly & automatically- stuttering
cluttering- rapid/ irregular speaking rate
o Voice disorder
Vocal cord paralysis
Spasmodic dysphonia
Language disorder
Difficulty processing and/or expressing ideas, thoughts or feelings
o Aphasia
Caused by damage to parts of the brain that handles language
Has trouble processing language in all forms
o Selective Mutism
Must last for an extended period of time
Teacher tips
o Develop proper IEP team and proper supports with the IEP team
Team- student, parent, teachers, speech & language pathologists
o Accommodations
Speech- augmentative & alternative communication devices
Language- written & orally, private locations

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