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Taylor Scruggs

Setting and Context

Thompson School District is located in Loveland, Colorado. The
mission of Thompson School District is to empower students to learn,
challenge them to achieve, and inspire them to excel. This district consists
of twenty elementary schools, five middle schools, five high schools, and
two charter schools. Education in elementary schools in this district
focuses on the development of literacy and numeracy skills, as well as
concept development in science and social studies. Middle schools in this
district aim to build on the academic fundamentals of the elementary
grades by helping students to achieve thorough knowledge in reading,
writing, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students also may
participate in the arts, world languages, computers, applied technology,
physical education, health and consumer and family studies to enhance
their learning. The high school curriculum then ensures that students are
prepared for college and careers. High school students are encouraged to
take the academic core classes as defined by ACT and SAT. Courses are
also offered in art, music, drama, business and marketing, engineering,
hospitality or human services, and skilled trades and technical sciences.
Conrad Ball Middle School is one of the five middle schools in the
Thompson School District. In the 2014-2015 school year CBMS held a total
of 682 students. Of these students, approximately 50% require free and
reduced lunch. The majority of students at Conrad Ball, approximately
66%, are of Caucasian ethnicity. Approximately 28% of students are of
Hispanic or Latino descent, and only 6% of students are of other
ethnicities. This school focuses on meeting the needs of each individual
student while pushing them to reach their potential. CBMS embraces a
positive and connected community where students are able to learn with
the support of those around them. Conrad Ball features a wide selection of
extra-curricular activities, clubs and sports so that students can engage in
their interests and become involved. Examples of these include art club,
drama club, brain bowl, LEGO Robotics club, and student council. Classes
such as computer literacy, lifetime sports, and world cultures are also
offered at CBMS. These are just a few of the many activities that students
can participate in to get involved. Another way that CBMS works to engage
students in learning is through a 1:1 iPad to students system. This allows
for the integration of technology into the classroom for each individual
student, regardless of their economic status. Conrad Ball Middle School
also implements SOAR. This stands for services, ownership, achievement,
and respect. CBMS embraces each of these aspects so that students have
the greatest opportunity to take advantage of their education. This school
puts the needs of the students first and works to help each individual
I have been working in Nichol Wolvertons science class. This class
consists of thirty eighth-grade students. Classroom management is found

in this classroom in the form of assigned seats and binder control. Every
student has a science notebook that they keep in a box in the classroom
so that none of their completed work gets lost. Some basic routines that
students participate in are the Do Now and notebook checks. The entry
routine consists of Mr. Wolverton greeting students at the door as they
come in, and then students pick up their science notebook and go to their
assigned seat. Then they quietly begin the Do Now while Mr. Wolverton
records attendance. Posted on the board are the objectives for the day.
These provide students with an overview of what assignments they will
complete during that class period and what they will be able to do with the
information that they learn. During class, students are to have their iPads
in courtesy mode unless they are being used in that days activity.
Courtesy mode consists of iPads having blank screens or being placed
faced down on the students desk. SOAR behavior is expected in this
classroom. A sign in the classroom reminds students of their expected
behavior for this specific class. For services, students are expected to
create a learning opportunity for themselves and their peers. Ownership in
this class means that students take pride in their work and meet
expectations. To ensure achievement, students are expected to enter the
classroom with focus, set goals, build study groups, and try their best. To
demonstrate respect in this class, students should treat others the way
they want to be treated. All of the routines in this room are set up to
provide a learning environment that is safe and supports student learning.
Mr. Wolverton focuses on improvement in his classroom. Students are
expected to put forth their best effort into each assignment they turn in,
but he always provides feedback and provides students with the
opportunity to correct their work. He also has a sign posted in his room
listing the students that do not have any missing assignments. At the end
of the semester, then the period that has the most students without any
missing assignments gets a reward. This motivates students to complete
their assignments, and in turn allows them to gain knowledge and practice
necessary skills. In this classroom, there are several low-level students
that need extra help. They are provided with skeleton notes ahead of time,
and extended time. Everything that Mr. Wolverton does in his classroom
has a purpose, and aids to ensure optimal student learning.

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