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Ashly Stephenson

Professor Nelson
English 2010


When does a human become a human? Is it at conception? Or is does happen sometime
in the first trimester? This is the most common argument between Pro-Choice and Pro-Life
organizations. Conception is when the sperm meets the egg in the fallopian tubes after it has been
released from the ovaries. As soon as the sperm makes it all the way into the egg, they become a
new cell called a zygote. It begins to divide into multiple cells within a surrounding outer wall.
This is called a blastocyst. This all happens within three weeks of conception.

4-5 weeks after conception the blastocyst is now an embryo has split into two separate
cells. The cell that is still attached to the uterine wall becomes the placenta, which will provide

nutrients for the unborn baby. The remaining cell will become the baby. During this time
hormones are released to stop the mother's menstrual cycle. The baby begins creating cells for all
the major systems that humans have and it is even beginning to look more like a baby. The arms
and legs begin to form and the brain is in the beginnings of being developed.

Weeks 6-9 major organs have begun to grow and it is considered a fetus. Muscle fibers
are beginning to grow and the babys heartbeat beats about 150 beats a minute. Facial feature are
visible and the eyes have developed lenses and retinas. Brain waves can now be measured. The
fetus is constantly moving.

Weeks 10-14 the heart is almost completely developed. The baby is also growing
genitals, tooth buds, nails, its liver is producing red blood cells and its face is looking more like a
baby. Vocal chords are complete and the baby can and will cry silently sometimes. The brain has
completely developed and the baby can feel pain. Hair is now appearing and soon the mother
will begin to feel the first flutters of movement.

Weeks 15-21 the baby's bones are hardening and the muscles continue to develop. The
baby can grasp with its hands, kick and even somersault. The genitals have now fully formed so

the sex of the baby can be revealed. The sense of smell, touch, taste, hearing and seeing are
beginning to develop in the brain. It can hear and recognize the mother's voice.

89-92% of all abortions happen during the first trimester, prior to the 13th week of
gestation. In 2011, 7.3% of all abortions occurred between 14-20 weeks' gestation; 1.4%
occurred 21 weeks' gestation. -"U.S. Abortion Statistics"
At 22-25 weeks the bone marrow is making blood cells, the lungs are developing,
eyebrows and eyelashes have formed, the heartbeat can be heard through a stethoscope and the
mother can feel the baby moving. The baby can hear loud conversations form the outside world.

Currently, the United States permits abortion on demand through viability, which is
usually marked around 24 weeksthe United States is one of only seven countries in the world
that permit elective abortion past 20 weeks. This finding suggests that current proposals in the
United States to restrict elective abortions past 20 weeks would move the United States from the
fringe, ultra-permissive end of the spectrum to a position closer to international norms Baglini
"Gestational Limits on Abortion in the United States Compared to International Norms"
Since the majority of abortions take place before week 13 and the fetus has just barely began
growing human attributes, is abortion killing a living thing? What about at 24 weeks? Viable
means "able to live". But is that not what the unborn baby is doing in the womb? It is living and

growing, it may not be doing it on its own, but aren't there people who need to carry around an
oxygen tank to live? Are they not viable? Would it be considered murder if we killed them?

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