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Nicole Marin
Mrs. Thomas
LR 010
15 December 2014
Resource Report #1
Description of the type of resource used:
EBook from library database (ProQuest)
MLA Citation:
Shillinglaw, Susan. Journey into Steinbeck's California. Berkeley, CA, USA: Roaring
Forties Press, 2006. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 15 December 2014.
Explanation of why you chose the resource:
I chose this resource for my paper because of a couple of reasons. The first was
that I really needed a biography about Steinbeck, but when I saw this it inspired to do
some research on this topic, the topic of what connection Steinbeck had with his
homeland. When I read some of the book, I figured out why Steinbeck wrote such
detailed descriptions of the surroundings and setting.

Description of how you located the resource:
Well first of all I went to the Solano community library webpage. From there I
went on to the library database, and did a search on Steinbeck biography. I found some
eBooks there but still wanted to find more. I just searched up Steinbeck, and this eBook,
Journey to Steinbecks California was one of the top five.

An investigation and examination of the author/creator credentials:

For this particular book, there are two authors. I will start out talking about Susan
Shillinglaw. Susan is a Professor of English and Comparative Literature at San Jose State.
She has also been the director for Steinbecks studies for eighteen years there, so she
seems like a qualified author. Finally, another fact about Mrs. Shillinglaw is the fact that
she won a Presidents Scholar Award.
There doesnt seem to be a lot about the second author Nancy Burnett. I found a
webpage saying that she was the photographer for this select piece.
A Rating of your resources quality:
On a scale of 1-10, I would rate this resource a 10. It is well written, has many
great photographs, and has quality information. The main author, Susan Shillinglaw, put a
lot of time and effort and time into this piece. She is also an expert on Steinbeck, which
makes the book even better, knowing that she has studied him for 18 years.

Resource Report #2
Description of the type of resource used:
EBook from the library database (ProQuest)
Link to the full resource:
MLA Citation:
"JOHN STEINBECK." Kirkus Reviews.22 (1994)ProQuest. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
Explanation of why you chose the resource and how it supports your English Paper:
As I explained before, I needed a biography on Steinbecks life. Even though I
wasnt writing about him, I wanted to explore his life, so I could tie his stories in with his
daily life. Maybe his life influenced many of his stories. One wouldnt know unless they
did some research on him.
Description of how you located the resource:
Locating the resource was fairly simple. I was already at the Solano library
database search bar, so I just typed in John Steinbeck biography in the key search. Many
things popped up, but I clicked the book/eBook checkbox. Soon, I stumbled upon this
An investigation and examination of the author credentials:
There doesnt seem to be a specific author for this story, instead there is a
company, Kirkus Reviews, and a Publisher, which is Henry Holt. They both seem to be
pretty popular, even having their own websites and companies on the web.
A rating on your resources quality:

I would give this research a 7 or an 8 because of some reasons. Even though the
publisher seems to be a pretty big company, there is still no author, which a reader can go,
and search up. I wouldnt know if this is a true biography. In other aspects it is good, it
would just be nice to have the author.

Resource Report #3
Description of the type of resource used:
Book from SCC library catalog
MLA Citation:
Reef, Catherine. John Steinbeck. New York: Clarion, 1996. Print.
Explanation of why you chose the resource and how it supports your English Paper:
I already had one Steinbeck biography, but I wanted to have more
information from a different perspective. I used some information about John Steinbecks
young life in this essay. I mainly wanted to find out about his wives, but there was only
information about one of them. I wanted to see how his wifes role couldve impacted his
portrayal of women in his writing.
Description of how you located the resource:
First of all, I went to the Solano Community College library catalog webpage. I
typed in John Steinbeck into the search bar, and this book was the first one to appear.

After, I went to the library and checked out this book, in print. Since it would be easier
and more reliable. I also wanted to look at the photographs of Steinbeck, and not through
a computer screen.
An investigation and examination of the author credentials:
It was very simple to find information about this author, since she has her very
own website. She is an author that writes books for young people, and also childrens
literature. Catherine also is an Award-Winning Author. Also most of the books she has
written are biographies about famous writers that she claims, who have enriched our
world with their novels and poetry.
A rating of your resource quality:
I would give this resource a 9. Even though it is fairly simple to pin point the
author, I wouldve liked to find some more information on her, instead of just her own
website. Catherine Reef has written many biographies though, and is an award-winning
author, so this is still a qualified book.

Resource Report #4
Description of the type of resource used:

male+Charactes+in+John+Steinbeck's+Works)Shu-Fang+Liang .pdf
MLA Citation:
Liang, Shu-fang. Critics' Views on the Female Characters in John Steinbeck's Works
(n.d.): n. pag. Web. 8 Dec. 2014.
Explanation on why you chose the resource and how it supports you English Paper:
The reason I chose this paper was because the women of Steinbecks stories have
a huge role. Both in the The White Quail and The Murder, the women are huge parts
of the story, quiet mysterious, dull, or fragile. It supports my paper well because one of
the things I compared between the two stories would be the relationship the women had
with their spouse and how they were portrayed.
Description of how you located the source:
This source was fairly easy to find. I just went into Google and searched up a
couple topics about Steinbeck and women. Not finding anything good, I finally typed in:
Womens role in Steinbecks stories. This PDF file seemed to be one of the popular sites,
so I decided to check it out.
An investigation and examination of the authors credentials:
Shu Fang Liang seems to be a professor at Sichuan University. There isnt much
information about this individual except some professor websites. Also there are many
other articles they have written, but they seem to be leaning more towards science and
A rating of your resources quality:

Overall, I think I would rate this essay an 8. It still has a high score because it is
very well written, and has many peoples opinions about the role of women in
Steinbecks stories. The only problem is that it seems kind of strange that the author
would jump between medication, and talking about cancer cells, to an American author.
That was my only concern that lowered down the rating of the resource.
Resource Report #5
Description of the type of resource used:
SCC Database/EBook
MLA Citation:
Burton Rascoe
The English Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3 (Mar., 1938), pp. 205-216
Explanation of why you chose the resource and how it supports your English Paper:
I couldnt find much about the two stories that I was doing, The White Quail and The
Murder so I decided to look at some other information. In this Journal this author
describes a lot of Steinbecks stories, and also talks about some of Steinbecks life. Both
of these tie in with my paper because the authors life and other stories may have greatly
impacted these two short stories.
Description of how you located the resource:
First of all, I went to the SCC database, and I researched John Steinbeck. Since it
is pretty tough to find information about my two stories on the database, I just looked at
some biographies and I found this, An English Journal.
An Investigation of the authors credentials:

Burton Rascoe was an American Journalist, which lived during the time period of
John Steinbeck. For a while he worked for the New York Tribune, but then started writing
books, An English Journal being one of them. Even as he was writing his own books, he
kept high profile editorial jobs.
A rating of your resources quality:
This resource should be rated a 10. It is very easy to find information on its
author. This author seems pretty popular, being a journalist, and also pretty qualified
since he lived during the time of John Steinbeck. Over all it is well written, and the
information seems legit.


Works Cited

"SJSU News." SJSU News. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Dec. 2014.

"Nancy Burnett." Goodreads. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2014.
"Homepage." Macmillan. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Dec. 2014.
"Kirkus." Reviews. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2014.
Reef, Catherine. "Meet Catherine Reef, Award-Winning Author." Meet Catherine Reef,
Award-Winning Author. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2014.
"Burton Rascoe." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2014.

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