Ism 2 Intervtieken

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Student Name:
Printed Name of Person
Role of Individual:

Kiran Vrani


J. Derek Tieken DDS

Place of Business:

__*_Mentor ___Other Professional #1

General Dentistry

Business Address:

3033 Marina Bay Dr Suite 230

Phone Number:


Date of Interview:

April 12,2015

___Other Professional #2

Type of Interview: ___ In Person ___ Telephone* __*_Email*

*Documentation Required (Attach E-mail to Interview Verification Page)

1. For someone working in your field, please describe the fantasies versus realities of the job.
(fantasy vs. reality)
Fantasy- that you can do what you want because you are your own boss, make lots of money as soon as
you finish dental school. Easier being your own boss, not so much.
Reality- Dont get paid if you dont work, it takes a while to build your patient base. Lots of
responsibilities owning your own business. Nobody cares as much as you about the business. Keeping people
motivated and hiring the right people.

2. What is your current educational level? What continuing education and training are required?
(educational level and requirements)
Doctorate degree- DDS.
Must take 12 twelve hours per year to maintain your license.

3. Please describe the typical day to day activities of someone working in your field.
(day-to-day activities)
Morning huddle to outline the day and what patients to be seen. Health issues etc.
Strategy for emergencies for the day
Work on patients- fillings, crowns ,implants ,exams, variety of procedures done as a dentist.
Lunch- hopefully
End of day follow up phone calls, treatment plans
Revised Fall 2013

4. How secure are you in your current position? What do you think is the future of your field?
(job security)
Very secure! There will always be a need for healthcare providers because there is no cure for periodontal
disease and decay. Also people want to look good and live a long life.

5. What is a typical (average or lowest to highest) salary of someone working in your field?
Lowest: $75,000-$100,000
Highest: $2,000,000-$3,000,000

6. What potential for growth is there in your field?

(growth potential)
Every day new technology is introduced. New procedures , better testing for periodontal disease and the
increasing link of health problems to the health of the mouth is driving more patients to the dental office. People
want to stay looking younger so more cosmetic dentistry is being done as well.

***Questions 7-10 will be created by the ISM student.

7. How different is it to work at your own office than working with a group of other dentists.
In your own office you are in total control where working for a group you must comply with whatever framework
is present.

8. What is one thing dentistry has taught you?

To be patient!! Must focus in a small zone!

9. What is one advice you would give to someone trying to open up their own healthcare office/clinic?
Revised Fall 2013

Be patient, hire a consultant that can help you manage, hire, and market the practice. Also maybe purchase an
existing practice with a patient base and learn from the senior dentist.

10. Do you like to implement new research ideas and technology into your own office? If so, how?

My favorite part of being a dentist because you are always learning especially if you want to stay up
with the latest techniques and technology. We always add new technology if it benefits our patients
dental and overall health. Dentistry will never get old and stale if you commit yourself to continue to

Revised Fall 2013

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