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Professional Meeting Report

Student Name: Danna Lowell

Name of Nursing Association: BRDNA

Date attended: October 9, 2014

Purpose of the group: To promote the purpose of the ANA and LSNA which are to:

Work for the improvement of health standards and the availability of Health care services for all

Foster high standards of nursing

Stimulate and promote the professional development of nurses

Who was the speaker? Cindy Schneider

Summarize topic:
The topic was about wound care. Various pictures were shown to inform the audience about the
importance of how to properly categorize pressure ulcers. Several issues regarding financial and ethical
considerations were also discussed.
Introduce yourself to a member. Ask them why they are members of this professional association.
Would you be interested in joining this group? Why?
This group represents the nurses in Baton Rouge and the standards of the nursing practice. It was
emphasized that not only does this group represent the nurses but also the public whom the nurses serve.
Nursing education is supported by this group. This group also provides collegiality, mentorship and other
opportunities to better serve the community.
What can nurses gain from belonging to professional associations?

Legislative representation
Protection and Guidance

How does membership and participation in professional associations help nursing as a profession?
This association protects the interest of the nurses. Experienced nurses also guide the newer nurses and
serves as their mentors.

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