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What is an operating principle for magnetizing inrush inhibit on the

T60 and SR745 relays?

Typical magnetizing inrush current exhibits significant amount of higher harmonic,
with the 2nd harmonic predominating. Thus, traditionally, the 2nd harmonic inhibit has
been used for transformer restrain during magnetizing inrush conditions.
Microprocessor-based relays such as UR T60 and SR745 use Fourier transform to
estimate (measure = calculate) the second harmonic ratio. Values above a setting of some
20% are classified as inrush cases, lower values allow the differential element to operate
and trip the breakers.
Modern transformers may cause problems for this traditional approach, as the amount
of 2nd harmonic may be as low as some 7-10% for a long period of time during inrush
conditions jeopardizing security of transformer differential protection.
The SR745 copes with this problem by using an algorithm for detecting transformer
de-energization: upon detecting the transformer de-energized, the 2nd harmonic threshold
is automatically lowered for subsequent energization and kept low for certain period of
time long enough to ensure proper relay operation.
The T60 relay uses a novel and patented principle for 2nd harmonic restraint. The
relay checks not only the ratio between the 2nd and 1st harmonics of the differential
current, but also analyzes an angular relation (phase shift) between the two harmonics. It
is proven, that even if during inrush conditions when the ratio drops dramatically, the
phase angle relation maintains certain unique pattern enabling the relay to restrain
securely. The algorithm does not call for any extra settings and is transparent to the user,
as only a traditional 2nd harmonic threshold is to be entered.
For more information, refer to technical publications section.
--- end of public record ---Author: Lubo Sevov
Date: June 25, 2001
Products: T60
Keywords: T60, magnetizing inrush, harmonic restraint, adaptive protection
Reviewed by: Bogdan Kasztenny
Reviewed on: June 26, 2001
Approved by: Bogdan Kasztenny
Approved on: June 26, 2001

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