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Question 2

The two concepts of the Greek god of love in the poems strongly contrast each
other. In the poem EP the god is portrayed as an idol, tyrant, and a flower of

Comment [C1]: Reworded opening sentence.

lovely youth. Eros is looked up to and viewed in a positive way. The poem Eros takes

Comment [C2]: Added this sentence in.

a more negative approach. It paints a picture of a God who is battered and broken.

Comment [C3]: Reworded

Both of the poems use imagery and diction to emphasize their concepts of the God.
In Bridges Poem, EP, imagery is used to describe Eros as pure. The diction

Comment [C4]: Added sentence

used in the Stevensons poem, Eros, makes Eros sound battered and broken down
from the desire for lust. The word choice creates the tones of the poems. The poems

Comment [C5]: Added sentence.

are also structured very differently. EP is written in a more formal way and has a

Comment [C6]: Added sentence

rhyme scheme. Eros does not have a rhyme scheme. Bridges poem was written in
1899, almost a hundred years before Stevensons poem. The time period that the
poems were written could also be a reason for a difference in views and beliefs between
the poems.

Comment [C7]: Added sentence

Each of the poems uses literary devices to create a visualization of the Greek
god Eros. EP admires Eros and believes he can bring love. Eros makes love seem

Comment [C8]: Added sentence.

more difficult. Words such as bully boy, battered, and thug with broken nose
portray a God who is broken down. Both poems use different styles and word choice to
convey their beliefs and meanings.

Comment [C9]: Reworded sentence and moved

from the body paragraph to conclusion.

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