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Peace Council

Peace Lutheran Church

Tom Gardner
P. O. Box 5
Barrett, MN 56311

MAY 2015

Jan Vipond
Po Box 188
Barrett, MN 56311

Leon Johnson


19330 150th Ave

Barrett, MN 56311

Brenda Long
19594 120th St
Herman, MN 56248

Jennifer McLaughlin
107 6th St. South
Hoffman, MN 56339

Charles Johnson
16357 County Road 2
Barrett, MN 56311

We had a small group attending the Jordan Nohre Benefit on

April 19th but we thank you for supporting this worthwhile cause.
It was good to go as a group. Thank you to those who
participated and donated.
Our last rotation of the year, Daniel and the Lions, has begun.
Thank you to Lexi Danner for teaching in our Cooking Room on
May 3rd.

We have a big, busy day on May 10th! Well be making Mothers

Day and Fathers Day gifts in Art Class and then singing at our
church service. Also during church that day, well be honoring all
our Sunday School teachers, helpers, volunteers, and those who
gave ONE HOUR! Invitations will be mailed out and we hope
EVERYONE can attend!
May 17th is our last day of Sunday School and well be having a
picnic and games at Powers Park. Everyone is welcome to attend!
It would be really great if all the parents, families, and friends
would come join us!

Gwen Rollofson
311 Hawkins Ave E
Barrett, MN 56311

Vacation Bible School is set for August 2-6th from 5:30 to 8:00
pm. Please contact Joyce if you can help in any way. Thank you!

Marilyn Frykman
21398 140th Ave
Barrett, MN 56311

Joyce Hanson, Director

Peace Sunday School
320-528-2354 (Home)

Council Notes

The March meeting minutes are available within the body of the newsletter. If you should have any questions
regarding these meetings, do not hesitate to call Pastor Matthew or any of the council members. The council is

your voice.
Watch for details and location of The Wish List which was communicated in the April Newsletter. The List
will be clearly visible and posted for all to contribute to.
A committee has been formed to do due diligence to the potential possibility of replacing our aging
deteriorating church parking lot. Since this is a capital outlay of funds which was not included in the 2015
budget, a congregational meeting will take place the first Sunday in May to inform and glean input from our
member family. The committee consists of Leon Johnson (council representative), Jeff Dreier, Lee Ronhovde
and Tom Perry. The purpose of this committee is to assess the need for the capital improvement, seek out
potential costs, gather bids, and research funding. The goal is that by May 3rd, they will have information to
share. Communication and transparency are important with projects such as this. Leon, Jeff, Lee and Tom are
the resource people if you should have specific questions.
Since this is a capital improvement project which is above and beyond our committed finances, {similar to our
other building projects}, it is very important we diligently look into our own personal resources and make an
educated/informed decision after the committees presentation at the congregational meeting May 3rd.
YOUth Gathering News
Due to the reality of finances that have been raised, we have adjusted our trip to the means we have. This
means that we have modified our trip down from our proposed budget of $1250 per person down to $1100 per
person, a savings of $1500 total, over our initial expectations. For perspective on our church's good financial
stewardship in this matter, other local congregations who have chosen to attend the Gathering through Luther
Crest will be looking at budgets per person at or above $1500. By planning the trip ourselves the way we have
we will save $4000 for our congregation, without sacrificing either the extra Service Project day or the Water
Park fun Day. The YOUth are grateful for the support of our congregation which is allowing this faith forming, life changing experience for them! {MRose}
Baptism Celebration
We celebrate and welcome both Ayden and Londyn through the waters of Baptism to our church family.
Pew Pad

The question often comes up on why it is necessary to sign the little gray pew pad on the first and third Sunday
of the month. They have a multipurpose function. It is important for Lutheran church membership to record
our communing members on a regular basis. It is also a means of communication for the church leadership.
Many of the processes we need to use are referenced by our own congregational constitutional bylaws. If you
see the pad at the aisle end of your favorite pew, please sign and pass it on.
Save the Date
Please mark Wednesday evening, August 19th on your summer calendars. The annual Immanuel Church Sing
Along will be held at Peace Church. Planned is a great evening of music, worship and fellowship. Watch for
further details in upcoming newsletters.

Congratulations to our Confirmands:

Confirmation Sunday, May 17th
Alyeigh Johnson
Carter Overson
Kore Seifert

Congratulations, Seniors
Kole Seifert
Chase Odegaard

Peace Lutheran Church

Invites you to a
Spring Salad Luncheon
Saturday, May 09, 2015
Serving begins at 11:30am

March Financial Report

Received So Far $28,558
Carolyn Blixrud has moved to a different area of the care center where she has been living.
Her new address:
Sunrise of Westminster 10280 N. Sheridan Blvd. Room 203, Westminster, CO 80020
She LOVES to get mail.

Be a Donor
Bloodmobile at Peace
May 14th, 2015 @1:00-7:00pm
Apt/Info Sandy 320-528-2342

Congregational Meeting -Sunday May 3rd- right after church services.


-Yes Proceed to Establish Fund to Redo Parking Lot


Do Not Proceed with this Project.

Peace Cemetery Association will hold their Annual Meeting on May 3, 2015 in the
Hegne Room.

Immanuel Cemetery Association Meeting

May 3 , 2015
Peace Lutheran Church

Thank you to everyone who helped with Spring Cleaning here at

church. It is very much appreciated. Good Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes March 11, 2015 7:15 p.m.
Call Meeting to OrderPresident Tom Gardner
Devotional TimeLenten Service

Secretarys ReportMTA Pastor Matthew, 2nd Gwen. MCU

Treasurers ReportDiscussion of communication on offering deposits so Sandy Kashmark gets accurate
information. Discussion of bus expenses and categorizing items in the reports. MTA Marilyn, 2nd Leon. MCU.
Pastors ReportDiscussed the gap of focus on the 20-60 age group. Discussed some pastoral struggles and
successes for the month. Housing assignment was received for the Youth Gathering. Fundraising process
thermometer will get updated. We are on target for where Pastor Matthew would like fund raising to be at this
point in the year. In Phase One of Visioning, the cliquey nature of the congregation was identified both by
longtime members and newer members. Discussed some strategies to combat this issue. Release time enrollment
is up an additional two children bringing 37 total. Confirmation is up an additional student which makes the 8th
grade confirmation class entirely made up of youth who had their first exposure to church through Release Time
participation. Many compliments to the Worship and Liturgy Team have been received and good feedback on the
website recorded services. Website is getting a large number of views. We can add to the webpage as we see
Since the last meeting there was a purchase of a projector following a council email vote and Pastor Matthew is
very pleased with it. It allows for easier use, operation, setup and clear view. Will be used for release time,
confirmation and special projection during services to the back wall should we choose to utilize it in the future.
The previous projector had a policy that it cannot leave the building. No motion needed as policy is already in
effect. Discussion of the use of Thrivent Funds for this purchase as it was not a budgeted line item and could be
considered for new or continuing ministry. Motion to use $500 from Thrivent for projector. Leon 2nd. MCU.
The congregational wish list is in development and will be on going. Of note were the purchase of 6 new round
tables and a water cooler. Motion by Jan to use three Sunday Coffee money collections during the month of April
and one special offering in April to be divided between the four recent local benefit recipients Yanke, Sykora,
Edwards and Nohre families. Tom 2nd. MCU. The third Sunday of the month will remain for Sunday School.

Motion by Jennifer to have three Sundays coffee money in the month of May be designated for the start of the
Parking Lot Fund. 2nd Brenda. MCU.
Leon made motion for Pastor Matthew to go ahead and explore more about Wednesday Church Nights to begin
Fall of 2015 and bring back feedback. Brenda 2nd. MCU. Possible ideas would include moving Confirmation to
Sunday Mornings to allow for Youth Group activities on Wednesdays. Other ideas include Kids Club, Bible
Studies, Family Movies or activities, Community Meal and worship.
Old Business
Community Spotlight PageGoal last month was to inform and education. This next month there will be
some youth spotlights, mini interviews, group highlights and a testimonial.
Parking Lot FundPastor Matthew spoke to the memorial family about making a specific designation.
DOT items for busPastor Matthew had to reschedule his physical due to baby Charlies surgery.

New Business
Peace Church Greeting Cards/Thank You- Discussion of the purchase of cards which could be sent from
Peace. Jan will continue to explore.
Collections Management and Deposits--Sandy Perry to fill in for Bob Roe.
Adjourn---Motion by Jan, 2nd by Pastor Matthew. MCU.
Closing PrayerLords Prayer.
Jennifer McLaughlin, Secretary

May 2015







Faithful Folders






















9:15am SS
10:30am Worship

9:15am SS
10:30am Worship

9am S School @
Powers Park
10:30am Worship/

10:30am Worship


10:30am Worship

2pm Release Time

NO Confirmation

3:30 Confirmation
6:00pm Council


Memorial Day

Just a Reminder
Worship time changes to
9:30am on June 7th

Faithful Folders

Faithful Folders

Faithful Folders

Faithful Folders

Peace Church
Spring Luncheon

Serving in May

May 3 Dick and Diane Puchalski
Wayne and Betty DeClercq
May 10 Ron and Kay Johnson

May 3 Dick and Diane Puchalski

Wayne and Betty DeClercq
May 10 Ron and Kay Johnson

Paul and Deb Erickson

Paul and Deb Erickson

May 17 Mike and Jennifer McLaughlin

May 17 Mike and Jennifer McLaughlin

Derek and Sara Getz

May 24 Terry and Maureen Volker
Carolyn Alke
May 31 Ron and Patricia Schack
Mitch and Janet Clow


Alveda Rhude

5/10 Tom Gardner

5/17 Marilyn Frykman
5/24 Kathy Dahl
5/31 Jennifer McLaughlin

Derek and Sara Getz

May 24 Terry and Maureen Volker
Carolyn Alke
May 31 Ron and Patricia Schack
Mitch and Janet Clow

Work Group #2

Altar Guild

Ron & Kay Johnson

Diane Puchalski

Jim & Sharolyn Johnson

Kathy Lee

Stewardship of the Good News

In the last week, while writing (and
avoiding writing) sermons for the
celebrations of life weve had in our
congregation, I re-watched a great
movie I long forgot, The Shawshank
Redemption. It's the story of a man
who was wrongly accused of murder
and spent decades in a maximum
security prison. The movie follows
Andy as he builds rapport with other
inmates and guards, and breathes
moments of freedom into their
One of those moments is when Andy
sneaks into the warden's office and
defiantly plays a beautiful female duet
from an Italian opera over the loud
speaker - and ends up spending a
week in solitary confinement for his
actions. After his punishment, he sits
with his fellow inmates and talks
about how it was worth it.
His friends are baffled. And the
conversation that follows between
Andy and Red speaks
volumes to our faith.

Hope is a dangerous thing dear

brothers and sisters. Hope keeps us
looking for fulfillment. Hope can make
us unsettled and get us yearning for
something better. Hope moves us from
darkness and despair into a place of
possibility. Hope is dangerous, but it is
worth it.
Paul writes in Romans 8:24-25, For in
hope we were saved. Now hope that is
seen is not hope. For who hopes for
what is seen? But if we hope for what
we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
Christs resurrection is all about giving
us hope: hope of a present and a future with God, hope for the trying
times of our lives, and hope that cant
be taken away from us. Hope is a
dangerous thing to the ways of the
So, May the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, so that
you may abound in hope by the power
of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)

In Hope,
Andy talks about
hanging on to music,
remembering that
~Pastor Matthew
there are places
without stone walls,
and it fills him with
hope and that hope is his. Even
though the guards and the warden and
the walls of the prison can take away
everything he has, they cannot touch
the hope within him. To which Red
replies, "Hope is a dangerous thing."


PO Box 206
Barrett MN 56311


Rev. Matthew Rose, Pastor cell phone: 218-770-8470

Office: 320-528-2536 email: Church:

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