Treaty of Pressburg: Completed

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Treaty of Pressburg
Treaty at a Glance
December 26, 1805, at Pressburg (present-day Bratislava, Czech Republic)
France and Austria
The Treaty of Pressburg was the fruit of Napoleon's signal victory over the Austrians and Russians at the Battle of
Austerlitz (December 2, 1805). By this treaty, Austria conveyed to Napoleon Venice and Dalmatia (recognizing
Napoleon as king of Italy), as well as surrendering territories to Bavaria, Wrttemberg, and Baden.
The original spellings have been retained in this document.
Peace Treaty between His Majesty, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and of Austria and His Majesty, the Emperor
of the French, King of Italy.
Napoleon by the Grace of God and by the Constitutions, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, having seen and examined
the Treaty concluded, decided and signed at Pressburg on 26 December 1805 (5 Nivsc an 14.) by our Minister of Foreign
Affairs, by virtue of the full powers that We had conferred upon him to this effect, with Messrs. the Prince of Liechtenstein
and the Count de Gyulai, Ministers-Plenipotentiaries of His Majesty, the Emperor of Germany and Austria, also
possessing full powers; Treaty the tenor of which follows:
His Majesty, the Emperor of Germany and Austria and His Majesty the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, equally animated by
the desire to put an end to the calamities of the war, have resolved to proceed without delay with the conclusion of a definitive
peace treaty, and have, in consequence, named as Plenipotentiaries; to wit: His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and Austria,
Prince Jean de Liechtenstein, Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, Grand Cross of the Military Order of Maria-Theresa,
Chamberlain, Lieutenant General of the Armies of His said Majesty, the Emperor of Germany and Austria, and owner of a regiment
of Hussars; and Count Ignace de Gyulai, Commander of the Military Order of Maria-Theresa, Chamberlain of His said Majesty
the Emperor of Germany and Austria, Lieutenant General of His Armies and owner of a regiment of infantry: and His Majesty the
Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Monsieur Charles Maurice Talleyrand Perigord, Grand Chamberlain, Minister of Foreign
Affairs of His said Majesty the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, grand cordon of the Legion of Honor, Knight of the Orders
of the Red and Black Eagle of Prussia: who, after having exchanged their full powers, have agreed on the following articles:
There shall be, to count from this day, peace and friendship between His Majesty, the Emperor of Germany and Austria and His
Majesty, the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, their heirs and successors, their respective states and subjects, forever.
France shall continue to possess, in full ownership and sovereignty, the duchies, principalities, seigniorages and territories beyond
the Alps, which were, previously to the present treaty, united and incorporated with the French Empire, or ruled by French law and
H. M. the Emperor of Germany and of Austria, for himself, his heirs and successors, recognizes the dispositions, taken by H. M.

the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, relative to the Principalities of Lucca and Piombino.
The Emperor of Germany and of Austria renounces not only for himself but also for his heirs and successors, to the part of the
states of the Republic of Venice, ceded to him by the Treaties of Campo-Formio and Luneville, which shall be united forever with
the Kingdom of Italy.
H. M. the Emperor of Germany and of Austria recognizes H. M. the Emperor of the French as King of Italy. It is agreed, however,
in conformity to the declaration made by H. M. the Emperor of the French, at the time he took the Crown of Italy, that as soon as
the powers named in that declaration shall have fulfilled the conditions found expressed therein, the Crowns of France and Italy
shall be separated forever, and can no longer, in any case, be united over the same head. H. M. the Emperor of Germany and
Austria engages himself to recognize, at the time of separation, the successor whom H. M. the Emperor of the French shall have
chosen as King of Italy.
The present Treaty is declared common to Their Most Serene Highnesses, the Electors of Bavaria, of Wurtemberg and of Baden,
and to the Batavian Republic, all allies in the present war of H. M. the Emperor of the French, King of Italy.
The Electors of Bavaria and of Wurtemberg having taken the title of King, without however, ceasing to belong to the German
confederation, H. M. the Emperor of Germany and of Austria recognizes them in title and rank.
H. M. the Emperor of Germany and Austria renounces, for himself, his respective heirs and successors as well as for the Princes of
His House, their heirs and successors, the principalities, seigniorages, domains and territories hereinafter designated:
Cedes and abandons, to His Majesty the King of Bavaria, the Margraviate of Burgau and its dependencies; the Principality of
Eichstadt; the part of the territory of Passau belonging to His Royal Highness, the Elector of Salzburg, situated between Bohemia,
Austria, the Danube and the Inn, the County of Tyrol, including the Principalities of Brixen and of Trent; the seven seigniorages of
the Voralberg with their enclaves; the County of Hohenems; the County of Konigsegg-Rothenfels; the seigniorages of Tetnang and
Argen, and the city and territory of Lindau;
To His Majesty, the King of Wurtemberg the five cities known as the cities of the Danube, to wit: Ehingen, Munderkingen,
Reidlingen, Mengen and Sulgau, with their dependencies; the upper and lower County of Hohenberg, the Landgraviate of
Nellenburg and the Prefecture of Altorff, with their dependencies (the city of Constance excepted), the part of Brisgau, forming an
enclave in the Wurtemberg possessions and located to the East of a line drawn from Schlegelberg to Molbach; and the cities and
territories of Willingen and Brentingen:
To His Highness, the Elector of Baden the Brisgau (to the exception of the enclave and of the separated portions, designated
hereinabove) the Ortenau, and their dependencies; the city of Constance and the Commandery of Meinau.
The aforementioned principalities, seigniorages, domains and territories shall be owned respectively by Their Majesties the Kings of
Bavaria and of Wurtemberg and by His Most Serene Highness the Elector of Baden, either in suzerainty or in full ownership and
sovereignty, in the same manner, with the same rights and prerogatives as H. M. the Emperor of Germany and of Austria possessed
them, or the Princes of the House, and not otherwise.
H. M. the Emperor of Germany and of Austria recognizes the debts contracted by the House of Austria to the profit of persons and

public establishments of the country, presently being an integral part of the French Empire; and it is agreed that His said Majesty
shall remain free from all obligation, with respect to any debts whatsoever that the House of Austria may have contracted by reason
of the possession, mortgaged on the soil of the countries to which he renounces by the present Treaty.
The countries of Salzburg and of Berchtolsgaden, belonging to His Royal Highness and Elector, the Archduke Ferdinand, shall be
incorporated in the Empire of Austria, and His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and Austria shall possess them in full ownership
and sovereignty, but only as a duchy.
H. M. the Emperor of the French, King of Italy engages himself to obtain in favor of His Royal Highness, the Archduke Ferdinand,
Elector of Salzburg, the cession, by His Majesty, the King of Bavaria, of the Principality of Wurtzburg, such as it was given to His
said Majesty by the Recess [minutes] of the delegation of the Germanic Empire of 25 February 1803. (6 Ventose an II.)
The electoral title of His Royal Highness, shall be transferred to this principality, that H.R.H. will possess in full ownership and
sovereignty, in the same manner and under the same conditions that he possessed the Electorate of Salzburg. And as to the debts, it
is agreed, that the new owner shall have at his charge only those debts resulting from loans formally consented and granted by the
states of the country, or expenditures made for the effective administration of the said country.
The dignity of Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, the rights, domains and revenues, which, previously to the present war,
depended from Mergentheim, seat of the order, the other rights, domains and revenues which were attached to the Grand Mastery
at the time of the exchange of the ratifications of the present Treaty, as well as the domains and revenues, of which, at that same
time, the said order shall find in its possession, shall become hereditary in the person and the direct and male descendency, by
order of primogeniture, of that of the Princes of the Imperial House, who shall be designated by H. M. the Emperor of Germany
and of Austria.
H. M. the Emperor Napoleon promises his good offices to obtain, as soon as possible, in favor of H.R.H., the Archduke
Ferdinand a full and complete indemnity in Germany.
H. M. the King of Bavaria may occupy the city of Augsburg and its territory, unite them to his states and possess them in full
ownership and sovereignty. H. M. the King of Wurtemberg may also occupy, unite to his states, and possess in full ownership and
sovereignty the County of Bendorff and H. M. the Emperor of Germany and Austria engages himself not to oppose this in any
Their Majesties, the Kings of Bavaria and of Wurtemberg and His Highness, the Elector of Baden shall enjoy the plenitude of
sovereignty over the territories ceded to them as well as over their former states and shall enjoy all the rights deriving therefrom,
which were guaranteed them by H. M. the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, thus and in the same manner that H. M. the
Emperor of Germany and Austria and H. M. the King of Prussia enjoy sovereignty and rights over the German states. H. M. the
Emperor of Germany and Austria, whether as chief of the Empire or as a neighbor state, engages himself to place no obstacle to the
execution of the acts, that they may have decreed or might decree in consequence.
H. M. the Emperor of Germany and of Austria, as much for himself, his heirs and successors as for the Princes of His House, their
heirs and successors, renounces all rights, either of sovereignty or suzerainty, all pretentions whatsoever, present or future, over all
the states, without exception, of Their Majesties, the Kings of Bavaria and of Wurtemberg and of His Most Serene Highness the
Elector of Baden and, generally, over all the states, domains and territories included in the circles [boundries] of Bavaria, Franconia

and Swabia, as well as any title or claim over the said domains and territories; and reciprocally, all pretentions, present or future, of
the said states, to the charge of the House of Austria or its Princes, are and shall remain extinguished [abolished] forever; however,
the renunciations, contained in the present article, in no manner concern the properties which are, by Article XI, or shall be, by
virtue of Art. XII above, granted to their Royal Highnesses, the Archdukes designated in the said articles.
The domanial titles and archives, the maps and charts and plans of the various countries, cities and fortresses granted and ceded by
the present Treaty shall be remitted within the space of three months to date from the exchange of ratifications to the powers who
shall have acquired their ownership.
H. M. the Emperor Napoleon guarantees the integrity of the Austrian Empire in the state in which it shall be as a consequence of
the present peace Treaty, as well as the integrity of the possessions of the Princes of the House of Austria designated in Articles XI
and XII.
The high contracting Parties recognize the independence of the Republic of Helvetia governed by the Act of Mediation as well as
the independence of the Batavian Republic.
The prisoners of war taken by France and her allies from the Austrians and by Austria from the French and their allies, and who
have not been returned, shall be returned within forty days, to date from the exchange of ratifications of the present Treaty.
All communications and commercial relations shall be reestablished in the two countries as they were before the war.
H. M. the Emperor of Germany and Austria and H. M. the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, will maintain between themselves
the same etiquette, as to rank and other formalities and ceremonies, that was observed before the present war.
Within five days following the exchange of ratifications of the present Treaty the city of Pressburg and its surroundings to a distance
of six leagues shall be evacuated; ten days after the said exchange the French troops and troops of the allies of France shall have
evacuated Moravia, Bohemia, the Viertel unter Wiener Wald, the Viertel unter Manhardtsberg, Hungaria and all Styria; within
the ten days following they shall evacuate the Viertel ober Wiener Wald and the Viertel ober Manhandtsberg, finally, within the
period of two months to count from the exchange of ratifications the French troops and troops of the Allies of France shall have
evacuated all the hereditary states of H. M. the Emperor of Germany and Austria with the exception of the place of Braunau, which
shall remain during one month longer at the disposition of H. M. the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, as a depot for the sick
and for the artillery. During the said month the inhabitants shall be the object of no requisition of any nature whatsoever; but it is
agreed, that until the expiration of the said month, no corps whatsoever of Austrian troops can be introduced within an area of six
leagues surrounding the said place of Braunau. In a like manner, it is agreed that each of the places which must be successively
evacuated by the French troops within the abovementioned periods can be occupied by Austrian troops only 48 hours after
evacuation. It is also agreed that the stores left by the French army in the places that it must successively evacuate shall remain at its
disposition, and that an arrangement will be made by the high contracting parties relative to all the various war contributions,
previously imposed on the various hereditary states occupied by the French army; arrangement in consequence of which the levy of
the said contributions shall cease entirely to count from the day of exchange of ratifications. The French army shall draw its
maintenance and subsistence from its own stores established on the routes it must take.

Immediately after the exchange of ratifications of the present Treaty, Commissaries will be named by each of the Parties to remit
and to receive in the name of the respective sovereigns all the portions of Venitian territory not occupied by the troops of H. M. the
Emperor of the French, King of Italy. The city of Venice, the Lagunes and the possessions on the mainland shall be remitted within
a period of 15 days. Venitian Istria and Dalmatia, the Mouth of the Cataro, the Venitian islands of the Adriatic and all the places
and forts that they enclose, within the period of six weeks to count from the exchange of ratifications. The respective Commissaries
shall take care to see that the separation of the artillery having belonged to the Republic of Venice from the Austrian artillery is done
with exactitude; the first must remain, in totality, with the Kingdom of Italy: they shall determine by mutual agreement which objects
and the nature of objects that, belonging to H. M. the Emperor of Germany and Austria, must in consequence remain at his
disposition. They shall agree either on the sale to the Kingdom of Italy of the Imperial artillery and of the abovementioned objects
or on their exchange against an equivalent quantity of artillery or objects of the same or other nature that shall be left by the French
army in the hereditary states. Every facility and all assistance shall be given the Austrian troops and civil and military administrations
to return to the states of Austria by the most convenient and surest ways, as well as to transport the Imperial artillery, land and sea
stores and other objects which shall not have been included in either the sale or exchange stipulations which might be made.
The ratifications of the present Treaty shall be exchanged within the space of eight days or earlier if possible.
Done and signed at Pressburg, 26 December, 1805. (15 Nivse an 14.)


We have approved and approve the above Treaty, in each and all of the articles contained therein; declare that it is
accepted, ratified and confirmed and promise that it shall be observed without violation. In faith of which, We have given
these presents, signed by Our hand, countersigned and sealed with Our Imperial seal.
At the Palace of Schnbrunn, 6 Nivse an 14. (27 December, 1805.)

By the Emperor, the Minister, Secretary of State


Declaration remitted by Messrs. the Plenipotentiaries of H. M. the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and of Austria at
the time of the exchange of ratifications.
The undersigned, Plenipotentiaries of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and of Austria, in exchanging this day the ratifications
of the peace Treaty signed at Pressburg, on 26 December, 1805, by order of and in the name of His Imperial and Royal Apostolic
Majesty, declare: That Their August Sovereign having agreed therein with H. M. the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, about
several stipulations which concern the Germanic Empire, He did not intend to withhold the articles relating thereto from the
knowledge and competent participation of the Empire and that H. I. M. puts his trust in the known sentiments of H. M. the
Emperor of the French, which shall be in accord with his own about the tenor of the present declaration.
Letter from the Electorate Ministers of Bohemia and of Austria to the German Diet, informing that body, on 20 February
1806, of the Treaty of Pressburg.

In conformity to the order that they have received from H. M. the Emperor and King, Their August Sovereign, the undersigned
have the honor to communicate to the general Diet of the Empire, in the customary form, the peace Treaty concluded at Pressburg,
on 26 December of last year, and ratified the 30th of the same month by His Imperial Royal Majesty; as well as the declaration by
which H. M. took care to maintain the attributions of the German Empire, for the articles which concern it. The said declaration was
remitted by the Plenipotentiaries of His Majesty to the Plenipotentiary of H. M. the Emperor of the French, immediately after the
exchange of ratifications, on 1 January of this year, and it was accepted by him. The undersigned profit by this occasion to renew
the assurance of the devotion with which etc.
Ratisbonne, 15 February 1806.

Convention concluded between the Prince de Liechtenstein and Marechal Berthier, relative to the exchange of the
Austrian artillery and war munitions existing in the countries of Venice, against those which shall be left in the Austrian
states by the French army in execution of Article XXIII, of the peace Treaty of Pressburg; signed on 3 January, 1806.
His Majesty, the Emperor of Germany and Austria, and His Majesty, the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, wishing, in
conformity to Article XXIII, of the peace Treaty, to determine by common accord the type and the nature of the objects which,
belonging to H. M. the Emperor of Germany and Austria in the Venitian country, must in consequence remain at his disposition
such as: artillery, munitions and naval objects and which can be sold to the Kingdom of Italy or exchanged against a quantity of
artillery, munitions and other objects which would be left by the French army in the hereditary states, have in consequence named
as commissaries, to wit: H. M. the Emperor of Germany and Austria, the Prince de Liechtenstein, Lieutenant-General, and H. M.
the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Monsieur le marechal Berthier, who have agreed on the following articles.
In conformity to article XXIII. of the peace treaty, an inventory shall be drawn up dating from this day of the Austrian artillery and
munitions which is in the possession of the French army either at Brunn or in the place of Vienna; to this effect the Count de
Collowrad and General Andreossy, Commissaries of their respective sovereigns shall draw up the inventory of the said objects.
The Count de Bellegarde, named by the Emperor of Germany Commissary for the remittal of countries, forts and places of the
Venitian country ceded to the French Army and Division General Lauriston, named commissary by H. M. the Emperor and King
Napoleon to take possession of the abovesaid countries, shall diligently see to it that the separation of the artillery which belonged
to the Republic of Venice from the Austrian artillery is done with exactitude, for the first must remain entirely in the Kingdom of
Italy, shall determine by mutual agreement the type and nature of the objects which, belonging to the Emperor of Germany and
Austria, must in consequence remain at his disposition.
When the aforementioned inventories shall have been drawn up, General-Count de Collowrad and General Audreossy are
authorized to agree to the exchange of the said objects of Austrian artillery belonging, in the states of Venice, to H. M. the Emperor
of Germany, piece for piece, object for object, against an equivalent quantity of artillery or objects of a same nature which would
be left by the French army in the hereditary states in conformity to the inventories drawn up.
Since there are several naval objects in the arsenals of Venice, the abovementioned Commissaries are authorized to exchange them
against the artillery and munitions left by the French army in the hereditary states; the abovementioned Commissaries settling
between themselves the value of the objects in order to determine the exchange.

The surplus of Austrian artillery and munitions and other objects of whatever nature which would remain in the states of Venice and
which would not be exchanged may be purchased for the Kingdom of Italy in conformity to the price which shall be set by Messrs.
de Bellegarde and Lauriston.
In consequence of the above dispositions to date as of tomorrow, 4 January 1806, any evacuation of Austrian artillery and
munitions belonging to the French army either at Brunn or Vienna shall cease and the inventories drawn up shall be remitted to the
respective commissaries to serve in the exchange.

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