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Erik Nelson, Invisible Man Unit Week 2

Week Overview: This is the second week of the Invisible Man unit. Students will read
through Chapter 7.
Enduring Understanding: Students will learn how forces both internal and external play
critical roles in developing individual identity.
Objectives: SWBAT:
1. understand how symbols can be used to develop themes.
2. use close-reading strategies to gain deeper understanding of complex texts
3. analyze techniques an author uses to create three-dimensional characters
4. examine fiction writing as social commentary
All Unit
class copies of Invisible Man, writing utensils, journals, essential
themes graphic organizer
This Week
Words of Wisdom assignment description
Group Presentation assignment description
Independent Reading. Students
will be silently reading IM.
Respond to journal prompt during
class period: Which characters are
called blind in this chapter, and why?
Who can see clearly?
Discuss Words of Wisdom
assignment expectations, examples of
interviews. What makes a good
interview question
HW: Ch. 4, one question or
Guided discussion based on
student questions/comments - make
sure to discuss these topics
IMs blindness in
viewing Norton as god-like figure
Norton blinded by
destiny - insidious nature of
Vets ability to see labeled as insane
Symbolism of Golden
Day - discuss importance of
names (Supercargo, Trueblood,
no name for narrator)
Bledsoe - we show
them what we want them to see
(102) - why does this confuse
Review expectations for

Hot Seat format:

5 seats placed at
front of room; only Ss in seats
may speak
T asks Q, first five Ss
to raise hands take seats, remain
there until they have spoken
twice (question, comment,
response, observation)
Once S has spoken
twice, they leave chair and are
replaced by peer; S can not
return until everyone else has
Responsibility for
keeping conversation alive is on
Ss; must move convo forward w/
comments and ask each other Qs
T will address any major issues
not addressed (last 10-15 mins)
Potential Qs to begin discussion
What makes Barbees
speech so effective and moving?
Why does the
narrator spend so much time
describing his campus?
What is the
significance of the many biblical
references in Barbees speech?
Topics to discuss if not addressed
by Ss:
Barbees blindness:
symbolic of?

tomorrows hot seat discussion, Ss

should come to class prepared with
questions, comments, observations re:
Ch. 5
HW: Ch. 5, one question or
Student-Led discussion. All
students must participate to receive full
Read aloud Bledsoes tirade (1404)
Guided discussion based on
student questions/comments - make
sure to discuss these topics
What is revealed
about Bledsoes personality? his
power? care for Ss?
When is narrator
most offended?
Boy, Im getting rid
of you! connected to Keep N
Boy Running
Display We Wear the Mask
again: How does the message of this
poem relate to Bledsoe?
How had I come to this? (1467). Why does narrator think of
HW: Ch. 6, one question or
comment, Group 1 to present tomorrow
Group Presentations: Group 1
teaches entire class period on Ch. 7,
focusing on major plot points,
symbolism, themes
Topics to discuss if not addressed
by Ss:
Vets advice:
comparison with other advice
Differences between
South and NY
Anything familiar to
the reader? (Ras makes
appearance; mentioned in
HW: Ch. 7, one question or

representative of Booker T.
Washington, his ideology?
Barbee had made
me both feel my guilt and accept
it (114).
HW: Ch. 6, one question or

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