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Assignment #4 The End of War

1. There are many reasons given to explain why Germany lost the war.
Hitlers mistakes throughout the war
The material and manpower advantage of the Allies
Advanced military technology of the Allies
Other reasons that you can come up with or discover that explains why they lost the war
Decide which explanation(s) best explain why the Allies were able to win the war in Europe.
You must develop criteria that explain what the best explanation for losing a war includes.
Criteria of "losing a war":
- No longer able to protect its territory
- Shortage of soldiers because of casualties and death
- Shortage on equipment and resources (weapons, food, clothes)
The main reason Germany lost the war was due to Hitler's stubbornness. It is obvious in history
that Hitler was a dictator and that he would not take in any failure, thats why his propagandas
were always talking about victory and ignore the loses, misleading his people and his country.
Hitlers stubbornness also leads to more death of men in battles as he wouldnt retreat his army;
he assumed everyone would be like him and fight till the last minute, but in reality soldiers were
just forced to take orders. This is why historians said Hitler live in his own fantasies
sometimes. His fantasies made him make poor decisions, for example failures in underestimating
Russia and America. Hitler wouldnt trust any of his generals and listen to their advices after
Operation Barbarossa, which was a problem because the generals had great experiences in wars
and advices could be helpful. Overall, many of the problems could be avoided if Hitler was more
realistic by facing his failures, and taking in things from his peoples perspective for better plans
and communication. Therefore, Hitlers stubbornness was the main reason to Germanys loss of

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