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Isabel Wood

Lesson Plan Project

Elementary School General Music Classroom 5th and/or 6th grade
Objective: In small groups, students will compose a short song using loops with Ableton Live.
Students will be able to form a cohesive song with individually created loops.
Computers will have Ableton Live installed, either a free trial or the full program.
1) Teacher will give an overview of the program and show how to create loops. (Approx. 15 minutes)
2) Students will form groups of three or four and choose instruments on Ableton.
3) They will each prepare their own loop but they should form a cohesive song.
Students will present their projects to the class the next class period. The class will critique each other
and give constructive criticism.
In small groups of three or four, students will prepare a cohesive song in Ableton Live. These songs will
then be presented to the class.
Each student has created a loop


The group presented their song


The song makes musical sense


All members of the group critiqued other groups


Total: 20pts
Students will lose points in a category at teachers discretion.

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