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PCHS Alumni Meeting

February 25, 2315
The Depot, Lovelock, NV


Call to Order
A. President, Lynn Christofferson called the meeting to order at 5:20.
A. Present were:
Lynn Christofferson
Leslie Stewart
Denice Davis
Geraldine Atkinson


Approval of Minutes
A. Motion to approve of the January 28, 2015 minutes was made by
Geraldine and seconded by Lynn. Motion carried.


Schedule of Next Meeting

A. The next meeting was scheduled for March 25, 2015 at the Depot at
5:15 p.m.


Treasurers Report
A. The Treasurers Report was given by Geraldine Atkinson;
1. Checking Account
$ 7,524.31
Grads Giving Back
Total Checking Acct
2. Savings Account
$ 3,047.15
3. Time Account
B. Total Account
C. Bills paid were:
1. From Alumni Checking Account;
a. Plimpton Law Office $
(Secretary of State Report of Officers)
b. Rachael Levitt
(Web Domain Name for 10 yrs.)
2. From Grads Giving Back

a. Inflatable Fusion
$ 2,420.00
D. Geraldine reported that in order to separate the Grads Giving Back
account from the Alumni account, the account would have to be
closed, and two accounts opened, per the bank. It was decided not
to separate the account at this time.

Old Business
A. Life-time membership - $1,000.00
1. Members do not have to pay dues again. However, if the
member wants to donate to the scholarship fund, a Thank You
note will be sent out from the current years officers.
2. Life-time members names will be announced at the Banquet.
3. Life-time members names will be added to the Life-time
membership plaque.
4. A lapel pin and certificate will be presented to the new Lifetime member at the Banquet.
B. On-line Resources
1. High School News letter. It was decided to postpone this
discussion until next months meeting so that we can ask
Shawna Bake to join us to discuss.
C. Invitation
1. New changes were made to the invitation, and were
discussed. A motion was made to approve the changes by
Lynn and seconded by Geraldine. The motion carried.
2. Invitations will be ordered from FedEx/Kinkos in Reno by
Denice. 1500 Invitations were ordered. This was the same
amount as last year.
D. 501c-3 Non-Profit paperwork
1. Lynn reported that Lisa has submitted the paperwork for the
501c-3 on line. We should hear back in a couple of weeks as
to the status.
E. Community Center
1. Lynn also reported that the Community Center has been
reserved for the Banquet and Ball on June 6, 2015.


New Business
A. Catering Bids:

1. Two bids were received before the deadline of February 24,

a. Kellys Custom Candies bid $28.00 per plate. The bid
was New York Steak, Chicken, Corn, Cesar Salad and
Garlic Bread.
b. Two Degs Catering bid $23.00 per plate. The bid was
Steak, Chicken, Green Beans, Mashed Potato, Salad
and rolls.
c. A motion was made by Geraldine to accept the Two
Degs Catering bid and seconded by Leslie. The motion
2. Lynn will send a Thank You to the two bidders and let them
know who received the bid.
B. Rachael Levitt was called on the phone and updated as to the
results of the meeting and the bids.
1. Rachael asked about the status of the 501c-3 and Lynn
updated her.
2. Rachael reported that she will have the forms for Grads
Giving Backs 5K Run/Walk on the web site as of April 1, 2015
so everyone can get signed up to participate.

Public Comment
A. No Public Comment.


A. Adjournment at 5:55


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