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Paper Ribbons Activity

Image from: Accessed

Lesson Title: Paper Ribbons

Grade Level: High School Art 3
Content Area: Visual Arts
Time To Complete: Two 90-minute class periods
Instructional Objectives:
Students will be able to apply materials, techniques, and
processes with skill, confidence, and sensitivity as they
create a graphite drawing.
Students will be able to se a variety of art materials, tools,
and equipment in a skillful, safe, and responsible manner
as they create a graphite drawing.
Students will be able to describe ways that different
materials, techniques, and processes evoke different
responses as they create a graphite drawing
Students will be able to recognize, describe, and analyze
the elements and principles of design and other
compositional structures as they complete a graphite
drawing showing space and value.
Students will be able to create works of visual art that use

Ed Ruscha

American painter and

Ruscha came to prominence there
in the late 1950s
Because he drew upon sources
from the real world and embraced
the imagery of commercial culture,
his work is associated with Pop Art.
Ruscha used unconventional
materials in his graphic work of the
late 1960s and 1970s: he drew with
gunpowder, painted and printed
with food, and a variety of organic
substances such as blood.
He was well known for his depiction
of words and phrases.

Information from:

Accessed: 10/1

stel and gunpowder on paper


ncil and gunpowder on paper


ncil and gunpowder on paper


ncil and gunpowder on paper


Your drawing should show:

The placement or arrangement of visual
elements on a picture plane
Cast shadow:
A shadow that is cast or thrown by an object
or form onto an adjacent or nearby plane.
When one object covers a part of a second
object, the first seems to be closer


Drawing by: Abigail Merre

Each student will need access to:
Scratch paper for constructing ribbon
Piece of final drawing paper
Drawing pencils, erasers, blending tools

Students will create a drawing of

ribbons that demonstrates a full
range of value.

Student Name:

Art 3: Paper Ribbons

Your drawing should meet all of the following criteria.

_______ ( 5 pts.) Student has Name (2 pts.), Date (1 pt.), and Class (2 pts.) on back of
_______ ( 10 pts. ) Students drawing has strong composition. Drawing fills the paper.
_______ ( 10 pts. ) Students drawing shows highlights.
_______ ( 10 pts. ) Students drawing shows light, medium, and dark shades.
_______ ( 10 pts. ) Students drawing shows cast shadows.
_______ ( 10 pts. ) Students drawing shows gradation of values.
_______ ( 10 pts. ) Students drawing shows space with overlapping ribbons.
_______( 10 pts. ) Students drawing shows craftsmanship, attention to neatness.
_______( 10 pts. ) Students ribbons have clean, neat, edges/ends.
_______( 15 pts. ) Student completed the project on time, by ___________________
________ TOTAL

Additional Comments:

Abigail Merrell, Fall 2014, September 10, 20

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