Kania A Adhd

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SPED 3100

Group Project Summaries

April 13, 2015

Ashley Kania

Group 1-Bulldogs
3 types
o Predominate Inattentive Presentation
o Predominantly Hyperactive Impulsive Presentation
o Combined Presentation
o Day dream
o Make careless mistakes
o Taking unnecessary risks
o Being forgetful
o Squirm/fidget
o Talk too much
o Hard time resisting temptation
o Difficulty getting along with others
Predominate Inattention
o 16 years and younger must show 6+ signs
o 17 years and older must show 5+ signs
o Symptoms must be present at least 6 months
Easily distracted
Predominantly Hyperactivity Impulsivity
o Same age criteria as predominate inattention
o Fidgets
o on the go
o Leaves seat
o Feeling of restlessness
o Says answer before question is finished
o Equally representing both
Misconceptions of ADHD
o Only occurs in children
o Poor parenting causes ADHD
o ADHD is over diagnosed
Teacher Tips
o Give praise
o Patience, creative, & have a positive attitude
o Evaluation of childrens needs and strengths
o Strategies to stay focused, stay on task, & learn to full capabilities
Components in school

SPED 3100
Group Project Summaries

April 13, 2015

Ashley Kania

Accommodations- seating
Instruction- one step instruction, visuals
Intervention- student work, shorter tests/quizzes
o Organization binders, Agenda
Give instruction how to use the binder/agenda
o Include different lesson/activities to reach all types of

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