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Jake **********

c/o St Andrews Anglican College, 40 Peregian Springs Dr


1 May 2015
Most Honourable Robert Gascoyne-Cecil
UK Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
Dear Most Honourable Robert Gascoyne-Cecil,
I am writing to request a pardon of the courts decision, regarding the outcome of the Harry
Breaker Morant case. The reason being, that Morant was trialled, and executed, out of his own
country, without any prior notification to the relevant Australian authorities, nor his family. In
addition to this, the way the case was carried out, was not appropriate, not to mention the fact that
it was only he that was trialled.
Firstly, in regards to the court case, if there was an Australian soldier to be trialled, this procedure
should have been executed within his own country, by those authorities. At the very least, the
relevant persons should have been informed before the event was initiated. If an Australian soldier
is trialled, out of his own country, there would have been Australian representatives sent to
participate provided there was relevant notification of the court case.
Secondly, if a soldier was trialled, for allegedly following orders, then the relevant commander
should have also been trialled, in order for the court case to have been fair. In this case, the relevant
commander would have been Lord Kitchener.
In addition to this, it was with insignificant evidence, that you charged Morant. Although there is no
hard evidence that he didnt shoot the victims, there is also no evidence that he did. Due to the fact
that he was innocent until proven guilty, and there is no proof that states he was guilty, he should
not have been executed. A number of things could have affected the events, of which there is no
solid evidence. Due to the fact that the commander was not trialled, there could have been other
factors into the incident, for example, the commander forcing strict orders upon Morant. We have
no evidence to show this, but, at the same time, there is no evidence to show that he voluntarily
killed these people either. We have no evidence for either side of the argument, and as a result of
this, Morant should not have been charged.
As you can see, for the reasons stated above, that Harry Breaker Morant, should not have been
charged. Furthermore, I wish to request a pardon, on behalf of Morant.

Yours sincerely,

Jake **********
Jake **********

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