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ASIMPLE FORMULA [¥ sentence ‘Source (A) is (TPE: cartoon, diary entry, speech extract, photograph, table of Intaopucrion _| statistics, etc) from (oniGiw — who made it? Where? When?). It shows (Gescribe the content of the source briefly). 416 it primo Or Secondary 2 TF PARAGRAPH ris PERSPECTIVE Of Source (A) is that of (consider position on an issue, | \wENTIFYTHE | nationality class, gender, age, politics, involvement in an event, time source | | Pensrecrve | created). Refer to the source to support your argument. 2? PARAGRAPH | Factor I:.. FACTORS IMPACTING | Textual Evidenc ON RELIABILITY | This factor) has a (postive/negative) impact on reliability because Repeat 3 times for 3 of the following factors: Origin, Content (including bias, | tone, and opinion vs fact), Audience, Motive, Perspective. | FINAL ASSESSMENT OF | AS 2 result of factors such as (name the three factors discussed), Source (A) can Reuasity | be considered (highly RELIABLE, fairy reliable, fairly unreliable, highly UNRELIABLE) for a historian studying. 3" Paracraa | Despite the (fairly unreliable or highly unreliable) nature of the source, itcan ‘Assess THe source's | still be considered (very, somewhat, partially) USEFUL to a historian studying | USEFULNESS | (restate the topic from the question). | HIGHLIGHT WEAKNESS OR The (highly reliable or partially reliable) nature of the source renders the information obtained (very, somewhat, partially) useful to a historian studying (restate the topic from the question). This source is(very, somewhat, partially) USEFUL because it provides information about..... a. PERSPECTIVE, historian will need to complement this source with another source AbOUt en .to gain a more comprehensive understanding of (mention the topic). . Its also USEFUL for seeing the topic from | ‘COMPARE THE USEFULNESS OF BOTH ‘SOURCES WHEN ‘TAKEN TOGETHER REPEAT ABOVE STEPS FOR SOURCE B ‘When taken together it can be concluded that each source presents a different perspective On... Source A provides valuable information about. = while Source B provides valuable information 3b OUt..n-By Using both sources, 2 historian gains @ more comprehensive picture of. (QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU ANALYSE A SOURCE FOR A TYPE 3 QUESTION Assess the usefulness of Source X for a historian studying Y? In your answer consider the perspective and reliability of the source Origin ] Who made it? | | When? Primary or secondary? | Where? | Content What does the source tell us? | Decipher symbolism, e.g. cockerel = France, Lion = Britain. ‘Tone and language used (or visual devices) is very important! 1 Is it factual or opinions? | Intent/motive Why was the source made? To convince, inform, give a balanced view, ‘express an opinion or an emotion, educate etc. Does the language or images used provide you with clues as to why it was created? [Audience Who was/is it aimed at? Perspective Using your knowledge of all of the above, what is the author's standpoint? What do they believe about a particular issue? | \s ita particular country’s or group's position? E.g. middle class British | women writing about the impact of the war on her life or an English officer stationed in a quiet part of the front writing about life in the trenches. | Consider the author's position? Do they know about this issue? Reliability How does the origin, content, audience, motive, perspective impact on | how much the information can be reliable? | | Not just reliable or (On what issue can we trust what the source is telling us? unreliable but for | Is the source limited? Does it show you all that it could about the what its reliable topic? What is left out? and for what is it | in what ways is it biased? (One sided, not showing all points of | unreliable? view/positions). Do other sources (including what you have read in textbooks) support i | Do other sources contradict (disagree) it? Provide your own knowledge to show how the source is limited or balanced. We call this putting the source in its context. | | Note: a source is not automatically more or less reliable ifit is @ | primary or a secondary source. Remember, propaganda posters are | primary and biased! Usefulness Reliability has to be worked out before usefulness can as they depend none another. | For what is the How can you use this source to understand the past? (just because itis source useful? All biased it does not mean it is not useful!) sources are useful forsomething!

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