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Formative Assessment #1: Bell Ringer Warm-Up Activities

(Posted on projector through a PowerPoint slide)

Examine the map on p. 345 and then answer the
following question on the aftermath of the
Protestant and Catholic Reformations

Monday: What countries were predominately

Catholic & which were predominately
Protestant? Why did more conflict occur in
the Roman Empire over religion?

Formative Assessment #1: Bell Ringer Answer Sheet. Students write the
question and their response on this handout which is kept over a period of 2

Formative Assessment #2: Graphic Organizer on Protestant Reformation

Reformers & Analysis of Luthers 95 Theses
Name: _______________________________

Period: _________

Martin Luthers Theses

Reformers of the Catholic Church
Directions: Draw a symbol which describes the beliefs of each church reformer. Then write 23 sentences explaining why your symbol accurately describes this person.


2-3 Sentence Explanation for Symbol

Martin Luther

William Tyndale

John Calvin

Henry VIII

Directions: Read the Theses that Martin Luther published on p. 331

1. Explain in your own words 2 of Martin Luthers theses
These #: ______ Translation: ___________________________________________
These #: ______ Translation: ___________________________________________

Why did Martin Luther argue against the sale of indulgences?

What is a critique or something you would like to change about your school, government
or popular culture? ______________________________________________________
Write a theses protesting that idea in the space below:

Summative Assessment #1: Quiz on Protestant Reformation terms, people, and

Name: ______________________________________ Period: ________
Protestant Reformation Vocabulary Quiz:
Directions: Write the best answer in the space below. Each word will only be used
Word Bank:
-Spanish Inquisition
-selling of indulgences -Council of
-Martin Luther
-95 theses
-Catholic Reformation -purgatory
-Henry VIII
-William Tyndale
-Protestant Reformation
Quiz Questions:
1. Some people were upset at the way the Catholic Church was operating and
teaching. With problems occurring in the church there were attempts to
___________ the church for the better
2. If someone opposed the churchs belief, he or she would be branded as a
3. The result of question #2 would end in death or ____________. This answer kicked
someone out of the Catholic Church and therefore took away their right to go to
4. _______________ broke away from the Catholic Church for personal reasons, not
religious to create the Church of England.
5. Protestant ______________ were church assemblies that elected religious leaders and
sometimes grew to have political power
6. This was taught as the destination where souls went before eventually going to
heaven. To eliminate time here, pay up. ________________
7. Name for the act where clergy allowed sinners to repent by buying their
8. One protestant idea was the belief in ____________, where one will go in the afterlife
will be determined at the time of birth.
9. From the question above, this reformer taught in his teachings this belief
The Catholic Church met at the_________________ uphold traditional Catholic
beliefs and rid the church of abuse. The results of this meeting were a ban on the
selling of indulgences, statement that bishops must live in the areas they oversaw,
and rejection of Protestant ideas. ________________
Martin Luther nailed his _____________ to a large church. He challenged other
church leaders to challenge his claims
The Catholic Church, in response to challengers of the church, looked to
improve rules, laws and organization of the church. This period in history became
known as the ___________.
Spanish rulers, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, forced Muslims and Jews
to covert or get out. During the _______, people in power found and punished any
who do not follow orders.

Because of this historical change in European History, the Catholic Church no
longer had a monopoly in religion on the European continent (they were no longer
the only religion). This time period was called the __________________.
_______________ had complaints about the clergy and the selling of
indulgences in the Catholic Church, but originally did not want to break away from
the church
_______________ was a reformer who was eventually executed for attempting
to translate the bible into English.

Summative Assessment #2: In Class Essay Prompt on Why Europe Called for
Reform of the Catholic Church
Name: _________________________ Period: _______

Protestant Reformation Essay:

Directions: Write a five-paragraph essay in which you respond to the following-

Prompt: Why were people of Western Europe calling for Church reform?

In your essay address the following: Sale of indulgences, qualifications/behavior of the

clergy, corruption in the church
Grading Criteria:
Thesis is clearly stated (10 pts)
Ideas are significant (important), well developed (include detail), and support your thesis
(30 pts)
Information from your text, handout, and notes were used (5 pts)
Essay followed proper format and included sentence minimum (5 pts)
(You can go over 5 sentences for the body paragraphs if you need to. Do not include more
than 10 sentences per paragraph)
Essay does not contain excessive errors in grammar/spelling/usage (5 pts)

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