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About Us



Arabic Prayer Sets



Prayer Requests

How We Walk It Out

I am currently on staff at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City.
My husband and I believe that we are called here for the same reason I
Squared Ministries has decided to partner with them. That is, because of their
unique call to missions out of the context of night and day prayer and worship.
The Lord has called us here to walk out our calling through this same context.

Global Islamic Evangelism

The Executive President of I
Squared Ministries, Dr. Joshua
Lingel, has partnered with
IHOPKC in order to better train
messengers going to Islamic
nations. Along with New York
Times Best Selling Author Joel
Richardson. This department is
focused on discipleship not
educating. These men are
coordinating a huge effort to
bring together the best minds in
Islamic Apologetics and Polemics
in order to create a readily
available curriculum to distribute
to those called. The department
goal is to also spread awareness
to the Body on the Islamic
Threat and God's burning desire
for Muslims.

Arabic & Middle East

This ministry is directed by
Shady Abadir. The Lord has
called him to the place of prayer
and worship for the raising up of
messengers to the Arab and Farsi
speaking nations. The focus of
these ministries is Isaiah 19,
where The Lord declares a
highway of worship and praise
from Egypt to Assyria (Iran,
Turkey, and Middle Eastern
Nations). The ministry draws
Arabs and Persians to cry out for
their brothers and sisters before
the throne. Also this ministry
strives to bring awareness of the
persecution in these regions to
the Global Church.

to those called. The department

goal is to also spread awareness
to the Body on the Islamic
Threat and God's burning desire
for Muslims.

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