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EDUC 224

Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

STEP 1 Download this document to your hard drive or portable storage device. You will
revise this SAME document TWO additional times during the course. For the first
assignment, you will only complete the areas labeled as beginning. For the second
assignment, you will only complete the areas labeled as middle. For the final assignment,
you will only complete the areas labeled as end.
STEP 2 Copy and Paste each bullet point to your answer pane. Rate each bullet point as
to how you are feeling at this point in the course. The rating will either be Confident,
Somewhat Confident, or Not Confident/Dont Understand.
STEP 3 Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.
STEP 4 Submit your assignment. Please make sure that you save this document as you
will revise this SAME document two additional times during the course.
EDUC 224
What I am Thinking Now Curriculum Vision
Vision for Curriculum
Together we will work toward: Type your answer in the text box.
Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum
Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding
Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer


Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
I am confident in finding patterns and making connections with scientific concepts. I enjoy
working with the unknown and trying to create my own understanding by linking it to things I
have already experienced or learned in the classroom.

Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum
I am not confident about allowing natural curiosity and questions to drive the curriculum. Im the
type of person who likes to have specific assignments with specific answers. It is difficult for me
to trust that all things will get covered by allowing the students to drive the curriculum.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

EDUC 224
What I am Thinking Now Curriculum Vision
Together we will work toward:

Vision for Curriculum

Type your answer in the text box.

Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
- I am somewhat confident in this area. I fell as though I do well thinking outside the box and
considering others perspectives; yet I [am not sure that is a strength that I display in all the
appropriate instances.
Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum.
- I am confident in this area. I have always been a very inquisitive person. Even from very
young age I can remember always being the students who asked a good amount of questions
in class.
Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding
- I am confident in this area. There is always a question to ask. When all seems to have been
asked then one can always resort to why. Asking why leads to deep curiosity, research and
learning ( as elementary as it sounds)
Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer
- I am not confident in this area. I am the type who likes to be reassured about things. I am sure
that I would be able to handle having something remain open ended but at some appropriate
points but I would still be bothered unless distracted by something else.


Explain things that are confirmed or changed or confusing.

Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding patterns
and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
- I am somewhat confident in this area. I have realized that this is more intense than its wording. You
have to set all schemas aside so that you can be able to articulate true meaning. Classroom activities
have emphasized this for me. One in particular is the dicotomus keys. We were forced to set aside any
understanding we once attained.
Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum
- I am somewhat confident in this area. I have learned that the older we get me feel that we know a lot
which allows our questions for the things around us to fade way. The drive to know things kind of gets
replace by our knowledge and or learning of larger concepts. Various people cosigned this point as well
as the book. If I personally go back and think of how I was as a child, I see a diffencnce. Things started
to become more about the grade.
Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding
I am somewhat confident in this area. Working on inquiries in class emphasize just now critical this
process can be. Sometimes I get to the point where I cant think of anything else to ask, or I feel like I have
asked about everything that related to the topic and or issue at hand.
Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana



I am confident in this area. I know that with the proper research and investigation the need for an
answer is not necessarily that important. The process of finding the answer ultimately can be just as

Explain why your ideas changed or didnt change as a result of this class

Re-examine scientific words and phrases that you remember, read, or hear from others. What
meaning do these words really have to you?
Recording your learning experiences for the purpose of reflection and further understanding
Referring to those reflections and examining what you understood at that time while looking for
connections to newly constructed knowledge and applying this new understanding to questions
and problems
Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

Re-examine scientific words and phrases that you remember, read, or hear from others. What
meaning do these words really have to you?
- I am not confident in this area. A lot of times when I initial read these types of things I dont
have a proper understanding then, not to mention re reading it. I realized this in about middle
school so a lot of times I just make sure that I have access to the internet to look up unknown
words or try to fid them in other context.
Recording your learning experiences for the purpose of reflection and further understanding
- I am not confident in this area. I do not see the importance of this most times my methods of
studying consist of just teaching the concepts to myself over again. Although I do see how
having a future reference would e beneficial. I ha d a math class once that I actually tried to
record (video) and look back at because I had a hard understanding the teacher.
Referring to those reflections and examining what you understood at that time while looking for
connections to newly constructed knowledge and applying this new understanding to questions
and problems
- I am not confident in this area. I honestly not sure how effective it would be to my
understanding. I have a habit of just retaining information for the time that it I relevant. I am
pretty sure that I am this way because of all my yeas of traditional schooling.

Explain things that are confirmed or changed or confusing.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Re-examine scientific words and phrases that you remember, read, or hear from others. What
meaning do these words really have to you?
- I am somewhat confident in this area. I try to jot down words of phrases that I may not
understand so that I can go back and look at them. This has been very effective for me
especially when it comes to miscellaneous reading. I have always been very strong at using
context clues as well.
Recording your learning experiences for the purpose of reflection and further understanding
- I am somewhat confident in this area. I feel that a good example of this is the scientific
journal that we are to keep for the class. The reason why I am not completely confident would
be due to issues that I have had in past course where I thought that I had attained a certain
level of knowledge an been mistaken.
Referring to those reflections and examining what you understood at that time while looking for
connections to newly constructed knowledge and applying this new understanding to questions
and problems
- I am not confident in this area. I am not sure that I have even touched on this within the
course and if so I need a better understanding of what is being asked. Sometimes I think this
is challenging because I have a issue with clustering things/ concepts that may not match.

Explain why your ideas changed or didnt change as a result of this class.

3. Relations
Engaging in dialogue with others as we work together to deepen understanding learning
involves the community of learners
Reflecting on how you are making sense of your learning process and science content both
individually and as group
Sharing your ideas (i.e. questions, thoughts, concerns, confusion, etc.) openly with others in
group and class discussions so group thinking can occur
Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

Engaging in dialogue with others as we work together to deepen understanding learning

involves the community of learners
- I am confident in this area. I enjoy having discussions and understand that it can lead to a
sharing of knowledge. Successful group work in my past has lead me to this conclusion.
Reflecting on how you are making sense of your learning process and science content both
individually and as group
- I am not very confident in this area. I am not sure that I was given adequate opportunity to put
this into practice. I seem to get intimidate whenever I am faced with science, in fer of it
involving math.
Sharing your ideas (i.e. questions, thoughts, concerns, confusion, etc.) openly with others in
group and class discussions so group thinking can occur
- I am confident in this area. I have no problem with sharing my thoughts with others.

Explain things that are confirmed or changed or confusing.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Engaging in dialogue with others as we work together to deepen understanding learning

involves the community of learners
- I am confident in this area. I know having discussions can be very beneficial and that
respecting each others views is essential. I have practiced this in recent courses. In this
course we practiced one method of the group talk in class. Sitting in the socratic circle
allowed us all to share reflect respect and understand.
Reflecting on how you are making sense of your learning process and science content both
individually and as group
- I am somewhat confident in this area. We have been given opportunities to finish an
assignment and reflect by given each other criticism. I think I could use a little more practice
with it because working with other people is not always my best point. I also have a habit of
seeming a little defensive when it comes to criticism
Sharing your ideas (i.e. questions, thoughts, concerns, confusion, etc.) openly with others in
group and class discussions so group thinking can occur
- I am confident in this area; yet there have been instances where I felt as though I couldnt
articulate what I was trying to get across. I noticed that am bad wt this is class. A lot of times
it is because I am sleepy. I have trouble putting thoughts together when I am sleepy.

Explain why your ideas changed or didnt change as a result of this class.

4. Rigor
Becoming aware that learning is a complex multi-dimensional process and that we will have
more questions than we can answer completely at this
Finding some resolution to an I-need-to-know question while aware that there is always more
to be learned about the concept
Making inferences based on multiple observations and checking their viability in accordance with
your understanding at that time.
Developing working explanations that synthesize what you are thinking, evidence from your
investigations, and ideas from others
Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

Becoming aware that learning is a complex multi-dimensional process and that we will have
more questions than we can answer completely at this
- I am not confident in this area. I am intimidated my things that I am not familiar with if they
occur frequently
Finding some resolution to an I-need-to-know question while aware that there is always more
to be learned about the concept
- I am somewhat confident in this area. It comforts me that I will be able to receive some
knowledge about whats being presented if not all.
Making inferences based on multiple observations and checking their viability in accordance with
your understanding at that time.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

I am somewhat confident in this area. Sometimes I have a hard time comprehending what it is
that I am reading therefore sometimes inferences are hard to put together.
Developing working explanations that synthesize what you are thinking, evidence from your
investigations, and ideas from others
- I am somewhat confident in this area. With the proper knowledge I can put pieces together in
order for things to make logical sense.

Explain things that are confirmed or changed or confusing.

Becoming aware that learning is a complex multi-dimensional process and that we will have
more questions than we can answer completely at this
- I am somewhat confident in this area. I have been trained to come up with good questions,
ones in which will lead to answers or other good questions. It is kind of hard not having all
the answer to things though especially when y ou have do all you cant o lead up to a good
Finding some resolution to an I-need-to-know question while aware that there is always more
to be learned about the concept
- I am somewhat confident in this area. The course so far has taught me how to efficiently deal
with unanswered questions. One of the good members that I seem to always get placed with
chants one of Barbs first comments: sometimes you have to be ok with not knowing the
answer. This seems to ease her mind when ting get difficult. I try to latch on to that type of
attitude when it is appropriate.
Making inferences based on multiple observations and checking their viability in accordance with
your understanding at that time.
- I am somewhat confident in this area. A lot of times I have to have things already put together
before I can indulge in further learning. We are trained to do this in class an even when it
comes to homework class responses as well as reading responses all demand true
understanding of reading and events.
Developing working explanations that synthesize what you are thinking, evidence from your
investigations, and ideas from others
- I am somewhat confident in this area. I do better with thinking along these lines but wouldnt
go as far to say that I am confident. Inquiry practices in class have lead me to believe that I
may be fairly good in this area. Developing a god claim and testing it cannot occur without
the including` these skills.

Explain why your ideas changed or didnt change as a result of this class.

Make sure you save your document often

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

EDUC 224
What I am Thinking Now - Expectations
Class Expectations:
1. Attend all class sessions. Notify instructor of absence by email and take responsibility to learn about
missed experiences from your group. In class credit cannot be made up. Absences may lower your
final grade because class activities require participation to earn points. See syllabus.

Beginning: If you dont think you will be able to attend class on time and/or regularly,
explain the difficult you foresee so we can discuss it.
I practice good attendance to all of my classes.


Explain your attendance pattern to date and whether you need to modify it for
the rest of the class.

My attendance is good. Especially considering the fact that I do not have a car. I have been late a couple
times and absent to only one session. The absence was only because where class was being held was not
on the bus line. I hate standing on the bus stop so late and in the cold but I do what I ave to do to stay for
the full class ad get home. I must say though, I get rides sometimes and it is like an early Christmas gift
every time.


If you had problems with attendance this semester, explain your situation here.

2. Participate fully in all class sessions by working collaboratively with peers, asking questions and
taking responsibility for developing your "scientific self".

Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

I am not sure what this is asking. What I am sure of that it addresses is working with peers and asking
questions, I do pretty well in both those areas.


How are you doing in this regard? Look at the Participation Sheet.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

I have noticed that I dont work as well with people who are somewhat over baring with leadership. I am
not sure it is because I am the same way or we just legitimaly clash. As far as my scientific self I would
consider myself more of a scientists then before the course began.


If you had problems with participation this semester, explain your situation here.

3. Type or word process all major assignments (double space, 12 pt font, see guidelines in syllabus) and
submit documents as instructed.

Beginning: Explain if this is a problem.

I do well with typing things but I am not the faster. I know that I have resources at hand and have
utilized them in past.


How are you doing?

I need to get word on my home computer. My APA format always gets misconcued by the time I h op it
from computer to compute en submit it.


If you had problems with requirement this semester, explain your situation here.

4. Give each assignment enough time to apply your best thinking and writing skills. I assume that
what you submit is your best work and grade it accordingly.

Beginning: If you think there will be a problem, let me know here and talk with me.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

I should do well with the class seems to have somewhat of a consistent work load


How are you doing?

I come to school to submit my work on Tusday because that is the only day I can afford to come. I do
everything a home that I can do at home.

End: If you had problems with doing your best this semester, explain your situation

5. Submit all work on due date. See the syllabus for the late policy and assignment submission

Beginning: Explain if this is a problem.

I plan on being able to work ahead so that the work load is not that intense where I have problems with
due dates


How are you doing?

I have submitted all my work on time and in the right place accept one week that I made it here too late
because of a bus route delay. Even still I submitted the assignment s just to prove I did it. I do need to do
better with the calendar somehow I mixed up my assignments.


If you had problems with getting assignments in on time this semester, explain
your situation here.

Make sure you save your document often

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Name: Jayme Belk

EDUC 224
What I am Thinking Now Preferences in Ways of Learning
Preferences in Ways of Learning
Rate each statement below with 4 (most preferred) 3, 2, 1 (least preferred)

I like to learn by:



having the information presented by an instructor and/or a book and my

job is to learn what is presented.

reading and listening to explanations but also by asking questions during

class and working to make sense of the material.

Figuring out answers on my own by doing my own investigations and


Working with a group to do investigations, discuss what we are doing,

and work together to understand new or different ideas or results.

Appling reading concepts to real life


Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking

I dont mind reading but I feel that it is better to discuss things corporately that way others are allowed to
bring up any concerns or questions they may have. As far as applying reading material to real life I feel
like that hardly happens. Most things we take up in school will not be used directly in the future.


Explain why your preferences have or have not changed at this time.

I fell that although it is good to have group discussion of concepts but reading material before class is
beneficial. When that occurs it allows students to have a certain level of understanding already established
as well as questions available to present during class time. Which leads to creating connections to the
reading; This is something that I was not confident with but have grown to love.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

End: Summarize your thinking about this section related to this course. How might
this experience influence you in the future?

Rate each statement below with 4 (most preferred) 3, 2, 1 (least preferred). Each
statement must have a rating.
I like to be graded by:



Individual work (papers, lab reports, or assignments) that I do by myself.

Group projects where we get a group grade.

Group projects where we learn together but we get graded on our own

Taking quizzes and tests.

Writing about what Im doing, thinking, questioning, and/or feeling and


Demonstrating knowledge of concepts

Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking

I am not much of a group worker it seems that sometimes people have trouble getting what needs to be
done, done.


Explain why your preferences have or have not changed at this time.

I am not that fond of group work because sometimes you get placed with just anybody. I dont mind it too
much anymore because my instructor seems to make the effort to place people in groups that will work
well together. I still dont mind taking quizzes and tests but I understand that they mainly test ones

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

acknowledge of concepts not content.

End: Summarize your thinking about this section related to this course. How might
this experience influence you in the future?

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Rate each statement below with 4 (most preferred) 3, 2, and 1 (least preferred).
Each statement must have a rating.
I like to take part in class by:



mainly listening to others; I dont like to talk in class

occasionally talking with one person or in a small group

Asking questions, sharing ideas, and working in a small group.

asking questions, sharing ideas, and providing leadership in a small group

asking questions and sharing ideas in large group discussions

presenting my ideas to the whole class

Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking

I enjoy being able to share my ideas to the whole class. Someone might have the same question. On the
other hand group work is not the most desired thing of mind. Sometimes you get paired with people that
you dont work well with.


Explain why your preferences have or have not changed at this time.

My prefaces have changed in some instances because of the way that the class is set up. For example
there are moments that we share as whole in class (I expressed that I enjoy that in the beginning), but for
the most part we work in small groups. I feel that this is the best set up for the course due to the content.

End: Summarize your thinking about this section related to this course. How might
this experience influence you in the future?

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

4. If there is anything about how you learn or something that might impact your work in
this class, add it here.
I learn best with hands on opportunities and detailed instruction. Written references are desired
as well.

Make sure you save a WORD document with your name in the document name for
instance Mechelle what am I thinking beginning.doc (or docx) .

When complete, submit in Blackboard Assignment button for the correct time in the course What I am Thinking Now as a Word document.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Greek dramas originated in era where there was not much maturity in the field of drama. Much
time s there was only one actor at max three who visited the stage. The chorus helped to establish
relevance. Some looked at the chorus a member of the cast. Most feel that without it many of the
plays would have lacked in effectiveness. One of the main duties of the chorus was to prive
audience warnings.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

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