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Bailey Coughlin

English 102
Chapter 1 Response
1. Boston Red Sox Cap: This argues that whoever is wearing the merchandise
supports the team.
2. Livestrong Bracelet: Argues that one may support of cancer awareness
3. Explicit lyrics label on a best selling rock cd: Argues that what the cd consists of
may be inappropriate.
4. Health Warning on a package of cigarettes: This argues that smoking is bad for
you and can result in lung cancer.
5. Belated birthday card: Argues that a card may have been sent in order to
apologize for a forgotten birthday.
6. Rolex watch: Argues that the one with the watch may have more money
7. Hand me down clothing: May argue that the one wearing it may not be wealthy.
8. Animal Testing Labels: Argues that products could and most likely harmed
animals in the making.
9. Band t-shirt: Shows support of a band when wearing the merchandise.
10. Graffiti Art: This can be an argument at whether or not it is a form of art or just
11. Sports Jersey with number: May argue that a certain team player is better than
another by showing favoritism.
12. Gucci Purse: Argues that the person may be wealthier than most.

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